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Created September 28, 2018 20:05
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GeeMail review documentation


  1. Fork this repository to your own GitHub profile and clone to your local machine.
  1. Create a basic page layout via HTML/CSS with a top header section with the name of the application and a content section where you will display the messages.

  2. When your page loads, via JavaScript access our prepopulated data stored in the window.geemails variable. Each object in the array has the following properties:

    • date - The date message was sent
    • subject - The subject of the message
    • sender - The sender of the message
    • body - The GeeMail message content
  3. With this data you must make a visual list of mail messages on the page with the following minimum requirements.

    • Each message should have it's own row showing:
      • Date
      • Sender
      • Subject
    • When clicking on a message you must provide some method of showing the message for that row.
  4. You must show an inbox count somewhere on the page to show the current number of messages in your inbox.

  5. Set a recurring function to via the JavaScript setInterval function that will call our existing getNewMessage function that we have created for you that will return a newly created message with the same properties as your previous messages.

  6. All CSS styles should be created in the css\style.css file included in the project.

  7. All JavaScript should be created in the <head> element in your included index.html file inside of the window.onload function already created in the <head> section.

  8. Commit your code often and when you are completed send us a pull request from your repository so that we may review your code.

Bonus: You may add any images or any extra functionality that you wish to your application and use any other JavaScript frameworks if you like.

✅ ❌ ❗ ️⚠️

Objectives are formatted for posting to Slack


  1. Fork Repo:
  2. Create Layout:
  3. Load Initial Mail:
  4. Show Message:
  5. Show Inbox Count:
  6. Get New Mail:
  7. CSS:
  8. JavaScript in Head:
  9. Pull Request: Bonus:

Additional Notes:

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