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Created October 26, 2019 23:02
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Fish shell script to download Vimeo video
#!/usr/bin/env fish
# Script to download videos from vimeo
# Vimeo streams the video to you in segments of m4s and so this script
# downloads all the segments until failure, then combines the segments
# into a single mp4 file.
function download_vimeo_video
if test (count $argv) -ne 2
echo "Require a topic and url"
echo "E.g. download_vimeo_video rifles"
set topic $argv[1]
set url $argv[2]
echo $topic $url
set BAD_REQUEST "1233275989"
# set segment (echo $url | cut -d'/' -f10)
# set segmentid (echo $segment | cut -d'.' -f1 | cut -c 9-)
# set videoid (echo $url | cut -d'/' -f5)
set n 0
# download all the videos
while true
set regex "s/segment-.\+\.m4s/segment-$n.m4s/"
set urlbase (echo $url | sed $regex)
set filename "$topic-$n.m4s"
echo $urlbase
set exec "curl $urlbase --output $filename"
set n (math "$n+1")
eval $exec
# check if bad download
if test $BAD_REQUEST = (cksum $filename | cut -d' ' -f1)
rm $filename
echo "done"
cat "$filename" >> "$topic-all.m4s"
# merge all videos together
ffmpeg -i "$topic-all.m4s" -c copy $topic.mp4
rm "$topic*.m4s"
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