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Created September 1, 2016 18:36
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* TODO: Implement Dose Sum
- This will involve keeping track of calculations across a whole
profile. Which means I need some sort of global state which is
held in the profile instance.
22830 !****************
22840 Dose_sum:Dos=Dos+EXP(FNConc(Rho(N),Typ(N)))
22850 Con=Con+EXP(-Rho(N))
22860 RETURN
22870 !****************
22880 subend
Typ is an array allocated to 239 spaces for holding INTEGERS. It comes
from the ARRAYS COM block.
So point by point the type is held on to and the dose sum depends on
the type at point
type_at_n is assigned in Sls on BASIC LINE 21360
Type is passed through into Sls
!!## Were setting up the layer types here based on user inputs into Type$ matrix/array/variable
990 CASE 49,80,112 ## "1", "P", "p"
1000 Type=80
1010 Type$(Layer)=CHR$(Type)
1020 CASE 50,78,110 ## "2", "N", "n"
1030 Type=78 ## "N"
1040 Type$(Layer)=CHR$(Type)
1050 CASE 51 ## "3"
1060 Type=76 ## "L"
1070 Type$(Layer)="P"
1080 CASE 52 ## "4"
1090 Type=74 ## "J"
1100 Type$(Layer)="N"
1120 Type=Tcs(0,Layer)
1130 Type$(Layer)=CHR$(Type)
!!## END layer setup
Type is set on a layer by layer basis TO **INTEGER VALUE**
global dos = float()
global con = float()
def dose_sum(rho_at_n, type_at_n):
dos += e ** (FNConc(rho_at_n, type_at_n))
con += e ** (-rho_at_n) # resistivity at index N
24770 !****************
24780 DEF FNConc(R,INTEGER T) # Takes Resisitivity and integer type?
24790 Rho=EXP(R)
24800 SELECT T
24810 CASE 78,110 !n-Si
24820 X=.4343*R
24830 Mu=163+26*X
24840 IF R>-6.9 THEN Mu=10^((3.1122+X*(3.3347+X*(1.261+X*.15701)))/(1+X*(1.0463+X*(.39941+X*.049746))))
24850 CASE 76,108 !p-Ge
24860 Mu=2020/(1+.125/Rho^.66)
24870 CASE 74,106 !n-Ge
24880 Mu=4300/(1+.095/Rho^.72)
24890 CASE ELSE !p-Si, oxides, metals, etc
24900 Mu=482.8/(1+.1322/Rho^.811)
24910 IF Rho>.1 THEN 24940
24920 Mu=Mu+52.4*EXP(-Rho/.00409)
24940 RETURN 43.28-R-LOG(ABS(Mu))
24950 fnend
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