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Created July 1, 2018 03:44
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from vectors import Vector2
from random import uniform
import cython
if cython.compiled:
print " compiled."
except ImportError:
class Rect(object):
>>> myRect = Rect(10,10,10,10)
>>> myRect.area()
>>> myRect.collides(myRect)
>>> myRect.width
>>> myRect.height
>>> myRect.x
>>> myRect.y
__slots__ = ('x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2')
def __init__(self, x=0.0, y=0.0, width=0.0, height=0.0):
'''Create a rectangle from a minimum and maximum point'''
self.x1 = float(x)
self.y1 = float(y)
self.x2 = self.x1 + float(width)
self.y2 = self.y1 + float(height)
def __str__(self):
return 'x: ' + str(self.x) + ' y: ' + str(self.y) + \
' width: ' + str(self.width) + ' height: ' + str(self.height)
def __and__(self, otherRect):
"Like a set, s.intersectingArea(t) is the same as s & t"
return self.intersecting_area(otherRect)
def intersectingRect(self, rectangle):
Compute the intersection of two rectangles:
>>> myRect = Rect(0,0,10,10)
>>> myRect.intersectingRect(myRect).area()
>>> myRect2 = Rect(15,15,20,20)
if self.collides(rectangle):
rect = Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
rect.x1 = max(self.x1, rectangle.x1)
rect.y1 = max(self.y1, rectangle.y1)
rect.x2 = min(self.x2, rectangle.x2)
rect.y2 = min(self.y2, rectangle.y2)
return rect
return None
def move(self, delta):
x, y = delta
self.x1 += x
self.x2 += x
self.y1 += y
self.y2 += y
def interpolate(self, startRect, destRect, t):
Compute the intersection of two rectangles:
>>> myRect = Rect(0,0,10,10)
>>> myRect.interpolate(Rect(0,0,10,10), Rect(0,0,20,20), 0.5)
>>> myRect.width
>>> myRect.height
>>> myRect.interpolate(Rect(0,0,10,10), Rect(20,20,20,20), 0.5)
>>> myRect.x
assert t >= 0
diffx = destRect.x - startRect.x
diffy = destRect.y - startRect.y
diffwidth = destRect.width - startRect.width
diffheight = destRect.height - startRect.height
self.x = startRect.x + (diffx * t)
self.y = startRect.y + (diffy * t)
self.width = startRect.width + (diffwidth * t)
self.height = startRect.height + (diffheight * t)
def divideHorizontal(self, number, margin=0.0):
return self.divideHorizontalWeighted([1] * number, margin)
def divideHorizontalWeighted(self, weightList, margin=0.0):
>>> subRects = list(Rect(0,0,40,10).divideHorizontalWeighted([1,2,1]))
>>> len(subRects)
>>> [r.width for r in subRects]
[10.0, 20.0, 10.0]
>>> [r.width for r in Rect(0,0,40,10).divideHorizontalWeighted([1,2,1], 1.0)]
[8.0, 18.0, 8.0]
weightUnit = self.width / float(sum(weightList))
weightSum = 0
l = []
for w in weightList:
# yield
l.append(Rect(self.x + weightUnit * weightSum + margin, self.y, weightUnit * w - (2 * margin), self.height))
weightSum += w
return l
def divide_vertical(self, number, margin=0.0):
return self.divideVerticalWeighted([1] * number, margin)
def divideVerticalWeighted(self, weightList, margin=0.0):
>>> subRects = list(Rect(0,0,10,40).divideVerticalWeighted([1,2,1]))
>>> len(subRects)
>>> [r.height for r in subRects]
[10.0, 20.0, 10.0]
>>> [r.height for r in Rect(0,0,10,40).divideVerticalWeighted([1,2,1], 1.0)]
[8.0, 18.0, 8.0]
weightUnit = self.height / float(sum(weightList))
weightSum = 0
l = []
for w in weightList:
# yield
l.append(Rect(self.x, self.y + weightUnit * weightSum + margin, self.width, weightUnit * w - (2 * margin)))
weightSum += w
return l
def collides(self, rectangle):
Determine whether two rectangles collide:
>>> myRect = Rect(0,0,10,10)
>>> myRect.collides(Rect(5,5,15,15))
if self.x2 < rectangle.x1 or self.y2 < rectangle.y1 or self.x1 > rectangle.x2 or self.y1 > rectangle.y2:
return False
return True
def collitionNormal(self, rectangle):
Determine whether two rectangles collide:
>>> myRect = Rect(0,0,10,10)
>>> myRect.collides(Rect(5,5,15,15))==True
if self.x2 > rectangle.x1:
return Vector2(1, 0)
elif self.x1 < rectangle.x2:
return Vector2(-1, 0)
elif self.y2 > rectangle.y1:
return Vector2(0, 1)
elif self.y1 < rectangle.y2:
return Vector2(0, -1)
return False
def __contains__(self, otherRect):
>>> myRect = Rect(0,0,10,10)
>>> Rect(2,2,8,8) in myRect
>>> Rect(-2,2,8,8) in myRect
>>> Rect(0,0,10,10) in myRect
>>> Rect(0,0,10,20) in myRect
return self.fullyContains(otherRect)
def fullyContains(self, rectangle):
if self.x1 <= rectangle.x1 and \
self.x2 >= rectangle.x2 and \
self.y1 <= rectangle.y1 and \
self.y2 >= rectangle.y2:
return True
return False
def copy(self):
return self.__class__(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height)
def __nonzero__(self):
return bool(self.width and self.height)
def pointInRect(self, point):
x, y = point
if self.x1 <= x and \
self.x2 >= x and \
self.y1 <= y and \
self.y2 >= y:
return True
return False
def containPoint(self, point):
x, y = point
if x < self.x:
x = self.x
if x > self.width:
x = self.width
if y < self.y:
y = self.y
if y > self.height:
y = self.height
def positionRectInRect(self, rectangle):
delta = Vector2(0, 0)
if self.x1 <= rectangle.x1:
delta.x += rectangle.x1 - self.x1
if self.x2 >= rectangle.x2:
delta.x -= self.x2 - rectangle.x2
if self.y1 <= rectangle.y1:
delta.y += rectangle.y1 - self.y1
if self.y2 >= rectangle.y2:
delta.y -= self.y2 - rectangle.y2
def resizeRectInsideRect(self, rectangle):
>>> myRect = Rect(0,0,10,10)
>>> myRect.resizeRectInsideRect(Rect(2,2,8,8))
>>> myRect in Rect(2,2,8,8)
if self.x1 <= rectangle.x1:
self.x1 = rectangle.x1
if self.x2 >= rectangle.x2:
self.x2 = rectangle.x2
if self.y1 <= rectangle.y1:
self.y1 = rectangle.y1
if self.y2 >= rectangle.y2:
self.y2 = rectangle.y2
def widthHeightTuple(self):
return (self.width, self.height)
def getRandPoint(self):
return Vector2(uniform(0, self.width), uniform(0, self.height))
def collideListAll(self, rectList):
for rectangle in rectList:
if rectangle is not self and self.collides(rectangle):
yield rectangle
def __ior__(self, otherRect):
"equivalent to a |= b"
def union(self, rectangle):
if self.collides(rectangle):
self.x = min(rectangle.x, self.x)
self.y = min(rectangle.y, self.y)
self.width = max(rectangle.width, self.width)
self.height = max(rectangle.height, self.height)
def __isub__(self, resize):
self.width -= resize
self.height -= resize
return self
def __iadd__(self, resize):
self.width += resize
self.height += resize
return self
def __mul__(self, factor):
newRect = Rect(self.x1, self.y1, self.width, self.height)
newRect *= factor
return newRect
def __imul__(self, factor):
self.width *= factor
self.height *= factor
return self
def __idiv__(self, factor):
self.width /= factor
self.height /= factor
return self
def area(self):
>>> myRect = Rect(0,0,10,10)
>>> myRect.area()
return self.width * self.height
def topLeft(self):
return Vector2(self.x1, self.y1)
def topRight(self):
return Vector2(self.x2, self.y1)
def bottomRight(self):
return Vector2(self.x2, self.y2)
def bottomLeft(self):
return Vector2(self.x1, self.y2)
def corners(self):
return [self.topLeft(), self.topRight() , self.bottomRight() , self.bottomLeft()]
def _getWidth(self): return self.x2 - self.x1
def _setWidth(self, width):
>>> myRect = Rect(0,0,10,10)
>>> myRect.width = 5
>>> myRect.area()
assert width >= 0
self.x2 = self.x1 + width
assert self.width >= 0
width = property(_getWidth, _setWidth, None, None)
def _getHeight(self): return self.y2 - self.y1
def _setHeight(self, height):
assert height >= 0
self.y2 = self.y1 + height
assert self.height >= 0
height = property(_getHeight, _setHeight, None, None)
def _getX(self): return self.x1
def _setX(self, x):
self.x2 += x - self.x1
self.x1 = x
x = property(_getX, _setX, None, None)
def _getY(self): return self.y1
def _setY(self, y):
self.y2 += y - self.y1
self.y1 = y
y = property(_getY, _setY, None, None)
def _getCenter(self):
>>> myRect = Rect(0,0,10,10)
Vector2(5.00, 5.00)
return Vector2(self.x1 + (self.width / 2.0), self.y1 + (self.height / 2.0))
def _setCenter(self, center):
>>> myRect = Rect(0,0,10,10)
>>> = Vector2(10,10)
>>> myRect.x1
>>> myRect.y1
>>> myRect.x2
>>> myRect.x2
x, y = center
self.x = x - (self.width / 2.0)
self.y = y - (self.height / 2.0)
center = property(_getCenter, _setCenter, None, None)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
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