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Created December 1, 2021 15:27
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AoC2021, day1 using SmallTalk (using blocks, instead of OO)
testArray := #(199 200 208 210 200 207 240 269 260 263).
"day1 part 1"
part1 := [ :input |
| len prev incr |
incr := 0.
prev := input first.
len := input size.
2 to: len do: [ :i |
(prev < (input at: i)) ifTrue: [ incr := (incr + 1) ].
prev := (input at: i)].
part1 value: testArray.
"day1 part 2"
windowAt := [ :input :i |
(input at: i) + (input at: (i + 1)) + (input at: (i + 2))].
part2 := [ :input |
| len prev incr |
incr := 0.
prev := windowAt value: input value: 1.
len := input size.
2 to: (len - 2) do: [ :i |
| w |
w := windowAt value: input value: i.
(prev < w) ifTrue: [ incr := (incr + 1) ].
prev := w].
part2 value: testArray.
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