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Created November 14, 2022 07:30
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“向右洪溢”的numba + pytorch实现,封装为了一个pytorch Function,从而继承进了pytorch的自动求导系统中。
import numpy as np
import torch
import numba.cuda as cu
def enter(upside, down_value, down_index, dumb_R):
di = cu.grid(1)
if di >= down_value.shape[0]:
ui = di * 2
AV = down_value[di]
AI = down_index[di]
L = upside[ui]
if ui+1 < upside.shape[0]:
R = upside[ui+1]
R = dumb_R
AV[0] = L[0]
AI[0] = ui
AV[1] = L[0]
AI[1] = ui
if R[0] != 0:
AV[2] = R[0]
AI[2] = ui + 1
AV[3] = R[0]
AI[3] = ui + 1
AV[2] = L[0]
AI[2] = ui
AV[3] = L[0]
AI[3] = ui
def up2down(up_value, up_index, down_value, down_index, dumb_R_value, dumb_R_index):
di = cu.grid(1)
if di >= down_value.shape[0]:
ui = di * 2
AV = down_value[di]
AI = down_index[di]
LV = up_value[ui]
LI = up_index[ui]
if ui+1 < up_value.shape[0]:
RV = up_value[ui+1]
RI = up_index[ui+1]
RV = dumb_R_value
RI = dumb_R_index
# A0
AV[0] = LV[0]
AI[0] = LI[0]
# A1
if LV[3] != 0:
AV[1] = LV[3]
AI[1] = LI[3]
elif LV[2] != 0:
AV[1] = LV[2]
AI[1] = LI[2]
elif LV[1] != 0:
AV[1] = LV[1]
AI[1] = LI[1]
AV[1] = AV[0]
AI[1] = AI[0]
# A2
if RV[0] != 0:
AV[2] = RV[0]
AI[2] = RI[0]
AV[2] = AV[1]
AI[2] = AI[1]
# A3
if RV[3] != 0:
AV[3] = RV[3]
AI[3] = RI[3]
elif RV[2] != 0:
AV[3] = RV[2]
AI[3] = RI[2]
elif RV[1] != 0:
AV[3] = RV[1]
AI[3] = RI[1]
AV[3] = AV[2]
AI[3] = AI[2]
def down2up(down_value, down_index, up_value, up_index):
ui = cu.grid(1)
if ui >= up_value.shape[0]:
di = int(ui / 2)
is_L = (ui % 2) == 0
AV = down_value[di]
AI = down_index[di]
XV = up_value[ui]
XI = up_index[ui]
off = 0 if is_L else 2
XV[0] = AV[off + 0]
XI[0] = AI[off + 0]
if XV[1] == 0:
XV[1] = XV[0]
XI[1] = XI[0]
if XV[2] == 0:
XV[2] = XV[1]
XI[2] = XI[1]
XV[3] = AV[off + 1]
XI[3] = AI[off + 1]
def leave(down_value, down_index, up_value, up_index):
ui = cu.grid(1)
if ui >= up_value.shape[0]:
di = int(ui / 2)
is_L = (ui % 2) == 0
AV = down_value[di]
AI = down_index[di]
XV = up_value[ui]
XI = up_index[ui]
off = 0 if is_L else 2
XV[0] = AV[off]
XI[0] = AI[off]
block_size = 256
def cal_block_num(n):
if n == 0: return 0
return (int)((n-1)/block_size)+1
def gpu_solve(x: torch.Tensor):
# x must be 1-D tensor
# Reshape to 2-D tensor
x = x.reshape((*x.shape, 1))
dn_list = []
dn = x.shape[0]
while True:
dn = (int)((dn+1)/2)
if dn == 1:
dn_sum = np.sum(dn_list)
# Init d & dumb_R
d_value = torch.empty((dn_sum, 4), dtype=x.dtype, device="cuda")
d_index = torch.empty((dn_sum, 4),, device="cuda")
dumb_R_enter = torch.zeros((1), dtype=x.dtype, device="cuda")
dumb_R_value_up2down = torch.zeros((4), dtype=x.dtype, device="cuda")
dumb_R_index_up2down = torch.zeros((4),, device="cuda")
def get_d(left, right):
left = min(int(left), d_value.shape[0])
right = min(int(right), d_value.shape[0])
return d_value[left:right], d_index[left:right]
enter[cal_block_num(dn_list[0]), block_size](x, *get_d(0, dn_list[0]), dumb_R_enter)
left = 0
right = dn_list[0]
for i in range(1, len(dn_list)):
length = dn_list[i]
nleft = right
nright = nleft + length
up2down[cal_block_num(length), block_size](*get_d(left, right), *get_d(nleft, nright), dumb_R_value_up2down, dumb_R_index_up2down)
left = nleft
right = nright
for i in range(len(dn_list)-2, -1, -1):
length = dn_list[i]
nright = left
nleft = nright - length
down2up[cal_block_num(length), block_size](*get_d(left, right), *get_d(nleft, nright))
left = nleft
right = nright
y_value = torch.empty_like(x, device="cuda")
y_index = torch.empty_like(x, device="cuda")
leave[cal_block_num(x.shape[0]), block_size](*get_d(0, dn_list[0]), y_value, y_index)
y_value = y_value.reshape(y_value.shape[:-1])
y_index = y_index.reshape(y_index.shape[:-1])
return y_value, y_index
def cpu_solve(x):
y = torch.empty_like(x)
yi2xi = torch.empty_like(x, dtype=int)
for i in range(0, x.shape[0]):
if x[i] == 0:
y[i] = y[i-1]
yi2xi[i] = yi2xi[i-1]
y[i] = x[i]
yi2xi[i] = i
return y, yi2xi
def sum_grad(grad_x, grad_y, yi2xi):
yi = cu.grid(1)
if yi < grad_y.shape[0]:
xi = yi2xi[yi]
cu.atomic.add(grad_x, xi, grad_y[yi])
class RightFloodFunction(torch.autograd.Function):
## Parameter
* `x`: must be a 1-D tensor.
## Return
* `y`: a 1-D tensor
## Example
In >>> [1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 2, 0, 0, 5, 2]
Out <<< [1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2]
In >>> [0, 0, 3, 0, 3]
Out <<< [0, 0, 3, 3, 3]
def forward(ctx, x: torch.Tensor):
if x.is_cuda:
_req_memo = [x.requires_grad]
x.requires_grad = False
y, yi2xi = gpu_solve(x)
x.requires_grad, = _req_memo
y, yi2xi = cpu_solve(x)
ctx.save_for_backward(x, yi2xi)
return y
def backward(ctx, grad_y: torch.Tensor):
x, yi2xi = ctx.saved_tensors
grad_x = None
if ctx.needs_input_grad[0]:
grad_x = torch.zeros_like(grad_y, device=grad_y.device)
if grad_y.is_cuda:
_req_memo = [grad_y.requires_grad]
grad_y.requires_grad = False
sum_grad[cal_block_num(grad_y.shape[0]), block_size](grad_x, grad_y, yi2xi)
grad_y.requires_grad, = _req_memo
for yi in range(grad_y.shape[0]):
xi = yi2xi[yi]
grad_x[xi] += grad_y[yi]
return grad_x
rightflood = RightFloodFunction.apply
if __name__ == "__main__":
x = torch.tensor([1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 6, 0, 0], dtype=torch.float, device="cuda", requires_grad=True)
y = rightflood(x)
# Output:
# [1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 6, 0, 0]
# [1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 6, 6, 6]
if x.grad:
f = torch.sum(y)
# Output:
# [3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 0]
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