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Created January 18, 2023 17:14
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hack cider orchard.inspect/render-indexed-values to render a table
(defn render-indexed-values
([inspector obj] (render-indexed-values inspector obj 0))
([inspector obj idx-starts-from]
(if (every? map? obj)
;; Print table instead
(let [[_ header1 header2 & rows] (clojure.string/split-lines
(clojure.pprint/print-table obj)))]
(loop [{counter :counter :as ins} (render-ln inspector header1 header2)
obj obj
rows rows
idx idx-starts-from]
(if obj
(recur (-> ins
(update-in [:index] conj (first obj))
(update-in [:counter] inc)
(update-in [:rendered] concat (list (list :value (first rows) counter)))
(next obj)
(next rows)
(inc idx))
(loop [ins inspector, obj (seq obj), idx idx-starts-from]
(if obj
(recur (-> ins
(render-indent (str idx) ". ")
(render-value (first obj))
(next obj) (inc idx))
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