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Created March 28, 2016 12:34
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import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
-- Exercise 1 Hopscotch
skips :: [a] -> [[a]]
skips xs = zipWith every [1..(length xs)] (repeat xs) where
every n xs = extractBy orderedPairs where
extractBy = fmap fst . filter ((== n) . snd)
orderedPairs = zip xs $ cycle [1..n]
-- every n xs = fmap (take 1 . reverse) . filter (\x -> length x == n) $ chunksOf n xs
-- every n xs = case drop (n-1) xs of
-- (y:ys) -> y : every n ys
-- [] -> []
-- skips [] = []
-- skips xs = [xs] ++ [everySecond xs] ++ nths where
-- everySecond (x:y:xs) = y : (everySecond xs)
-- everySecond _ = []
-- nths = fmap (\x -> [x]) $ drop 2 xs
exercise1 = do
print $ skips "ABCD" == ["ABCD", "BD", "C", "D"]
print $ skips "hello!" == ["hello!", "el!", "l!", "l", "o", "!"]
print $ skips [1] == [[1]]
print $ skips [True,False] == [[True,False], [False]]
-- print $ skips [] == []
-- Exercise 2 Local maxima
localMaxima :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
localMaxima xs = foldMap maxima $ triples xs where
triples xs = zip3 xs (drop 1 xs) (drop 2 xs)
maxima (x,y,z) = if (x < y) && (y > z) then [y] else []
-- triples l@(x:xs) = [take 3 l] ++ triples xs
-- triples _ = []
-- maxima (x:y:z:[]) = if (x < y) && (y > z) then [y] else []
-- maxima _ = []
exercise2 = do
print $ localMaxima [2,9,5,6,1] == [9,6]
print $ localMaxima [2,3,4,1,5] == [4]
print $ localMaxima [1,2,3,4,5] == []
-- Exercise 3 Histogram
histogram :: [Integer] -> String
histogram nums = unlines . transpose $ reverse . createRow <$> occurrences where
occurrences = (\(x:xs) -> (show x, length xs)) <$> (group . sort . (++ [0..9])) nums
maxHeight = maximum $ snd <$> occurrences
createRow (x,y) = concat $ legend ++ bar where
legend = [x ++ "="]
bar = take maxHeight (replicate y "*" ++ repeat " ")
exercise3 = do
putStrLn $ histogram [1,1,1,5]
putStrLn $ histogram [1,4,5,4,6,6,3,4,2,4,9]
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn ""
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