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Last active February 18, 2022 16:24
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A colorscheme for Kakoune using the terminal colors
# Kakoune terminal color scheme
# For Code
face global value yellow
face global type blue
face global variable cyan
face global module magenta
face global function magenta+i
face global string green
face global keyword blue+i
face global operator default+d
face global attribute green+i
face global comment bright-black+d
face global documentation comment
face global meta red
face global builtin default+b
# For markup
face global title blue
face global header magenta
face global mono green
face global block bright-black
face global link blue
face global bullet cyan
face global list red
# builtin faces
face global Default default,default
face global PrimarySelection default,white+g
face global SecondarySelection default,bright-blue+g
face global PrimaryCursor bright-yellow,default+fgr
face global SecondaryCursor default,default+fgr
face global PrimaryCursorEol default,bright-magenta+fg
face global SecondaryCursorEol default,bright-magenta+fg
face global MenuForeground blue,default+r
face global MenuBackground blue,default
face global MenuInfo cyan
face global Information blue,white
face global Error bright-red,default+rbc
face global DiagnosticError red+c
face global DiagnosticWarning yellow+c
face global StatusLine cyan,white
face global StatusLineMode yellow
face global StatusLineInfo blue
face global StatusLineValue green
face global StatusCursor default,bright-cyan
face global Prompt yellow,default
face global BufferPadding blue,default
face global LineNumbers bright-black+d
face global LineNumberCursor default+b
face global LineNumbersWrapped white+i
face global MatchingChar default,default+b
face global Whitespace bright-cyan,default+fd
face global WrapMarker bright-black
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