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Created May 16, 2018 04:06
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Dump histograms in parallel using Varial
#!/usr/bin/env python
import glob
import sys
from varial_ext.treeprojector import TreeProjectorFileBased
# The following all caps variables are module level constants that I would tweak by hand.
# Most of them are parameters are passed to the treeprojection_mr_impl.map_projection
# function, so check its docstring for more information.
# This is an important parameter and you definitely should plug in the logic from
# into here so you can benefit from the routine that Heiner
# wrote which takes care of matching an input_pattern.
'Run2016BToG_MET_ReMiniAOD': glob.glob('/blah/blah/VHbbAnalysisNtuples/NanoAOD/Run2016BToG_MET_ReMiniAOD/*.root'),
# The histograms for Varial to generate. The dictionary key becomes the
# name of the TH1 object saved in the output ROOT file. The dictionary value
# holds the (variable, histogram_title, nbins, xmin, xmax). The variable can
# be just a branch name up to a TTreeFormula expression, basically anything
# allowed by TTree.Draw.
'H_mass': ('H_mass', 'Higgs Mass [GeV]', 50, 0, 500),
# The maximum number of multiprocessing workers.
# Any selections to apply.
SELECTION = 'cutFlow>=2'
# Any weights to apply.
WEIGHT = 'weight'
def main():
params = {'treename': 'Events', 'histos': HISTOGRAMS}
# This is a list of tuples of (title, selection, weight).
sec_sel_weight = [('Histograms', SELECTION, WEIGHT)]
# Create the TreeProjector object, shove it into a parallelized tool chain, and run it.
# It will generate an output directory in the current working directory called HistosFromTree.
# Inside that output directory will be a subdirectory called TreeProjectorFileBased. And finally
# within that subdirectory will be ROOT files named after the keys in the FILENAMES dictionary.
# Each ROOT file contains a TDirectoryFile named Histograms which contains all of the requested
# histograms for that corresponding sample.
projector = TreeProjectorFileBased(FILENAMES, params, sec_sel_weight, add_aliases_to_analysis=False)
plotter ='HistosFromTree', [projector], n_workers=MAXJOBS)
if __name__ == '__main__':
status = main()
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