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Created November 11, 2019 05:03
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Danube Cloud Install on Hetzner Dedicated Servers
Danube Cloud is a Copyright of Erigones, s. r. o.
Danube Cloud Install on Hetzner Dedicated
Servers with a /29 Subnet
Danube Cloud starting v4.2 now supports hybrid boot from USB and from a disk. That means you can boot through legacy BIOS or UEFI
without GRUB modifications allowing easy install process on Hetzner dedicated servers.
There are 2 ways to install Danube Cloud on Hetzer servers. One is a step-by-step process. The other is unattended full automated
install. This guideline will address both. Just to note that this guideline serves as the minimum setup enough to get Danube Cloud
running at Hetzner and will not cover complex set-ups like multiple VLANs, link aggregation, or even etherstubs.
You will need a USB stick (€1.5/month), at least 2 mirror drives, and a /29 ip subnet or more. /29 (5 useable ips) are just enough
to use up 5 VM's required to function as headnode for Danube Cloud. You will need to activate ipv6 or get another ip and route a
NAT to create additional VM's.
Let me start first with unattended install. This is the simplest way in installing Danube Cloud without requesting for a KVM/LARA
access at Hetzner(!). Installation will take about 30-40 minutes to complete without additional user intervention except for
further customizations at the end of the install process.
1. The first step is to create an answers.json file using your favorite text editor and save it to your drive for now.
"config_console": "vga",
"skip_instructions": true,
"simple_headers": true,
"accept_eula": true,
"advanced_install": true,
"datacenter_name": "yourdatacentername",
"etherstubs": "",
"admin_nic": "r5:63:10:8w:w4:40", <<< Enter admin nic. Can be found under "Network data" after accessing rescue.
"admin_ip": "", <<< Main ip from Robot
"admin_netmask": "", <<< Netmask of main ip from Robot
"admin_gateway": "", <<< Gateway of main ip from Robot
"admin_vlan_id": "",
"add_nictags": true,
"external_add_nictag": true,
"external_add_ip": true,
"external_ip": "52.53.545.122", <<< Subnet ip from Robot (Use 2nd ip number of subnet provided)
"external_netmask": "", <<< Subnet ip netmask from Robot
"external_vlan_id": "",
"external_preserve_mac": false,
"internal_add_nictag": false,
"storage_add_nictag": false,
"headnode_default_gateway": "", <<< Same as admin gateway
"dns_resolver1": "<default>",
"dns_resolver2": "<default>",
"dns_search": "yourdomain.tld",
"ntp_host": "<default>",
"skip_ntp_check": false,
"install_to_hdd": false, <<< OS installed in USB stick for complete headless setup
"disk_layout": "<default>", <<< Change it to "manual" for custom disk setup.
"root_password": "yourpassword",
"hostname": "subdom.yourdomain.tld",
"remote_node": false,
"mgmt_admin_ip": "52.53.545.123", <<< Use 3rd subnet ip provided in Robot
"cfgdb_admin_ip": "52.53.545.127", <<< Use 7th subnet ip provided in Robot
"esdc_install_password": "otherpassword",
"admin_email": "name@youremail.tld",
"skip_final_confirm": true
If a custom RAID drive other than 2 mirrored drive is desired, change the "disk_layout" to "manual", then assign the drive
set-up from there using KVM/LARA.
2. Activate the Rescue system from your Hetzner Robot control panel. A password will be provided. SSL to your ip from there.
Here's a sample rescue welcome page:
Rescue System up since 2019-11-11 02:36 +01:00
/usr/bin/xauth: file /root/.Xauthority does not exist
Hardware data:
CPU1: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E31245 @ 3.30GHz (Cores 8)
Memory: 15975 MB
Disk /dev/sda: 3000 GB (=> 2794 GiB)
Disk /dev/sdb: 3000 GB (=> 2794 GiB)
Disk /dev/sdc: 15 GB (=> 14 GiB)
Total capacity 5603 GiB with 3 Disks
Network data:
eth0 LINK: yes
MAC: r5:63:10:8w:w4:40
IPv6: 2a01:4f4:225:7332::2/64
Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver
root@rescue ~ #
3. Danube Cloud install requires a clean install. If you have SmartOS already installed, it is preferrable to delete all the
partition from the drives including the USB stick. Take note of your MAC address. You will need this to complete the json in
step 1.
root@rescue ~ # lsblk
loop0 7:0 0 4G 1 loop
sda 8:0 0 2.7T 0 disk
sdb 8:16 0 2.7T 0 disk
sdc 8:32 1 14.7G 0 disk << Note: Size of the drive shows this is the USB stick.
Perform the following for each of the drives. In this case, sda, sdb, and sdc:
root@rescue ~ # fdisk /dev/sdc
Command (m for help): p << print partition
Command (m for help): d << delete partition
Partition number: 9 << partition number. Do the same for the rest of the partitions
Command (m for help): w << write changes to the drive
4. Install Danube Cloud
From step 2, get the drive name of the USB stick. In this case, it is sdc:
root@rescue ~ # wget
root@rescue ~ # gunzip esdc*.img.gz
root@rescue ~ # dd bs=1M if=esdc-ce-hn-4.2.img of=/dev/sdc
Upon successful copy, you will see something like this:
root@rescue ~ # lsblk
loop0 7:0 0 4G 1 loop
sda 8:0 0 2.7T 0 disk
sdb 8:16 0 2.7T 0 disk
sdc 8:32 1 14.7G 0 disk
├─sdc1 8:33 1 256M 0 part
├─sdc2 8:34 1 1M 0 part
├─sdc3 8:35 1 3.5G 0 part
└─sdc9 8:41 1 8M 0 part
5. Create the answers.json file under /private directory in USB stick
From step 3, the main files in the USB stick is under sdc3 (largest size).
root@rescue ~ # mount /dev/sdc3 /mnt
The /private directory is at the root directory of the USB stick. Use WinSCP or Xftp to SSL into the direcotry and upload the
answers.json file under /private.
root@rescue ~ # reboot
Wait about 40 minutes for the install to complete. If everything goes well, you will be able to SSH into the main ip.
Otherwise, request KVM/LARA to run the script step by step.
6. This process is optional. It is needed only if the steps above are not successful. Use the answers.json file created earlier
for reference.
a) Request for KVM access
b) At the boot screen, there is an option to customize the install. Press space here to stop the script then select 4
"Configure Boot Options".
c) Select 7 to "Destroy Zpools". Make sure you do not need the pools with this option. This is for fresh install only.
d) Select 1 to go back and press <Enter>
e) Accept the license. Type "q" then "accept".
f) Enter advance installation "y"
g) Enter you Datacenter name
h) Select admin interface "1". The etherstub automatically create will not work.
i) Enter you main ip address (
j) Enter netmask of main ip (
k) Leave VLAN ID blank
l) Type "y" for another network tag
m) Type "y" to add an external NIC tag
n) Type "y" to modify network tags. From there, a NIC will be autoselected for you.
o) Type "y" to add an external interface
p) Type the 2nd ip address (gateway address) provided to you on the subnet (52.53.545.122)
q) Type the netmask of the subnet and leave VLAN ID as blank or none
r) Type "n" to not preserve the MAC address of the external interface. This way, packets will be chanelled through the
main ip by using the same nic mac address.
s) Type "n" for internal and storage NIC tags unless you have for subnet ip's to add
t) Type the main ip default gateway (
u) Enter the default DNS server ip. It is important that there is connectivity after the DNS servers are entered.
Otherwise, start from the beginning and pick the correct ip from the answers.json file.
v) Type your DNS search domain (usually just your domain name) and default NTP server.
w) Type "n" to install to the USB instead of hard drive
x) Setup your zpool layout - mirror, raidz1, etc.
y) Enter the management portal ip address. This will come from your subnet - typically the 3rd ip in the subnet
z) The rest, enter your password, admin email address, and proceed with the installation.
Once you get to the end of the installation process, make sure to note down the Zabbix ID and password. Danube Cloud ID and
password defaults to "admin" and "changeme" respectively.
If you get to the point where the screen shows "Waiting for cfgbd availability..." repeatedly, the setup is not correct.
Review the entries in answers.json and start all over again. If everything completes, ping to your main ip and SSH to the
7. At the global zone, run the script /opt/custom/bin/ to allow nat-route traffic from the main admin
network to the internet. This will allow the network to be persistent as well without the need for executing manifests like
in previous SmartOS installs:
# cd /opt/custom/bin
# ./
8. At this point, there will be 5 pre-installed VM's for management, monitor, and other administrative purposes:
# vmadm list -o uuid,nics.0.mac,nics.0.ip,alias
2b504f53-1c0b-4ceb-bfda-352f549a70e1 f2:d1:e6:b7:c8:2a 2.53.545.126 img01.local
6546040c-ca68-4c5b-8a19-a42e487267c9 g2:62:e0:f7:c8:2b 2.53.545.125 dns01.local
a28faa4d-d0ee-4593-938a-f0d062022b02 h2:73:ee:c7:c9:cc 2.53.545.124 mon01.local
ddca4052-effd-47fb-9e70-e6807025d8b4 i2:34:e2:e7:c0:2d 2.53.545.127 cfgdb01.local
f7860689-c435-4964-9f7d-2d2d70cfe389 j2:c5:e6:f7:c1:2e 2.53.545.123 mgmt01.local
9. Replace the ip address of each of the VM's above to expose them to the internet. For example:
# echo '{ "update_nics": [{"mac": "j2:c5:e6:f7:c1:2e", "nic_tag": "external", "gateway": "2.53.545.122", "gateways": ["2.
53.545.122"], "netmask": "", "ips": ["2.53.545.123/29"]}]}' | vmadm update f7860689-c435-4964-9f7d-
Perform the above on the rest of the VM's replacing the mac and uuid's for each.
10. Reboot. Done! From there, go to https://2.53.545.123 to access the Danube Cloud web panel
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