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Last active September 6, 2024 08:42
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TypeScript type definitions for Chrome's new built-in AI Prompt API and Writing Assistance APIs
* See
* and
declare global {
interface AI {
assistant: AIAssistantFactory;
summarizer: AISummarizerFactory;
writer: AIWriterFactory;
rewriter: AIRewriterFactory;
interface AIAssistantFactory {
create( options?: AIAssistantCreateOptions ): Promise< AIAssistant >;
capabilities(): Promise< AIAssistantCapabilities >;
interface AIAssistantCapabilities {
available: AICapabilityAvailability;
defaultTopK?: number | null;
maxTopK?: number | null;
| 0.1
| 0.2
| 0.3
| 0.4
| 0.5
| 0.6
| 0.7
| 0.8
| 0.9
| 1.0
| null;
supportsLanguage( languageTag: string ): AICapabilityAvailability;
interface AIAssistant {
input: string,
options?: AIAssistantPromptOptions
): Promise< string >;
input: string,
options?: AIAssistantPromptOptions
): AIReadableStream;
input: string,
options?: AIAssistantPromptOptions
): number;
destroy(): void;
clone(): AIAssistant;
interface AISummarizerFactory {
create( options?: AISummarizerCreateOptions ): Promise< AISummarizer >;
capabilities(): Promise< AISummarizerCapabilities >;
interface AISummarizerCapabilities {
available: AICapabilityAvailability;
supportsType( tone: AISummarizerType ): AICapabilityAvailability;
supportsFormat( format: AISummarizerFormat ): AICapabilityAvailability;
supportsLength( length: AISummarizerLength ): AICapabilityAvailability;
supportsInputLanguage( languageTag: string ): AICapabilityAvailability;
interface AISummarizerCreateOptions {
signal?: AbortSignal;
monitor?: AICreateMonitorCallback;
sharedContext?: string;
type?: AISummarizerType; // Default is 'key-points'.
format?: AISummarizerFormat; // Default is 'markdown'.
length?: AISummarizerLength; // Default is 'short'.
type AISummarizerType = 'tl;dr' | 'key-points' | 'teaser' | 'headline';
type AISummarizerFormat = 'plain-text' | 'markdown';
type AISummarizerLength = 'short' | 'medium' | 'long';
interface AISummarizerSummarizeOptions {
signal?: AbortSignal;
context?: string;
interface AISummarizer extends EventTarget {
ready: Promise< undefined >;
input: string,
options?: AISummarizerSummarizeOptions
): Promise< string >;
input: string,
options?: AISummarizerSummarizeOptions
): AIReadableStream;
interface AIWriterFactory {
create( options?: AIWriterCreateOptions ): Promise< AIWriter >;
capabilities(): Promise< AIWriterCapabilities >;
interface AIWriterCapabilities {
available: AICapabilityAvailability;
supportsTone( tone: AIWriterTone ): AICapabilityAvailability;
supportsFormat( format: AIWriterFormat ): AICapabilityAvailability;
supportsLength( length: AIWriterLength ): AICapabilityAvailability;
supportsInputLanguage( languageTag: string ): AICapabilityAvailability;
interface AIWriterCreateOptions {
signal?: AbortSignal;
monitor?: AICreateMonitorCallback;
sharedContext?: string;
tone?: AIWriterTone; // Default is 'key-points'.
format?: AIWriterFormat; // Default is 'markdown'.
length?: AIWriterLength; // Default is 'short'.
// TODO: What about 'key-points'? File issue.
type AIWriterTone = 'formal' | 'neutral' | 'casual';
type AIWriterFormat = 'plain-text' | 'markdown';
type AIWriterLength = 'short' | 'medium' | 'long';
interface AIWriterWriteOptions {
signal?: AbortSignal;
context?: string;
interface AIWriter {
writingTask: string,
options?: AIWriterWriteOptions
): Promise< string >;
writingTask: string,
options?: AIWriterWriteOptions
): AIReadableStream;
tone: AIWriterTone;
format: AIWriterFormat;
length: AIWriterLength;
destroy(): void;
interface AIRewriterFactory {
create( options?: AIRewriterCreateOptions ): Promise< AIRewriter >;
capabilities(): Promise< AIRewriterCapabilities >;
interface AIRewriterCapabilities {
available: AICapabilityAvailability;
supportsTone( tone: AIRewriterTone ): AICapabilityAvailability;
supportsFormat( format: AIRewriterFormat ): AICapabilityAvailability;
supportsLength( length: AIRewriterLength ): AICapabilityAvailability;
supportsInputLanguage( languageTag: string ): AICapabilityAvailability;
interface AIRewriterCreateOptions {
signal?: AbortSignal;
monitor?: AICreateMonitorCallback;
sharedContext?: string;
tone?: AIRewriterTone; // Default is 'as-is'.
format?: AIRewriterFormat; // Default is 'as-is'.
length?: AIRewriterLength; // Default is 'as-is'.
type AIRewriterTone = 'as-is' | 'more-formal' | 'more-casual';
type AIRewriterFormat = 'as-is' | 'plain-text' | 'markdown';
type AIRewriterLength = 'as-is' | 'shorter' | 'longer';
interface AIRewriterRewriteOptions {
signal?: AbortSignal;
context?: string;
interface AIRewriter {
writingTask: string,
options?: AIRewriterRewriteOptions
): Promise< string >;
writingTask: string,
options?: AIRewriterRewriteOptions
): AIReadableStream;
tone: AIRewriterTone;
format: AIRewriterFormat;
length: AIRewriterLength;
destroy(): void;
type AICapabilityAvailability = 'readily' | 'after-download' | 'no';
interface InitialPrompt {
role: string;
content: string;
interface AssistantPrompt extends InitialPrompt {
role: 'assistant';
content: string;
interface UserPrompt extends InitialPrompt {
role: 'user';
content: string;
interface SystemPrompt extends InitialPrompt {
role: 'system';
interface AIAssistantCreateOptions {
temperature?: 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.3 | 0.4 | 0.5 | 0.6 | 0.7 | 0.8 | 0.9 | 1.0;
topK?: number;
systemPrompt?: string;
initialPrompts?: [
...Array< UserPrompt | AssistantPrompt >,
signal?: AbortSignal;
monitor?: AICreateMonitorCallback;
interface AIAssistantPromptOptions {
signal?: AbortSignal;
interface AICreateMonitor extends EventTarget {}
type AICreateMonitorCallback = ( monitor: AICreateMonitor ) => void;
interface WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope {
ai: AI;
interface AIReadableStream {
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator< string >;
export type {};
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Does it make sense to lift/share the temperature range so the values 0.1-1.0 aren't repeated?

type AITemperature = 
    | 0.1
    | 0.2
    | 0.3
    | 0.4
    | 0.5
    | 0.6
    | 0.7
    | 0.8
    | 0.9
    | 1.0;

interface AIAssistantCapabilities {
        | AITemperature
        | null;

interface AIAssistantCreateOptions {
    temperature?: AITemperature;

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Yeah that sounds reasonable 👍 I also considered just using number but thought more expressiveness is better.

I also thought about grabbing some enum descriptions from

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IEvangelist commented Aug 29, 2024

Sounds good! I didn't know there was a corresponding XML for the enums.

I always struggle with member names that aren't immediately meaningful without prior context, for example, defaultTopK, maxTopK, and topK. Anyone with little to no prior knowledge of AI will struggle understanding what those are used for and what they really mean. I'd love to see a different name used there, but I understand if you'd rather not as well.

Also, in the AIRewriterTone where are those values coming from? Often times with AI it's really nice to have things be more concise, as such and if possible, more-concise would be a great addition, assuming the implementation can support something like that.

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That's great feedback for and - that's where I got those names and values from :)

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I have created a draft PR here: DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped#70426

  • I chose to use number for the temperature instead of a union type, as using discrete values would hinder the calculation of a temperature value. This approach aligns with the guidelines outlined in the Prompt API explainer.
  • I did not copy the enum descriptions from the Chromium source due to potential copyright concerns. We can include these descriptions if we confirm that they are safe to use.

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Thanks for making happen! 🎉


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