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geocoder types
declare namespace node_geocoder {
type Providers =
'freegeoip' | 'datasciencetoolkit' |
'locationiq' | 'mapquest' | 'openmapquest' |
'tomtom' | 'nominatimmapquest' |
'opencage' | 'geocodio' |
'yandex' | 'teleport' | 'pickpoint';
interface BaseOptions {
provider: string;
httpAdapter?: 'https' | 'http' | 'request';
timeout?: number;
formatterPattern?: string;
formatter?: any;
interface HereOptions {
provider: 'here';
appId: string;
appCode: string;
language?: string;
politicalView?: string;
country?: string;
state?: string;
production?: boolean;
interface OpenStreetMapOptions {
provider: 'openstreetmap';
language?: string;
email?: string;
apiKey?: string;
osmServer?: string;
interface OpenDataFranceOptions {
provider: 'opendatafrance';
language?: string;
email?: string;
apiKey?: string;
interface AgolOptions {
provider: 'agol';
client_id?: string;
client_secret?: string;
interface SmartyStreetsOptions {
provider: 'smartyStreet';
auth_id: string;
auth_token: string;
interface GoogleOptions {
provider: 'google';
clientId?: string;
apiKey?: string;
language?: string;
region?: string;
excludePartialMatches?: boolean;
channel?: string;
interface GenericOptions {
provider: Providers;
apiKey?: string;
language?: string;
host?: string;
type Options = BaseOptions & (GenericOptions | HereOptions | OpenStreetMapOptions | OpenDataFranceOptions | AgolOptions | SmartyStreetsOptions | GoogleOptions);
interface Location {
lat: number;
lon: number;
interface Entry {
formattedAddress?: string;
latitude?: number;
longitude?: number;
extra?: {
googlePlaceId?: string;
confidence?: number;
administrativeLevels?: {
level1long?: string;
level1short?: string;
level2long?: string;
level2short?: string;
city?: string;
streetName?: string;
streetNumber?: string;
country?: string;
countryCode?: string;
zipcode?: string;
provider?: string;
state?: string;
stateCode?: string;
county?: string;
district?: string;
building?: string;
interface Query {
address?: string;
country?: string;
countryCode?: string;
zipcode?: string;
minConfidence?: number;
limit?: number;
interface BatchResult {
error: any;
value: Entry[];
class Geocoder {
geocode(query: string | Query, cb?: (err: any, data: Entry[]) => void): Promise<Entry[]>;
batchGeocode(queries: string[] | Query[], cb?: (err: any, data: BatchResult[]) => void): Promise<BatchResult[]>;
reverse(loc: Location, cb?: (err: any, data: Entry[]) => void): Promise<Entry[]>;
declare function node_geocoder(options: node_geocoder.Options): node_geocoder.Geocoder;
export = node_geocoder;
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