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Last active January 17, 2016 05:02
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object Pagination {
def pagedRequest[F[_], A] (
f: Offset => F[Page[A]],
offset: Offset
) : Process[F, A] = {
.flatMap { response: Page[A] =>
Process.emitAll(response.results) ++ { o =>
pagedRequest(f, Option(o))
}.getOrElse(Process.empty[F, A])
class Test extends Specification with ScalaCheck {
implicit val IdIsCatchable : Catchable[Id] = new Catchable[Id] {
override def attempt[A](f: Id.Id[A]): Id.Id[\/[Throwable, A]] =
override def fail[A](err: Throwable): Id.Id[A] = throw err
"pagination is flattening" >>
prop { (is: List[List[Int]]) =>
val f: (Offset) => Page[Int] =
(o:Offset) => {
val length = is.size
val fs = { case (i: List[Int], idx: Int) =>
idx -> Page(i, if (idx < length-1) Some(idx+1) else None)
is.flatten must_== pagedRequest[Id, Int](f, Some(0)).runLog
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