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Created March 20, 2023 12:05
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DDD is a way to build computer programs that helps make them easier to understand and use. It's like building with blocks: you start with small, simple blocks and put them together to make bigger, more complex structures.

In DDD, we use something called "domains" to organize our blocks. A domain is like a group of blocks that all have something in common. For example, if we were building a program about pets, we might have a domain for dogs, a domain for cats, and a domain for birds.

Inside each domain, we use something called "entities" to represent the things in our program. An entity is like a specific block that has its own unique properties. For example, in the dog domain, we might have an entity for a specific dog with properties like its name, breed, and age.

We also use "value objects" to represent things that don't have a unique identity, but are still important. For example, in the dog domain, we might have a value object for a dog's collar, which would have properties like its color and size.

Finally, we use something called "services" to do things that involve more than one entity or value object. For example, in the pet program, we might have a service that helps us find all the dogs in a certain area based on their breed.

So in summary, DDD is like building with blocks. We use domains to organize our blocks, entities to represent specific things, value objects for important but non-unique things, and services to do complicated things.

Let's say we're building an e-commerce application that sells products. We'll start by identifying the domains in our system. In this case, we might have a "products" domain, a "users" domain, and an "orders" domain.

For the "products" domain, we'll create an entity called "Product" that represents a single product in our system. This entity will have properties like "id", "name", "description", "price", and "quantity". We'll also create a value object called "ProductImage" that represents an image of a product.

For the "users" domain, we'll create an entity called "User" that represents a single user in our system. This entity will have properties like "id", "name", "email", and "password".

For the "orders" domain, we'll create an entity called "Order" that represents a single order in our system. This entity will have properties like "id", "status", "createdAt", and "totalPrice". We'll also create a value object called "OrderItem" that represents a single item in an order, and contains properties like "productId", "quantity", and "price".

To interact with these entities and value objects, we'll create services that perform specific actions. For example, we might create a "ProductService" that allows us to retrieve a list of all products, or a "OrderService" that allows us to place an order.

We'll also create repositories that allow us to store and retrieve our entities. For example, we might create a "ProductRepository" that allows us to retrieve a specific product by its ID, or a "UserRepository" that allows us to retrieve a user by their email address.

Using DDD, we can organize our code in a way that makes sense based on the domains and entities in our system. This can make our code easier to understand and maintain over time.

Here is an example of how we might define the "Product" entity in Node.js using classes:

class Product {
  constructor(id, name, description, price, quantity) { = id; = name;
    this.description = description;
    this.price = price;
    this.quantity = quantity;

We can create a "ProductService" class that defines methods for interacting with the "Product" entity:

class ProductService {
  constructor(productRepository) {
    this.productRepository = productRepository;

  async getAllProducts() {
    return this.productRepository.getAllProducts();

  async getProductById(productId) {
    return this.productRepository.getProductById(productId);

  async createProduct(product) {
    return this.productRepository.createProduct(product);

  async updateProduct(productId, product) {
    return this.productRepository.updateProduct(productId, product);

  async deleteProduct(productId) {
    return this.productRepository.deleteProduct(productId);

In this example, the "ProductService" class takes a "productRepository" parameter in its constructor. This allows us to inject the "ProductRepository" dependency into the service.

Here is an example of how we might define the "ProductRepository" class:

class ProductRepository {
  constructor() {
    this.products = [];

  async getAllProducts() {
    return this.products;

  async getProductById(productId) {
    return this.products.find((product) => === productId);

  async createProduct(product) {
    return product;

  async updateProduct(productId, updatedProduct) {
    const index = this.products.findIndex((product) => === productId);
    if (index === -1) {
      return null;
    this.products[index] = updatedProduct;
    return updatedProduct;

  async deleteProduct(productId) {
    const index = this.products.findIndex((product) => === productId);
    if (index === -1) {
      return null;
    const [deletedProduct] = this.products.splice(index, 1);
    return deletedProduct;

In this example, the "ProductRepository" class defines methods for interacting with the products stored in memory. However, in a real-world application, we might use a database or another type of storage to persist our data.

By using DDD in our Node.js application, we can create a clear separation of concerns between our entities, services, and repositories. This can make our code easier to understand, maintain, and test.

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