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Last active August 18, 2023 01:06
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This Gist features ESP32 code for an IoT plant monitoring system using Ubidots. It reads soil humidity, water level, and controls a pump for automated watering. Real-time data is sent to Ubidots for monitoring and control, enhancing plant care.
* Include Libraries
#include "UbidotsEsp32Mqtt.h"
* Define Constants
const char *UBIDOTS_TOKEN = <UBIDOTS-TOKEN>; // Insert your Ubidots TOKEN here
const char *WIFI_SSID = <WIFI SSID>; // Insert your Wi-Fi SSID here
const char *WIFI_PASS = <WIFI PASSWORD>; // Insert your Wi-Fi password here
const char *DEVICE_LABEL = <DEVICE LABEL>; // Insert your device label where data will be published
const char *HUMIDITY_LABEL = <DEVICE LABEL>; // Insert your humidity variable label
const char *PUMP_LABEL = <DEVICE LABEL>; // Insert your pump variable label
const char *WATER_LEVEL_LABEL = <DEVICE LABEL>; // Insert your water level variable label
const int HUMIDITY_PUBLISH_INTERVAL = 2000; // Humidity publishing interval in milliseconds (30 minutes)
const int PUMP_RUNTIME = 180000; // Pump operating duration in milliseconds (3 minutes)
const int HUMIDITY_THRESHOLD = 300; // Humidity threshold value, adjust as needed
const int WATER_LEVEL_SENSOR_PIN = 35; // Pin connected to the water level sensor
unsigned long humidityTimer;
unsigned long pumpTimer;
unsigned long waterLevelTimer; // Timer for water level readings
uint8_t analogPin = 34; // Pin used to read data from GPIO34 ADC_CH6.
uint8_t pumpPin = 32; // Pin used to control the water pump
Ubidots ubidots(UBIDOTS_TOKEN);
* Auxiliar Functions
void callback(char *topic, byte *payload, unsigned int length)
Serial.print("Message arrived [");
Serial.print("] ");
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
bool isWaterLevelLow()
int waterLevelValue = analogRead(WATER_LEVEL_SENSOR_PIN);
// Assuming the sensor output is lower when water level is low (adjust this condition if it's the opposite)
return (waterLevelValue < 500); // Adjust the threshold value as needed
* Main Functions
void setup()
pinMode(pumpPin, OUTPUT); // Configure the pump pin as output
digitalWrite(pumpPin, LOW); // Turn off the pump initially
// ubidots.setDebug(true); // Uncomment this line to enable debug messages
ubidots.connectToWifi(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASS);
humidityTimer = millis();
pumpTimer = 0; // Initialize the pump timer to 0 to ensure it doesn't trigger initially
waterLevelTimer = millis(); // Initialize the water level timer to current millis
void loop()
if (!ubidots.connected())
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
float humidity = analogRead(analogPin) / 10;
// Publish humidity every 30 minutes
if (currentMillis - humidityTimer >= HUMIDITY_PUBLISH_INTERVAL)
ubidots.add(HUMIDITY_LABEL, humidity); // Insert your humidity variable label and the value to send
humidityTimer = currentMillis;
// Print humidity every 15 seconds on the serial monitor
if (currentMillis % 15000 == 0)
Serial.print("Soil Humidity: ");
// Water pump control based on soil humidity
if (currentMillis - pumpTimer >= PUMP_RUNTIME)
digitalWrite(pumpPin, LOW); // Turn off the pump once the operating duration is reached
// If soil humidity is low (analog value >= 300 after scaling)
if (humidity >= HUMIDITY_THRESHOLD)
digitalWrite(pumpPin, HIGH); // Turn on the pump
pumpTimer = currentMillis; // Restart the pump timer
Serial.println("Pump turned on");
digitalWrite(pumpPin, LOW); // Turn off the pump
Serial.println("Pump turned off");
// Water level control - publish and print every 5 seconds
if (currentMillis - waterLevelTimer >= 15000)
if (isWaterLevelLow())
// Water level is low, take appropriate action (e.g., send notification)
Serial.println("Water level is low");
ubidots.add(WATER_LEVEL_LABEL, 0); // Water level is low, send value 0
// Water level is high, take appropriate action (e.g., send notification)
Serial.println("Water level is high");
ubidots.add(WATER_LEVEL_LABEL, 1); // Water level is high, send value 1
// Send water level data to Ubidots
waterLevelTimer = currentMillis; // Reset the water level timer
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