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Tommie McAfee tahmmee

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roadrunner2 / 0
Last active September 13, 2024 15:46
Linux on MacBook Pro Late 2016 and Mid 2017 (with Touchbar)


This is about documenting getting Linux running on the late 2016 and mid 2017 MPB's; the focus is mostly on the MacBookPro13,3 and MacBookPro14,3 (15inch models), but I try to make it relevant and provide information for MacBookPro13,1, MacBookPro13,2, MacBookPro14,1, and MacBookPro14,2 (13inch models) too. I'm currently using Fedora 27, but most the things should be valid for other recent distros even if the details differ. The kernel version is 4.14.x (after latest update).

The state of linux on the MBP (with particular focus on MacBookPro13,2) is also being tracked on . And for Ubuntu users there are a couple tutorials (here and here) focused on that distro and the MacBook.

Note: For those who have followed these instructions ealier, and in particular for those who have had problems with the custom DSDT, modifying the DSDT is not necessary anymore - se

anonymous / gist:019d9c39ecff54ca5d60
Created March 10, 2016 19:32
cli browser poc
> (auto-complete)
> [google] ls
1. Search 2. Mail 3. Lucky (color code based on link or input)
> [google] goto 1
: happy
> [g.1:hap] ls
1 Pharrell Happy 2. Happy | The Movie 3. Happy Gif
e1024kb / gist:41bf38fdb1a2cb19a781
Created September 27, 2014 13:29
Country - state list in JSON
"countries": [
"country": "Afghanistan",
"states": ["Badakhshan", "Badghis", "Baghlan", "Balkh", "Bamian", "Daykondi", "Farah", "Faryab", "Ghazni", "Ghowr", "Helmand", "Herat", "Jowzjan", "Kabul", "Kandahar", "Kapisa", "Khost", "Konar", "Kondoz", "Laghman", "Lowgar", "Nangarhar", "Nimruz", "Nurestan", "Oruzgan", "Paktia", "Paktika", "Panjshir", "Parvan", "Samangan", "Sar-e Pol", "Takhar", "Vardak", "Zabol"]
"country": "Albania",
"states": ["Berat", "Dibres", "Durres", "Elbasan", "Fier", "Gjirokastre", "Korce", "Kukes", "Lezhe", "Shkoder", "Tirane", "Vlore"]
dustin / Dockerfile
Last active August 15, 2024 15:15
How I built couchbase 2.2 for docker
FROM ubuntu
MAINTAINER Dustin Sallings ""
ADD /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise_2.2.0_x86_64.deb
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y librtmp0 python-httplib2
RUN dpkg -i /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise_2.2.0_x86_64.deb
RUN rm /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise_2.2.0_x86_64.deb
RUN /etc/init.d/couchbase-server stop
balupton / cors.js
Created September 11, 2012 05:21
Acheiving CORS via a Node HTTP Server
// Create our server
var server;
server = http.createServer(function(req,res){
// Set CORS headers
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Request-Method', '*');
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'OPTIONS, GET');
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', '*');
if ( req.method === 'OPTIONS' ) {