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Last active September 18, 2017 18:05
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Useful Abstractions When Working With Remote Data in JavaScript

Define an API Abstraction

Define an API module, that does the actual AJAX requests:

const API = {
    /** Simple service for generating different HTTP codes. */
    url: '',

     * fetch() will only reject a promise if the user is offline,
     * or some unlikely networking error occurs, such a DNS lookup failure.
     * However, there is a simple `ok` flag that indicates
     * whether an HTTP response’s status code is in the successful range or not.
    _handleError(_response) {
        return _response.ok ? _response : Promise.reject(_response.statusText);

    get(_endpoint) {
        return window.fetch(this.url + _endpoint, {
            method: 'GET',
            headers: new Headers({
                'Accept': 'application/json'
        .catch( error => { throw new Error(error) })

    post(_endpoint, _body) {
        return window.fetch(this.url + _endpoint, {
            method: 'POST',
            headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
            body: _body
        .catch( error => { throw new Error(error) })

Why this is good:

  • Fetch API is not tightly coupled with our code. We can alter the implementation and implement jQuery $.ajax() or zlFetch instead only by tweaking the API module. As long as we return a Promise - the implementation in all other modules stays the same.

Manipulate the Data in a Repository

Define Object that handles the data (Repository-ish pattern):

import API from './api.js'; // Import it into your code however you like

const WeatherRepository() {
    _normalizeData(currentWeather) {
        // Take only what our app needs and nothing more.
        const { t, w, p } = currentWeather;

        return {
            temperature: t,
            windspeed: w,
            pressure: p

     * Get current weather.
     * @return {Promise}
        return API.get('/weather')

Why this is good:

  • Throughout our codebase via WeatherRepository.get() we access meaningful and semantic attributes like .temperature and .windspeed instead of t and s.
  • Via the _normalizeData() we expose only parameters we need and we simply don't include (hide) all others.
  • If the response attributes names change (or we need to wire-up another API with different response structure), we only need to tweak _normalizeData().
  • If we want to implement a caching mechanism, as long as WeatherRepository.get() returns a Promise, we don’t need to change the implementation in any other module.
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