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Last active September 8, 2024 19:47
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Make Gnome applications sidebar semi-transparent, and add blur with Blur My Shell Extension if you want to
/* Mohammad Mahdi Tayebi
* To apply transparent sidebar. copy this file into ~/.config/gtk-4.0/gtk.css and if
* you use adw-gtk3 theme you can add it to ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css as well
* Use blur my shell extension to add blur effect behind the transparent part of windows
/* Transparent Sidebar */
window {
background: alpha(@window_bg_color, 0.8);
.navigation-sidebar {
background: transparent;
.content-pane {
background: @view_bg_color;
/* Lollypop */
window>deck>grid>headerbar.titlebar>widget>widget>box>image {
margin-top: -1px;
window>deck>grid>headerbar.titlebar>box> :nth-child(1) {
margin-right: -40px;
opacity: 0;
window>deck>grid>headerbar.titlebar>box> :nth-child(2) {
margin-right: 27px;
window>deck>grid>headerbar.titlebar>box>.close {
margin-right: 0;
window>deck>grid>headerbar.titlebar {
background: linear-gradient(90deg,
transparent 0%,
transparent 197px,
@headerbar_shade_color 198px,
@headerbar_bg_color 198px,
@headerbar_bg_color 100%);
border-bottom: none;
/* Builder */
.org-gnome-Builder {
background: @window_bg_color;
.org-gnome-Builder.workspace paneldockchild.start {
background: transparent;
/* Speedtest (xyz.ketok.Speedtest) */
.horizontal>gauge.dl.horizontal>overlay>.background {
background: transparent;
.horizontal>gauge.up.horizontal>overlay>.background {
background: transparent;
/* Gnome Tweaks */
window>leaflet>box:last-child>scrolledwindow>viewport.frame {
background: @window_bg_color;
.tweak-titlebar-left {
background: alpha(@window_bg_color, 0.8);
/* Geary */
.geary-main-layout>leaflet>leaflet>box:first-child>headerbar {
background: transparent;
/* Rhythmbox */
window box:nth-child(2) paned:nth-child(3) paned:nth-child(3) box:nth-child(2) {
background: @window_bg_color;
window box:nth-child(2) paned:nth-child(3) box:first-child paned grid .sidebar-toolbar,
window box:nth-child(2) paned:nth-child(3) box:first-child paned grid .sidebar-toolbar button {
background: transparent;
window box toolbar {
background: transparent;
/* Comment this if you don't want transparency on rhythmbox topbar */
/* Disks */
window>deck>box>leaflet>box:nth-child(3)>stack>scrolledwindow>viewport.frame {
background: @window_bg_color;
window>deck>box>leaflet>box:nth-child(1)>scrolledwindow treeview.view {
background: transparent;
window>deck>box>leaflet>box:nth-child(1)>headerbar.titlebar.windowhandle {
background: transparent;
border-bottom: none;
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It's working flawlessly with my theme now.
What I did is add the colors from the theme into the gtk4 config file and then added the css code.
Then set blur my shell to no artifact and enabled blur for all applications, then set opacity to 255 to make sure there are no square corners.

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ebanDev commented Feb 18, 2024

I'm not using any theme but I get only the transparent effect no blur :( (using fedora 39 w/ Gnome 45.3)


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taiwbi commented Feb 18, 2024

I'm not using any theme but I get only the transparent effect no blur :( (using fedora 39 w/ Gnome 45.3)


@ebanDev Install blur my shell extension, go to applications section (or tab, I don't know)
Enable it
If you don't care about CPU/GPU usage, enable it for all applications. If you want to save resources, you need to type WM_CLASS of applications that have transparency manually because the app selector doesn't work (at least not for me but try it)

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Is it possible to make kgx transparent by this?

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taiwbi commented Feb 18, 2024

Is it possible to make kgx transparent by this?

@MooCrumpus To make Gnome Console transparent, you need to modify its source code and remove the background color of the terminal window, then recompile it.
After that, you can use CSS to change the background color and opacity of main window.
I used to do this before but now I just use Blackbox, it's easier.

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SVTA-OP commented Feb 19, 2024

Is it possbile to get this working for adw-gtk3? Sidebars in GTK apps look awesome but gnome tweaks and geary would look better with blur.

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taiwbi commented Feb 19, 2024

Is it possbile to get this working for adw-gtk3? Sidebars in GTK apps look awesome but gnome tweaks and geary would look better with blur.

@SVTA-OP It is working on some GTK-3 applications with adw-gtk3 right now, like lollypop. But styles should be implemented for each applications as gtk3 doesn't provide a standard sidebar that can be used in all applications like libadwaita

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taiwbi commented Feb 23, 2024

It now works on both geary and gnome tweak too

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amitskr commented Mar 10, 2024

I am unable to get the blur effect. It's just a dark translucent background, but the blur effect is missing. Please tell me how to fix it.

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gnome_transparent_sidebar I am unable to get the blur effect. It's just a dark translucent background, but the blur effect is missing. Please tell me how to fix it.

Enable blur all by default

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amitskr commented Mar 10, 2024

gnome_transparent_sidebar I am unable to get the blur effect. It's just a dark translucent background, but the blur effect is missing. Please tell me how to fix it.

Enable blur all by default

Thanks that worked beautifully.

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I have been using this for weeks and it's great! Is there a way to adjust the opacity?

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SVTA-OP commented Mar 29, 2024

You can change it in the Blur my shell extension settings, but you can't change the blur part opacity.

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taiwbi commented Apr 1, 2024

I have been using this for weeks and it's great! Is there a way to adjust the opacity?

@dylankird On line 11 and line 76, 0.8 is the opacity. Change them to the number you want. Both of them should be equal though...

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Thanks so much! I found that 0.85 works a bit better for me.

I really appreciate you updating this, by the way. I see you have made a bunch of changes since I first started using this

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taiwbi commented Apr 5, 2024

You're welcome! I'm glad you liked it :)

Thanks so much! I found that 0.85 works a bit better for me.

I really appreciate you updating this, by the way. I see you have made a bunch of changes since I first started using this

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aunetx commented Apr 11, 2024

Hello, just for your information: with the coming Blur-my-Shell v60 for GNOME 46 (which I will probably backport to GNOME 45), you should not be using the "No artefacts" option in the preference if you don't really need it, as the applications blur really has been improved and this option degrades the GNOME performances a lot!

It will be disabled automatically if you enabled it before this update, but I say it in the case somebody decides to simply enable this option without testing without it before :)

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taiwbi commented Apr 16, 2024

@aunetx Hi, thank you for the hard work on this great extension and all the improvements. And thank you for informing us here :)

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Thank you so much for the CSS, you should make an style for Gradience. ❤️

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Screenshot from 2024-04-17 20-56-09

for me it woking, but why the background are dark?

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taiwbi commented Apr 19, 2024

@rahimgg-github You probably have an extensions that creates a layer above your desktop. Something like Desktop Icon NG. What is it though?

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@taiwbi thanks I didn't notice that, but still can't find a solution for trying to redraw the window


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Is it possible for you to add support for Rhythmbox sidebar? Thanks in advance!

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taiwbi commented May 21, 2024

@Karol739 I will try to convince myself to do that but lollypop is a great music player and transparent sidebar already works with it

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taiwbi commented May 21, 2024

@taiwbi thanks I didn't notice that, but still can't find a solution for trying to redraw the window


@rahimgg-github I'm honestly not sure. Update "blur my shell" extension to the latest version, if didn't work, try the "No Artifact" setting. It shouldn't be necessary though

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taiwbi commented May 28, 2024

@Karol739 DONE!

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4ndril commented Jun 15, 2024

very good work and something Nautilus should adopt - thank you

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Outstanding! You made Gnome 10x prettier.

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SVTA-OP commented Sep 4, 2024

Outstanding! You made Gnome 10x prettier.

Yeah but the frame rate drops when 5 windows are open and on top of each other

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taiwbi commented Sep 4, 2024

Outstanding! You made Gnome 10x prettier.

Yeah but the frame rate drops when 5 windows are open and on top of each other

If you want blur on GNOME, that's what you should pay for because mutter does not support background blur.

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