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Last active July 8, 2024 07:06
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Global React State with Context and Immer
import { useCount, useIncrement, useDecrement } from './store.Count'
export default function Counter () {
const count = useCount()
const increment = useIncrement()
const decrement = useDecrement()
return (
<div>Count: {count}</div>
<button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>
<button onClick={decrement}>Decrement</button>
import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
// Import the store
import Store from './store'
// Import any initialState
import { initialState as count } from './store.Count'
// Import components
import Counter from './Counter'
// Build initial state
const initialState = {
// Use the Store Provider
<Store.Provider initialState={initialState}>
<Counter />
import React, { useState, useMemo, useCallback, useContext } from 'react'
import immer from 'immer' // Immer rocks. Go check it out if you haven't
export default function makeStore() {
// This is basically a factory for a new store instance
// Create a new context for this store instance
const context = React.createContext()
// Make a provider that takes an initial state
const Provider = ({ children, initialState = {} }) => {
// useState will do. Nothing fancy needed
const [state, preSetState] = useState(initialState)
// We make our own setState callback that uses immer under the hood
// (or we could use `useImmer`, but this is fun, too)
const setState = useCallback(
updater => preSetState(old => immer(old, draft => updater(draft))),
// Memoize the context value so it only updates when the state changes
const contextValue = useMemo(() => [state, setState], [state])
// Pass the context down
return <context.Provider value={contextValue}>{children}</context.Provider>
// A hook to consume the context. No need to import `useContext` everywhere. How wasteful...
const useStore = () => useContext(context)
// Export them however you like. I prefer a default.
return {
import Store from './'
// Export our initial state
export const initialState = 0
export function useCount () {
const [{ count }] = Store.useStore()
return count
export function useIncrement () {
const [_, setState] = Store.useStore()
return () => setState(draft => {
export function useDecrement () {
const [_, setState] = Store.useStore()
return () => setState(draft => {
// Import our factory
import makeStore from './makeStore'
// Export a new state instance
export default makeStore()
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Amazing man, thaks a lot!!
That made my dayy!!

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Indeed, brilliant. +1

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