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Created July 30, 2019 23:53
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function packTorch(entryId, operationId, lat, long) {
let sEntryId = parseInt(entryId).toString(16);
let sOperationId = new BigNumber(operationId).toString(16);
// map coords to positive int range
let sLat = Math.round((90 + lat) * 1e+7).toString(16);
let sLong = Math.round((180 + long) * 1e+7).toString(16);
let hex = padZero(sEntryId, 5)
+ padZero(sOperationId, 16)
+ padZero(sLat, 8)
+ padZero(sLong, 8);
// fill with zeros cause MEMO_HASH expects 64 chars
while (hex.length < 64) {
hex += '0';
return hex;
function unpackTorch(s) {
let entryId = parseInt('0x' + s.substr(0, 5));
let operationId = new BigNumber('0x' + s.substr(5, 16)).toString();
let lat = (parseInt('0x' + s.substr(21, 8)) / 1e+7 - 90).toFixed(7);
let long = (parseInt('0x' + s.substr(29, 8)) / 1e+7 - 180).toFixed(7);
return {
entryId: entryId,
operationId: operationId,
lat: lat,
long: long
function padZero(s, len) {
while (s.length < len) s = '0' + s;
return s;
let packed = packTorch(45, '107482355446345729', 53.5539,10.01602);
console.log("packed: ", packed);
let unpacked = unpackTorch(packed);
console.log("unpacked: ", unpacked);
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