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Last active November 16, 2020 10:41
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  • Save susieyy/3e1059d5dc9d0f2278db07e3fb73332f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save susieyy/3e1059d5dc9d0f2278db07e3fb73332f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Examines an issue where the MergeMany operator in Combine may not perform background processing.
import Foundation
import Combine
// see: workaround
// Examines an issue where the MergeMany operator in Combine may not perform background processing.
// $ swift --version
// Apple Swift version 5.3.1 (swiftlang-1200.0.41 clang-1200.0.32.8)
// Target: x86_64-apple-darwin20.1.0
// $ xcodebuild -version
// Xcode 12.2
// Build version 12B5044c
let workers: [AnyPublisher<String, Never>] = (0..<20).map {
.map {
print("Working: isMainThread [\(Thread.isMainThread)] [\($0)]")
return String($0)
var cancellables: Set<AnyCancellable> = .init()
print("Workers initial count: \(workers.count)")
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.sink(receiveValue: {
print("Workers result count: \($0.count)")
.store(in: &cancellables)
// - OUTPUT --------------------------------------------------------
// Workers initial count: 20
// Working: isMainThread [false] [0]
// Working: isMainThread [false] [1]
// Working: isMainThread [false] [2]
// Working: isMainThread [false] [3]
// Working: isMainThread [false] [5]
// Working: isMainThread [false] [6]
// Working: isMainThread [false] [7]
// Working: isMainThread [false] [10]
// Working: isMainThread [false] [9]
// Working: isMainThread [false] [11]
// Working: isMainThread [false] [12]
// Working: isMainThread [false] [13]
// Working: isMainThread [false] [14]
// Working: isMainThread [false] [15]
// Working: isMainThread [false] [17]
// Working: isMainThread [false] [19]
// Working: isMainThread [false] [18]
// Workers result count: 17 ← Expect 20 counts
// ▿ 17 elements
// - "0"
// - "3"
// - "2"
// - "1"
// - "5"
// - "10"
// - "7"
// - "6"
// - "9"
// - "11"
// - "12"
// - "14"
// - "15"
// - "13"
// - "18"
// - "17"
// - "19"
// - OUTPUT --------------------------------------------------------
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