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Created June 14, 2023 20:32
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Dictionary implementation using Trie Tree
// Classic Trie tree implementation for a dictionary that also supports wildcard search
class TrieNode {
constructor(isEndOfWord = false) {
this.isEndOfWord = isEndOfWord;
this.children = {};
class Dictionary {
constructor(arr) {
this.root = new TrieNode();
arr.forEach((w) => this.insert(w));
insert(word) {
let crawl = this.root;
for (let j = 0; j < word.length; j++) {
const ch = word.charAt(j);
if (!crawl.children[ch]) { // if node does not exists for current character
crawl.children[ch] = new TrieNode(j === word.length - 1);
crawl = crawl.children[ch]; // move to next node for the character
isInDictRecur(word, node, index) {
if (!node) return false;
if (index === word.length && node.isEndOfWord) return true;
const ch = word.charAt(index);
if (ch === '*') {
if (index === word.length - 1) return true; // when '*' is last
return Object.keys(node.children).some((keyChar) => {
return this.isInDictRecur(word, node.children[keyChar], index + 1);
} else {
return this.isInDictRecur(word, node.children[ch], index + 1);
isInDict(word) {
return this.isInDictRecur(word, this.root, 0);
const wordArray = ['cat', 'car', 'boo', 'bar'];
const dict = new Dictionary(wordArray);
console.log(dict.isInDict('cat')); // true
console.log(dict.isInDict('*a*')); // true
console.log(dict.isInDict('cr*')); // false
console.log(dict.isInDict('wat')); // false
console.log(dict.isInDict('boo')); // true
console.log(dict.isInDict('b*o')); // true
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