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Created October 23, 2023 07:24
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library nuts_activity_indicator;
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
/// A highly customizable activity indicator (spinner)
/// based on the iOS-style activity indicator from the
/// `cupertino` package.
/// Key takeaways from [Apple Human Interface Guidelines on Activity Indicators](
/// that are relevant to the [NutsActivityIndicator] class:
/// * use activity indicator only when activity cannot be quantified
/// (for example remaining time, task count, data size).
/// * keep it moving: only disable [animating] if the process stalls.
/// For more information, see
/// * [Flutter `cupertino` library `CupertinoActivityIndicator` class](
/// * [Apple Human Interface Guidelines on Activity Indicators](
class NutsActivityIndicator extends StatefulWidget {
/// Whether the activity indicator is running its animation.
/// Defaults to true.
final bool animating;
/// Radius of the activity indicator.
/// Defaults to 10px. Must be positive and cannot be null.
final double radius;
/// The count of rectangles the activity indicator has.
/// The activity indicator (spinner) is made up of multiple small
/// rectangles, "ticks", and this number specifies how many of
/// these small ticks should be painted in the widget.
/// Defaults to 12. Must be positive and cannot be null.
final int tickCount;
/// The active color of the small rectangles within the activity indicator.
/// The activity indicator (spinner) contains [tickCount] stationary rectangles
/// and these ticks' colors are animated between the [activeColor] and
/// [inactiveColor] colors, thus creating a perceived rotation of the object.
/// Defaults to a grey color, #9D9D9D
final Color activeColor;
/// The deactive color of the small rectangles within the activity indicator.
/// The activity indicator (spinner) contains [tickCount] stationary rectangles
/// and these ticks' colors are animated between the [activeColor] and
/// [inactiveColor] colors, thus creating a perceived rotation of the object.
/// Defaults to a grey color, #E5E5EA
final Color inactiveColor;
/// The time in which the activity indicator's animation finishes.
/// The animation takes a circle by fading between the active and
/// inactive colors for each small tick.
/// Defaults to 1 second.
final Duration animationDuration;
/// TODO: what is this width value really?
final double relativeWidth;
/// Radius ratio tells where the rectangles start.
/// Defaults to 0.5, meaning that the "ticks" will go from
/// (0.5 * radius, radius).
/// I'm sorry I can't explain it any better. Check the example app...
/// If you know how to explain it better, open a PR!
final double startRatio;
/// Radius ratio tells where the rectangles end.
/// Defaults to 1, meaning that the "ticks" will go from
/// (0.5 * radius, 1 * radius).
/// I'm sorry I can't explain it any better. Check the example app...
/// If you know how to explain it better, open a PR!
final double endRatio;
/// Creates a highly customizable activity indicator.
const NutsActivityIndicator({
Key? key,
this.animating = true,
this.radius = 10,
this.startRatio = 0.5,
this.endRatio = 1.0,
this.tickCount = 12,
this.activeColor = const Color(0xFF9D9D9D),
this.inactiveColor = const Color(0xFFE5E5EA),
this.animationDuration = const Duration(seconds: 1),
this.relativeWidth = 1,
}) : super(key: key);
State<NutsActivityIndicator> createState() => _NutsActivityIndicatorState();
class _NutsActivityIndicatorState extends State<NutsActivityIndicator>
with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
late AnimationController _animationController;
void initState() {
_animationController = AnimationController(
duration: widget.animationDuration,
vsync: this,
if (widget.animating) {
void didUpdateWidget(NutsActivityIndicator oldWidget) {
if (widget.animating != oldWidget.animating) {
if (widget.animating) {
} else {
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return SizedBox(
height: widget.radius * 2,
width: widget.radius * 2,
child: CustomPaint(
painter: _NutsActivityIndicatorPainter(
animationController: _animationController,
radius: widget.radius,
tickCount: widget.tickCount,
activeColor: widget.activeColor,
inactiveColor: widget.inactiveColor,
relativeWidth: widget.relativeWidth,
startRatio: widget.startRatio,
endRatio: widget.endRatio,
class _NutsActivityIndicatorPainter extends CustomPainter {
final int _halfTickCount;
final Animation<double> animationController;
final Color activeColor;
final Color inactiveColor;
final double relativeWidth;
final int tickCount;
final double radius;
final RRect _tickRRect;
final double startRatio;
final double endRatio;
required this.radius,
required this.tickCount,
required this.animationController,
required this.activeColor,
required this.inactiveColor,
required this.relativeWidth,
required this.startRatio,
required this.endRatio,
}) : _halfTickCount = tickCount ~/ 2,
_tickRRect = RRect.fromLTRBXY(
-radius * endRatio,
relativeWidth * radius / 10,
-radius * startRatio,
-relativeWidth * radius / 10,
super(repaint: animationController);
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
final paint = Paint();
..translate(size.width / 2, size.height / 2);
final activeTick = (tickCount * animationController.value).floor();
for (int i = 0; i < tickCount; ++i) {
paint.color = Color.lerp(
((i + activeTick) % tickCount) / _halfTickCount,
..drawRRect(_tickRRect, paint)
..rotate(-math.pi * 2 / tickCount);
bool shouldRepaint(_NutsActivityIndicatorPainter oldPainter) {
return oldPainter.animationController != animationController;
void main() {
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return CupertinoApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
title: 'NutsActivityIndicator Demo',
home: ActivityIndicatorDemo(),
class ActivityIndicatorDemo extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return CupertinoPageScaffold(
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
navigationBar: const CupertinoNavigationBar(
middle: Text('nuts_activity_indicator'),
child: SafeArea(
child: ListView(
children: const [
padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(16, 8, 16, 16),
child: Text(
'For all the supported features, check out the API reference.',
style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
'Without any customization, the activity indicator will look like the "standard" activity indicator from the Flutter cupertino library.',
'We can use the "radius" named parameter make the indicators a bit bigger. So far nothing extraordinary, the cupertino activity indicator can do that too.',
radius: 20,
'We also support the animating option. Set to false to let the user know that your app has crapped its pants, I guess?',
radius: 15,
animating: false,
'Now, let\'s explore the fun parts of this package. For starters, we can change the colors. Let\'s use red and... Orange?',
radius: 25,
activeColor: Colors.amber,
'BORING. Speed things up by specifying the animation duration. The animation below takes 300 milliseconds to compete (go full circle). By default, this duration is 1 second.',
radius: 20,
activeColor: Colors.yellow,
animationDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 300),
'Want to make the rectangles shorter relative to the size of the widget? Use the startRatio and endRatio parameters.',
activeColor: Colors.indigo,
inactiveColor: Colors.blueGrey,
tickCount: 24,
relativeWidth: 0.4,
radius: 60,
startRatio: 0.6,
'Two many ticks (rectangles) in the spinner? If you do not like it, change it by passing the tickCount parameter! This example uses 3 rectangles to draw the spinner. The default value is 12.',
tickCount: 3,
radius: 30,
'Last thing I show you is how to make the spinner ticks thinner. Use the relativeWidth parameter.',
radius: 50,
tickCount: 16,
animationDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 750),
relativeWidth: 0.3,
class ActivityIndicatorDemoRow extends StatelessWidget {
const ActivityIndicatorDemoRow(
this.indicator, {
Key? key,
}) : super(key: key);
final String description;
final NutsActivityIndicator indicator;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: [
padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(16, 8, 16, 16),
child: Text(description),
const SizedBox(height: 16),
const Divider(),
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