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Last active March 3, 2019 01:51
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* Teardrop
* (c) 2013 Torsten Paul <>
* License: CC-BY-SA 3.0
* Based on the formula in "Modelling a Tear Drop" by by Paul Bourke
* (
function drop(x) = 100 * 0.5 * (1 - cos(180 * x)) * sin(180 * x) + 1;
function path(x) = [0, 0, 80 + 80 * cos(180 * x)];
function rotate(x) = PI * pow((1 - x), 3);
loft(path="path", scale_x = "drop", scale_y="drop", rotate="rotate", slices=100) circle(r = 1, $fn = 12);
function path(x) = [
(x / 1.5 + 0.5) * 100 * cos(6 * 360 * x),
(x / 1.5 + 0.5) * 100 * sin(6 * 360 * x),
200 * (1 - x)
loft(path = "path", slices = 800, height = 100) {
translate([-10, -6, 0]) square([3, 6]);
square([20, 2], center = true);
translate([7, -6, 0]) square([3, 6]);
$fn = 20;
module segment() {
hull() {
translate([-10, -18, 0]) circle(r = 3);
translate([ 10, 18, 0]) circle(r = 3);
translate([-10, 18, 0]) circle(r = 3);
translate([ 10, -18, 0]) circle(r = 3);
module cross() {
rotate([0, 0, 90]) segment();
function rotate(x) = cos(90 * x);
function scale(x) = 1.5 * sin(210 * (x / 2) + 60);
loft(scale_x = "scale", scale_y = "scale", rotate = "rotate", height = 80, slices = 50)
function func0(x)= 1;
function func1(x) = 30 * sin(180 * x);
function func2(x) = -30 * sin(180 * x);
function func3(x) = sin(270 * (1 - x) - 90) * sqrt(6 * (1 - x)) + 2;
function func4(x) = PI * x / 2;
function func5(x) = 2 * PI * x * x * x;
function func6(x) = 3 - 2.5 * x;
loft(offset_x = "func1", offset_y = "func1", rotate = "func4", slices = 30, height = 100) square(10);
loft(offset_x = "func2", offset_y = "func2", rotate = "func4", slices = 30, height = 100) square(10);
loft(offset_x = "func1", offset_y = "func2", rotate = "func4", slices = 30, height = 100) square(10);
loft(offset_x = "func2", offset_y = "func1", rotate = "func4", slices = 30, height = 100) square(10);
translate([100, 0, 0])
loft(scale_x = "func3", scale_y = "func3", rotate = "func4", slices = 50, height = 100) square(10);
translate([-100, 0, 0])
loft(rotate = "func5", scale_x = "func6", scale_y = "func6", slices = 50, height = 100) square(10);
$fn = 50;
map_extrude() {
union() {
circle(r = 12);
translate([15, 2, 0]) square([25, 8]);
translate([15, -10, 0]) text(t = "Text", font = "ArialMT");
$fn = 6;
text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!";
fonts = [
["DejaVu Sans", "DejaVu Sans:style=Book"],
["DejaVu Sans", "DejaVu Sans:style=Oblique"],
["DejaVu Sans", "DejaVu Sans:style=Bold"],
["DejaVu Sans", "DejaVu Sans:style=Bold Oblique"],
["DejaVu Sans", "DejaVu Sans:style=Condensed"],
["DejaVu Sans", "DejaVu Sans:style=Condensed Bold"],
["DejaVu Sans", "DejaVu Sans:style=Condensed Oblique"],
["DejaVu Sans", "DejaVu Sans:style=Condensed Bold Oblique"],
["DejaVu Sans", "DejaVu Sans:style=ExtraLight"],
["DejaVu Sans", "DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Book"],
["DejaVu Sans", "DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Oblique"],
["DejaVu Sans", "DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Bold"],
["DejaVu Sans", "DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Bold Oblique"],
["DejaVu Serif", "DejaVu Serif:style=Book"],
["DejaVu Serif", "DejaVu Serif:style=Italic"],
["DejaVu Serif", "DejaVu Serif:style=Bold"],
["DejaVu Serif", "DejaVu Serif:style=Bold Italic"],
["DejaVu Serif", "DejaVu Serif:style=Condensed Bold Italic"],
["DejaVu Serif", "DejaVu Serif:style=Condensed Bold"],
["DejaVu Serif", "DejaVu Serif:style=Condensed Italic"],
["DejaVu Serif", "DejaVu Serif=Condensed"],
["Gentium", "Gentium Basic:style=Bold Italic"],
["Gentium", "Gentium Basic:style=Bold"],
["Gentium", "Gentium Basic:style=Italic"],
["Gentium", "Gentium Basic:style=Regular"],
["Gentium", "Gentium Book Basic:style=Bold Italic"],
["Gentium", "Gentium Book Basic:style=Bold"],
["Gentium", "Gentium Book Basic:style=Italic"],
["Gentium", "Gentium Book Basic:style=Regular"],
["Liberation", "Liberation Mono:style=Bold Italic"],
["Liberation", "Liberation Mono:style=Bold"],
["Liberation", "Liberation Mono:style=Italic"],
["Liberation", "Liberation Mono:style=Regular"],
["Liberation", "Liberation Sans:style=Bold Italic"],
["Liberation", "Liberation Sans:style=Bold"],
["Liberation", "Liberation Sans:style=Italic"],
["Liberation", "Liberation Sans:style=Regular"],
["Liberation", "Liberation Serif:style=Bold Italic"],
["Liberation", "Liberation Serif:style=Bold"],
["Liberation", "Liberation Serif:style=Italic"],
["Liberation", "Liberation Serif:style=Regular"],
["Linux", "Linux Biolinum G:style=Bold"],
["Linux", "Linux Biolinum G:style=Regular"],
["Linux", "Linux Biolinum G:style=Italic"],
["Linux", "Linux Libertine Display G:style=Regular"],
["Linux", "Linux Libertine G:style=Bold"],
["Linux", "Linux Libertine G:style=Bold Italic"],
["Linux", "Linux Libertine G:style=Regular"],
["Linux", "Linux Libertine G:style=Italic"],
["Linux", "Linux Libertine G:style=Semibold"],
["Linux", "Linux Libertine G:style=Semibold Italic"],
["Open Sans", "Open Sans:style=Regular"],
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["Open Sans", "Open Sans:style=Bold"],
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["Open Sans", "Open Sans Light:style=Regular"],
["Open Sans", "Open Sans Semibold:style=Italic"],
["Open Sans", "Open Sans Semibold:style=Regular"],
["ParaType", "PT Mono:style=Regular"],
["ParaType", "PT Mono:style=Bold"],
["ParaType", "PT Sans Caption:style=Regular"],
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["Source Sans Pro", "Source Sans Pro:style=Bold"],
["Source Sans Pro", "Source Sans Pro:style=Bold Italic"],
["Source Sans Pro", "Source Sans Pro Black:style=Regular"],
["Source Sans Pro", "Source Sans Pro Black:style=Italic"],
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["Source Sans Pro", "Source Sans Pro Semibold:style=Italic"],
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["Source Sans Pro", "Source Sans Pro Light:style=Italic"],
["Source Sans Pro", "Source Sans Pro ExtraLight:style=Regular"],
["Source Sans Pro", "Source Sans Pro ExtraLight:style=Italic"],
for (a = [0 : 1000]) {
if (fonts[a][0] == family) {
linear_extrude(height = 1) {
translate([0, 20 * a, 0]) text(t = text, font = fonts[a][1]);
translate([400, 20 * a, 0]) text(t = fonts[a][1], font = fonts[a][1]);
$fn = 20;
$ff = "DejaVuSansCondensed";
$ff2 = "Amiri-Regular";
union() {
#cube([130, 10, 1]);
linear_extrude(height = 2)
text(t = "OpenSCAD with Text!", size = 10, $fn = 40, font = $ff);
translate([0, -40, 0]) difference() {
cube([90, 14, 1]);
translate([5, 3, -1])
linear_extrude(height = 40)
text(t = "FreeType", size = 10, font = $ff);
translate([0, -20, 0])
linear_extrude(height = 6)
text(t = "it works !!!", font = $ff, size = 17);
s = "OpenSCAD";
translate([45, 60, 5])
rotate([-30, 0, 0])
for (a = [0 : 7])
rotate([0, 0, 135 + 90 / 7 * a])
translate([0, 70, 0])
rotate([90, 0, 180])
translate([-5, 0, 0])
linear_extrude(height = 2)
text(t = s[a], size = 20, font = $ff);
translate([0, -80, 0])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
linear_extrude(height = 2)
text(t = "Π›Π΅Π½ΠΈΠ²Ρ‹ΠΉ Ρ€Ρ‹ΠΆΠΈΠΉ ΠΊΠΎΡ‚", size = 16, font = "DejaVuSansCondensed");
translate([0, -120, 0])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
linear_extrude(height = 2)
text(t = "ΩƒΨ³ΩˆΩ„ Ψ§Ω„Ψ²Ω†Ψ¬Ψ¨ΩŠΩ„ Ψ§Ω„Ω‚Ψ·", size = 16, font = $ff2, direction = "rtl", language = "ar", script = "arabic");
translate([-20, 0, 0])
linear_extrude(height = 2)
text(t = "ζ‡Άζƒ°ηš„ε§œθ²“", size = 16, font = "AR-PL-New-Sung", direction = "ttb", language = "ch");
translate([0, -60, 0])
linear_extrude(height = 2)
text(t = "Umlauts: Àâü Γ„Γ–Γœ ß", size = 10, font = $ff);
translate([0, -80, 0])
linear_extrude(height = 2)
text(t = "Smileys: πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„πŸ˜…πŸ˜†πŸ˜‡πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜‰πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‹πŸ˜ŒπŸ˜πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜πŸ˜", size = 10, font = $ff);
translate([0, -100, 0])
linear_extrude(height = 2)
text(t = "Braile: β β ‚β ƒβ „β …β †β ‡β ˆβ ‰β Šβ ‹β Œβ β Žβ ", size = 10, font = $ff);
translate([0, -120, 0])
linear_extrude(height = 2)
text(t = "Cards: πŸ‚‘πŸ‚±πŸƒπŸƒ‘", size = 10, font = $ff);
DejaVu - Bitstream Vera Fonts Copyright
Gentium - SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1
Liberation - SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1
Linux Libertine G and Linux Biolinum G fonts - SIL Open Font License, Version 1.0
Open Sans - Apache License version 2.0
PT-Mono / PT-Sans / PT-Serif - ParaType Free Font Licence 1.3
Source Code Pro - SIL Open Font License 1.1
Source Sans Pro - SIL Open Font License 1.1
function skip(a) = a == [3, 0] || a == [4, 0] || a == [6, 4];
function span(a) = a == [2, 0] ? 20 : a == [5, 4] ? 10 : 0;
for (y = [0 : 4]) {
for (x = [0 : 6]) {
if (!skip([x, y])) {
translate([10 * x + 1, 10 * y + 1]) square([8 + span([x, y]), 8]);
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I have openscad 2019.01-RC2, but loft doesn't seem to be defined..
Please can you tell me how to get loft working?

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