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Created October 21, 2018 22:42
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My powershell profile
# *************************************************************************
# Script Name: profile.ps1
# Version: 1.2
# Author: Tyler Makaro
# Date: August 28, 2018
# Description: Custom profile for windows powershell.
# *************************************************************************
# Create a custom prompt
function prompt {
$origLastExitCode = $LASTEXITCODE
Write-Host 'PS ' -ForegroundColor Darkcyan -nonewline
$maxPathLength = 80
$curPath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation.Path
if ($curPath.Length -gt $maxPathLength) {
$curPath = '...' + $curPath.SubString($curPath.Length - $maxPathLength + 3)
Write-Host $curPath -ForegroundColor White
$LASTEXITCODE = $origLastExitCode
"$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) "
function which($name) {
Get-Command $name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Source
# Stop saving command history
Set-PSReadlineOption -HistorySaveStyle SaveNothing
# Enable git support
Import-Module posh-git
$global:GitPromptSettings.BeforeText = '['
$global:GitPromptSettings.AfterText = '] '
# Color highlighting
Import-Module Get-ChildItemColor
Set-Alias dir Get-ChildItemColor -option AllScope -Force
Set-Alias ls Get-ChildItemColorFormatWide -option AllScope -Force
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