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Last active December 2, 2021 13:19
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import taichi as ti
import numpy as np
from random import random
from tqdm import tqdm
from math import sin, pi, sqrt
from timer import Timer
timer = Timer()
# Support Functions
# Init taichi
# Input data
xn = 20
yn = xn
gravityConstant = 9.8
timestep = 0.001
m = 0.0008 # kg
windForce = [2.4, 0, -2.4]
lConst = 2 / xn
lCutConst = lConst * sqrt(2)
lBendConst = lConst * 2
# TODO adjust parameters
k_tension = 10
d_tension = 2
k_cut = 1
d_cut = 0.2
k_bend = 0.1
d_bend = 0.02
k_drag = 1
k_rise = 1
# Taichi Tensors
x = ti.Matrix(3, dt=ti.f32, shape=(xn, yn))
v = ti.Matrix(3, dt=ti.f32, shape=(xn, yn))
x_next = ti.Matrix(3, dt=ti.f32, shape=(xn, yn))
v_next = ti.Matrix(3, dt=ti.f32, shape=(xn, yn))
w = ti.Matrix(1, dt=ti.f32, shape=(xn, yn))
F = ti.Matrix(3, dt=ti.f32, shape=(xn, yn))
x_show = ti.Matrix(2, dt=ti.f32, shape=(xn*yn))
color_show = ti.var(ti.i32, shape=(xn*yn))
ver_line_begin_show = ti.Matrix(2, dt=ti.f32, shape=((xn-1)*yn))
ver_line_end_show = ti.Matrix(2, dt=ti.f32, shape=((xn-1)*yn))
ver_line_color_show = ti.var(ti.i32, shape=((xn-1)*yn))
hor_line_begin_show = ti.Matrix(2, dt=ti.f32, shape=(xn*(yn-1)))
hor_line_end_show = ti.Matrix(2, dt=ti.f32, shape=(xn*(yn-1)))
hor_line_color_show = ti.var(ti.i32, shape=(xn*(yn-1)))
# Support Functions in ti space
def Distance(a, b):
res = 0
res += (a[0]-b[0]) * (a[0]-b[0])
res += (a[1]-b[1]) * (a[1]-b[1])
res += (a[2]-b[2]) * (a[2]-b[2])
return ti.sqrt(res)
def Length(a):
res = 0.0
res += a[0] * a[0]
res += a[1] * a[1]
res += a[2] * a[2]
return ti.sqrt(res)
def Normalize(a):
l = Length(a)
a[0] /= l
a[1] /= l
a[2] /= l
def DotProd(a, b):
return a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2]
def CrossProd(a, b):
return a.cross(b)
def world2screen(x, y):
L = 1.0
x = (x-(-L))/(2*L)
y = (y-(-L))/(2*L)
return (x,y)
def depth2color(d):
maxL = 0.5
minL = -1.8
d = (d-minL)/(maxL-minL)
d = min(d, 1.0)
d = max(d, 0)
R = int(0xFF * d)
G = int(0xFF * d)
B = int(0xFF * d)
R *= 256 * 256
G *= 256
return R + G + B
# Kernels
def InitX():
for i,j in x:
x[i,j] = [
(i-(xn-1)/2) * lConst,
(j-(yn-1)/2) * lConst,
def InitV():
for i,j in v:
v[i,j] = [0, 0, 0]
def InitW():
for i,j in w:
if i==0:
w[i,j] = [0]
w[i,j] = [1/m]
def CalForceFromNeighbor(i, j, a, b, k, d, l0):
if a>=0 and a<xn and b>=0 and b<yn:
xDelta = x[a,b] - x[i,j]
xDeltaLen = Length(xDelta)
vDelta = v[a,b] - v[i,j]
F[i,j] += k * (xDeltaLen - l0) * xDelta # 弹簧拉力
F[i,j] += d * DotProd(xDelta, vDelta) * xDelta # 弹簧阻尼
def CalWindForceFromNeighbor(i, j, a, b):
if a>=0 and a<xn-1 and b>=0 and b<yn-1:
v_quad = v[a,b] + v[a+1,b] + v[a,b+1] + v[a+1,b+1]
v_quad /= 4
v_rel = v_quad - windForce
norm = CrossProd(x[a,b]-x[a+1,b], x[a,b]-x[a,b+1])
S = Length(CrossProd(x[a,b]-x[a+1,b], x[a,b]-x[a,b+1]))
S += Length(CrossProd(x[a+1,b+1]-x[a+1,b], x[a+1,b+1]-x[a,b+1]))
S /= 2
S *= ti.abs(DotProd(norm, v_rel))
F[i,j] += - 0.25 * S * k_drag * v_rel
# F[i,j] += - 0.25 * S * k_rise * CrossProd(v_rel, CrossProd(norm, v_rel).normalized())
def CalF():
for i,j in F:
F[i,j] = [0,0,0]
# 张力
CalForceFromNeighbor(i, j, i-1, j, k_tension, d_tension, lConst)
CalForceFromNeighbor(i, j, i+1, j, k_tension, d_tension, lConst)
CalForceFromNeighbor(i, j, i, j-1, k_tension, d_tension, lConst)
CalForceFromNeighbor(i, j, i, j+1, k_tension, d_tension, lConst)
# 平面内剪切力
CalForceFromNeighbor(i, j, i-1, j-1, k_cut, d_cut, lCutConst)
CalForceFromNeighbor(i, j, i+1, j-1, k_cut, d_cut, lCutConst)
CalForceFromNeighbor(i, j, i-1, j+1, k_cut, d_cut, lCutConst)
CalForceFromNeighbor(i, j, i+1, j+1, k_cut, d_cut, lCutConst)
# 平面外弯曲力
CalForceFromNeighbor(i, j, i-2, j, k_bend, d_bend, lBendConst)
CalForceFromNeighbor(i, j, i+2, j, k_bend, d_bend, lBendConst)
CalForceFromNeighbor(i, j, i, j-2, k_bend, d_bend, lBendConst)
CalForceFromNeighbor(i, j, i, j+2, k_bend, d_bend, lBendConst)
# 重力
# F[i, j] += [0.0, -m*gravityConstant, 0.0]
# 风力
CalWindForceFromNeighbor(i, j, i-1, j-1)
CalWindForceFromNeighbor(i, j, i-1, j )
CalWindForceFromNeighbor(i, j, i , j-1)
CalWindForceFromNeighbor(i, j, i , j )
def UpdateV():
for i,j in v_next:
v_next[i,j] = v[i,j] + w[i,j][0] * F[i,j] * timestep
def UpdateX():
for i,j in x_next:
x_next[i,j] = x[i,j] + v_next[i,j] * timestep
# Time Loop Functions
def Update():
def SwitchXV():
for i,j in x:
x[i,j] = x_next[i,j]
v[i,j] = v_next[i,j]
def toInd(i, j, nj=yn):
return i*nj+j
def PrepareShow():
for i,j in x:
now = world2screen(x[i,j][0], x[i,j][1])
nexti = world2screen(x[i+1,j][0], x[i+1,j][1])
nextj = world2screen(x[i,j+1][0], x[i,j+1][1])
color = depth2color(x[i,j][2])
x_show[toInd(i,j)] = now
color_show[toInd(i,j)] = color
if i < xn-1:
ver_line_begin_show[toInd(i,j)] = now
ver_line_end_show [toInd(i,j)] = nexti
ver_line_color_show[toInd(i,j)] = color
if j < yn-1:
hor_line_begin_show[toInd(i,j,yn-1)] = now
hor_line_end_show [toInd(i,j,yn-1)] = nextj
hor_line_color_show[toInd(i,j,yn-1)] = color
def TimeTick(t):
timer.TickAndLog("CalF: ")
timer.TickAndLog("Update: ")
timer.TickAndLog("SwitchXV: ")
# Init tensors
# GUI Settings
videoManager = ti.VideoManager(output_dir="./video", framerate=24, automatic_build=False)
gui = ti.GUI(background_color=0x222222)
colors = [0xFF0000, 0x00FFFF, 0x0000FF, 0xFFFF00, 0xFF00FF, 0x00FF00]
show_on_screen = True
seconds = 10
fps = 24
if show_on_screen:
fps = 60
timestepsPerFrame = int(1.0/fps/timestep)
totalFrame = seconds*fps
if show_on_screen:
totalFrame = 1000000
# Main Loop
for frameCount in tqdm(range(totalFrame)):
# print(x)
for t in range(timestepsPerFrame):
TimeTick(timestep*t + frameCount/fps)
timer.TickAndLog("PrepareShow: ")
gui.circles(x_show.to_numpy(), color_show.to_numpy(), 3)
gui.lines(ver_line_begin_show.to_numpy(), ver_line_end_show.to_numpy(), 1, ver_line_color_show.to_numpy())
gui.lines(hor_line_begin_show.to_numpy(), hor_line_end_show.to_numpy(), 1, hor_line_color_show.to_numpy())
timer.TickAndLog("Draw: ")
if show_on_screen:
img = gui.get_image()
if not show_on_screen:
videoManager.make_video(gif=True, mp4=False)
import time
class Timer:
def __init__(self):
self.tLast = 0
self.doLog = False
def Init(self):
self.tLast = time.perf_counter()
def Tick(self):
now = time.perf_counter()
res = now - self.tLast
self.tLast = now
return res * 1000 # ms
def TickAndLog(self, pre_s):
timeDelta = self.Tick()
if self.doLog:
print(pre_s, timeDelta)
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