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Last active March 11, 2017 20:23
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Emacs SF Meetup on Apr 29, 2015

Why GNU Emacs?

  • Powerful platform
  • 30 years old!

Why Vim?

  • Modal interface
    • e.g. Magit, Gnus, Hydra, etc.
  • Vim users in the audience:
    • Why do you like Vim?
    • Why do you want to switch to Emacs?

Why Spacemacs?

  1. Emacs and Vim
  2. Ubuntu:GNU/Linux = Spacemacs:Emacs
  3. Spacemacs is an opinionated distribution of Emacs
  4. Powerful layers, because Elisp & community
  5. Sane keyboard menus (C-c C-x C-i vs. ,i)

@kyptin says:

#vim is a superior editing experience (yay modes!), but #emacs has a superior plugin system, as evidenced by evil-mode and #spacemacs.

Step 1 : Get Spacemacs repo

git clone \ \

See installation demo video

Step 2 : Open Emacs, download the internet

  • Choose evil-mode or holy-mode
  • Downloads basic packages - evil-mode, etc.
  • Downloads another 90 packages

Step 3 : Configure the layers that you want

  • SPC f e h
  • Enable them in dotspacemacs-configuration-layers in your .spacemacs file (`SPC f e d`)

Step 4 : Profit!

  1. Press SPC and see guide-key in action
  2. ,j in OrgMode for helm jump in current buffer
  3. SPC g f l to open link in github
    1. ~/.emacs.d/core/core-dotspacemacs.el


  • SPC h T to start evil-mode tutorial
  • Read the
  • Read the docs/
  • After you have read the above two documents (which will answer most of your initial questions), you can ask questions in
  • Read evil-mode documentation
  • Read helm tutorial
  • When you’re not sure of the key binding, use SPC : (helm-M-x) to search for the right command and it will also display the key bindings


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