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t-mat / TestURLDownloadToFile.cpp
Created September 3, 2024 12:11
[Win32] URLDownloadToFile
// Should I use URLDownloadToFile?
// Answered by Mike Caron :
#include <windows.h>
#include <Urlmon.h>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#pragma comment(lib, "User32.lib")
t-mat /
Last active June 17, 2024 10:51
[Windows][Windows Terminal] Control Windows Terminal's progress bar from batch file

Default PowerShell

: Idle (default)
powershell -command " Write-Host -NoNewline ([char]27 + \"]9;4;3\" + [char]7) "

: WIP (rotation)
powershell -command " Write-Host -NoNewline ([char]27 + \"]9;4;0\" + [char]7) "
t-mat / build-nethack.cmd
Created June 1, 2024 07:48
[Windows] Download and build NetHack
@rem Download and build script for NetHack for Windows x64 Desktop, VC++2022
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set /a errorno=1
for /F "delims=#" %%E in ('"prompt #$E# & for %%E in (1) do rem"') do set "esc=%%E"
set "ROOT=%CD%"
: Check prerequisites
t-mat /
Created May 4, 2024 17:16
[Windows] Download and run Alpine Linux on WSL
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set /a errorno=1
for /F "delims=#" %%E in ('"prompt #$E# & for %%E in (1) do rem"') do set "_ESC=%%E"
cd /d "%~dp0"
set /a _E =0
set /a _E+=1 && if not exist "" ( curl -JOL )
set /a _E+=1 && if not exist "" goto :ERROR
set /a _E+=1 && if not exist "Alpine.exe" ( tar -xkf .\ )
t-mat /
Created April 28, 2024 13:46
[Windows] `winget` keep reporting mysterious error 0x8a15005e

Problem: winget CLI command keep reporting a mysterious error code 0x8a15005e

Solution: Update winget.exe via

cd $env:USERPROFILE\Desktop
curl.exe -JOL
Add-AppxPackage Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.txt.msixbundle
t-mat / SelectAFileInFileExplorer.cs
Created April 8, 2024 08:53
[Unity][Windows] Select a file in the file explorer
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
internal static class Test {
private static void MenuItem_MyMenu_SHOpenFolderAndSelectItems() {
string path = "C:/Windows/system.ini";
t-mat / ReportAllTextureImporterSettingsAsCSV.cs
Last active April 6, 2024 07:17
[Unity] Report all TextureImporter settings as CSV
// This Unity Editor script reports all TextureImporter settings as CSV file.
// Usage:
// - Invoke "UnityEditor > Help > TextureImporterReporter > Report all TextureImporter settings as CSV"
// - Script creates report CSV file and reports its file name.
// License
// -------
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) Takayuki Matsuoka
t-mat / SimpleIniFile.hpp
Created March 6, 2024 21:34
Simple in-memory .ini file parser in C++20
// Simple in-memory .ini file parser in C++20
// - Header only library
// - No exception, heap allocation and callback
// - Depends only <stddef.h>
// - Opt-in compatibility with <string_view> (SIMPLE_INI_FILE_HPP_VIEW_TYPE)
// Usage
// -----
t-mat /
Last active January 28, 2024 08:57
[Windows]Download, build and run mini-rv32ima

set "MINI_RV32IMA_HASH=7185ec78442060e032bb33a71e6fe2f4319409e8"

cd /d "%USERPROFILE%\Documents"

if not exist my-mini-rv32ima ( mkdir my-mini-rv32ima )
cd my-mini-rv32ima
t-mat /
Created January 25, 2024 09:08
[Windows]Download and open the examples of three.js


  • cmd.exe
  • python3

