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Created June 9, 2015 23:23
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  • Save supernullset/ad8221fc2779d5a2a12d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save supernullset/ad8221fc2779d5a2a12d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
── blanket#1.1.5 (latest is 1.1.7)
├── bourbon#4.2.1 (latest is 4.2.3)
├─┬ dinosheets#0.0.1 (latest is 0.1.0)
│ └── loader.js#3.2.0 (latest is 3.2.1)
├─┬ ember#1.12.1 (latest is 1.13.0-beta.2)
│ └── jquery#2.1.3 (2.1.4 available)
├─┬ ember-cli-moment-shim#0.1.0
│ └── moment#2.10.3
├─┬ ember-cli-shims#0.0.3
│ └── ember#1.12.1 (1.13.0-beta.2 available)
├── ember-cli-test-loader#0.1.3
├─┬ ember-data#1.0.0-beta.18 (latest is 1.0.0-beta.19.1)
│ └── ember#1.12.1 (1.13.0-beta.2 available)
├─┬ ember-inflector#1.3.1
│ └── ember#1.12.1 (1.13.0-beta.2 available)
├─┬ ember-load-initializers#0.1.4
│ └── ember#1.12.1
├─┬ ember-pusher#466f870e90
│ ├── ember#1.12.1 (1.13.0-beta.2 available)
│ └── pusher#2.2.4
├── ember-qunit#0.3.3 (latest is 0.4.0)
├─┬ ember-qunit-notifications#0.0.7
│ └── qunit-notifications#0.0.6
├─┬ ember-resolver#0.1.15
│ └── ember#1.12.1 (1.13.0-beta.2 available)
├─┬ ember-simple-auth#0.8.0-beta.3
│ └── ember#1.12.1
├─┬ foundation#5.5.0 (latest is 5.5.2)
│ ├── fastclick#1.0.6
│ ├── jquery#2.1.3 (2.1.4 available)
│ ├─┬ jquery-placeholder#2.0.9 (latest is 2.1.1)
│ │ └── jquery#2.1.3 (2.1.4 available)
│ ├─┬ jquery.cookie#1.4.1
│ │ └── jquery#2.1.3 (2.1.4 available)
│ └── modernizr#2.8.3
├── hint.css#1.3.3 (latest is 1.3.4)
├── jquery#2.1.3 (latest is 2.1.4)
├── loader.js#3.2.0 (latest is 3.2.1)
├── lodash#3.7.0 (latest is 3.9.3)
├── moment#2.10.3
├─┬ moment-timezone#0.3.1 (latest is 0.4.0)
│ └── moment#2.10.3
├── normalize.css#3.0.3
├── open-sans-fontface#1.1.0 (latest is 1.4.0)
├── pikaday#1.3.2
├── plupload#2.1.3 (latest is 2.1.4)
├─┬ pretender#0.6.0
│ ├── FakeXMLHttpRequest#1.0.0 (latest is 1.2.0)
│ └── route-recognizer#0.1.5
├── pusher-js-test-stub#9d8c856ec1
├── qunit#1.17.1 (latest is 1.18.0)
├── squire-rte#1.2.0
└── sweetalert#1.0.1
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