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Lautaro Orazi tarolandia

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List File Wire Instructions

This endpoint retrieves wire instructions related to a File


GET /ncs/v1/files/:id/wire-instructions

Path Parameters

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am tarolandia on github.
  • I am tarolandia ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBpqdKkdSTEfo9piqsd2JGGnUaxRa36s743UM7hyUcV7Qo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

el artículo 27 del Anexo I del Decreto Nº 1158/01 exige que toda comunicación con fines de publicidad que se realice por correo, teléfono, correo electrónico, internet u otro medio de distancia a conocer, deberá indicar, en forma expresa y destacaba, la posibilidad del titular del dato de solicitar el retiro o bloqueo total o parcial de su nombre de la base de datos, pudiendo también solicitar se le informe el nombre del responsable o usuario del banco de datos que proveyó la información.

module Taro
def hello
module Gonza
module Taro
def hello
tarolandia / geocoder.js
Last active December 29, 2015 17:39
Mock maps API or at least part of it
(function() {
var __bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; };
(function() { = {}; = {}; = {}; = "OK"; = {}; = "roadmap"; = function(id,options) { return true; };
m ={
title: params[:title],
address_full_address: params[:address_full_address],
address_lat: '%.12g' % params[:address_lat].to_f,
address_lng: '%.12g' % params[:address_lng].to_f,
address_country_code: params[:address_country_code],
address_state: params[:address_state],
address_city: params[:address_city],
address_street_address: params[:address_street_address],

The link Public Status Pages programmatically opens an external resource into mHealth layout. There are several problems with this behavior:

  • It opens an external resource inside mHealth. This means a different design and layout that does not fit 100% with mHealth design.
  • A priori It is not possible to know the height and width of the external resource.
  • When navigating the external resource there might be changes related to the content that do not fit in the container.
  • Lack of control over the external resource

In order to handle this unpredictable behavior the HTML tag iframe (where the external content is loaded) supports scrollbars but they tend to look ugly in most of designs.

Another possible and recommended option is to open the resource into a new tab or windows.

tarolandia / old_vs_new_rial_client
Created November 13, 2013 18:10
old vs new riak client
[taro@tarolandia mhealth]$ PROTEST_REPORT=progress be rake test (861-upgrade_riak_client ✔)
172 tests, 391 assertions (172 passed, 0 pending, 0 failed, 0 errored)
Ran in 157.633680122 seconds
Coverage report generated for Protest to /home/taro/development/mhealth/coverage. 2948 / 5632 LOC (52.34%) covered.
[taro@tarolandia mhealth]$ PROTEST_REPORT=progress be rake test (861-upgrade_riak_client ✔)
172 tests, 391 assertions (172 passed, 0 pending, 0 failed, 0 errored)
"status": "OK",
"accuracy": 10.0,
"location": {
"lat": 48.777,
"lng": 9.171,
"latitude": 48.777,
"longitude": 9.171,
"accuracy": 10.0
[taro@tarolandia lib]$ php -a (master ✗)
Interactive shell
php > include "m2x.php";
php > $m2x = new M2X("b90db94f6ef123c3a291156b7a55e516");
php > $r = $m2x->feeds()->view("8081a7e630caecfb184bdb5f18bad137");
php > print_r($r->json());
stdClass Object
[id] => 8081a7e630caecfb184bdb5f18bad137