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Last active August 22, 2024 15:50
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dbt staging to production gatekeeper macro to prevent problems happening in production after it's too late. Demo Video:
{% macro clone_from_to(from, to) %}
{% set sql -%}
create schema if not exists {{ target.database }}.{{ to }} clone {{ from }};
{%- endset %}
{{ dbt_utils.log_info("Cloning tables/views from schema [" ~ from ~ "] into target schema [" ~ to ~ "]") }}
{% do run_query(sql) %}
{{ dbt_utils.log_info("Cloned tables/views from schema [" ~ from ~ "] into target schema [" ~ to ~ "]") }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro destroy_to_env(to) %}
{% set sql -%}
drop schema if exists {{ target.database }}.{{ to }} cascade;
{%- endset %}
{{ dbt_utils.log_info("Dropping tables/views in target schema [" ~ to ~ "]") }}
{% do run_query(sql) %}
{{ dbt_utils.log_info("Dropped tables/views in target schema [" ~ to ~ "]") }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro zero_copy_clone_pre_prod(from, to) %}
This macro destroys your current development environment, and recreates it by cloning from prod.
To run it:
$ dbt run-operation zero_copy_clone_pre_prod --args '{from: dbt_sung_staging, to: dbt_sung_production}'
{% if == 'default' %}
{{ destroy_to_env(to) }}
{{ clone_from_to(from, to) }}
{% else %}
{{ dbt_utils.log_info("No-op: your current target is " ~ ~ ". This macro only works for a default target.") }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
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Put this in your macros/ folder!

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