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Created November 15, 2022 07:59
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export type ResolveRemoteUrlFunction = (
remoteName: string
) => string | Promise<string>;
declare const __webpack_init_sharing__: (scope: 'default') => Promise<void>;
declare const __webpack_share_scopes__: { default: unknown };
let resolveRemoteUrl: ResolveRemoteUrlFunction;
export function setRemoteUrlResolver(
_resolveRemoteUrl: ResolveRemoteUrlFunction
) {
resolveRemoteUrl = _resolveRemoteUrl;
let remoteUrlDefinitions: Record<string, string>;
export function setRemoteDefinitions(definitions: Record<string, string>) {
remoteUrlDefinitions = definitions;
const remoteModuleMap = new Map<string, unknown>();
const remoteContainerMap = new Map<string, unknown>();
export async function loadRemoteModule(remoteName: string, moduleName: string) {
const remoteModuleKey = `${remoteName}:${moduleName}`;
if (remoteModuleMap.has(remoteModuleKey)) {
return remoteModuleMap.get(remoteModuleKey);
const container = remoteContainerMap.has(remoteName)
? remoteContainerMap.get(remoteName)
: await loadRemoteContainer(remoteName);
const factory = await container.get(moduleName);
const Module = factory();
remoteModuleMap.set(remoteModuleKey, Module);
return Module;
function loadModule(url: string) {
return import(/* webpackIgnore:true */ url);
let initialSharingScopeCreated = false;
async function loadRemoteContainer(remoteName: string) {
if (!resolveRemoteUrl && !remoteUrlDefinitions) {
throw new Error(
'Call setRemoteDefinitions or setRemoteUrlResolver to allow Dynamic Federation to find the remote apps correctly.'
if (!initialSharingScopeCreated) {
initialSharingScopeCreated = true;
await __webpack_init_sharing__('default');
const remoteUrl = remoteUrlDefinitions
? remoteUrlDefinitions[remoteName]
: await resolveRemoteUrl(remoteName);
console.log('remoteUrl', remoteUrl);
const containerUrl = `${remoteUrl}${
remoteUrl.endsWith('/') ? '' : '/'
const container = await loadModule(containerUrl);
await container.init(__webpack_share_scopes__.default);
remoteContainerMap.set(remoteName, container);
return container;
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