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Created March 28, 2022 12:01
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def is_safe(board, i, j):
n = len(board)
j_left = j
j_right = j
while i >= 0:
if (j_left >= 0 and board[i][j_left] == 1) or board[i][j] == 1 or (j_right < n and board[i][j_right] == 1):
return False
i -= 1
j_left -= 1
j_right += 1
return True
def rec(board, i):
n = len(board)
if i == n:
return 1
nb_solutions = 0
for j in range(n):
if is_safe(board, i, j):
board[i][j] = 1
nb_solutions += rec(board, i+1)
board[i][j] = 0
return nb_solutions
def n_queens(n):
board = [[0]*n for _ in range(n)]
return rec(board, 0)
print(n_queens(8)) # Output: 92
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ZettZet commented May 27, 2022

Alternatively, if add memoization of placed queens, is_safe can be more readable

Additionally, we can get solution from it. Just print
placed_queens when hit base case (i==n)

def is_safe(board, i, j, placed_queens):
    return not any(i == i_ or j == j_ or abs(i - i_) == abs(j - j_) for i_, j_ in placed_queens)

def rec(board, i, placed_queens = None):
    n = len(board)
    if i == n:
        return 1
    if placed_queens is None:
    	placed_queens = []

    nb_solutions = 0
    for j in range(n):
        if is_safe(board, i, j, placed_queens):
            board[i][j] = 1
            placed_queens.append((i, j))
            nb_solutions += rec(board, i+1, placed_queens[:])
            board[i][j] = 0
    return nb_solutions
def n_queens(n):
    board = [[0]*n for _ in range(n)]
    return rec(board, 0)


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