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Last active August 17, 2024 02:09
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  • Save t1m0t/67485b8ae50f5a8dea972be435f65469 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save t1m0t/67485b8ae50f5a8dea972be435f65469 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
install nvchad in wsl for ubuntu
# make sure to read the docs here
# two ways to install neovim, like this
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neovim-ppa/stable -y
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neovim-ppa/unstable -y
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install neovim -y
# or like this
sudo snap install node nvim --classic
# then
sudo apt install ripgrep mingw-w64 build-essential -y
git clone ~/.config/nvim --depth 1 && nvim
# Donwload a Nerd Font and install the fonts in Windows
# Configure powershell for example to use one of the installed Nerd Font
# copy/paste in .config/nvim/init.lua
vim.g.clipboard = {
name = 'WslClipboard',
copy = {
['+'] = 'clip.exe',
['*'] = 'clip.exe',
paste = {
['+'] = 'powershell.exe -c [Console]::Out.Write($(Get-Clipboard -Raw).tostring().replace("`r", ""))',
['*'] = 'powershell.exe -c [Console]::Out.Write($(Get-Clipboard -Raw).tostring().replace("`r", ""))',
cache_enabled = false,
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t1m0t commented Oct 2, 2023

J'ai ajouté l'install de build-essential car make est nécessaire pour compiler fzf qui nécessaire pour telescope.
Ensuite, aller dans ~/.local/share/nvim/lazy/telescope-fzf-native.nvim puis entrer make

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t1m0t commented Oct 2, 2023

En faisant :checkhealth, ça m'indiquait que tree-sitter n'était pas présent. Pour y remédier : sudo npm install -g tree-sitter

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t1m0t commented Oct 2, 2023

Pour afficher les fichiers .env dans ~.config/nvim/lua/plugins/configs/nvimtree.lua:

--- a/lua/plugins/configs/nvimtree.lua
+++ b/lua/plugins/configs/nvimtree.lua
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ local options = {
   git = {
     enable = false,
-    ignore = true,
+    ignore = false,
   filesystem_watchers = {
     enable = true,

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