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Tomatousb Configuration Tutorial

rcbarnes Aug 2012 Posts: 38

I'm running Tomato Firmware v1.28.7498 MIPSR2-Toastman-VLAN-RT K26 USB VPN-NOCAT, so YMMV, but I believe all currently-maintained versions of Tomato (particularly TomatoUSB) will match my interface so long as they have VPN support at all.

Click VPN Tunneling menu, then OpenVPN Client submenu
Choose the Client 1 tab and then Basic tab below
Check Start with WAN if you want to auto-connect whenever your router is online/starts up
Set Interface Type to TUN
Set Protocol to UDP
Set the Server Address/Port to (or whichever server you prefer) and port to 1194
Set the Firewall to Automatic
Set Authorization Mode to TLS
Check Username/Password Authentication
Enter Your Username/Password in the boxes that newly appear below the check box
Ensure that the Username Authen. Only box is unchecked
Uncheck Extra HMAC authorization
Check Create NAT on tunnel
Click on the Advanced tab
Set Poll Interval to 0
Uncheck Redirect Internet Traffic
Set Accept DNS configuration to Strict
Set Encryption cipher to Use Default
Set Compression to Adaptive
Set TLS Renegotiation Time to 0
Leave Connection retry as 30
Uncheck Verify server certificate (tls-remote)
In the Custom Configuration textbox, input the following:
verb 1
Click on the Keys tab
Paste the contents of ca.crt found in OpenVPN Config Files, into the Certificate Authority text area
Press the Save button before the Start Now button

Enjoy! Last edited at 2012-08-31 12:22:22

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