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Created October 29, 2014 06:58
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Maybe type in Nim
# An implementation of the Maybe monad for Nim
# This implements the traditional operations, bind(called chain)
# and return(called box) as well as a few useful operators for
# cleaning up usage of the monad. Also implemented the functor
# operation fmap(called map) which allows a procedure to be called
# on a wrapped value
Maybe*[T] = object
case valid*: bool
of true: value* : T
of false: nil
# -------------------------------------------------
# ------- Operators -------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------
# Shorthand operator for checking if a Maybe contains
# a valid value.
proc `?`*[T](m: Maybe[T]) : bool =
# Converts maybe value to a string.
proc `$`*[T](m: Maybe[T]) : string =
if ?m:
result = "Just " & $m.value
result = "Nothing"
# Used for chaining monadic computations together.
# Analagous to bind(>>=) in Haskell.
proc `>>=`*[T,U](m: Maybe[U], p: proc(x:U): Maybe[T]) : Maybe[T] =
if ?m:
result = p(m.value)
result = Maybe[T](valid: false)
# -------------------------------------------------
# ------- Monadic Operations ----------------------
# -------------------------------------------------
# Used to extract a value from a Maybe[T]
# Use unbox with caution, will cause a runtime exception
# if trying to unbox a Nothing value since we don't have
# proper pattern matching.
proc unbox*[T](m: Maybe[T]) =
# Used to wrap a value in a Maybe
# Analagous to return() in Haskell
proc box*[T](val: T) : Maybe[T] =
Maybe[T](valid: true, value: val)
# Used to chain monadic operations together.
# Analagous to bind(>>=) in Haskell
proc chain*[T,U](m: Maybe[U], p: proc(x:U): Maybe[T]) : Maybe[T] {. procvar .} =
m >>= p
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