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Created August 2, 2009 13:07
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class Rubynizer(n:Any) {
def to_s = n.toString
def to_i = {
if( n.isInstanceOf[Char] ) n.asInstanceOf[Char].toString.toInt
else if( n.isInstanceOf[String] ) n.asInstanceOf[String].toInt
else throw new NumberFormatException()
class Bakanizer(n:Int) {
implicit def rubynize(n:Any) = new Rubynizer(n)
def ! = baka(n)
private def baka(n: Int): String = {
if( n < 10 ) if( n % 3 == 0 ) ichi(n) else n.to_s
else if( n < 99 ){
val s = n.to_s
val k2 = s(0).to_i
val k1 = s(1).to_i
if( n % 3 == 0 || k2 == 3 || k1 == 3 ) ju(k2) + ichi(k1)
else s
}else throw new Exception("2桁まで")
private val ju:List[String]
= List("","じゅ~","に~じゅ","さぁ~んじゅ","よぉ~んじゅ"
private val ichi:List[String]
= List("","えぃち","にぃ","さぁん","しぃ","ごぉ"
class NiceGuy(s:java.lang.String) {
def さん = new NiceGuy(s)
def ありがとう = s match{
case "まっちゃ" => throw new ノーサンキューまっちゃだいふくモゾがゆいわよException()
case _ => s + "さん曰く「どういたしまして!」"
class ーサンキューまっちゃだいふくモゾがゆいわよException extends Exception{
implicit def bakanize(n: Int) = new Bakanizer(n)
implicit def foo(s:java.lang.String) = new NiceGuy(s)
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