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Created August 26, 2015 05:21
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#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import arrow
import click
click.disable_unicode_literals_warning = True
def is_weekend(i):
assert isinstance(i, arrow.Arrow)
return i.weekday() in (5, 6)
@click.argument("working_days", type=click.IntRange(0, 360))
def datemanip(day, working_days):
> datemanip today 4
20150831 Mon
Use in conjunction with `cal -y` for your date manipulation needs.
if day == "today":
day =
day = arrow.get(day, "YYYYMMDD")
i = day
while True:
i = i.replace(days=+1)
working_days -= 1
# Skip weekend
while is_weekend(i):
i = i.replace(days=+1)
# Increment `i` & decrement working_days in lockstep
if working_days == 0:
print(i.format("YYYYMMDD ddd"))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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