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Created September 27, 2020 16:58
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Get admin boundaries as sf objects using {osmdata} package
#Define a place of interest
place <- "Kyiv Ukraine"
#First, get all admin boundaries associated with your request
all_boundaries <- opq(place) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = "boundary",
value = c("administrative")) %>%
osmdata_sf() %>%
#This next step is optional, depending on what the call returns
unname_osmdata_sf() %>%
ggplot(data = all_boundaries) +
#The previous call returns more than one boundary.
#Inspect the data and choose the object you need.
boundary <- all_boundaries %>%
filter(osm_id == 421866) %>%
#If you're after geometries only,
#you won't need all other 200 some columns
ggplot(data = boundary) +
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