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Last active April 25, 2019 04:21
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-- definition of Existential Type
data {A : Set} (B : A Set) : Set where
_,_ : (x₁ : A) B x₁ ∃ \(x : A) B x
-- left projection
p : {A : Set} {B : A Set} (∃ \(x : A) B x) A
p {A} {B} (a , b) = a
-- right projection
q : {A : Set} {B : A Set} (c : ∃ \(x : A) B x) B (p c)
q {A} {B} (a , b) = b
axiom-of-choice : {A : Set} {B : A Set} {C : (x : A) B x Set}
((x : A) ∃ \(y : (B x)) C x y)
∃ \(f : (x : A) B x) (x : A) C x (f x)
axiom-of-choice {A} {B} {C} z = f , g
f : (x : A) B x
f x = p (z x)
g : (x : A) C x (f x)
g x = q (z x)
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