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Last active October 27, 2019 00:57
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SmartOS On Hetzner Dedicated Server and Subnet
# Licensed under CC BY 3.0
# Derived works must attribute at the beginning, and the date.
Installing and Configuring SmartOS at Hetzner (with a /29)
# This is another version of Jahewson's Gist here: that adds a gate to prevent packets
from leaking out from the main MAC address.
# Hetzner is now cracking down on outbound packets sent with a MAC address other than the physical MAC of the primary hardware
ethernet interface.
# If you find this gist useful, please star it
# Thanks to jahewson with assistance form jamesog, linuxprofessor, and ryancnelson on the original code. Thanks to Chris Ferebee
and Daniel Plominski for help with new routing.
1. Installation
# Log in to the Linux "Rescue System".
# Download the latest SmartOS USB image:
gunzip smartos-latest-USB.img.gz
# SmartOS requires a USB key on your server. Find out its device name using:
fdisk -l
# For example, the USB device is /dev/sdd
# Write the image to the USB key (/dev/sdd). IMPORTANT /dev/sdd WILL BE ERASED
dd if=latest-USB.img of=/dev/sdd bs=1024
# Make the USB drive bootable. Make sure the partition has the * under BOOT column. If not, toggle it by pressing "a":
fdisk /dev/sdd
# Command (m for help): a
# Partition number (1-4): 1
# Command (m for help): w
# Request a remote KVM console (e.g. LARA) and log in via the intructions provided.
# Use the Robot to request a reboot of the server, and press DEL when the POST shows to enter the BIOS.
# The BIOS is set to boot from the network. Do not change that. You need it to gain access to the recovery system in the future.
Instead, change the order of the fallback local boot options. These are labelled "Hard Drive BBS Priorities" on my motherboard.
Set this to boot from the USB key.
# (OPTIONAL) [If you want your zpool to only use some (but not all) of the available drives, then make a note of the order in
which they are displayed on the POST screen, so that you know which drives are which during SmartOS install - the will be in the
same order]
# Save the settings and exit the BIOS
# The machine will try network boot and fail, then try a local boot from the USB key. You should see the SmartOS GRUB screen now.
Let it boot the SmartOS installer.
# Follow the SmartOS install wizard, using 'dhcp' as the IP address. Reboot, and you're finished with the KVM Console.
# MESSED UP? If it all goes wrong, you can boot SmartOS with the (noinstall) option, using the image's default root password. Then
list disks with 'format' and delete them with 'fdisk /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0p0' - note the p0 at the end. Root password available here
2. Basic Configuration (OPTIONAL)
# Set a hostname:
# Upload a root SSH key:
3. Configuring and Testing the /29 subnet
# Purchase the /29 (or /28) subnet from the Robot. This will be statically routed to your server's main IP. In the subnet
x.x.x.200/29, the first address (x.x.x.200) is used to identify the network and the last address (x.x.x.207) is used for broadcast
leaving 6 available IP addresses. However, one on these IPs is for the gateway so that leaves 5 useable IPs).
# Hetzner will route the subnet traffic to the main IP of your server and expect you to provide your own gateway for the subnet.
An etherstub has to be setup in the global zone to act as a router for the subnet. This uses up the the first available ip of the
/29. A vnic will then have to be created and traffic routed to the etherstub to isolate packets spilling out of the main MAC
dladm create-etherstub public0 # public0 = nic tag
dladm create-vnic -l public0 net0 # net0 or vnic0 depending on your setup
ifconfig net0 plumb x.x.x.201 netmask up # (x.x.x.201 = first available IP)
svcadm enable ipv4-forwarding # Allow forwarding
svcadm enable route # Turn on ipv4 routing
# Check that you can now ping x.x.x.201 from the internet
# Import an image if none was imported yet. For example:
imgadm import fdea06b0-3f24-11e2-ac50-0b645575ce9d
# Launch a zone using the five remaining IPs. For example, x.x.x.202. The gateway is set to x.x.x.201 which is the router set up
in the global zone:
cat > /tmp/zonedef << EOF
"brand": "joyent",
"autoboot": true,
"dataset_uuid": "fdea06b0-3f24-11e2-ac50-0b645575ce9d",
"resolvers": [
"nics": [
"nic_tag": "public0",
"ip": "x.x.x.202",
"netmask": "",
"gateway": "x.x.x.201"
vmadm create -f /tmp/zonedef
# Check that you can now ping x.x.x.202 from the internet
# Login to the created zone and check internet is accessible:
zlogin <Zone UUID>
# is alive
4. Creating the Manifest and Script - Persistence
# If everything works, create a manifest to persist the configuration of the global zone to survive a reboot.
# First create an SMF service to run a script on boot. There is no need to customise any of this XML:
mkdir -p /opt/custom/smf
cat >> /opt/custom/smf/subnet-routing-setup.xml << EOF
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE service_bundle SYSTEM '/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1'>
<service_bundle type='manifest' name='export'>
<service name='site/subnet-routing-setup' type='service' version='1'>
<create_default_instance enabled='true'/>
<dependency name='network' grouping='require_all' restart_on='error' type='service'>
<service_fmri value='svc:/milestone/network:default'/>
<dependency name='filesystem' grouping='require_all' restart_on='error' type='service'>
<service_fmri value='svc:/system/filesystem/local'/>
<exec_method name='start' type='method' exec='/opt/custom/scripts/subnet-routing-setup' timeout_seconds='60'>
<method_credential user='root' group='staff'/>
<envvar name='PATH' value='/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin'/>
<exec_method name='stop' type='method' exec=':true' timeout_seconds='0'/>
<property_group name='startd' type='framework'>
<propval name='duration' type='astring' value='transient'/>
# Create the command script. Customise the script as previously tested:
mkdir -p /opt/custom/scripts/
cat >> /opt/custom/scripts/subnet-routing-setup << EOF
. /lib/svc/share/
dladm create-etherstub public0 # Customize public0 = nic_tag
dladm create-vnic -l public0 net0 # Customize vnic name = net0
ifconfig net0 plumb x.x.x.201 netmask up # Customize to your subnet
svcadm enable ipv4-forwarding
svcadm enable route
chmod +x /opt/custom/scripts/subnet-routing-setup
# Reboot and check that everything works:
5. Testing the Connection
# Use ipadm, dlam, and svcs for debug. For example:
[root@server ~]# ipadm show-addr
lo0/v4 static ok
e1000g0/? dhcp ok x.x.x.x/29 # Main ip address
net0/_a static ok x.x.x.201/29 # Gateway address
lo0/v6 static ok ::1/128
[root@server ~]# dladm show-link
e1000g0 phys 1500 up -- --
public0 etherstub 1500 up -- --
net0 vnic 1500 up -- public0
net0 vnic 1500 up -- public0
# Use snoop to check the incoming and outgoing packets on the interfaces:
[root@server ~]# snoop -d x.x.x.x (where xxxx can be your physical address or etherstub)
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