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Created November 27, 2021 06:18
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Upper Arlington 2021 School Board Election simulator
import random
import secrets
import time
start_time = time.time()
print ("Welcome to the November 2021 Upper Arlington School Board Election simulation!")
print ("In Nov 2020, there were 24,622 ballots cast. 61.5% for Biden and 36.7% for Trump, and 1.8% for others. In other races, 49.1% voted for State Senator Kunze(R), and 50.9% voted for Rep. Stivers(R). In previous November elections, 23,309 ballots were cast in 2016, 15,526 in 2017, 21,043 in 2018 and 9,556 in 2019.")
print ("Let's run a simulation of the upcoming school board election.")
demPrefs = {'Liz': .02, 'Lou': .05, 'Nidhi':.98, 'Scott':.40, 'Carol':.70}
indPrefs = {'Liz': .20, 'Lou': .45, 'Nidhi':.35, 'Scott':.70, 'Carol':.45}
gopPrefs = {'Liz': .90, 'Lou': .98, 'Nidhi':.02, 'Scott':.20, 'Carol':.05}
gopVoteShare = .39
indVoteShare = .15
demVoteShare = 1-(indVoteShare+gopVoteShare)
print("The electorate will be composed of " + str(round(float(gopVoteShare*100))) + "% partisan Trump voters, " + str(round(float(indVoteShare*100))) + "% Biden/Stivers voters and " + str(round(float(demVoteShare*100)))+"% partisan Democrats.")
print("A party line Democratic voter's choice probabilities:")
for k, v in demPrefs.items():
print(k + " " + str(int(v*100))+ "%")
print("A party line Trump voter's choice probabilities:")
for k, v in gopPrefs.items():
print(k + " " + str(int(v*100))+ "%")
print("A Biden/Stivers voter's choice probabilities:")
for k, v in indPrefs.items():
print(k + " " + str(int(v*100))+ "%")
# class Voter:
# def __init__(self, profile):
# self.profile = profile
# print("A new " + profile + " voter has been created!")
def vote(profile):
if profile=='Dem':
voterPref = demPrefs
elif profile=='Ind':
voterPref = indPrefs
elif profile=='GOP':
voterPref = gopPrefs
print("ERROR!the vote function didn't work!!")
ballotChoice = {'Liz': 0, 'Lou': 0, 'Nidhi':0, 'Scott':0, 'Carol':0}
for i in range(5):
for k, v in ballotChoice.items():
if random.SystemRandom().uniform(0,1) < voterPref.get(k):
prefSorted = sorted(ballotChoice.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
# for k, v in prefSorted:
# print (k + ' is receiving ' + str(v))
voteCastDict = dict(prefSorted[0:2])
voteCast = list(voteCastDict.keys())
return voteCast
# Election return system
electionReturns = {'Liz': 0, 'Lou': 0, 'Nidhi':0, 'Scott':0, 'Carol':0}
def addReturns(ballot):
for i in ballot:
for k, v in electionReturns.items():
if k == i:
# print (electionReturns)
# Do the actual election
def oneElection():
#totalVoters = random.randint(1300, 1500) # it doesn't need to be the full 19000 to 21000.
totalVoters = 14500
gopVoters = random.SystemRandom().uniform(gopVoteShare-.01,gopVoteShare+.01)
indVoters = random.SystemRandom().uniform(indVoteShare-.02,indVoteShare+.02)
demVoters = 1 - (gopVoters+indVoters)
print("Turnout is " + str(totalVoters) + " total voters")
print(str(int(gopVoters*100)) + "% of voters are party line Trump voters")
print(str(int(indVoters*100)) + "% of voters are Biden/Stivers voters")
print(str(int(demVoters*100)) + "% of voters are party line Democratic voters")
for i in range(int(totalVoters*float(gopVoters))):
# print (i)
for i in range(int(totalVoters*float(indVoters))):
# print (i)
for i in range(int(totalVoters*float(demVoters))):
# print (i)
returnsSorted = sorted(electionReturns.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
print ("Now let's print the final election returns!")
for k, v in returnsSorted:
print (k + ' - ' + str(v))
returnsDict = dict(returnsSorted[0:2])
winners = list(returnsDict.keys())
# print("The winners are "+ str(winners[0]) + " and " + str(winners[1]))
return winners
electionWins = {'Liz': 0, 'Lou': 0, 'Nidhi':0, 'Scott':0, 'Carol':0}
def addWins(electionResults):
for i in electionResults:
# print (electionResults)
for k, v in electionWins.items():
if k == i:
numOfSims = 1
print("Let's simulate " + str(numOfSims) + " elections and calculate each candidate's probability of winning.")
# your code
for i in range(numOfSims):
# print (i)
electionReturns = {'Liz': 0, 'Lou': 0, 'Nidhi':0, 'Scott':0, 'Carol':0}
# Finally, let's count up the number of wins.
winsSorted = sorted(electionWins.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
for k, v in winsSorted:
print (k + ' - ' + str(v) + " - " + str(round(float(v/numOfSims)*100, 1)) + "% chance of being elected.")
e = time.time() - start_time
print("%02d:%02d:%02d" % (e // 3600, (e % 3600 // 60), (e % 60 // 1)))
# aDemocrat = Voter(self,"Dem")
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