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Last active July 17, 2021 20:06
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SwiftUI Alert example using enum
import SwiftUI
enum Message {
/// A message and OK button
case information(body: String)
/// A message and OK button
case warning(body: String)
/// A question with YES and NO buttons
case confirmation(body: String, action: () -> Void)
/// A question about destractive action with `action` and CANCEL buttons
case destruction(body: String, label: String, action: () -> Void)
extension Message: Identifiable {
var id: String { String(reflecting: self) }
extension Message {
/// Builder of an Alert
func show() -> Alert {
switch self {
case let .confirmation(body, action):
return Alert(
title: Text("Confirmation"),
message: Text(body),
primaryButton: .default(Text("YES"), action: action),
secondaryButton: .cancel(Text("NO")))
case let .information(body):
return Alert(
title: Text("Information"),
message: Text(body))
case let .warning(body):
return Alert(
title: Text("Warning"),
message: Text(body))
case let .destruction(body, label, action):
return Alert(
title: Text("Confirmation"),
message: Text(body),
primaryButton: .destructive(Text(label), action: action),
secondaryButton: .cancel())
extension View {
func alert(with message: Binding<Message?>) -> some View {
self.alert(item: message) { $ }
struct ContentView: View {
var variants: [Message] = [
.confirmation(body: "Sure?", action: {
.destruction(body: "Are you want to delete files?", label: "DELETE", action: {
.warning(body: "You reached the limit!"),
.information(body: "Rest is what your body needs.")
@State var message: Message? = nil
var body: some View {
Button(action: {
self.message = self.variants.randomElement()!
}) {
Text("Let's alert")
.alert(with: $message)
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