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Last active September 3, 2024 07:04
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Solution to the Longshot Systems hiring challenge.
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright
def exec_instruction(instruction):
instruction = b64decode(instruction)[1:-1]
if instruction == b"END":
page.evaluate(f"ws.send('{b64encode(bytes(f'{sum(registers)}', 'utf8')).decode()}')")
elif instruction[0] not in (65, 77, 83): # ADD, MOV, STORE
match instruction.split():
case [b"ADD", value, r1, r2]:
r1, r2 = int(r1[1:]), int(r2[1:])
registers[r2] = registers[r1] + int(value)
case [b"MOV", r1, r2]:
r1, r2 = int(r1[1:]), int(r2[1:])
registers[r2] = registers[r1]
case [b"STORE", value, r1]:
r1 = int(r1[1:])
registers[r1] = int(value)
with sync_playwright() as p:
browser = p.chromium.launch(headless=False)
page = browser.new_page()
# Challenge 1
container = page.locator("xpath=/html/body/div/div[1]/div")
answer = "".join([e.strip() for e in container.all_text_contents()])
page.evaluate("document.querySelector('.answer-panel').style.visibility = 'visible';")
page.get_by_label("name").fill("Your Name")
# Challenge 2
registers = [0] * 16
page.on("websocket", lambda ws: ws.on("framereceived", lambda msg: exec_instruction(msg)))
input("Press enter to exit")
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