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Created December 4, 2023 04:56
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#前提: cpdfをから取得してインストールしておく
if [ $# -ne 1 ];then
echo "Usage: $0 <pdf filename>";
exit 1
w=$(cpdf -page-info $1 | grep MediaBox | awk -F' ' '{print $4}' | uniq)
h=$(cpdf -page-info $1 | grep MediaBox | awk -F' ' '{print $5}' | uniq)
w2=$(bc <<< "scale=4; $w/2")
cpdf -mediabox "0 0 $w2 $h" $1 -o left.pdf
cpdf -mediabox "$w2 0 $w2 $h" $1 -o right.pdf
cpdf -collate left.pdf right.pdf -o _$1
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