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Created March 27, 2014 15:47
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* Author: Alberto Gutiérrez Jácome <>
* Date: 16/09/2012
* Compilation: javac
* Execution: not applicable
* Dependencies:
* Description: A mutable data type that uses a 2d-tree to represent a set of
* points in the unit square. A 2d-tree is a generalization of a BST to
* two-dimensional keys. The idea is to build a BST with points in the nodes,
* using the x and y coordinates of the points as keys in strictly alternating
* sequence. The prime advantage of a 2d-tree over a BST is that it supports
* efficient implementation of range search and nearest neighbor search. Each
* node corresponds to an axis-aligned rectangle in the unit square, which
* encloses all of the points in its subtree. The root corresponds to the unit
* square; the left and right children of the root corresponds to the two
* rectangles split by the x-coordinate of the point at the root; and so
* forth.
public class KdTree
// helper data type representing a node of a kd-tree
private static class KdNode
private KdNode left;
private KdNode right;
private final boolean vertical;
private final double x;
private final double y;
public KdNode(final double x, final double y, final KdNode l,
final KdNode r, final boolean v)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
left = l;
right = r;
vertical = v;
private static final RectHV CONTAINER = new RectHV(0, 0, 1, 1);
private KdNode root;
private int size;
// construct an empty tree of points
public KdTree()
size = 0;
root = null;
// does the tree contain the point p?
public boolean contains(final Point2D p)
return contains(root, p.x(), p.y());
// helper: does the subtree rooted at node contain (x, y)?
private boolean contains(KdNode node, double x, double y)
if (node == null) return false;
if (node.x == x && node.y == y) return true;
if (node.vertical && x < node.x || !node.vertical && y < node.y)
return contains(node.left, x, y);
return contains(node.right, x, y);
// draw all of the points to standard draw
public void draw()
StdDraw.setScale(0, 1);
draw(root, CONTAINER);
// helper: draw node point and its division line (given by rect)
private void draw(final KdNode node, final RectHV rect)
if (node == null) return;
// draw the point
new Point2D(node.x, node.y).draw();
// get the min and max points of division line
Point2D min, max;
if (node.vertical) {
min = new Point2D(node.x, rect.ymin());
max = new Point2D(node.x, rect.ymax());
} else {
min = new Point2D(rect.xmin(), node.y);
max = new Point2D(rect.xmax(), node.y);
// draw that division line
// recursively draw children
draw(node.left, leftRect(rect, node));
draw(node.right, rightRect(rect, node));
// helper: add point p to subtree rooted at node
private KdNode insert(final KdNode node, final Point2D p,
final boolean vertical)
// if new node, create it
if (node == null) {
return new KdNode(p.x(), p.y(), null, null, vertical);
// if already in, return it
if (node.x == p.x() && node.y == p.y()) return node;
// else, insert it where corresponds (left - right recursive call)
if (node.vertical && p.x() < node.x || !node.vertical && p.y() < node.y)
node.left = insert(node.left, p, !node.vertical);
node.right = insert(node.right, p, !node.vertical);
return node;
// add the point p to the tree (if it is not already in the tree)
public void insert(final Point2D p)
root = insert(root, p, true);
// is the tree empty?
public boolean isEmpty()
return size == 0;
// helper: get the left rectangle of node inside parent's rect
private RectHV leftRect(final RectHV rect, final KdNode node)
if (node.vertical)
return new RectHV(rect.xmin(), rect.ymin(), node.x, rect.ymax());
return new RectHV(rect.xmin(), rect.ymin(), rect.xmax(), node.y);
// helper: nearest neighbor of (x,y) in subtree rooted at node
private Point2D nearest(final KdNode node, final RectHV rect,
final double x, final double y, final Point2D candidate)
if (node == null) return candidate;
double dqn = 0.0;
double drq = 0.0;
RectHV left = null;
RectHV rigt = null;
final Point2D query = new Point2D(x, y);
Point2D nearest = candidate;
if (nearest != null) {
dqn = query.distanceSquaredTo(nearest);
drq = rect.distanceSquaredTo(query);
if (nearest == null || dqn > drq) {
final Point2D point = new Point2D(node.x, node.y);
if (nearest == null || dqn > query.distanceSquaredTo(point))
nearest = point;
if (node.vertical) {
left = new RectHV(rect.xmin(), rect.ymin(), node.x, rect.ymax());
rigt = new RectHV(node.x, rect.ymin(), rect.xmax(), rect.ymax());
if (x < node.x) {
nearest = nearest(node.left, left, x, y, nearest);
nearest = nearest(node.right, rigt, x, y, nearest);
} else {
nearest = nearest(node.right, rigt, x, y, nearest);
nearest = nearest(node.left, left, x, y, nearest);
} else {
left = new RectHV(rect.xmin(), rect.ymin(), rect.xmax(), node.y);
rigt = new RectHV(rect.xmin(), node.y, rect.xmax(), rect.ymax());
if (y < node.y) {
nearest = nearest(node.left, left, x, y, nearest);
nearest = nearest(node.right, rigt, x, y, nearest);
} else {
nearest = nearest(node.right, rigt, x, y, nearest);
nearest = nearest(node.left, left, x, y, nearest);
return nearest;
// a nearest neighbor in the set to p; null if set is empty
public Point2D nearest(final Point2D p)
return nearest(root, CONTAINER, p.x(), p.y(), null);
// helper: points in subtree rooted at node inside rect
private void range(final KdNode node, final RectHV nrect,
final RectHV rect, final Queue<Point2D> queue)
if (node == null) return;
if (rect.intersects(nrect)) {
final Point2D p = new Point2D(node.x, node.y);
if (rect.contains(p)) queue.enqueue(p);
range(node.left, leftRect(nrect, node), rect, queue);
range(node.right, rightRect(nrect, node), rect, queue);
// all points in the set that are inside the rectangle
public Iterable<Point2D> range(final RectHV rect)
final Queue<Point2D> queue = new Queue<Point2D>();
range(root, CONTAINER, rect, queue);
return queue;
// helper: get the right rectangle of node inside parent's rect
private RectHV rightRect(final RectHV rect, final KdNode node)
if (node.vertical)
return new RectHV(node.x, rect.ymin(), rect.xmax(), rect.ymax());
return new RectHV(rect.xmin(), node.y, rect.xmax(), rect.ymax());
// number of points in the tree
public int size()
return size;
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