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Last active May 15, 2024 14:01
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On-the-fly channel funding based on liquidity ads

Continuous on-the-fly liquidity for mobile wallets

Liquidity is always provided by an on-chain transaction (channel open or splice), which can be triggered by:

  • On-chain funds added by the wallet user.
  • A lightning payment to the wallet user requiring additional liquidity.

Table of Contents

On-chain swaps using swap-in-potentiam

  • Funds are sent to a swap-in-potentiam address.
  • Once confirmed, a channel open or a splice can be initiated.
  • If there is no channel:
    • The wallet sends open_channel2.
    • The LSP will pay the commit tx fees, even though it's not the initiator (see ACINQ/eclair#2845).
    • The wallet is only allowed to use swap-in-potentiam inputs in the interactive-tx session:
      • This ensures they cannot double-spend so 0-conf is safe for the LSP.
      • 0-conf isn't mandatory, but provides a better UX (handling concurrent liquidity requests without 0-conf is confusing).
    • The request_funds field MUST be set (at least 100 000 sat) to allow the LSP to pay the commit tx fees.
      • This also ensures that the LSP is paid some fees for acquiring this new user.
    • The wallet amount MUST be sufficient to pay the fees directly during the interactive-tx session.
  • Otherwise:
    • The wallet sends splice_init.
    • The wallet is only allowed to use swap-in-potentiam inputs in the interactive-tx session.
    • The request_funds field MAY be set (not mandatory, the wallet may have enough inbound liquidity already).
    • If request_funds is set:
      • The future wallet balance MUST be sufficient to pay the fees directly during the interactive-tx session.

Lightning payments triggering on-the-fly funding

On-the-fly funding feature bits

Bits Name Description Context Dependencies
560/561 on_the_fly_funding On-the-fly channel funding IN option_splice, option_will_fund

Liquidity Ads HTLC payment types

We define a TLV field for update_add_htlc that allows a relaying node to relay a smaller amount than the amount encoded in the onion:

  1. tlv_stream: update_add_htlc_tlvs
  2. types:
    1. type: 41041 (funding_fee)
    2. data:
      • [u64:fee]
      • [sha256:funding_txid]

We define two new liquidity ads payment_types that leverage the TLV field above. For both of these options, the funding fees are not paid during the interactive-tx session, because the buyer doesn't have enough funds to do so. Fees are instead paid from the HTLCs that will be relayed once the corresponding liquidity has been added.

  1. payment_type: 128 (from_future_htlc)
  2. data:
    • [...*sha256:payment_hashes]

In the from_future_htlc option, the seller trusts that the buyer will fulfill the HTLCs when it relays them after the funding transaction is complete. If the buyer doesn't fulfill, the seller doesn't get paid for the funding transaction.

  1. payment_type: 129 (from_future_htlc_with_preimage)
  2. data:
    • [...*32*byte:payment_preimages]

In the from_future_htlc_with_preimage option, the preimages are immediately revealed, which ensures that the seller is paid. The buyer trusts that the seller will relay the corresponding HTLCs after the funding attempt, otherwise it overpaid for the funding transaction.

The will_add_htlc message

  1. type: 41041 (will_add_htlc)
  2. data:
    • [chain_hash:chain_hash]
    • [32*byte:id]
    • [u64:amount_msat]
    • [sha256:payment_hash]
    • [u32:cltv_expiry]
    • [1366*byte:onion_routing_packet]
    • [will_add_htlc_tlvs:tlvs]

The will_add_htlc message supports the same TLVs as update_add_htlc.

  1. tlv_stream: will_add_htlc_tlvs
  2. types:
    1. type: 0 (blinding_point)
    2. data:
      • [point:blinding]

We define a message similar to update_fail_htlc.

  1. type: 41042 (will_fail_htlc)
  2. data:
    • [32*byte:id]
    • [sha256:payment_hash]
    • [u16:len]
    • [len*byte:reason]

And another message similar to update_fail_malformed_htlc.

  1. type: 41043 (will_fail_malformed_htlc)
  2. data:
    • [32*byte:id]
    • [sha256:payment_hash]
    • [sha256:sha256_of_onion]
    • [u16:failure_code]

When rejecting an on-the-fly open_channel2 or splice_init, we use an explicit message instead of error or tx_abort.

  1. type: 41044 (cancel_on_the_fly_funding)
  2. data:
    • [32*byte:channel_id]
    • [u16:payment_hashes_count]
    • [payment_hashes_count*sha256:payment_hashes]
    • [u16:reason_len]
    • [reason_len*byte:reason]

The sending node:

  • SHOULD send will_add_htlc if it doesn't have enough channel balance to send update_add_htlc.
  • When sending will_add_htlc:
    • MUST NOT fail the matching upstream HTLC.
    • MUST reset the will_add_htlc_timeout timer associated with that payment_hash.
    • SHOULD set will_add_htlc_timeout to at least 90 seconds (greater than the MPP timeout).
    • If the will_add_htlc_timeout is reached:
      • MUST fail the matching upstream HTLCs.
      • MUST forget all will_add_htlc associated with that payment_hash.
      • SHOULD send a warning to its peer.
  • When receiving open_channel2 containing request_funds:
    • If the payment_type is from_future_htlc or from_future_htlc_with_preimage:
      • If the matching will_add_htlc sets cannot pay the liquidity fees or request_funds is too small:
        • MUST send cancel_on_the_fly_funding.
        • MUST discard the matching will_add_htlc sets.
        • MUST fail the matching upstream HTLCs.
        • MUST cancel the will_add_htlc_timeout timer associated with those payment_hashes.
      • Otherwise:
        • SHOULD allow the sender to contribute nothing to the funding transaction.
        • MUST cancel the will_add_htlc_timeout timer associated with those payment_hashes.
        • MUST respond with accept_channel2 including the will_fund field.
        • If an upstream HTLC for one of those payment_hashes is close to timing out:
          • MUST cancel the channel open if the transaction hasn't been signed yet.
          • MUST fail all matching upstream HTLCs.
          • MUST forget all matching will_add_htlc and not relay them later.
        • After exchanging channel_ready:
          • MUST relay the HTLCs matching those payment_hashes.
          • MUST use the funding_fee field in update_add_htlc to collect the liquidity fees.
          • SHOULD split the funding fee across multiple HTLCs if necessary.
          • If the receiver fails those HTLCs:
            • SHOULD blacklist that node and close the channel whenever possible.
  • When receiving splice_init containing request_funds:
    • If the sender has enough channel balance to pay the liquidity fees:
      • MAY reject splice_init if it doesn't use the from_channel_balance payment type.
      • MUST send cancel_on_the_fly_funding if it rejects splice_init.
    • If the payment_type is from_future_htlc or from_future_htlc_with_preimage:
      • MUST apply similar requirements as open_channel2 above.
      • After exchanging splice_locked:
        • MUST relay the HTLCs matching those payment_hashes.
        • MUST use the funding_fee field in update_add_htlc to collect the liquidity fees.
        • SHOULD split the funding fee across multiple HTLCs if necessary.
        • If the receiver fails those HTLCs:
          • SHOULD blacklist that node and close the channel whenever possible.
  • On disconnection or restart:
    • If no funding transaction was signed that matches the pending will_add_htlc:
      • MUST cancel the will_add_htlc_timeout timer.
      • MUST forget all will_add_htlc associated with that payment_hash.
      • MUST fail the matching upstream HTLCs.
    • Otherwise:
      • MUST only fail the matching upstream HTLCs if they're close to timing out.
      • MUST discard the matching will_add_htlc when failing the upstream HTLC.

The receiving node:

  • SHOULD use a large enough min_final_expiry_delta in invoices to allow funding to complete before receiving HTLCs.
  • MUST process will_add_htlc as if it were a normal HTLC.
  • MUST use the latest funding_rates it has received from the sending node.
  • If it would have failed that HTLC:
    • MUST send will_fail_htlc or will_fail_malformed_htlc.
    • MUST forget this will_add_htlc.
  • If the funding fee is too high:
    • MUST fail the corresponding will_add_htlc.
  • Otherwise, if wants to accept that payment:
    • If it has enough channel balance to pay the funding fee:
      • MUST send splice_init using the from_channel_balance payment type.
      • When receiving the matching update_add_htlc:
        • MUST reject them if funding_fee is included.
    • Otherwise:
      • MUST send open_channel2 or splice_init using from_future_htlc or from_future_htlc_with_preimage.
      • When receiving the matching update_add_htlc:
        • If the funding_fee exceeds the expected fee:
          • MUST fail those update_add_htlc.
        • Otherwise:
          • MUST fulfill those update_add_htlc.
    • When receiving cancel_on_the_fly_funding:
      • MUST consider the funding attempts for the corresponding payment_hashes failed.

On-the-fly funding examples

In the following examples, we omit the commit_sig / revoke_and_ack messages exchanged between Bob and Carol for simplicity.

On-the-fly channel creation

In this example, Alice and Bob don't have a channel yet. Bob receives two HTLCs that should be relayed to Alice. Those two HTLCs may or may not use the same payment_hash.

After successfully creating the channel, Bob relays the HTLCs and splits the funding fee. If the HTLC amount allows it, Bob may claim the entire funding fee in only one of the HTLCs.

   Alice                           Bob                           Carol
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |        will_add_htlc         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |        will_add_htlc         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |        open_channel2         |                              |
     |     (from_future_htlc)       |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       accept_channel2        |                              |
     |         (will_fund)          | funding_fee = 1200 sat       |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |      <interactive-tx>        |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |        channel_ready         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |        channel_ready         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |        <relay HTLCs>         |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |       update_add_htlc        |                              |
     |   (funding_fee = 700 sat)    |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       update_add_htlc        |                              |
     |   (funding_fee = 500 sat)    |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |     update_fulfill_htlc      |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |     update_fulfill_htlc      |                              |
     |----------------------------->|     update_fulfill_htlc      |
     |          commit_sig          |----------------------------->|
     |----------------------------->|     update_fulfill_htlc      |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |----------------------------->|
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |                              |                              |

On-the-fly splicing using channel balance

In this example, Alice and Bob already have a channel, but all of the channel liquidity is on Alice's side. Alice thus has enough channel balance to pay the funding fee via the splice transaction. When relaying the HTLCs after sending splice_locked, Bob doesn't need to claim the funding fee since it has already been paid.

   Alice                           Bob                           Carol
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |        will_add_htlc         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |        will_add_htlc         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |             stfu             |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |             stfu             |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |         splice_init          |                              |
     |   (from_channel_balance)     |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          splice_ack          |                              |
     |         (will_fund)          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |      <interactive-tx>        |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |        splice_locked         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |        splice_locked         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |        <relay HTLCs>         |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |       update_add_htlc        |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       update_add_htlc        |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |     update_fulfill_htlc      |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |     update_fulfill_htlc      |                              |
     |----------------------------->|     update_fulfill_htlc      |
     |          commit_sig          |----------------------------->|
     |----------------------------->|     update_fulfill_htlc      |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |----------------------------->|
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |                              |                              |

On-the-fly splicing without channel balance

In this example, Alice and Bob already have a channel. Alice doesn't have enough channel balance to pay the funding fee, and Bob doesn't have enough channel balance to relay the HTLCs coming from Carol.

After exchanging splice_locked, Bob relays the HTLCs and splits the funding fee. If the HTLC amount allows it, Bob may claim the entire funding fee in only one of the HTLCs.

   Alice                           Bob                           Carol
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |        will_add_htlc         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |        will_add_htlc         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |             stfu             |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |             stfu             |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |         splice_init          |                              |
     |     (from_future_htlc)       |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          splice_ack          |                              |
     |         (will_fund)          | funding_fee = 1500 sat       |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |      <interactive-tx>        |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |        splice_locked         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |        splice_locked         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |        <relay HTLCs>         |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |       update_add_htlc        |                              |
     |   (funding_fee = 650 sat)    |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       update_add_htlc        |                              |
     |   (funding_fee = 850 sat)    |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |     update_fulfill_htlc      |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |     update_fulfill_htlc      |                              |
     |----------------------------->|     update_fulfill_htlc      |
     |          commit_sig          |----------------------------->|
     |----------------------------->|     update_fulfill_htlc      |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |----------------------------->|
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |                              |                              |

Reject on-the-fly funding

In this example, Alice receives a multi-part payment that can be partially relayed with HTLCs. The remaining part requires on-the-fly funding, but Alice rejects it (e.g. the funding fee is too high).

   Alice                           Bob                           Carol
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |       update_add_htlc        |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |        will_add_htlc         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |        will_fail_htlc        |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |                              |       update_fail_htlc       |
     |                              |----------------------------->|
     |                              |                              |
     |        <MPP timeout>         |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |       update_fail_htlc       |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |                              |       update_fail_htlc       |
     |                              |----------------------------->|
     |                              |                              |

On-the-fly funding timeout

In this example, Alice receives a multi-part payment with one normal HTLC and the remaining part as an on-the-fly funding proposal. Alice accepts the funding proposal, but Bob times out before receiving Alice's response.

   Alice                           Bob                           Carol
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |       update_add_htlc        |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |        will_add_htlc         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |             stfu             |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |             stfu             |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |   <will_add_htlc_timeout>    |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |                      warning |                              |
     |                  <-----------|       update_fail_htlc       |
     | splice_init                  |----------------------------->|
     |--------------->              |                              |
     |    warning                   |                              |
     |<-----------                  |                              |
     |               splice_init    |                              |
     |              --------------->|                              |
     |  cancel_on_the_fly_funding   |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |        <MPP timeout>         |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |       update_fail_htlc       |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |                              |       update_fail_htlc       |
     |                              |----------------------------->|
     |                              |                              |

On-the-fly funding with HTLCs timing out

In this example, Alice accepts an on-the-fly funding proposal, but doesn't send channel_ready. The upstream HTLC times out, which forces Bob to fail them. At that point, Bob cannot relay the HTLC to Alice anymore, and wasn't paid for the channel funding. Bob may require using from_future_htlc_with_preimage instead of from_future_htlc to protect against this issue.

   Alice                           Bob                           Carol
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |        will_add_htlc         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |        open_channel2         |                              |
     |     (from_future_htlc)       |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       accept_channel2        |                              |
     |         (will_fund)          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |      <interactive-tx>        |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |        channel_ready         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |                              |    <HTLC close to expiry>    |
     |                              |                              |
     |                              |       update_fail_htlc       |
     |                              |----------------------------->|
     |           warning            |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |        channel_ready         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |      <no HTLCs relayed>      |                              |
     |                              |                              |

Disconnection before signing funding transaction

In this example, Alice and Bob are disconnected before completing the funding transaction. The funding attempt is aborted, and the matching upstream HTLC are failed. Once the MPP timeout hits, Alice fails the first payment part that was relayed with a normal HTLC.

   Alice                           Bob                           Carol
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |       update_add_htlc        |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |        will_add_htlc         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |             stfu             |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |             stfu             |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |         splice_init          |                              |
     |      (from_future_htlc)      |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          splice_ack          |                              |
     |         (will_fund)          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |       <disconnection>        |       update_fail_htlc       |
     |                              |----------------------------->|
     |     channel_reestablish      |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |     channel_reestablish      |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |        <MPP timeout>         |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |       update_fail_htlc       |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |                              |       update_fail_htlc       |
     |                              |----------------------------->|
     |                              |                              |

Disconnection after signing funding transaction

In this example, Alice and Bob are disconnected after completing the funding transaction. Bob must keep track of the HTLCs that need to be relayed when reconnecting (unless the upstream HTLCs timeout before that).

   Alice                           Bob                           Carol
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |        will_add_htlc         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |        open_channel2         |                              |
     |     (from_future_htlc)       |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       accept_channel2        |                              |
     |         (will_fund)          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |      <interactive-tx>        |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     | channel_ready                |                              |
     |-----------------X            |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |       <disconnection>        |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |     channel_reestablish      |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |     channel_reestablish      |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |        <relay HTLCs>         |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |       update_add_htlc        |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |     update_fulfill_htlc      |                              |
     |----------------------------->|     update_fulfill_htlc      |
     |          commit_sig          |----------------------------->|
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |                              |                              |

Disconnection after relaying post-funding HTLCs

In this example, Alice and Bob are disconnected after completing the funding transaction and trying to relay the corresponding HTLCs. Bob must keep track of those HTLCs and relay them again when reconnecting (unless the upstream HTLCs timeout before that).

   Alice                           Bob                           Carol
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |       update_add_htlc        |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |        will_add_htlc         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |             stfu             |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |             stfu             |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |         splice_init          |                              |
     |      (from_future_htlc)      |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          splice_ack          |                              |
     |         (will_fund)          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |      <interactive-tx>        |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |        splice_locked         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |        splice_locked         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |        <relay HTLCs>         |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |              update_add_htlc |                              |
     |          X-------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |       <disconnection>        |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |     channel_reestablish      |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |     channel_reestablish      |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |        <relay HTLCs>         |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |       update_add_htlc        |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |     update_fulfill_htlc      |                              |
     |----------------------------->|     update_fulfill_htlc      |
     |     update_fulfill_htlc      |----------------------------->|
     |----------------------------->|     update_fulfill_htlc      |
     |          commit_sig          |----------------------------->|
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |                              |                              |

Lightning payments added to funding fee credit

Fee credit feature bits

Bits Name Description Context Dependencies
562/563 funding_fee_credit On-the-fly funding fee credit IN on_the_fly_funding

The add_fee_credit and current_fee_credit messages

The add_fee_credit message reveals the preimage associated with some will_add_htlc messages and expects the receiver to add the corresponding amount to its fee credit.

  1. type: 41045 (add_fee_credit)
  2. data:
    • [chain_hash:chain_hash]
    • [32*byte:payment_preimage]

The current_fee_credit message lets the receiver know how much fee credit they currently have.

  1. type: 41046 (current_fee_credit)
  2. data:
    • [chain_hash:chain_hash]
    • [u64:amount_msat]
    • [current_fee_credit_tlvs:tlvs]

The latest_payments field provides the latest preimages received by the sender, which acts as an acknowledgement for the corresponding add_fee_credit messages. This lets the buyer detect when add_fee_credit messages have been lost during a disconnection.

  1. tlv_stream: current_fee_credit_tlvs
  2. types:
    1. type: 1 (latest_payments)
    2. data:
    • [...*32*byte:payment_preimages]

We also define a new payment_type for liquidity ads, which lets a buyer pay the funding fee using its fee credit.

  1. payment_type: 130 (from_fee_credit)


A node that supports buying fee credit:

  • When accepting a set of will_add_htlc messages:
    • If it has enough fee credit to pay the funding fee:
      • MUST send open_channel2 or splice_init using the from_fee_credit payment type.
    • Otherwise:
      • MUST send add_fee_credit, revealing the payment preimage.
      • MUST consider the incoming payment complete.
  • When receiving current_fee_credit:
    • If latest_payments is set:
      • If add_fee_credit was sent and latest_payments does not contain its payment_hash:
        • MUST consider that the amount was not added to its fee credit.

A node that supports selling fee credit:

  • When receiving add_fee_credit:
    • If it has some pending will_add_htlc matching that payment_hash:
      • MUST cancel the will_add_htlc_timeout timer associated with that payment_hash.
      • MUST fulfill the matching upstream HTLCs.
      • MUST forget all will_add_htlc associated with that payment_hash.
      • MUST add the will_add_htlc amount to the sender's fee credit.
      • MUST sent current_fee_credit with the updated fee credit.
    • Otherwise:
      • SHOULD send a warning.
      • MUST send current_fee_credit with the current fee credit.
  • When receiving open_channel2 or splice_init with the from_fee_credit payment type:
    • If the sender has enough fee credit to pay the funding fee:
      • SHOULD allow the sender to contribute nothing to the funding transaction.
      • MUST respond with accept_channel2 or splice_ack including the will_fund field.
      • After exchanging tx_signatures:
        • MUST send current_fee_credit with the updated fee credit.
        • For all pending will_add_htlc that can now be relayed:
          • MUST send a matching update_add_htlc without a funding_fee field.
          • MUST cancel the will_add_htlc_timeout timer associated with that payment_hash.
          • MUST forget that will_add_htlc.
    • Otherwise:
      • MUST send cancel_on_the_fly_funding.
      • MUST send current_fee_credit.

Fee credit examples

Fee credit purchase

In this example, Alice receives a multi-part payment with one HTLC and one will_add_htlc. She decides to fulfill that payment and add the will_add_htlc part to her fee credit.

   Alice                           Bob                           Carol
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |       update_add_htlc        |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |        will_add_htlc         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |        add_fee_credit        |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |                              |     update_fulfill_htlc      |
     |                              |----------------------------->|
     |      current_fee_credit      |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |     update_fulfill_htlc      |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |                              |     update_fulfill_htlc      |
     |                              |----------------------------->|
     |                              |                              |

Fee credit purchase with funding timeout

In this example, Alice receives will_add_htlc. She decides to add it to her fee credit, but unfortunately, it concurrently times out on Bob's side, who fails the upstream HTLCs. The amount is not added to Alice's fee credit, and Carol doesn't receive the payment preimage.

   Alice                           Bob                           Carol
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |        will_add_htlc         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |    <will_add_htlc_timeout>   |                              |
     |                              |       update_fail_htlc       |
     |                              |----------------------------->|
     |        add_fee_credit        |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |           warning            |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |      current_fee_credit      |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |

Fee credit purchase with funding timeout and HTLC part

In this example, Alice receives a multi-part payment with one HTLC and one will_add_htlc. She decides to fulfill that payment and add the will_add_htlc part to her fee credit. Unfortunately, the will_add_htlc times out on Bob's side, who fails the upstream HTLCs. The will_add_htlc amount is not added to Alice's fee credit, and Carol receives the preimage with a partial payment. If the buyer wants to ensure that this cannot happen, they shouldn't send add_fee_credit for multi-part payments that contain an HTLC.

   Alice                           Bob                           Carol
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |       update_add_htlc        |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |        will_add_htlc         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |    <will_add_htlc_timeout>   |                              |
     |                              |       update_fail_htlc       |
     |                              |----------------------------->|
     |        add_fee_credit        |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |           warning            |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |      current_fee_credit      |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |     update_fulfill_htlc      |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |                              |     update_fulfill_htlc      |
     |                              |----------------------------->|
     |                              |                              |

Fee credit purchase with disconnection

In this example, Alice receives a multi-part payment with one HTLC and one will_add_htlc. She decides to fulfill that payment and add the will_add_htlc part to her fee credit. A disconnection happens before Bob can receive her add_fee_credit message. Bob forgets the pending will_add_htlc and fails the upstream HTLC. On reconnection, Alice detects that Bob didn't receive add_fee_credit and can update her internal state.

   Alice                           Bob                           Carol
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |       update_add_htlc        |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |        will_add_htlc         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     | add_fee_credit               |                              |
     |------------------X           |                              |
     | update_fulfill_htlc          |                              |
     |-----------------------X      |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |       <disconnection>        |                              |
     |                              |       update_fail_htlc       |
     |                              |----------------------------->|
     |     channel_reestablish      |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |     channel_reestablish      |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |      current_fee_credit      |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |      update_fulfill_htlc     |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |                              |     update_fulfill_htlc      |
     |                              |----------------------------->|
     |                              |                              |

Funding using fee credit

In this example, Alice receives a multi-part payment with one HTLC and one will_add_htlc. She has enough fee credit and initiates on-the-fly funding.

   Alice                           Bob                           Carol
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |       update_add_htlc        |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |        will_add_htlc         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |             stfu             |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |             stfu             |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |         splice_init          |                              |
     |      (from_fee_credit)       |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          splice_ack          |                              |
     |         (will_fund)          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |      <interactive-tx>        |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |      current_fee_credit      |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |        splice_locked         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |        splice_locked         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |        <relay HTLCs>         |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |       update_add_htlc        |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |     update_fulfill_htlc      |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |     update_fulfill_htlc      |                              |
     |----------------------------->|     update_fulfill_htlc      |
     |          commit_sig          |----------------------------->|
     |----------------------------->|     update_fulfill_htlc      |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |----------------------------->|
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |                              |                              |

Funding using fee credit with timeout

In this example, Alice receives a multi-part payment with one HTLC and one will_add_htlc. She has enough fee credit and initiates on-the-fly funding. The will_add_htlc times out before funding completes.

   Alice                           Bob                           Carol
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |       update_add_htlc        |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |        will_add_htlc         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |             stfu             |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |             stfu             |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |         splice_init          |                              |
     |      (from_fee_credit)       |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          splice_ack          |                              |
     |         (will_fund)          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |      <interactive-tx>        |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |   <will_add_htlc_timeout>    |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |           warning            |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|       update_fail_htlc       |
     |                              |----------------------------->|
     |      current_fee_credit      |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |        splice_locked         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |        splice_locked         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |        <MPP timeout>         |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |       update_fail_htlc       |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |                              |       update_fail_htlc       |
     |                              |----------------------------->|
     |                              |                              |

Funding without enough fee credit

In this example, Alice receives a multi-part payment with one HTLC and one will_add_htlc. She initiates on-the-fly funding, but doesn't have enough fee credit.

   Alice                           Bob                           Carol
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |       update_add_htlc        |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |       update_add_htlc        |
     |                              |<-----------------------------|
     |        will_add_htlc         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |             stfu             |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |             stfu             |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |         splice_init          |                              |
     |      (from_fee_credit)       |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |   cancel_on_the_fly_funding  |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |      current_fee_credit      |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |   <will_add_htlc_timeout>    |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |           warning            |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|       update_fail_htlc       |
     |                              |----------------------------->|
     |                              |                              |
     |        <MPP timeout>         |                              |
     |                              |                              |
     |       update_fail_htlc       |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |          commit_sig          |                              |
     |<-----------------------------|                              |
     |       revoke_and_ack         |                              |
     |----------------------------->|                              |
     |                              |       update_fail_htlc       |
     |                              |----------------------------->|
     |                              |                              |

Implementation details

The following implementation details are specific to eclair and lightning-kmp, but may be useful for other implementations.

Buyer behavior

The HTLC recipient should handle all will_add_htlc parts together with normal HTLC parts. When it wants to accept a set of will_add_htlc parts, it should send open_channel2 or splice_init and flush the will_add_htlc parts from the incoming payment handler. If there are normal HTLC parts, it should extend the MPP timeout timer to ensure that the will_add_htlc parts are relayed as normal HTLCs before the timeout.

When accepting a set of will_add_htlc parts, the total funding fee must be stored with the funding transaction, to allow checking that it matches the fees that may later be subtracted from incoming HTLCs.

If from_channel_balance was used, store an outgoing payment for a liquidity purchase in the payments DB when the funding transaction completes.

If from_future_htlc or from_future_htlc_with_preimage was used, don't store anything in the payments DB when the funding transaction completes. An incoming payment will be stored when we later receive the HTLCs, and the funding fees will be correctly recorded since they're included in the funding_fee field.

If from_fee_credit was used, store an outgoing payment for a liquidity purchase in the payments DB when the funding transaction completes.

When funding_fee_credit is supported and we send add_fee_credit, we should immediately store an incoming payment in the DB and mark it as received as fee credit. It should initially be flagged as unconfirmed, since we don't know yet if our peer received our add_fee_credit message and if the will_add_htlc have not timed out on its side. When we then receive current_fee_credit, we can check the latest_payments field and update our payments DB to mark the fee credit as confirmed.

Seller behavior

When signing an on-the-fly funding transaction (before sending commit_sig), the node must record the corresponding HTLC set and the funding fee. On disconnection or restart, it must not fail the corresponding upstream HTLCs (unless they are close to timing out). If an upstream HTLC is failed because it is close to timing out, the HTLC set must be cleared from the DB.

The node may want to check the HTLC expiry before offering will_add_htlc and only offer it when the expiry is far enough in the future.

If a buyer cheats and fails the relayed HTLCs, it's unclear whether we should use a scorched earth strategy and immediately force-close, since we've already broadcast the transaction (and the buyer may be buggy instead of malicious). Maybe we should simply mark them as fishy, and not accept from_future_htlc from them anymore and only allow from_channel_balance and from_fee_credit.

When receiving open_channel2 or splice_init using from_fee_credit, we should only decrease the fee credit in our DB when we send tx_signatures for the funding transaction (which guarantees that both sides are committed to complete that funding transaction even if they get disconnected). There may be some edge cases when we disconnect after receiving commit_sig but before sending tx_signatures, we must make sure we get this right during the implementation.

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