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volume issue title href
49 5 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22954
49 5 Color blindness and semantic knowledge: Cognition of color terms from elicited lists in dichromats and normal observers 10.1002/col.22925
49 5 Environmental color analysis and facade color design in a street rehabilitation: Adana, Kayalıbağ 10.1002/col.22926
49 5 A multi-primary trichromator to derive individual color matching functions and cone spectral sensitivities 10.1002/col.22928
49 5 A computational method for predicting color palette discriminability 10.1002/col.22927
49 5 Comparative analysis of four color vision screening tests benchmarked by anomaloscopy for detection and investigation of protanomaly and deuteranomaly 10.1002/col.22929
49 5 A superpixel-based color difference detection algorithm for dyed fabrics 10.1002/col.22931
49 5 Analyzing color training in design education: A review from 2010 to 2022 10.1002/col.22930
49 5 Bridging the color barrier: A review of techniques for improving color perception in the blind and visually impaired 10.1002/col.22942
49 4 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22943
49 4 Relationship between brightness perception and skin color influenced by experimental method 10.1002/col.22921
49 4 A study on the impressions induced by lipstick colors 10.1002/col.22922
49 4 Connecting the new to the past: The Color-Material-Finish design approach applied to the Fortezza da Basso 10.1002/col.22923
49 4 Study of color degradation in package prints: Analyzing kinetics with principal component analysis 10.1002/col.22924
49 3 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22932
49 3 Development of an automatic conversion method for the conversion of a CIE-XYZ color system to a DIN color system 10.1002/col.22916
49 3 Effects of team affiliation on color-valence associations 10.1002/col.22915
49 3 Color sorting and color term evolution 10.1002/col.22918
49 3 Exploring color concepts in physics education: Addressing common preconceptions among teachers-in-training 10.1002/col.22919
49 2 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22920
49 2 Special collection: Color and emotion 10.1002/col.22911
49 2 Effect of primary peak wavelength and stimulus size on metameric failure through color difference evaluations 10.1002/col.22909
49 2 Analyzing the color availability of AI-generated posters based on K-means clustering: 74% orange, 38% cyan, 32% yellow, and 28% blue-cyan 10.1002/col.22912
49 2 Impact of optical brightening agents on alkali-based inks in packaging: A comparative study on color accuracy 10.1002/col.22914
49 2 Building a metric of color reproduction difference by combining multiple observers in a modular online experiment 10.1002/col.22913
49 1 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22917
49 1 A machine learning approach to color space Euclidization 10.1002/col.22897
49 1 Quantifying basic colors' salience from cross-linguistic corpora 10.1002/col.22899
49 1 An investigation of color difference for binocular rivalry and a preliminary rivalry metric, ΔE*bino 10.1002/col.22900
49 1 Have color representations in books changed over the past 200 years? An empirical analysis based on the Google Books Ngram corpus 10.1002/col.22904
49 1 Memory colors of familiar objects induce general color preference 10.1002/col.22906
49 1 The PURPLE mystery: Semantic meaning of three purple terms in French speakers from Algeria, France, and Switzerland 10.1002/col.22908
49 1 The brightness of chromatic stimuli 10.1002/col.22910
49 1 Traditional and modern pigments in Gino Severini's Swiss murals 10.1002/col.22870
49 1 Color in modern architecture of Olivetti's town 10.1002/col.22893
49 1 Educational simulations of spectral color dispersion in negative index prisms 10.1002/col.22898
49 1 Decoding a drawing: The stained-glass color scheme of the altar of Igreja de Nossa Senhora de Fátima 10.1002/col.22901
49 1 Effects of lip and eye color on the emotion categorization of facial expressions 10.1002/col.22905
49 1 CIE color coordinates for the design of luminescent glass materials 10.1002/col.22907
48 6 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22807
48 6 On the questionable use of CIE L* to infer geometric properties of achromatic perception 10.1002/col.22902
48 6 Color characterization model for OLED displays with crosstalk effects 10.1002/col.22875
48 6 Fundamental scales of hue appearance and discrimination 10.1002/col.22895
48 6 Improvements to the CIELUV color space 10.1002/col.22873
48 6 New method of whiteness calibration of spectrophotometers 10.1002/col.22874
48 6 A comparison of basic color terms in Mandarin and Spanish 10.1002/col.22863
48 6 Aging variations in Ishihara test plates 10.1002/col.22877
48 6 From photographic images to hierarchical networks―Color associations of a traditional Chinese garden 10.1002/col.22886
48 6 Bilateral tone mapping scheme for color correction and contrast adjustment in nearly invisible medical images 10.1002/col.22887
48 6 Flexible neural color compatibility model for efficient color extraction from image 10.1002/col.22888
48 6 Relationship between color appearance evaluation and categorical color responses of small stimuli in central and near peripheral visual fields 10.1002/col.22890
48 6 The effect of lightness, chroma, and hue on depth perception 10.1002/col.22894
48 6 Quantitative analysis of color characteristics for Yangjiabu New Year woodblock paintings based on color science and spectral imaging 10.1002/col.22896
48 6 Warm and cool reheated 10.1002/col.22892
48 6 Formulae for generating standard and individual human cone spectral sensitivities 10.1002/col.22879
48 6 Color and luminance processing in V1 complex cells and artificial neural networks 10.1002/col.22903
48 5 Cover Image 10.1002/col.22891
48 5 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22806
48 5 From the editor of special issue on environmental color design 10.1002/col.22889
48 5 Color, light, and birth space design: An integrative review 10.1002/col.22842
48 5 Color coordination project for the historic shipyard site of La Ciotat: A geopoetic approach to urban color design 10.1002/col.22884
48 5 Theory to practice: Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance (PAD) theory for architectural color design 10.1002/col.22847
48 5 The study of color as a component of urban cultural construction: A theoretical reflection and methodological proposal 10.1002/col.22883
48 5 Relationship between context-free/in-context spatial color preferences and color constructs: The extraversion personality trait dimension 10.1002/col.22882
48 5 Creating sensuous experiences: Combining dichroic filters and textile weaving to create aesthetic spatial installations 10.1002/col.22830
48 5 Color induction in the restoration of architecture in historic city centers 10.1002/col.22856
48 5 “Rhapsody in blue”—the blue color in architecture and the built environment: traditions and contemporary applications 10.1002/col.22848
48 5 Color as metaphor in architectural design 10.1002/col.22872
48 5 Monochromatic design in a polychrome world. Why our cities have become increasingly gray: A dichotomy between production and reception in architectural color design 10.1002/col.22876
48 5 Changes in the use of color in Japanese cities 10.1002/col.22880
48 5 Understanding new colors in urban environments: Deciphering colors as semiotic resources 10.1002/col.22871
48 5 Environmental color interventions on a macro scale: Tactical urbanism and issues of global concern 10.1002/col.22845
48 5 Conceptualizing the chromatic experience of environment: Two case studies using the Color Walk method 10.1002/col.22878
48 5 The chromatic atmosphere of Chilean Patagonia: The color of vastness 10.1002/col.22855
48 5 A linguistic approach to urban color design and research—Exploring Jianming Song's methodologies 10.1002/col.22849
48 5 Lustrous wrappings: Complex color and collaborative practices in the contemporary ceramic facade 10.1002/col.22831
48 5 The emergence of the environmental color design praxis framework 10.1002/col.22881
48 4 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22805
48 4 In-situ technical study of contemporary painting from the heritage collection of the Universitat de València, Spain. Canvases and colorful landscapes by Manuel Moreno Gimeno 10.1002/col.22860
48 4 Cross-ethnic comparison of the effect of garment color on male perception of female attractiveness 10.1002/col.22858
48 4 Testing methods to estimate spectral reflectance using datasets under different illuminants 10.1002/col.22859
48 4 Acrylic colors for peace: Non-invasive study of an outdoor mural painting 10.1002/col.22861
48 4 Spectral reflectance estimation from non-raw color images with nonlinearity correction 10.1002/col.22862
48 3 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22804
48 3 Will the real units of Q please stand up? 10.1002/col.22852
48 3 On the questionable utility of color space for understanding perception 10.1002/col.22853
48 3 A comprehensive test of colour-difference formulae and uniform colour spaces using available visual datasets 10.1002/col.22844
48 3 Colorimetric evaluation of 3D printing polymers exposed to accelerated aging for Cultural Heritage applications 10.1002/col.22846
48 3 Age-related changes in surface reflection, diffuse reflection, and subsurface scattering light of facial skin: Luminance value measured by the system for the optical properties of facial skin 10.1002/col.22850
48 3 Emocolor: An assistant design method for emotional color matching based on semantics and images 10.1002/col.22851
48 3 Investigation on the equi-depth of color depth formulas based on color discrimination threshold and acceptable tolerance 10.1002/col.22854
48 2 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22803
48 2 The Helmholtz-Kohlrausch effect on display-based light colors and simulated substrate colors 10.1002/col.22839
48 2 A study of preferred and natural memory colours across different ethnic groups 10.1002/col.22841
48 2 Investigating the agreement between polarized and unpolarized densitometry in offset lithography printing 10.1002/col.22840
48 2 Application of a hyperspectral camera for colorimetric measurements on polychrome surfaces in a controlled environment and evaluation of three image processing software for displaying colorimetric data: Pros and cons of the methodology presented 10.1002/col.22835
48 2 Analysis of research strategies to determine individual color preference: N-alternative forced choice, rank-order, rating and paired comparison 10.1002/col.22836
48 2 An investigation on worst-case spectral reconstruction from RGB images via Radiance Mondrian World assumption 10.1002/col.22843
48 2 Sentiment analysis based on frequency of color names on social media 10.1002/col.22837
48 1 Cover Image 10.1002/col.22838
48 1 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22802
48 1 FARBKOMPETENZ Orientierungshilfen für eine Didaktik zum Umgang mit Farbe im Kunstunterricht (COLOUR COMPETENCE Orientation aids for a didactic approach to colour in art lessons, in German) By Andreas Schwarz. Bielfeld: wbv Publikation, 2022. 152 pages. Price: 34,90 € ISBN: 9783763962372 10.1002/col.22834
48 1 Munsell and Ostwald colour spaces: A comparison in the field of hair colouring 10.1002/col.22818
48 1 Visual and photographic assessment of wine color 10.1002/col.22787
48 1 A design-oriented approach for managing colored light sources in lighting design software 10.1002/col.22823
48 1 Analysis of biases in automatic white balance datasets and methods 10.1002/col.22822
48 1 Perception of brightness when the eyes are closed 10.1002/col.22832
48 1 Determining key colors from a design perspective using dE-means color clustering 10.1002/col.22817
48 1 Impact of matching field size on color matching (functions) accuracy 10.1002/col.22833
48 1 Simultaneous brightness contrast with three different stimuli: 2D, 3D, and D-up 10.1002/col.22829
48 1 An intelligent color design method for visual communication design for public crisis 10.1002/col.22819
48 1 The multiple characteristics of specific associations from words to colors 10.1002/col.22827
48 1 New progress in the extraction and identification of Mexican cochineal (Dactylopius coccus) in fresh dyed wool and dyed wool with artificially accelerated aging and color description 10.1002/col.22828
47 6 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22692
47 6 Will the real Q please stand up? 10.1002/col.22816
47 6 Discussing color representations and implicit assumptions in Schloss et al.'s (2020) study on conventional notions of color-emotion associations 10.1002/col.22815
47 6 A model to predict visual comfort for mobile displays 10.1002/col.22820
47 6 Human perceptual responses to multiple colors II: A study of the correlation between multiple colors and emotion 10.1002/col.22801
47 6 A study on color conspicuity and color harmony of wayfinding signs according to outdoor environment types 10.1002/col.22808
47 6 Intervals of color mismatch in chromaticity coordinates and in cone-fundamental-based (LMS) space 10.1002/col.22821
47 6 Appearance estimation and reconstruction of glossy object surfaces based on the dichromatic reflection model 10.1002/col.22824
47 6 Brightness appearance of self-luminous stimuli on a non-uniform background 10.1002/col.22811
47 6 Color appearance of color chips under light-emitting diodes lamps part II: Hue shift direction 10.1002/col.22825
47 6 Images in transformation: The color and its change in a group of Portuguese paintings from the second half of the 16th century 10.1002/col.22809
47 6 The art of painting rainbows—between color science and painter's practice 10.1002/col.22810
47 6 A methodological validation of psychophysical approaches for quantifying the color discrimination capability of white light sources 10.1002/col.22826
47 6 Basic color terms in Thai 10.1002/col.22800
47 6 The influence of packaging color on taste expectations and perceptions 10.1002/col.22812
47 5 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22691
47 5 Danny C. Rich (1951–2022) 10.1002/col.22814
47 5 Diffusion material for luminous mosaic images 10.1002/col.22813
47 5 Brightness, lightness, colorfulness, and chroma in CIECAM02 and CAM16 10.1002/col.22792
47 5 Extending CIECAM02 and CAM16 for the Helmholtz–Kohlrausch effect 10.1002/col.22793
47 5 A novel 3D convolutional neural network model with supervised spectral regression for recognition of hyperspectral images of colored wool fiber 10.1002/col.22788
47 5 The specification of color limits in eye protection lenses for use when color-contingent clinical observations are made 10.1002/col.22795
47 5 Quantitative definition of strength of chromophores in gemstones and the impact on color change in pyralspite garnets 10.1002/col.22789
47 5 Digitalization of visual discrimination threshold and acceptable tolerance of color depth by psychophysical experiments 10.1002/col.22791
47 5 Color identification method for fashion runway images: An experimental study 10.1002/col.22796
47 5 Machine-readable universal data format for bidirectional reflectance distribution function and BiRDview—An open-source web-based application for viewing and comparing bidirectional reflectance data 10.1002/col.22790
47 5 Fastness of dye-based ink-jet printing inks in aqueous solution in the presence and absence of oxygen 10.1002/col.22797
47 5 Effects of pill colors on human perception and expectation of drugs' efficacy 10.1002/col.22798
47 4 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22690
47 4 Propagation of errors in a color matching experiment 10.1002/col.22775
47 4 Virtual Colour Atlas 10.1002/col.22780
47 4 Image naturalness model based on prototypical memory colors (sky, grass, and skin) 10.1002/col.22781
47 4 The visual communication impacts of Itten's color contrasts investigated and empirically tested as basic principles for use in art and design 10.1002/col.22778
47 4 Colorimetric characterization of color imaging systems using a multi-input PSO-BP neural network 10.1002/col.22772
47 4 Optimizing the eigenvectors of spectral data with an initial clustering approach: Spectral versus colorimetric criteria 10.1002/col.22770
47 4 Hybrid camouflage pattern generation using neural style transfer method 10.1002/col.22767
47 4 A method to prepare reference colors for chromatic adaptation experiments 10.1002/col.22773
47 4 Color inconstancy in CIELAB: A red herring? 10.1002/col.22782
47 4 Experimental study on the relationship between the harmony and cognitive load of business intelligence dashboard color combinations 10.1002/col.22768
47 4 Color trend prediction method based on genetic algorithm and extreme learning machine 10.1002/col.22769
47 4 A hue and warm-cool model for warm-cool based correlated color temperature calculation 10.1002/col.22764
47 4 Color mapping of the building façades in the historical urban fabric: The Ayazini village civil architectural examples 10.1002/col.22765
47 4 Research on the colour preference and harmony of the two-colour combination buildings 10.1002/col.22776
47 4 The association between colors, color preferences, and emotions among Japanese students: From elementary school to university 10.1002/col.22774
47 4 Cuckoo search optimization-based image color and detail enhancement for contrast distorted images 10.1002/col.22777
47 4 Appearance generation for colored spun yarn fabric based on conditional image-to-image translation 10.1002/col.22771
47 4 Prediction model for discomfort luminance levels of head-mounted displays 10.1002/col.22783
47 4 Colored skins and vibrant hybrids: Manipulating visual perceptions of depth and form in double-curved architectural surfaces through informed use of color, transparency and light 10.1002/col.22784
47 4 Illumination correction of dyed fabric based on extreme learning machine with improved ant lion optimizer 10.1002/col.22785
47 3 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22689
47 3 From the editor 10.1002/col.22794
47 3 A technical note on digitizing color mapped spectral power distribution images 10.1002/col.22758
47 3 Using smooth metamers to estimate color appearance metrics for diverse color-normal observers 10.1002/col.22749
47 3 Color representations of normals and congenital red–green color deficiencies: Estimation of individual results based on color vision model 10.1002/col.22763
47 3 Color appearance of color chips under light-emitting diode lamps 10.1002/col.22744
47 3 Consideration of degree of chromatic adaptation for reproducing illuminated scenes 10.1002/col.22760
47 3 Appearance synthesis of fluorescent objects with mutual illumination effects 10.1002/col.22747
47 3 Illumination correction with optimized kernel extreme learning machine based on improved marine predators algorithm 10.1002/col.22742
47 3 Illumination estimation via random vector functional link based on improved arithmetic optimization algorithm 10.1002/col.22750
47 3 Efficient nucleus segmentation of white blood cells mimicking the human perception of color 10.1002/col.22752
47 3 A new method for textile pattern recognition and recoloring 10.1002/col.22745
47 3 Study on the correlation between trace elements and colorimetric parameters of natural blue sapphire 10.1002/col.22755
47 3 Effect of spectrophotometer biosafety barriers on composite resin color reading 10.1002/col.22743
47 3 Is it possible to determine the optical properties of resin composites with clinical spectrophotometers? 10.1002/col.22757
47 3 The discussion of the relationship between lighting and music in a lighting show 10.1002/col.22753
47 3 Visual design elements of product packaging: Implications for consumers' emotions, perceptions of quality, and price 10.1002/col.22761
47 3 Preschool children's indoor and outdoor playground HSV color preferences 10.1002/col.22759
47 3 From the color composition to the color psychology: Soft drink packaging in warm colors, and spirits packaging in dark colors 10.1002/col.22748
47 3 Colour, emotion, and behavioral intentions in city hotel guestrooms 10.1002/col.22746
47 3 Young people's colour preference and the arousal level of small apartments 10.1002/col.22756
47 3 Study on degradation of Cambodian panel painting during UV aging 10.1002/col.22754
47 2 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22688
47 2 Meeting report of the Study Group on Environmental Colour Design of the International Colour Association 10.1002/col.22751
47 2 Transformations from cone responses to opponent color spaces 10.1002/col.22732
47 2 Black, white, and grays: Are they colors, absence of color or the sum of all colors? 10.1002/col.22727
47 2 Luminance contrast detection is optimized for the large-scale luminance texture of the surround 10.1002/col.22723
47 2 Development of an image-based measurement system for human facial skin colour 10.1002/col.22737
47 2 Multiscale decomposition and fusion-based color contrast restoration for various water-colored environments 10.1002/col.22728
47 2 Construing colours using repertory grid technique: An idiographic approach in colour perception 10.1002/col.22722
47 2 Computer-aided procedure for the analysis of the Bezold effect in achromatic samples on periodic test 10.1002/col.22734
47 2 Effects of open caption telop color on value perception in the news context: From the tone perspective 10.1002/col.22724
47 2 Lightness perception of structured surfaces 10.1002/col.22740
47 2 A color channel based on multiple Random Forest coupled with a computer vision technique for the detection and prediction of Sudan dye-I adulteration in turmeric powder 10.1002/col.22741
47 2 Evaluation and consistency calibration of hyperspectral imaging system based on liquid crystal tunable filter for fabric color measurement 10.1002/col.22738
47 2 An investigation into the fastness and mechanical properties of p-aramid fabric dyed with disperse dye 10.1002/col.22729
47 2 Architectural colour planning strategy and planning implementation evaluation of historical and cultural cities based on different urban zones in Xuzhou (China) 10.1002/col.22736
47 2 Color preference and contributing factors of urban architecture based on the selection of color samples—Case study: Shanghai 10.1002/col.22731
47 2 How elemental composition influences the color of igneous and sedimentary rocks: Case of the High Atlas rocks of Morocco 10.1002/col.22735
47 2 Characterization of the evolution of indigo blue by multispectral imaging 10.1002/col.22721
47 2 The effects of luminance contrast and color combination on icon cognitive performance 10.1002/col.22720
47 2 Color design in application interfaces for children 10.1002/col.22726
47 2 Effect of internal bleaching on the reversal of coronal discoloration induced by triple-antibiotic-paste or Biodentine use in regenerative endodontic procedures 10.1002/col.22733
47 2 Assessment of coverage error for two common commercial dental shade guides using a spectrophotometric method 10.1002/col.22725
47 1 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22687
47 1 From the Emeritus Editor 10.1002/col.22762
47 1 Visual and instrumental assessment of interference pigments 10.1002/col.22696
47 1 A hybrid method for reduction of size and number of hues in the color images used in a carpet map 10.1002/col.22707
47 1 Multi-angle measurement device for analysis of coating appearances 10.1002/col.22719
47 1 Investigation for the color samples with equi-depth in Natural Color System 10.1002/col.22702
47 1 Newton method for computing the adaptation coefficient in the CIE system of mesopic photometry 10.1002/col.22703
47 1 Color bizarreness effects in object memory: Evidence from a recall test and eye tracking 10.1002/col.22697
47 1 Optimization of the light-emitting diode daylight simulator based on the CIE metamerism index method 10.1002/col.22700
47 1 A multiprimary lighting system for customized color stimuli 10.1002/col.22695
47 1 Illumination correction model with sine-cosine algorithm to optimize gray wolf population for least-squares support vector regression 10.1002/col.22716
47 1 Optimal selection of representative samples for efficient digital camera-based spectra recovery 10.1002/col.22718
47 1 Computational tongue color simulation in tongue diagnosis 10.1002/col.22717
47 1 Preference for accent and background colors in interior architecture in terms of similarity/contrast of natural color system attributes 10.1002/col.22698
47 1 Quantitative study on landscape colors of plant communities in urban parks based on natural color system and M-S theory in Nanjing, China 10.1002/col.22713
47 1 An ecological approach to printing industry: Development of ecofriendly offset printing inks using vegetable oils and pine resin as renewable raw materials and evaluation of printability 10.1002/col.22708
47 1 Color reproduction on varnished cardboard packaging by using lower ink coverages due to the gray component replacement image processing 10.1002/col.22704
47 1 Exploring color attractiveness and its relevance to fashion 10.1002/col.22705
47 1 Affective association with and preference for flexible brace colors in older adults with spinal deformities 10.1002/col.22706
47 1 Effects of different bleaching application durations on enamel in terms of tooth color, microhardness, and surface roughness 10.1002/col.22710
47 1 Pattern design and optimization of yarn-dyed plaid fabric using isolation niche genetic algorithm and rough set theory 10.1002/col.22715
47 1 Establishment of a color tolerance for yarn-dyed fabrics from different color-depth yarns 10.1002/col.22711
46 6 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22531
46 6 From the editor 10.1002/col.22730
46 6 Color order systems, color mixtures, and the role of cesia 10.1002/col.22670
46 6 The location of optimal object colors with more than two transitions 10.1002/col.22693
46 6 Quantitative scoring methods of the Farnsworth D15 and Waggoner computerized D15 color vision tests in clinical practice 10.1002/col.22669
46 6 Evaluation of the color measurement based on a microscopic hyperspectral imaging system 10.1002/col.22663
46 6 Expanding the color gamut of inkjet textile printing during color matching 10.1002/col.22681
46 6 Preferred white balance for applications using virtual backgrounds 10.1002/col.22694
46 6 Chromaticity tunable realizable solution process single layer white organic light-emitting diode 10.1002/col.22684
46 6 Characterizing skin color before and after 100-m sprinting 10.1002/col.22679
46 6 Effect of water in color changes of historical paintings 10.1002/col.22683
46 6 Analysis of photoaging characteristics of Chinese traditional pigments and dyes in different environments based on color difference principle 10.1002/col.22680
46 6 The colors of pre-Hispanic textiles from cemeteries in the Quillagua and San Pedro de Atacama oases of Northern Chile 10.1002/col.22676
46 6 Application of natural yellow (curcumin) dye on silk to impart multifunctional finishing and validation of dyeing process using BBD model 10.1002/col.22678
46 6 Assessment of the factors affecting the weathering properties of Pigment Yellow 74 in decorative paint 10.1002/col.22671
46 6 Visual effect and color matching of dynamic image webpage design 10.1002/col.22662
46 6 Product color emotional design based on a convolutional neural network and search neural network 10.1002/col.22668
46 6 Vividly warm: The color saturation of logos on brands' customer sensitivity judgment 10.1002/col.22682
46 6 The effect of decision time-length condition on consumer product-colour purchase decision 10.1002/col.22665
46 6 Micro-computed tomography analysis of enamel structure after different bleaching treatments 10.1002/col.22699
46 6 Effect of different beverages on color stability and surface properties of composite resin materials 10.1002/col.22677
46 6 Determination of species of some wood veneers using machine vision 10.1002/col.22673
46 5 Cover Image 10.1002/col.22714
46 5 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22530
46 5 From the editor 10.1002/col.22712
46 5 Color in CHANEL cosmetics 10.1002/col.22685
46 5 Does CIECAM02 color appearance model work well for fluorescent samples? 10.1002/col.22661
46 5 The effect of luminance on the perception of small color differences 10.1002/col.22637
46 5 Revisiting the fluorescent mosaic technique 10.1002/col.22643
46 5 New method for observing, demonstrating, and teaching additive color mixture 10.1002/col.22672
46 5 Computational evidence of first extensive usage of violet in the 1860s 10.1002/col.22638
46 5 Silky entanglements in Chinese color-naming and its diachronic change: A new materialism perspective 10.1002/col.22633
46 5 Investigating the morphological and chemical characteristics of surviving neo-rococo wall paintings in Egypt 10.1002/col.22658
46 5 The effects of light color temperatures on students' perceptual evaluations in design studios 10.1002/col.22654
46 5 Observer variability study and method to implement observer categories for novel light source projection system 10.1002/col.22634
46 5 White appearance and chromatic adaptation on a display under different ambient lighting conditions 10.1002/col.22656
46 5 Textile color formulation using linear programming based on Kubelka-Munk and Duncan theories 10.1002/col.22626
46 5 Analysis of compatibility of dyes in mixtures by means of non-negative matrix factorization 10.1002/col.22660
46 5 Color constancy computation for dyed fabrics via improved marine predators algorithm optimized random vector functional-link network 10.1002/col.22653
46 5 Pairing colours in residential architecture for different interior types 10.1002/col.22640
46 5 Application of binary programming theory to product color planning with multiple constraints 10.1002/col.22657
46 5 Visual color research of packaging design using sensory factors 10.1002/col.22624
46 5 Colour associations and consumer product-colour purchase decisions 10.1002/col.22659
46 5 Influence of process variables on the drying kinetics and color properties of pear slices (Pyrus communis) 10.1002/col.22625
46 5 Influence of various mouthrinses on color stability and whiteness of resin-based restorative materials 10.1002/col.22642
46 5 Effects of density on colour and gloss variability changes of wood induced by heat treatment 10.1002/col.22636
46 5 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.22709
46 4 Cover Image 10.1002/col.22701
46 4 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22529
46 4 From the Editor 10.1002/col.22686
46 4 Illumination estimation challenge: The experience of the first 2 years 10.1002/col.22675
46 4 Von-Kries-enhanced chromaticity gamut 10.1002/col.22619
46 4 Color appearance of small stimuli presented in central and near peripheral visual fields 10.1002/col.22610
46 4 An extension to the CAM16 colour appearance model to predict the size effect 10.1002/col.22618
46 4 CAM20u: An extension of CAM16 for predicting the color appearance of unrelated colors 10.1002/col.22615
46 4 Color appearance model incorporating contrast adaptation—Implications for individual differences in color vision 10.1002/col.22620
46 4 Quantitative assessment of color tracking and gray tracking in color displays 10.1002/col.22666
46 4 Superiority of optimal broadband filter sets under lower noise levels in multispectral color imaging 10.1002/col.22630
46 4 Photometric and colorimetric analysis of light emitting diode luminaires for interior lighting design 10.1002/col.22616
46 4 Comparisons in perception of facial skin brightness, as influenced by differences in skin color: Asian observers 10.1002/col.22622
46 4 A new analytical method for the evaluation of cosmetic pigments 10.1002/col.22621
46 4 Alternate medium for improved wet milling of TiO2 suspensions in vertical sand mills 10.1002/col.22608
46 4 Traditional colour theory: A review 10.1002/col.22609
46 4 Azurite blue in the Qing dynasty 10.1002/col.22623
46 4 The inheritance and creative design of traditional color scheme based on modern consumer's psychological perception: Taking Chinese traditional decorative pattern's color collocation as an example 10.1002/col.22604
46 4 The emotional design of product color: An eye movement and event-related potentials study 10.1002/col.22614
46 4 Effect of previsualization technique on different types of veneering porcelain 10.1002/col.22607
46 4 Stain resistance and surface roughness of CAD/CAM processed hybrid ceramic 10.1002/col.22606
46 4 Color for Architects, by Juan Serra Lluch. New York, NY: Princeton Architectural Press, 2019, 232 pp. ISBN: 9781616897949 10.1002/col.22667
46 4 Renzo Shamey, Rolf Georg Kuehni. Pioneers of Color Science. Switzerland: Springer Nature; 2020; 431pp. ISBN 978-3-319-30809-8, Hardback $139.99; ISBN 978-3-319-30811-1, ebook $109.00. 10.1002/col.22674
46 3 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22528
46 3 Natural Colours - Digital Colours 10.1002/col.22635
46 3 Time-traveling colors: Artisanal dreams and digital fabrication 10.1002/col.22611
46 3 Tactical urbanism: Colour interventions with purpose 10.1002/col.22613
46 3 The impact of surface properties on photovoltaics' colour angular sensitivity: A comparison study for façade integration 10.1002/col.22639
46 3 The colour of emerging textile for urban regeneration: the role of technology between experimentations and craftsmanship 10.1002/col.22644
46 3 The influence of colour mixtures on the textural perception of surface design: Deciphering textile methodology in the field of bioplastic design 10.1002/col.22648
46 3 Investigation of designers' colour selection process 10.1002/col.22631
46 3 The meaning of colors in food packaging: A study of industrialized products sold in Brazil 10.1002/col.22651
46 3 Colors in the French National Archives 10.1002/col.22652
46 3 Visual perception of natural colours in paintings: An eye-tracking study of Grünewald's Resurrection 10.1002/col.22641
46 3 The Five-colour theory: A new approach to colour 10.1002/col.22664
46 3 From the design of the shades to the sale of make-up products: The contribution of the expertise of colorists during research and development 10.1002/col.22628
46 3 Non-invasive characterization of yellow dyes in tapestries of the 18th century: Influence of composition on degradation 10.1002/col.22646
46 3 Categorizing color shifts due to tinted glazing via dominant colors of the scene 10.1002/col.22629
46 3 Comparison between translucencies of anterior resin composites and natural dental tissues 10.1002/col.22645
46 3 Effect of the internal structure on color changes in wood by painting transparent 10.1002/col.22649
46 3 How to distinguish red coloring matter used in prehistoric time? The contribution of visible near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy 10.1002/col.22647
46 3 A fungal-based anthraquinone emodin for polylactide and polyethylene terephthalate in supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) dyeing 10.1002/col.22627
46 3 Whiteness evaluation: A review and new proposals 10.1002/col.22655
46 3 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.22650
46 2 Cover Image 10.1002/col.22632
46 2 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22527
46 2 From the Editor 10.1002/col.22617
46 2 Call for papers: AIC 14th congress Milano 2021 10.1002/col.22605
46 2 Remote colorimetric measurements by hyperspectral lidar compared to contact conventional colorimetry 10.1002/col.22600
46 2 White appearance of virtual stimuli produced by augmented reality 10.1002/col.22590
46 2 Illumination correction via support vector regression based on improved whale optimization algorithm 10.1002/col.22601
46 2 Subjective evaluation of colourized images with different colorization models 10.1002/col.22593
46 2 A comparative evaluation of similarity measurement algorithms within a colour palette 10.1002/col.22591
46 2 Optimal camouflage colors determination using spectral reflectance of real-scene objects 10.1002/col.22587
46 2 Conveying colour research to design practice: Design and evaluation of a web-based colour tool 10.1002/col.22580
46 2 Measuring and describing the discoloration of liquid foundation 10.1002/col.22584
46 2 Dyed fabric illumination estimation with regularized random vector function link network 10.1002/col.22602
46 2 Color difference classification of dyed fabrics via a kernel extreme learning machine based on an improved grasshopper optimization algorithm 10.1002/col.22581
46 2 The development of color of historic buildings on the North Bund of Shanghai 10.1002/col.22573
46 2 Development of a low-cost food color monitoring system 10.1002/col.22577
46 2 Interpretation of the color due to the ubiquitous nonenzymatic browning phenomena in foods 10.1002/col.22574
46 2 The enhancement of appetite through the use of colored light in case of a cake: Preliminary evidence from event-related potentials 10.1002/col.22592
46 2 Correlating the natural color of tropical fruit juice with its pH 10.1002/col.22575
46 2 Color Forum: Chasing colors 10.1002/col.22597
46 2 Complementary colors: A literature review 10.1002/col.22576
46 2 Surface analysis of polymer films for wettability and ink adhesion 10.1002/col.22579
46 2 Chung, Robert Y., Printing-process control and standardization, RIT Press, 2020. ISBN 9781939125743, 200 pages, $44.95 10.1002/col.22603
46 2 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.22612
46 1 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22526
46 1 From the Editor 10.1002/col.22594
46 1 Color vision assessment-1: Visual signals that affect the results of the Farnsworth D-15 test 10.1002/col.22596
46 1 Color vision assessment-2: Color assessment outcomes using single and multi-test protocols 10.1002/col.22598
46 1 Color vision assessment-3. An efficient, two-step, color assessment protocol 10.1002/col.22599
46 1 Image quality evaluation for high dynamic range and wide color gamut applications using visual spatial processing of color differences 10.1002/col.22588
46 1 Spectral radiance reconstruction from trichromatic camera responses based on orthogonal test and regularized algorithm 10.1002/col.22556
46 1 Optimal spectra for double object-colour solids 10.1002/col.22586
46 1 Color determinants of surface stratification 10.1002/col.22585
46 1 Tactile colour pictogram to improve artwork appreciation of people with visual impairments 10.1002/col.22567
46 1 Influence of chromatic and lighting on the visual environment of the elderly: A critical literature review 10.1002/col.22562
46 1 Colour here, there, and in-between—Placemaking and wayfinding in mental health environments 10.1002/col.22570
46 1 Evolution and human's attraction and reaction to colour: Food and health 10.1002/col.22582
46 1 Preference for luminance uniformity of refrigerator lighting 10.1002/col.22571
46 1 Analysis of experiments to determine individual colour preference 10.1002/col.22589
46 1 A general framework to study the price-color relationship in paintings with an application to Mark Rothko rectangular series 10.1002/col.22559
46 1 Characterization of spray paints used in street art graffiti by a non-destructive multi-analytical approach 10.1002/col.22561
46 1 Classification of Persian carpet patterns based on quantitative aesthetic-related features 10.1002/col.22555
46 1 Pattern-driven color pattern recognition for printed fabric motif design 10.1002/col.22564
46 1 Roadmap of moving urban colour toward cultural sustainability in China 10.1002/col.22578
46 1 Study of the color characteristics of residential buildings in Shanghai 10.1002/col.22565
46 1 Analyzing a decade of Colors of the Year 10.1002/col.22566
46 1 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.22595
45 6 Featured Cover 10.1002/col.22583
45 6 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22399
45 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.22572
45 6 Relationship between pupillary size, brightness, and photoreceptor responses for unrelated self-luminous stimuli at low photopic light levels 10.1002/col.22546
45 6 Testing the performance of CIECAM02 from 100 to 3500 cd/m2 10.1002/col.22548
45 6 Wpt (waypoint) shift manifold difference metrics for evaluation of varying observing-condition (observer + illuminant) metamerism and color inconstancy 10.1002/col.22554
45 6 An efficient nonlinear polynomial color characterization method based on interrelations of color spaces 10.1002/col.22563
45 6 Why does the CIELAB a* axis point toward magenta instead of red? 10.1002/col.22547
45 6 A multi-illuminant synthetic image test set 10.1002/col.22535
45 6 A high efficacy and tunable white light-emitting diode cluster with both color fidelity and nonvisual performances close to natural lights 10.1002/col.22539
45 6 Electroluminescence performance of a series of fluorene/2,5-di(2-thienyl)-1H-pyrrole polymers 10.1002/col.22541
45 6 Color corrected single scale retinex based haze removal and color correction for underwater images 10.1002/col.22568
45 6 Harmonization of color measurements for dental application 10.1002/col.22553
45 6 Three-month evaluation of a low concentration (6% hydrogen peroxide) experimental bleaching gel containing Tio2 and chitosan: An in vitro study 10.1002/col.22543
45 6 A neural network-based instrumental method for light fastness assessment with dataset validation 10.1002/col.22545
45 6 Affective matches of fabric and lighting chromaticity 10.1002/col.22537
45 6 Pattern retrieval of yarn-dyed plaid fabric based on modified interactive genetic algorithm 10.1002/col.22538
45 6 Optimization of quinacridone magenta, Cu-phthalocyanine cyan, and arylide yellow ink films formulated for maximum color gamut 10.1002/col.22552
45 6 The use of natural (Pinus pinaster) resin in the production of printing ink and the printability effect 10.1002/col.22534
45 6 Recovering figure-ground perception in Tehran's color plan 10.1002/col.22542
45 6 Color reproduction in virtual lip makeup using a convolutional neural network 10.1002/col.22549
45 6 Research on product color design decision driven by brand image 10.1002/col.22540
45 6 The Influence of the color of light on the customers' perception of service quality and satisfaction in the restaurant 10.1002/col.22560
45 5 Featured Cover 10.1002/col.22557
45 5 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22398
45 5 In This Issue 10.1002/col.22551
45 5 Color vision testing in children 10.1002/col.22513
45 5 Exploiting colorimetric relationships in characterizing the spectral response functions of the human visual system directly from colour matching functions 10.1002/col.22501
45 5 CIELAB color space boundaries under theoretical spectra and 99 test color samples 10.1002/col.22521
45 5 Impact of the adapted white point and the cultural background on memory color assessments 10.1002/col.22525
45 5 Lighting source classification applied in color images to contrast enhancement 10.1002/col.22515
45 5 Near perfect visual compensation for atmospheric color distortions 10.1002/col.22514
45 5 A method for scaling impressions of a scene 10.1002/col.22516
45 5 Art of musical color: A synesthesia-based mechanism of color art 10.1002/col.22532
45 5 Investigation of color-emotion associations of the university students 10.1002/col.22522
45 5 Proposed light sources for illuminating in Xuan paper and silk artwork with organic and inorganic pigments by evaluating color shifts in museum 10.1002/col.22511
45 5 Application of genetic algorithm to color recipe formulation using reactive and direct dyestuffs mixtures 10.1002/col.22533
45 5 Quantifying the color palettes of Naghsh-e Jahan Square in Isfahan 10.1002/col.22523
45 5 Colour fragmentation measurement in a historic area: Using Shanghai Old Town as an example 10.1002/col.22505
45 5 Colour semantics in residential interior architecture on different interior types 10.1002/col.22519
45 5 Can we restore the colour of long-term discoloured resin composites by noninvasive methods? 10.1002/col.22520
45 5 Hydroxyethyl cellulose-based indicator labels to track freshness of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) 10.1002/col.22517
45 5 Meeting report: Color Impact 2020, 6 June 2020 10.1002/col.22544
45 5 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.22550
45 5 Back Cover 10.1002/col.22558
45 4 Cover Information 10.1002/col.22536
45 4 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22397
45 4 In This Issue 10.1002/col.22524
45 4 Categorical observers for metamerism 10.1002/col.22493
45 4 Color vision defectives' experience: When white is green 10.1002/col.22499
45 4 Assessing gloss under diffuse and specular lighting 10.1002/col.22510
45 4 A hybrid adaptation strategy for reconstruction reflectance based on the given tristimulus values 10.1002/col.22495
45 4 Investigation on effects of adapting chromaticities and luminance on color appearance on computer displays using memory colors 10.1002/col.22500
45 4 Discomfort luminance level of head-mounted displays depending on the adapting luminance 10.1002/col.22509
45 4 Colour metrics for image edge detection 10.1002/col.22494
45 4 Quadrant dynamic clipped histogram equalization with gamma correction for color image enhancement 10.1002/col.22502
45 4 A Student's t-based density peaks clustering with superpixel segmentation (tDPCSS) method for image color clustering 10.1002/col.22491
45 4 A shift of the perceptual attributes of color due to the manifestation of the simultaneous contrast effect on a display 10.1002/col.22506
45 4 Artificial neural network approach to predict the lightfastness of gravure prints on the plastic film 10.1002/col.22504
45 4 Color design of cigarette packaging for reducing smoking rate in youth 10.1002/col.22489
45 4 Effect of area on color harmony in simulated interiors 10.1002/col.22508
45 4 Human perceptual responses to multiple colors: A study of multicolor perceptual features modeling 10.1002/col.22512
45 4 Perceptions of the taste of colors in children and adults 10.1002/col.22503
45 4 The impact of color preference on adolescent children's choice of furniture 10.1002/col.22507
45 4 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.22518
45 3 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22396
45 3 In This Issue 10.1002/col.22498
45 3 Waypoint shift manifolds for object color evaluation and comparison 10.1002/col.22477
45 3 A multi-primary empirical model based on a quantum dots display technology 10.1002/col.22481
45 3 Predicting visual similarity between colour palettes 10.1002/col.22492
45 3 Development of a machine learning model for extracting image prominent colors 10.1002/col.22485
45 3 In search of the lost polychromy of English medieval alabaster panels in the Southwest of France 10.1002/col.22482
45 3 To see or not to see: Importance of color perception to color therapy 10.1002/col.22490
45 3 Calculative modeling for quantified semantics-color mapping 10.1002/col.22474
45 3 Comfort and reflectance properties of viscose/polyester blend fabric printed by vat/disperse dyes in visible/near-infrared region 10.1002/col.22486
45 3 Color measurement of single yarn based on hyperspectral imaging system 10.1002/col.22476
45 3 Natural ink production and printability studies for smart food packaging 10.1002/col.22488
45 3 Investigating seasonal color change in the environment by color analysis and information visualization 10.1002/col.22484
45 3 Impact of environment color on individual responses in public spaces of shopping malls 10.1002/col.22478
45 3 The impact of signboard-building color combinations on color harmony and legibility 10.1002/col.22480
45 3 Study on the preference of city color image selection based on the logistic model: A case study of Shanghai 10.1002/col.22487
45 3 Conceptual compatibility of recycle bin color: From a cross-cultural perspective 10.1002/col.22479
45 3 Kassia, St. Clair, The Secret Lives of Color, Penguin, New York, 2016. ISBN 9780143131144; 320 pp., hardback $20.00 10.1002/col.22496
45 3 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.22497
45 2 Cover Information 10.1002/col.22483
45 2 Issue Information - TOC 10.1002/col.22395
45 2 In This Issue 10.1002/col.22475
45 2 Testing the differences between two color measurement probability distributions using Hotelling's T2 test and the permutation test 10.1002/col.22468
45 2 Distance metrics for very large color differences 10.1002/col.22451
45 2 Assessing color of gemstones 10.1002/col.22472
45 2 A comparison of colour appearance for surface colours between outdoor and indoor environments 10.1002/col.22459
45 2 Analysis of the spectral reflectance and color of mineral pigments affected by their particle size 10.1002/col.22455
45 2 A blue can conceal another! Noninvasive multispectroscopic analyses of mixtures of indigo and Prussian blue 10.1002/col.22467
45 2 The optimal number of sensors for a digital imaging system from the perspective of metamer mismatching 10.1002/col.22473
45 2 Development of an image evaluation method for skin color distribution in facial images and its application: Aging effects and seasonal changes of facial color distribution 10.1002/col.22469
45 2 A harmony-based approach to generating sequential color schemes for maps 10.1002/col.22453
45 2 Evaluation of expanded gamut software solutions for spot color reproduction 10.1002/col.22471
45 2 Characterization and optimization of color attributes chroma (C*) and lightness (L*) in offset lithography halftone print on packaging boards 10.1002/col.22456
45 2 Study of the lightfastness properties of prints on blister foils by spectral reflectance 10.1002/col.22449
45 2 In vitro optical characterization of dental resin composite aged in darkness 10.1002/col.22464
45 2 Does interior color contrast enhance spatial memory? 10.1002/col.22463
45 2 Colored apparel and its potential influence on heterosexual attraction 10.1002/col.22458
45 1 Cover Information 10.1002/col.22465
45 1 Cover Information 10.1002/col.22466
45 1 Issue Information 10.1002/col.22394
45 1 In This Issue 10.1002/col.22461
45 1 A brief introduction of the Color Association of China (CAC) 10.1002/col.22460
45 1 Numerical methods for smoothest reflectance reconstruction 10.1002/col.22437
45 1 Effect of ingredients of accent base on shade development in point of sale tinting 10.1002/col.22439
45 1 Effects of cold plasma on the color parameters of Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) using color imaging instrumentation and spectrophotometer 10.1002/col.22433
45 1 Precise color capture using custom color targets 10.1002/col.22435
45 1 Optimization of a spectrally tunable daylight simulator using four quantum dot light-emitting diodes for visual appraisal of color 10.1002/col.22432
45 1 Diffuse reflectance behavior of the printed cotton/nylon blend fabrics treated with zirconium and cerium dioxide and citric acid in near- and short-wave IR radiation spectral ranges 10.1002/col.22446
45 1 Computational color combination analysis of Papilionidae butterflies as aesthetic objects 10.1002/col.22454
45 1 A method for exploring word-colour associations 10.1002/col.22434
45 1 Why only blue in the traditional architecture of western Himalaya, India? 10.1002/col.22440
45 1 Research on color harmony of building façades 10.1002/col.22448
45 1 Viewerphilic nightscape based on correlated color temperature 10.1002/col.22450
45 1 Color-emotion associations in interiors 10.1002/col.22443
45 1 Multiemotional product color design using gray theory and nondominated sorting genetic algorithm-III 10.1002/col.22441
45 1 Research on color optimization of tricolor product considering color harmony and users' emotion 10.1002/col.22447
45 1 Some concerns regarding the CAT16 chromatic adaptation transform 10.1002/col.22457
45 1 Colour-odour correspondences in women during the menstrual cycle: Comparative analysis between the menstrual and ovulation phases 10.1002/col.22442
45 1 The First Russian Congress on Color 10.1002/col.22452
45 1 Roy S. Berns, Billmeyer and Saltzman's Principles of Color Technology, Fourth edition $150.00 List Price, $99.70 on Amazon. 2019. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 272 pages. ISBN: 978-1-119-3668-3 10.1002/col.22445
45 1 Publications Briefly Mentioned 10.1002/col.22462
44 6 Cover Information 10.1002/col.22444
44 6 Issue Information - TOC 10.1002/col.22253
44 6 In This Issue 10.1002/col.22436
44 6 The fundamental theorem of tristimulus integration 10.1002/col.22431
44 6 Assessing the application of an image color appearance model to basic self-luminous scenes 10.1002/col.22414
44 6 Coloured shadows—Why they can be photographed 10.1002/col.22420
44 6 Improving unsupervised saliency detection by migrating from RGB to multispectral images 10.1002/col.22421
44 6 Subjective evaluation of natural high-saturated images on a wide gamut display 10.1002/col.22409
44 6 Study on metamerism degree evaluation based on wavelength sensitive cone weighting algorithm 10.1002/col.22413
44 6 Formulating Pantone colors by unused base inks, formulation software, and a spectrophotometer 10.1002/col.22430
44 6 Synthesis and evaluation of several high absorbance black pigments for spacecraft thermal control coatings 10.1002/col.22418
44 6 Explanation of the alexandrite effect of zultanite: From the view of colorimetry and chemical analysis 10.1002/col.22412
44 6 Color effect of light sources on peridot based on CIE1976 L*a*b* color system and round RGB diagram system 10.1002/col.22419
44 6 Color and visual complexity in abstract images: Part II 10.1002/col.22408
44 6 Perceived density, a further attribute of color, revealed by the colors favored in Japan 10.1002/col.22416
44 6 Perceiving speed—The color can matter 10.1002/col.22429
44 6 Hue, chroma, and lightness preference in Chinese adults: Age and gender differences 10.1002/col.22426
44 6 Andean colors: A colorimetric registration in pre-Columbian textiles from Northern Chile 10.1002/col.22424
44 6 Packaging design elements and consumers' decision to buy from the Web: A cause and effect decision-making model 10.1002/col.22427
44 6 Artificial neural network approach for protection of the color of dried golden and pink oyster mushrooms with pretreatments 10.1002/col.22428
44 6 Surface characterization of weathered and heat-treated wood-based composites reinforced by styrene maleic anhydride 10.1002/col.22417
44 6 Modulation of visual attention assessed using the Stroop task during the menstrual cycle: Comparison between the menstrual and ovulation phases 10.1002/col.22425
44 6 Color and culture: Innovations and insights since Basic Color Terms—Their Universality and Evolution (1969) 10.1002/col.22438
44 6 Colour and ergonomics: On the selection of a “colour of the year” 10.1002/col.22415
44 5 Cover Information 10.1002/col.22423
44 5 Issue Information - TOC 10.1002/col.22178
44 5 In This Issue 10.1002/col.22410
44 5 Chromatic adaptation transform by spectral reconstruction 10.1002/col.22384
44 5 Influences of lighting time course and background on categorical colour constancy with RGB-LED light sources 10.1002/col.22392
44 5 Impacts of spectral variations in multiwavelength excitation method on measurements of fluorescently whitened papers 10.1002/col.22385
44 5 Optimizing the setup of a flatbed color scanner for color measurement using full factorial design 10.1002/col.22406
44 5 Investigation on new color depth formulas 10.1002/col.22407
44 5 A metaheuristic-based approach to optimizing color design for military camouflage using particle swarm optimization 10.1002/col.22404
44 5 Colour-naming behavior among bilingual Malayalam-English speakers: Evidence from English narrative discourse 10.1002/col.22390
44 5 Effect of color temperature on appearance of paintings exhibited under LED lighting 10.1002/col.22403
44 5 Color changes in wall paintings under the influence of consolidation with synthetic polymers 10.1002/col.22383
44 5 Understanding the influence of microbial contamination on colour alteration of pigments used in wall paintings—The case of red and yellow ochres and ultramarine blue 10.1002/col.22391
44 5 Degradation of red lead pigment in the oil painting during UV aging 10.1002/col.22386
44 5 A method for revising package image colors to express brand perceptions better 10.1002/col.22400
44 5 Product color emotional design adaptive to product shape feature variation 10.1002/col.22402
44 5 Prediction of the colorimetric parameters and mass loss of heat-treated bamboo: Comparison of multiple linear regression and artificial neural network method 10.1002/col.22393
44 5 Publications Briefly Mentioned 10.1002/col.22411
44 5 Review of instrumental inter-agreement study of spectral and colorimetric data of commercial multiangle spectrophotometers 10.1002/col.22405
44 4 Cover Information 10.1002/col.22401
44 4 Issue Information - TOC 10.1002/col.22251
44 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.22388
44 4 Investigating color appearance in optical see-through augmented reality 10.1002/col.22380
44 4 Recovering spectral reflectance based on natural neighbor interpolation with model-based metameric spectra of extreme points 10.1002/col.22366
44 4 Reflective color reduction using genetic algorithm optimization 10.1002/col.22361
44 4 Digital color reconstructions of cultural heritage using color-managed imaging and small-aperture spectrophotometry 10.1002/col.22371
44 4 Lightfastness assessment of Levantine rock art by means of microfading spectrometry 10.1002/col.22372
44 4 Application of ant colony optimization to color matching of dyed cotton fabrics with direct dyestuffs mixtures 10.1002/col.22363
44 4 Associations of visual forms with colors: The minor role of emotion as the mediator 10.1002/col.22382
44 4 Colourful questions of an Indian village 10.1002/col.22364
44 4 Color characteristics of Beijing's regional woody vegetation based on Natural Color System 10.1002/col.22375
44 4 Colour in urban places: A case study of Leicester City Football Club blue 10.1002/col.22378
44 4 Change in colour preference in 50 years duration and its dependence on age 10.1002/col.22373
44 4 The façade decorations of the tenement houses in Olsztyn's Old Town before and after the Second World War 10.1002/col.22379
44 4 Color image knowledge model construction based on ontology 10.1002/col.22374
44 4 Examining the color, size, and packaging design of wireless-mouse products 10.1002/col.22376
44 4 CIE position statement on the blue light hazard 10.1002/col.22389
44 4 CIE 015:2018 Colorimetry, 4th Edition. The International Commission on Illumination, Vienna, Austria, 2019. 111 pp. €162.00 Members of CIE country bodies pay €54.00; hardcover or e-book. 10.1002/col.22387
44 4 Book Review: Progress in Colour Studies: Cognition, Language, and Beyond 10.1002/col.22381
44 3 Cover Information 10.1002/col.22377
44 3 Issue Information - TOC 10.1002/col.22250
44 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.22370
44 3 Assessing color performance of whole-slide imaging scanners for digital pathology 10.1002/col.22365
44 3 Sensor interpixel correlation analysis and reduction for color filter array high dynamic range image reconstruction 10.1002/col.22343
44 3 Segment-interpolation and gamut mapping application of segment maxima gamut boundary descriptors 10.1002/col.22356
44 3 Further investigation on the modified hyperbolic function in the CAM16 color appearance model 10.1002/col.22347
44 3 Optimization of color design for military camouflage in CIELAB color space 10.1002/col.22352
44 3 Chromatic interior environments for the elderly: A literature review 10.1002/col.22358
44 3 Characteristics of pigments, modification, and their functionalities 10.1002/col.22359
44 3 Describing natural colors with Munsell and NCS color systems 10.1002/col.22355
44 3 Unique hue judgments using saturated and desaturated Munsell samples under different light sources 10.1002/col.22340
44 3 Quantitative representation of floral colors 10.1002/col.22353
44 3 A cross-cultural clustering study of similarities and dissimilarities based on concept words cheap, reliable, and high quality and their corresponding color associations 10.1002/col.22354
44 3 Importance of the color of light for the illumination of urban squares 10.1002/col.22348
44 3 An investigation into the impact of daylight on perceived color of façade: Understanding the role of chromaticness 10.1002/col.22344
44 3 Surface characterization of wood treated with boron compounds combined with water repellents 10.1002/col.22357
44 3 Do repeated firings affect the color properties of porcelain-fused-metal restorations that are fabricated differently? 10.1002/col.22360
44 3 Comment on “Optimization of a spectrally tunable LED daylight simulator” 10.1002/col.22362
44 3 Progress in Colour Studies: Cognition, Language, and Beyond 10.1002/col.22367
44 3 Publications Briefly Mentioned 10.1002/col.22368
44 3 Optimization of a spectral-tunable LED daylight simulator 10.1002/col.22369
44 2 Cover Information 10.1002/col.22249
44 2 Issue Information - TOC 10.1002/col.22346
44 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.22351
44 2 Color evolution during a coating process of pharmaceutical tablet cores by random spraying 10.1002/col.22332
44 2 Review of instrumental inter-agreement study of spectral and colorimetric data of commercial multiangle spectrophotometers 10.1002/col.22320
44 2 Hue and warm-cool feeling as the visual resemblance criteria for iso-CCT judgment 10.1002/col.22324
44 2 Color segmentation in multicolor images using node-growing self-organizing map 10.1002/col.22333
44 2 A systematic approach of predicting color preference on the basis of gray relational grade 10.1002/col.22342
44 2 Transferring the color imagery from an image: A color network model for assisting color combination 10.1002/col.22339
44 2 Shedding light on the colours of medieval alabaster sculptures: Scientific analysis and digital reconstruction of their original polychromy 10.1002/col.22323
44 2 Chemical characterization and origin of dyes used in the manufacture of Beninese cultural heritage objects 10.1002/col.22325
44 2 K-M theory of fabric knitted by three-channel rotor spun wool yarn 10.1002/col.22317
44 2 Optimization of high performance m-aramid fiber with disperse dye containing high color strength 10.1002/col.22331
44 2 The effect of TiO2 nanopigment on the optical properties of polyester fabric in UV–VIS–NIR regions 10.1002/col.22334
44 2 The relationship between color black and economic trends in Women's fashion 10.1002/col.22287
44 2 What color do you feel? Color choices are driven by mood 10.1002/col.22327
44 2 Product color emotional design considering color layout 10.1002/col.22338
44 2 Effect of color attributes on the buying decision model for Durio zibethinus L. 10.1002/col.22337
44 2 Correspondence between colour and odour for women in pre-menopause and post-menopause 10.1002/col.22336
44 2 The 4th Asia Color Association Conference 10.1002/col.22349
44 2 CIE S 026/E:2018 CIE System for Metrology of Optical Radiation for ipRGC-Influenced Responses to Light. Vienna: CIE Central Bureau; 2018. The price of this publication is EUR 162 (Members of the National Committees of the CIE receive a 66.7% discount on this price) available from the CIE Webshop or from the National Committees of the CIE. 10.1002/col.22350
44 1 Cover Information 10.1002/col.22249
44 1 Issue Information - TOC 10.1002/col.22346
44 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.22351
44 1 Color evolution during a coating process of pharmaceutical tablet cores by random spraying 10.1002/col.22332
44 1 Review of instrumental inter-agreement study of spectral and colorimetric data of commercial multiangle spectrophotometers 10.1002/col.22320
44 1 Hue and warm-cool feeling as the visual resemblance criteria for iso-CCT judgment 10.1002/col.22324
44 1 Color segmentation in multicolor images using node-growing self-organizing map 10.1002/col.22333
44 1 A systematic approach of predicting color preference on the basis of gray relational grade 10.1002/col.22342
44 1 Transferring the color imagery from an image: A color network model for assisting color combination 10.1002/col.22339
44 1 Shedding light on the colours of medieval alabaster sculptures: Scientific analysis and digital reconstruction of their original polychromy 10.1002/col.22323
44 1 Chemical characterization and origin of dyes used in the manufacture of Beninese cultural heritage objects 10.1002/col.22325
44 1 K-M theory of fabric knitted by three-channel rotor spun wool yarn 10.1002/col.22317
44 1 Optimization of high performance m-aramid fiber with disperse dye containing high color strength 10.1002/col.22331
44 1 The effect of TiO2 nanopigment on the optical properties of polyester fabric in UV–VIS–NIR regions 10.1002/col.22334
44 1 The relationship between color black and economic trends in Women's fashion 10.1002/col.22287
44 1 What color do you feel? Color choices are driven by mood 10.1002/col.22327
44 1 Product color emotional design considering color layout 10.1002/col.22338
44 1 Effect of color attributes on the buying decision model for Durio zibethinus L. 10.1002/col.22337
44 1 Correspondence between colour and odour for women in pre-menopause and post-menopause 10.1002/col.22336
44 1 The 4th Asia Color Association Conference 10.1002/col.22349
44 1 CIE S 026/E:2018 CIE System for Metrology of Optical Radiation for ipRGC-Influenced Responses to Light. Vienna: CIE Central Bureau; 2018. The price of this publication is EUR 162 (Members of the National Committees of the CIE receive a 66.7% discount on this price) available from the CIE Webshop or from the National Committees of the CIE. 10.1002/col.22350
43 6 COVER INFORMATION 10.1002/col.22294
43 6 Issue Information - TOC 10.1002/col.22179
43 6 Munsell Centennial Special issue 10.1002/col.22289
43 6 The Color Tree 10.1002/col.22314
43 6 Unique hues and principal hues 10.1002/col.22261
43 6 Opponency - Red Spruce Cone Bud 10.1002/col.22318
43 6 Arrival 10.1002/col.22297
43 6 Recreating the Munsell crayon color spectrum 10.1002/col.22265
43 6 Relating Munsell to other systems in an elastic colour solid 10.1002/col.22270
43 6 Variation on White's Illusion Number 2 10.1002/col.22285
43 6 From Munsell color system to a new color psychology system 10.1002/col.22286
43 6 Joy 10.1002/col.22309
43 6 Practical application of browns and grays based on a vector concept—The practical strength the asymmetrical Munsell color space 10.1002/col.22240
43 6 Embracing The Vortex 10.1002/col.22319
43 6 Rembrandt Appears in Mulungu 10.1002/col.22296
43 6 Exercises of chromatic investigation and analysis on color education 10.1002/col.22282
43 6 The Windmill 10.1002/col.22315
43 6 Color–light–space: An interdisciplinary course for graduate and postgraduate students 10.1002/col.22284
43 6 Wavelength Mural 10.1002/col.22305
43 6 Chromatic harmony in architecture and the Munsell color system 10.1002/col.22283
43 6 Architecture of Eco-Village 10.1002/col.22293
43 6 The aid of colour on visuospatial navigation of elderly people in a virtual polyclinic environment 10.1002/col.22272
43 6 Ar Livre #2 10.1002/col.22299
43 6 A color graphic informing on the impact of electric lighting and coated glazing in complex architectural scenes 10.1002/col.22267
43 6 Inside Publicolor 10.1002/col.22313
43 6 Application specific extension of the MCRI: Memory colors and preferred colors of reddish meat products 10.1002/col.22274
43 6 Pulp Pop 10.1002/col.22307
43 6 Optical measurement standards for reflective e-paper to predict colors displayed in ambient illumination environments 10.1002/col.22279
43 6 Jardin du Luxembourg 10.1002/col.22310
43 6 Relative analysis of the dependency of spectrophotometric data on temperature using textiles, ceramics, plastics, paints, and printed materials 10.1002/col.22281
43 6 Sentient Storyboard 10.1002/col.22295
43 6 Mesmeric 10.1002/col.22304
43 6 Automatic color classification via Munsell system for archaeology 10.1002/col.22277
43 6 Silent Truths 10.1002/col.22306
43 6 How Munsell system could help visualize color variation on cement tiles 10.1002/col.22264
43 6 Decorative patterns and sets of colors inspired by folk and applied arts of upper silesia, a popularization of visual cultural heritage of the region 10.1002/col.22273
43 6 Quiet 10.1002/col.22311
43 6 Locale Color: Spectral Bridge 10.1002/col.22312
43 6 Color and visual complexity in abstract images 10.1002/col.22266
43 6 Elusive #4 10.1002/col.22300
43 6 Objects as culture-specific referents of color terms in Russian 10.1002/col.22280
43 6 SunWheel Via Valtellina Nr.1 10.1002/col.22303
43 6 Fishing boats at Cap Gammarth, Aria 10.1002/col.22302
43 6 How much colour science is not too much? 10.1002/col.22275
43 6 Nina Cat 10.1002/col.22316
43 6 Loss of Identity 10.1002/col.22308
43 6 Nature Study 1 10.1002/col.22301
43 6 A collection of each artist's comments on their artwork 10.1002/col.22341
43 6 Books on Color 1495-2015: History & Bibliography. Roy Osborne, Morrisville, NC: Lulu Press. ISBN 978-1-326-45 971-0 (290 pp). Paper; 2015 & 2018; $16.71 10.1002/col.22290
43 6 Crossways V 10.1002/col.22298
43 5 COVER INFORMATION 10.1002/col.22269
43 5 Issue Information - TOC 10.1002/col.22252
43 5 IN THIS ISSUE 10.1002/col.22257
43 5 The dependence of color constancy and brightness constancy on saturation 10.1002/col.22227
43 5 Comparing two-step and one-step chromatic adaptation transforms using the CAT16 model 10.1002/col.22226
43 5 Bidirectional individual corresponding colors data 10.1002/col.22228
43 5 Categorical color constancy under RGB-LED light sources 10.1002/col.22241
43 5 A strategy toward spectral and colorimetric color reproduction using ordinary digital cameras 10.1002/col.22231
43 5 Impact of fluorescent whitening agent excitation on White Balance Algorithms 10.1002/col.22233
43 5 Investigation of metallic color perception using real-world materials 10.1002/col.22245
43 5 Heuristic analysis influence of saliency in the color diversity of natural images 10.1002/col.22235
43 5 Naming the colors: Color names designation from the colorimetric values. The French GPEM/PV work revisited 10.1002/col.22255
43 5 Universal models of colour emotion and colour harmony 10.1002/col.22243
43 5 A novel Color Rendition Chart for digital tongue image calibration 10.1002/col.22234
43 5 A novel method for assessing the chromatic integration of architecture in the Ksourian landscape of M'zab Valley, Algeria 10.1002/col.22225
43 5 Color stability of denture shade tabs is affected by exposure to daylight and decontamination protocols 10.1002/col.22224
43 5 Color stability of bulk-fill composites immersed in different drinks 10.1002/col.22242
43 5 Color science and the visual arts: A guide for conservators, curators, and the curious Roy S. Berns, Los Angeles, CA: The Getty Conservation Institute, 2016. ISBN 978-0-691-17 518-8, ISBN (pbk) 978-0-691-17519-5, 210 pages. $110 (hardcover). 10.1002/col.22256
43 5 CIE 229:2018 Groundwork for Measurement of Effective Intensity of Flashing Lights 10.1002/col.22258
43 4 COVER INFORMATION 10.1002/col.22244
43 4 Issue Information - TOC 10.1002/col.22177
43 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.22239
43 4 An investigation into the variability of skin colour measurements 10.1002/col.22230
43 4 Visual customization: Diversity in color preferences in the automotive interior and implications for interior design 10.1002/col.22218
43 4 Study of color perceptibility of gonio-apparent panels with curvature angle 10.1002/col.22213
43 4 Precision in the reproduction of colored coatings 10.1002/col.22221
43 4 Observer preference for perceived illumination chromaticity 10.1002/col.22210
43 4 The sparse least square support vector regression for estimating illumination chromaticity 10.1002/col.22217
43 4 Insight into color aesthetics from probabilistic perception modeling 10.1002/col.22216
43 4 Chromatic adaptation in a 2D photograph demonstrated by a D-up viewer 10.1002/col.22214
43 4 Color appearance rating of familiar real objects under immersive viewing conditions 10.1002/col.22209
43 4 An adaptive approach to create on-demand color schemes for mapping quantitative geographic data 10.1002/col.22212
43 4 Dancheong colors used for Korean cultural heritage architecture restoration 10.1002/col.22220
43 4 Chromaticity changes of inorganic pigments in Chinese traditional paintings due to the illumination of frequently-used light sources in museum 10.1002/col.22215
43 4 Influence of repeated firings on the color parameters of two different all-ceramic materials 10.1002/col.22219
43 4 Four-transition 0-1 functions for reflectance spectra 10.1002/col.22229
43 4 ERWIN SCHRÖDINGER'S COLOR THEORY: TRANSLATED WITH MODERN COMMENTARY Keith K. Niall, Editor New York, NY: Springer, 2017. 193 pp. ISBN 978-3-319-64619-0. Hardcover $139.00. ebook $103.20 10.1002/col.22208
43 4 A Naïve realist theory of colour 10.1002/col.22237
43 4 CIE 228:2018 Gray-Scale Calculation for Self-Luminous Devices. Vienna: CIE Central Bureau; 2018. ISBN 978-3-901906-97-8; 38 pages; The price of this publication is EUR 90, (Members of the National Committees of the CIE receive a 66.7% discount on this price). available from the CIE Webshop or from the National Committees of the CIE 10.1002/col.22238
43 4 The association between colors and emotions for emotional words and facial expressions 10.1002/col.22236
43 3 COVER INFORMATION 10.1002/col.22232
43 3 Issue Information - TOC 10.1002/col.22176
43 3 In This Issue 10.1002/col.22222
43 3 Computational color analysis of paintings for different artists of the XVI and XVII centuries 10.1002/col.22211
43 3 Supporting history of art with colorimetry: The paintings of Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso 10.1002/col.22189
43 3 Digitally reconstructing Van Gogh's Field with Irises near Arles part 3: Determining the original colors 10.1002/col.22197
43 3 Toward improved aesthetics and data discrimination for treemaps via color schemes 10.1002/col.22196
43 3 Noise segmentation for improving performance of Wiener filter method in spectral reflectance estimation 10.1002/col.22200
43 3 Color appearance of afterimages compared to the chromatic adaptation to illumination 10.1002/col.22207
43 3 An online color naming experiment in Russian using Munsell color samples 10.1002/col.22190
43 3 A study on Fuzzy C-means application in Austronesian language cultural and creative product colors 10.1002/col.22195
43 3 Requirements capture for colour information for design professionals 10.1002/col.22198
43 3 The influence of color on impulsiveness and arousal: Part 1 – Hue 10.1002/col.22201
43 3 The influence of color on impulsiveness and arousal: Part 2 – Chroma 10.1002/col.22202
43 3 Color matching of fiber blends: Stearns-Noechel model of digital rotor spun yarn 10.1002/col.22192
43 3 Apparel color preferences for different regions in China: The connection to personal values 10.1002/col.22204
43 3 The quantitative research of landscape color: A study of Ming Dynasty City Wall in Nanjing 10.1002/col.22203
43 3 SEEING: HOW LIGHT TELLS US ABOUT THE WORLD Tom Cornsweet Oakland CA: University of California Press, 2017 ISBN 9780520294639, 189 pages, paperback $34.95. 10.1002/col.22206
43 3 THE GEOMETRY OF COLOUR 10.1002/col.22223
43 2 COVER INFORMATION 10.1002/col.22205
43 2 Issue Information - TOC 10.1002/col.22175
43 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.22199
43 2 Digitally reconstructing Van Gogh's Field with Irises near Arles. Part 1: Varnish 10.1002/col.22162
43 2 Digitally reconstructing Van Gogh's Field with Irises near Arles. Part 2: Pigment concentration maps 10.1002/col.22164
43 2 Identification of vivianite, an unusual blue pigment, in a sixteenth century painting and its implications 10.1002/col.22181
43 2 Development of a novel tissue-mimicking color calibration slide for digital microscopy 10.1002/col.22187
43 2 Identification and formalization of knowledge for coloring qualitative geospatial data 10.1002/col.22183
43 2 Gender difference in color preference across cultures: An archetypal pattern modulated by a female cultural stereotype 10.1002/col.22188
43 2 Correspondence analysis of color–emotion associations 10.1002/col.22171
43 2 Application of the nondestructive second derivative spectrophotometry to eliminate the effect of substrate in identification of madder used in Persian carpets 10.1002/col.22182
43 2 The association between colors and emotions for emotional words and facial expressions 10.1002/col.22186
43 2 The role of individual colour preferences in consumer purchase decisions 10.1002/col.22180
43 2 Does uniform color affect offside in association football? 10.1002/col.22184
43 2 Handling translucent specimens in an opaque Kubelka–Munk Environment 10.1002/col.22173
43 2 The relationship between container colors and the beauty benefits of skin care products 10.1002/col.22191
43 1 Issue Information – TOC 10.1002/col.22174
43 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.22193
43 1 Uncertainty evaluation and propagation for spectral measurements 10.1002/col.22185
43 1 Multi-wavelength excitation method for measuring FWA-treated paper 10.1002/col.22166
43 1 Impact of spectral power distribution of daylight simulators on whiteness specification for surface colors 10.1002/col.22150
43 1 Improving color reproduction accuracy of an OLED-based mobile display 10.1002/col.22148
43 1 Camera characterization for improving color archaeological documentation 10.1002/col.22152
43 1 The “C test” for tritan discrimination 10.1002/col.22155
43 1 Cognitive performance and emotion are indifferent to ambient color 10.1002/col.22168
43 1 Image color adjustment for harmony with a target color 10.1002/col.22144
43 1 Similarities and differences between male and female novice designers on color-concept associations for warnings, action required, and signs and equipment status messages 10.1002/col.22163
43 1 Colour meaning and consumer expectations 10.1002/col.22167
43 1 Do red prices also work online?: An extension of Puccinelli et al. (2013) 10.1002/col.22147
43 1 Red color in flags: A signal for competition 10.1002/col.22165
43 1 Long-term changes in Japanese women's facial skin color 10.1002/col.22153
43 1 Three-dimensional color prediction modeling of single- and double-layered woven fabrics 10.1002/col.22149
43 1 In memoriam Michel Cler (1938–2017) 10.1002/col.22194
42 6 Issue Information – TOC 10.1002/col.22085
42 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.22172
42 6 About the authors 10.1002/col.22170
42 6 Comprehensive color solutions: CAM16, CAT16, and CAM16-UCS 10.1002/col.22131
42 6 Performance of the Ishihara, D-15, and City University colour vision test as a function of intraocular straylight 10.1002/col.22145
42 6 A statistical analysis for correlation approach to compensate the measured CIELAB colorimetric data for temperature alterations 10.1002/col.22141
42 6 Multiple roles of color information in the perception of icon-type images 10.1002/col.22140
42 6 Predicting personality associations evoked by multicolored appearance of virtual agents: An exploratory study 10.1002/col.22154
42 6 Spectrophotometric measurement of human skin colour 10.1002/col.22143
42 6 An intelligent skin-color capture method based on fuzzy C-means with applications 10.1002/col.22151
42 6 Physical indices for judging appearance harmony of materials 10.1002/col.22132
42 6 Multivariate Gaussian subspatial regression applied to predict the effect of phosphate crystallization aging on the color in silicious conglomerates 10.1002/col.22142
42 6 Pigments & dyes in a collection of medieval illuminations (14th–16th century) 10.1002/col.22146
42 6 Influence of vehicle on historical pigments colour 10.1002/col.22138
42 6 Color characteristic of Castle District built on the hill 10.1002/col.22139
42 6 Progression of color decision making in introductory design education 10.1002/col.22129
42 6 Applying Color Theory to Digital Media and Visualization Theresa-Marie Rhyne Boca Raton, FL: CRC press, 2016. 184 pp. ISBN 9781498765497. paperback $44.96; ebook $41.97 10.1002/col.22160
42 6 The Optics of Life; A Biologist's Guide to Light in Nature Sönke Johnsen Princeton NJ: Princeton University, 2012, 368 pp. ISBN: 9780691139913. $52 (Paperback) 10.1002/col.22161
42 6 CIE 225:2017 Optical Measurement of High-Power LEDs 10.1002/col.22169
42 5 Issue Information – TOC 10.1002/col.22084
42 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.22158
42 5 About the authors 10.1002/col.22157
42 5 Performance of advanced color difference and CAM02-based formulas in prediction of the Crispening effect for reflective samples 10.1002/col.22110
42 5 New colour appearance scales for describing saturation, vividness, blackness, and whiteness 10.1002/col.22114
42 5 Evaluation of uncertainties for CIELAB color coordinates 10.1002/col.22109
42 5 Chromatic adaptation to illumination investigated with adapting and adapted color 10.1002/col.22117
42 5 Color breakup visibility thresholds for 2-field sequential colors 10.1002/col.22125
42 5 CIE 224:2017 CIE 2017 Colour Fidelity Index for accurate scientific use 10.1002/col.22159
42 5 The effect of unit k/s calculation and spectral overlapping on the performance of color matching 10.1002/col.22130
42 5 Using principal component analysis technique in the instrumental shade sorting of textile fabrics 10.1002/col.22116
42 5 Research on the detection of fabric color difference based on T-S fuzzy neural network 10.1002/col.22113
42 5 Perceptual and emotional effects of light and color in a simulated retail space 10.1002/col.22127
42 5 Color-emotion associations, designing color schemes for urban environment-architectural settings 10.1002/col.22123
42 5 Color loci placemaking: The urban color between needs of continuity and renewal 10.1002/col.22128
42 5 A comparison between wishes and status: Gray is not the preference for residents while the city shows neutral colors 10.1002/col.22122
42 5 An aesthetic measurement method for matching colours in product design 10.1002/col.22124
42 5 Color specification of two new resin composites and influence of stratification on their chromatic perception 10.1002/col.22115
42 5 Response to Charles Poynton's book review of “Color reproduction in electronic imaging systems: photography television cinematography” 10.1002/col.22156
42 4 Issue Information – TOC 10.1002/col.22083
42 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.22137
42 4 In memoriam 10.1002/col.22136
42 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.22133
42 4 Quantifying the suitability of CIE D50 and a simulators based on LED light sources 10.1002/col.22098
42 4 Optimization of a spectrally tunable LED daylight simulator 10.1002/col.22094
42 4 Light wavelengths of LEDs to improve the color discrimination in Ishihara test and Farnsworth Panel D-15 test for deutans 10.1002/col.22106
42 4 Practical method for correcting heterochromatic stray light in dual-channel spectrographs for colorimetry 10.1002/col.22101
42 4 Background luminance and subtense affects color appearance 10.1002/col.22108
42 4 Colour meaning and context 10.1002/col.22095
42 4 Performance comparison of JPEG, JPEG 2000, and newly developed CSI-JPEG by adopting different color models 10.1002/col.22100
42 4 Aging analysis of a color facsimile binding for the 14th century manuscript “Registro Notarial de Torres” 10.1002/col.22093
42 4 Color separation for improved perceived image quality in terms of graininess and gamut 10.1002/col.22105
42 4 Color harmony in two-piece garments 10.1002/col.22099
42 4 Color appearance modeling of bicolor striped woven fabrics considering neighboring color effects 10.1002/col.22097
42 4 Perception of gold materials by projecting a solid color on black materials 10.1002/col.22107
42 4 Standard Colorimetry: Definitions, Algorithms and Software Claudio Oleari Chichester: John Wiley; 2016 ISBN: 9781118894446; 509 pp. $95.00 paperback; $76.99 10.1002/col.22134
42 4 Visual Phenomenology Michael Madary Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2017. ISBN 9780262035453, 247 pp., $45.00 hardcopy. 10.1002/col.22135
42 3 Issue Information – TOC 10.1002/col.22082
42 3 Editorial changes at color research and application 10.1002/col.22126
42 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.22119
42 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.22118
42 3 A comprehensive model of colour appearance for related and unrelated colours of varying size viewed under mesopic to photopic conditions 10.1002/col.22078
42 3 Ways to define a tristimulus value 10.1002/col.22079
42 3 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.22120
42 3 Linear modeling of modern artist paints using a modification of the opaque form of Kubelka-Munk turbid media theory 10.1002/col.22086
42 3 A new manufacturable filter design approach for spectral reflectance estimation 10.1002/col.22075
42 3 Spectral reflectance reconstruction from RGB images based on weighting smaller color difference group 10.1002/col.22091
42 3 Precise capture of colors in cultural heritage digitization 10.1002/col.22092
42 3 Feasibility of using digital color imaging devices for the determination of cationic dyes compatibility 10.1002/col.22074
42 3 Color management for enhancing the performance of superfine nylon ink jet printing with reactive dyes inks 10.1002/col.22077
42 3 Effects of age and ambient illuminance on visual comfort for reading on a mobile device 10.1002/col.22089
42 3 A similarity-based cross-language comparison of basicness and demarcation of “blue” terms 10.1002/col.22076
42 3 Color of absence and presence: Reconsidering black in architecture 10.1002/col.22090
42 3 Investigating the personality associations evoked by single colors: An exploratory study 10.1002/col.22073
42 3 COLOR REPRODUCTION IN ELECTRONIC IMAGING SYSTEMS: PHOTOGRAPHY TELEVISION CINEMATOGRAPHY Michael Tooms Wiley: Chichester, UK, 2016, ISBN 9781119021766, pp. 736 10.1002/col.22121
42 2 Issue Information – TOC 10.1002/col.22081
42 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.22112
42 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.22111
42 2 A new method to evaluate a corresponding colors dataset based on its two derived transforms 10.1002/col.22058
42 2 An adaptive color similarity function suitable for image segmentation and its numerical evaluation 10.1002/col.22059
42 2 A new device color gamut boundary description algorithm based on irregular segmentation 10.1002/col.22052
42 2 Effect of classification by competitive neural network on reconstruction of reflectance spectra using principal component analysis 10.1002/col.22050
42 2 Correction of second-order-diffraction errors in spectrophotometry 10.1002/col.22060
42 2 An exploration of malayalam basic and nonbasic color terms during a color naming task and in naturalistic narratives 10.1002/col.22051
42 2 A Cross-cultural comparison of saturation, vividness, blackness and whiteness scales 10.1002/col.22065
42 2 A computational model simulating the mental function of multicolor aesthetic evaluation 10.1002/col.22067
42 2 Effect of particle size on pigments colour 10.1002/col.22062
42 2 Digital printing of acrylic fabric with cationic dyes using conventional inkjet printer 10.1002/col.22066
42 2 Automatic detection of layout of color yarns of yarn-dyed fabric. Part 3: Double-system-Mélange color fabrics 10.1002/col.22068
42 2 Understanding responses to materials and colors in interiors 10.1002/col.22072
42 2 An intelligent system for fashion colour prediction based on fuzzy C-means and gray theory 10.1002/col.22057
42 1 Issue Information – TOC 10.1002/col.22080
42 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.22103
42 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.22102
42 1 Interpolation, extrapolation, and truncation in computations of CIE tristimulus values 10.1002/col.22016
42 1 Detailed analysis of the UV-adjustment techniques used in paper and graphic industries 10.1002/col.22015
42 1 Evaluation of intermodel agreement using ISO 13655 M0, M1, and M2 measurement modes in commercial spectrophotometers 10.1002/col.22045
42 1 Modeling the appearance of metal-like packaging printing 10.1002/col.22035
42 1 Color harmonies in packaging 10.1002/col.22049
42 1 Optimal display color for nighttime smartphone users 10.1002/col.22044
42 1 Estimating spectral reflectance from camera responses based on CIE XYZ tristimulus values under multi-illuminants 10.1002/col.22037
42 1 Evaluation of the visibility of colored objects under led lighting with various correlated color temperatures 10.1002/col.22048
42 1 Color names, stimulus color, and their subjective links 10.1002/col.22034
42 1 A methodology for predicting the color trend to get a three-colored combination 10.1002/col.22046
42 1 Recoloring textile fabric images based on improved fuzzy clustering 10.1002/col.22023
42 1 Calibrating low-scattering samples using Kubelka-Munk model 10.1002/col.22096
42 1 Effects of color on expectations of drug effects: A cross-gender cross-cultural study 10.1002/col.22024
42 1 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.22104
42 1 Color in the urban environment: A user-oriented protocol for chromatic characterization and the development of a parametric typology 10.1002/col.22022
41 6 Issue Information – TOC 10.1002/col.21997
41 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.22088
41 6 About the authors 10.1002/col.22087
41 6 Color association research on red-green dichromats in the color ergonomics of user interface interaction 10.1002/col.22010
41 6 Chromatic contrast dependence of reaction time to random-dot stereograms at isoluminance 10.1002/col.21998
41 6 The coefficient of variation as a measure of spectrophotometric repeatability 10.1002/col.22002
41 6 Random walk analysis for reflection and transmission of turbid media 10.1002/col.22036
41 6 Research on filter selection method for broadband spectral imaging system based on ancient murals 10.1002/col.22004
41 6 Specular gloss versus surface topography for oil-filled nanoparticle coatings on paper 10.1002/col.21986
41 6 User evaluation of a virtual colour laboratory as a tool for demonstrating colour appearance 10.1002/col.22000
41 6 Automatic detection of layout of color yarns of yarn-dyed fabric. Part 2: Region segmentation of double-system-Mélange color fabric 10.1002/col.22003
41 6 A novel analysis of color component for top dyed melange yarn with support vector machine 10.1002/col.22001
41 6 Effect of ceramic veneer thickness and cement shade on the CIELAB system after bonding—an in vitro study 10.1002/col.22011
41 5 Issue Information – TOC 10.1002/col.21997
41 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.22088
41 5 About the authors 10.1002/col.22087
41 5 Color association research on red-green dichromats in the color ergonomics of user interface interaction 10.1002/col.22010
41 5 Chromatic contrast dependence of reaction time to random-dot stereograms at isoluminance 10.1002/col.21998
41 5 The coefficient of variation as a measure of spectrophotometric repeatability 10.1002/col.22002
41 5 Random walk analysis for reflection and transmission of turbid media 10.1002/col.22036
41 5 Research on filter selection method for broadband spectral imaging system based on ancient murals 10.1002/col.22004
41 5 Specular gloss versus surface topography for oil-filled nanoparticle coatings on paper 10.1002/col.21986
41 5 User evaluation of a virtual colour laboratory as a tool for demonstrating colour appearance 10.1002/col.22000
41 5 Automatic detection of layout of color yarns of yarn-dyed fabric. Part 2: Region segmentation of double-system-Mélange color fabric 10.1002/col.22003
41 5 A novel analysis of color component for top dyed melange yarn with support vector machine 10.1002/col.22001
41 5 Effect of ceramic veneer thickness and cement shade on the CIELAB system after bonding—an in vitro study 10.1002/col.22011
41 4 Issue Information – TOC 10.1002/col.21996
41 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.22070
41 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.22069
41 4 How many object colors can we distinguish? 10.1002/col.21980
41 4 Bayesian analysis of color preferences: An application for product and product line design 10.1002/col.21982
41 4 Color discrimination subject to illuminant and color transition 10.1002/col.21979
41 4 Color constancy from invariant wavelength ratios: An algorithm to simplify the chromatic adaptation model 10.1002/col.21976
41 4 The relationship between refractive index and optical properties of absorbing nanoparticle 10.1002/col.21983
41 4 Comparison of the performance of masterbatch and liquid color concentrates for mass coloration of polypropylene 10.1002/col.21987
41 4 Comparative study of different methods for the assessment of print mottle 10.1002/col.21984
41 4 Color specification of a single strand of yarn from a multispectral image 10.1002/col.21981
41 4 Hierarchical emotional color theme extraction 10.1002/col.21988
41 4 Seasonal and emotional associations of the colours and their effects on directing the Turkish fashion 10.1002/col.21985
41 4 Color matching experiment for highlighting interobserver variability 10.1002/col.21975
41 4 How many object colors can we distinguish? A comment on prof. Kuehni 10.1002/col.22063
41 4 How many colors can we distinguish? Response to comments by M. Flinkman and H. Laamanen 10.1002/col.22071
41 4 Maximum number of discriminable colors in a region of uniform color space 10.1002/col.22061
41 4 Comments: Number of perceivable object color stimuli 10.1002/col.22064
41 3 Issue Information – TOC 10.1002/col.21994
41 3 In This Issue 10.1002/col.22047
41 3 Natural yellow and red Fe-based geomaterials from the Lessini mountains in Veneto, Italy: A review 10.1002/col.22039
41 3 Yellow pigments based on lead, tin, and antimony: Ancient recipes, synthesis, characterization, and hue choice in artworks 10.1002/col.22026
41 3 Decorative surface finishes: Bronzing, patina-antiqua, verd-antique in NY furniture 1810–1830: New York workshops practices 1810–1830 10.1002/col.22033
41 3 The colour of the granite that built the city of São Paulo, Brazil 10.1002/col.22018
41 3 19th c. Coloured stuccos and plasters from Grilos' Church (Oporto, Portugal): Materials and techniques employed 10.1002/col.22041
41 3 José de Escovar at the Chapel of the Souls: Technical and material study of a 1603 panel painting 10.1002/col.22031
41 3 An unusual mural paintings at the charola of the convent of tomar: Red lakes and organic binders 10.1002/col.22009
41 3 Multi-analytical approach to the material characterization of 16th century wall paintings from Ribeira Sacra (Galicia, NW Spain): Pictorial palette, technique and alterations 10.1002/col.22029
41 3 Blue pigments in blue and purple painting layers of Gdańsks' paintings of the mid-16th to the end of the 18th century 10.1002/col.22030
41 3 Tracking old and new colours: Material study of 16th century mural paintings from Évora Cathedral (Southern Portugal) 10.1002/col.22040
41 3 Identification and removal of nonoriginal layers in the 16th century paintings of funchal's Cathedral altarpiece 10.1002/col.22027
41 3 Pre-hispanic pigments and Italian renaissance designs at Spanish colonial missions churches in Northern Mexico 10.1002/col.22028
41 3 Darkening on lead-based pigments: Microbiological contribution 10.1002/col.22014
41 3 Enzymatic degradation of fungal pigmentation from wall painting’s isolates 10.1002/col.22025
41 3 Material identification of three French medieval illuminations of the XVIth century by hyperspectral imaging (Treasury of Bordeaux Cathedral, France) 10.1002/col.22042
41 3 The use of hyperspectral imaging technique to detect the most suitable graffiti-cleaning procedure 10.1002/col.22032
41 3 Color-based automatic detection of worn out varnishes on Stradivari's “Scotland University” violin back plate 10.1002/col.22012
41 3 Preliminary investigation of various old geomaterials treated with hydrophobic pellicle 10.1002/col.22043
41 3 Noninvasive in situ study of pigments in artworks by means of VIS, IRFC image analysis, and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry 10.1002/col.22038
41 3 A new online tool to detect color misconceptions 10.1002/col.22017
41 3 Development of hyperrealistic simulations to teach concepts about colors 10.1002/col.22013
41 2 Issue Information – TOC 10.1002/col.21993
41 2 In This Issue 10.1002/col.22021
41 2 About the Authors 10.1002/col.22019
41 2 Measuring observer metamerism: The Nimeroff approach 10.1002/col.21954
41 2 Testing the accuracy of methods for the computation of CIE tristimulus values using weighting tables 10.1002/col.21951
41 2 Preference index for Japanese complexion under illuminations 10.1002/col.21948
41 2 Gloss evaluation and prediction of achromatic low-gloss textured surfaces from the automotive industry 10.1002/col.21946
41 2 An analytic measure of perceptual factors for color composition 10.1002/col.21952
41 2 Study of balance of images using visual weight 10.1002/col.21943
41 2 Cross preferences for colors and shapes 10.1002/col.21958
41 2 The influence of color on student emotion, heart rate, and performance in learning environments 10.1002/col.21949
41 2 An attempt to reconstruct the meaning of al-Tusi's color words 10.1002/col.21960
41 2 CIE 170-2:2015 Fundamental Chromaticity Diagram with Physiological Axes – Part 2: Spectral Luminous Efficiency Functions and Chromaticity Diagrams 10.1002/col.22020
41 1 Issue Information – TOC 10.1002/col.21993
41 1 In This Issue 10.1002/col.22021
41 1 About the Authors 10.1002/col.22019
41 1 Measuring observer metamerism: The Nimeroff approach 10.1002/col.21954
41 1 Testing the accuracy of methods for the computation of CIE tristimulus values using weighting tables 10.1002/col.21951
41 1 Preference index for Japanese complexion under illuminations 10.1002/col.21948
41 1 Gloss evaluation and prediction of achromatic low-gloss textured surfaces from the automotive industry 10.1002/col.21946
41 1 An analytic measure of perceptual factors for color composition 10.1002/col.21952
41 1 Study of balance of images using visual weight 10.1002/col.21943
41 1 Cross preferences for colors and shapes 10.1002/col.21958
41 1 The influence of color on student emotion, heart rate, and performance in learning environments 10.1002/col.21949
41 1 An attempt to reconstruct the meaning of al-Tusi's color words 10.1002/col.21960
41 1 CIE 170-2:2015 Fundamental Chromaticity Diagram with Physiological Axes – Part 2: Spectral Luminous Efficiency Functions and Chromaticity Diagrams 10.1002/col.22020
40 6 In This Issue 10.1002/col.21999
40 6 About the Authors 10.1002/col.21991
40 6 Introducing Wpt (Waypoint): A color equivalency representation for defining a material adjustment transform 10.1002/col.21928
40 6 Introducing WLab—Going from Wpt (Waypoint) to a uniform material color equivalency space 10.1002/col.21933
40 6 Physics-based spectral sharpening through filter-chart calibration 10.1002/col.21924
40 6 Unique hue data and CIECAM02: A comment on Xiao et al 10.1002/col.21990
40 6 Evaluation of targets for color calibrating digital images from an optical bright-field transmission microscope 10.1002/col.21932
40 6 Colour and spectral reflectance of stools from normal neonatal babies 10.1002/col.21919
40 6 Crosscultural comparison of color terms and preference of persimmon-dyed fabric, Galchon 10.1002/col.21941
40 6 Dichromatism causes color variations in leaves and spices 10.1002/col.21934
40 6 Transforming the natural colors of an image into product design: A computer-aided color planning system based on fuzzy pattern recognition 10.1002/col.21929
40 6 Automatic detection of layout of color yarns of yarn-dyed fabric. Part 1: Single-system-mélange color fabrics 10.1002/col.21927
40 6 Erratum 10.1002/col.21989
40 5 In This Issue 10.1002/col.21978
40 5 About The Authors 10.1002/col.21977
40 5 Optimal employment of color attributes to achieve saliency in icon matrix designs 10.1002/col.21922
40 5 Background and foreground interaction: Influence of complementary colors on the search task 10.1002/col.21920
40 5 Color scheme adjustment by fuzzy constraint satisfaction for color vision deficiencies 10.1002/col.21913
40 5 Metrics for comparing and analyzing two colour gamuts 10.1002/col.21930
40 5 An investigation of how the texture surface of a fabric influences its instrumental color 10.1002/col.21923
40 5 Characterization of the gonioapparent character of colored anodized titanium surfaces 10.1002/col.21911
40 5 Optimum solution of the CIECAM02 yellow–blue and purple problems 10.1002/col.21921
40 5 An optical model relating (L*a*b*) values for a scattering surface covered with a scattering layer to (L*a*b*) values for the uncovered surface and its application to tooth colour 10.1002/col.21912
40 5 3D Master Toothguide according to L*, C*, and h* coordinates 10.1002/col.21896
40 5 What can we learn from a dress with ambiguous colors? 10.1002/col.21966
40 4 Janos Schanda (March 8, 2015): Professor Emeritus of the University of Pannonia, Hungary 10.1002/col.21968
40 4 In This Issue 10.1002/col.21970
40 4 About The Authors 10.1002/col.21969
40 4 Do the short-wave cones signal blueness? 10.1002/col.21900
40 4 An integrated spectral imaging system for producing color images of static and moving objects 10.1002/col.21893
40 4 A study on the application of an artificial neural algorithm in the color matching of Taiwanese cultural and creative commodities 10.1002/col.21899
40 4 Color naming for the Persian language 10.1002/col.21887
40 4 Modelling of chromatic contrast for retrieval of wallpaper images 10.1002/col.21897
40 4 Does hue affect the perception of grayness? 10.1002/col.21894
40 4 New chair and co-chair of the AIC study group on the language of colour 10.1002/col.21967
40 4 Review of spectral reflectance models for halftone prints: Principles, Calibration, and prediction accuracy 10.1002/col.21907
40 4 Artwork imaging from 370 to 1630 nm using a novel multispectral system based on light-emitting diodes 10.1002/col.21910
40 4 Gamut evaluation of an n-colour printing process with the minimum number of measurements 10.1002/col.21909
40 4 A comparative study on correlation between personal background and interior color preference 10.1002/col.21906
40 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.21957
40 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.21956
40 3 Practical color barrier-free illumination for deuteranopia using LEDs 10.1002/col.21884
40 3 Test/retest and inter-test agreement of color aptitude measures 10.1002/col.21876
40 3 The alternating least squares technique for nonuniform intensity color correction 10.1002/col.21889
40 3 A residual modified transformation formula from munsell to sRGB color system 10.1002/col.21883
40 3 Unique hue data for colour appearance models. Part III: Comparison with NCS unique hues 10.1002/col.21898
40 3 Cognitive comparison of unique and intermediate hues 10.1002/col.21875
40 3 Color naming experiments using 2D and 3D rendered samples 10.1002/col.21886
40 3 Effects of correlated color temperature on focused and sustained attention under white LED desk lighting 10.1002/col.21885
40 3 Optimization of a merit function for the visual perception of color uniformity in spot lights 10.1002/col.21888
40 3 Effect of texture on color variation in inkjet-printed woven textiles 10.1002/col.21865
40 3 A novel method for fabric color transfer 10.1002/col.21881
40 3 Application of improved back propagation algorithm in color difference detection of fabric 10.1002/col.21895
40 3 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.21955
40 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.21937
40 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.21936
40 2 Colour words and their uses 10.1002/col.21874
40 2 Refined CIECAM02 for bright surround conditions 10.1002/col.21872
40 2 Visual comfort as a function of lightness difference between text and background: A cross-age study using an LCD and a tablet computer 10.1002/col.21873
40 2 Constant hue bands in boundary colors discovered using a new appearance model 10.1002/col.21871
40 2 A User-Oriented Method for Preferential Color Scheme Generation 10.1002/col.21860
40 2 Psychophysical models of consumer expectations and colour harmony in the context of juice packaging 10.1002/col.21867
40 2 Chromatic analysis of blue ballpoint pen inks and related dyes 10.1002/col.21866
40 2 A comparative study on perceptual evaluations of sports shoe exterior colors in Taiwan 10.1002/col.21870
40 2 Study of the shade tabs of the toothguide 3D master through cluster analysis 10.1002/col.21882
40 2 Mood lighting system reflecting music mood 10.1002/col.21864
40 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.21926
40 1 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 10.1002/col.21925
40 1 Color theory and color order in medieval Islam: A review 10.1002/col.21861
40 1 The ULAB colour space 10.1002/col.21854
40 1 CAT02 and HPE triangles 10.1002/col.21859
40 1 Color appearance and color connotation models for unrelated colors 10.1002/col.21857
40 1 Influence of lighting conditions on the appearance of typical interior materials 10.1002/col.21850
40 1 Color preferences for different topics in connection to personal characteristics 10.1002/col.21845
40 1 Semi-automatic color analysis for brand logos 10.1002/col.21853
40 1 Colour, contrast and gestalt theories of perception: The impact in contemporary visual communications design 10.1002/col.21858
40 1 Visible-near infrared concealment of cotton/nylon fabrics using colored pigments and multiwalled carbon nanotube particles (MWCNTs) 10.1002/col.21852
40 1 The arcane roots of colour psychology, chromotherapy, and colour forecasting 10.1002/col.21862
39 6 IN THIS ISSUE 10.1002/col.21914
39 6 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 10.1002/col.21915
39 6 The men who coloured Britain 10.1002/col.21840
39 6 Irradiance-independent camera color calibration 10.1002/col.21849
39 6 Repeatability, reproducibility, and accuracy of a novel pushbroom hyperspectral system 10.1002/col.21851
39 6 Toward the soft metrology of surface gloss: A review 10.1002/col.21846
39 6 Neural Gray: A color constancy technique using neural network 10.1002/col.21848
39 6 Color tolerance study on white in practical aspect: Perceptibility versus acceptability 10.1002/col.21847
39 6 Evaluation of performance of various color-difference formulae using an experimental black dataset 10.1002/col.21844
39 6 Reflectance versus transmittance: The effects of light scattering on red colorants (carmine, amazonian red annatto, and peruvian cochinilla rojo and rosada) in biological, textile, and museum science 10.1002/col.21838
39 6 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.21916
39 6 Hybrid biogeography based optimization for constrained optimal spot color matching 10.1002/col.21836
39 6 Complete study of traditional thai colors used in mural paintings: Traditional thai color name dictionary 10.1002/col.21843
39 6 Color–concept associations: A cross-occupational and -cultural study and comparison 10.1002/col.21832
39 6 LEtter to the Editor – On Depth and Brightness 10.1002/col.21917
39 6 Reply to the Letter to the Editor of CR&A 10.1002/col.21918
39 5 In this Issue 10.1002/col.21902
39 5 About the Authors 10.1002/col.21901
39 5 In Memoriam 10.1002/col.21905
39 5 Spectral deconvolution applications for colorimetry 10.1002/col.21822
39 5 Correction of single-beam sample absorption error in a hemispherical 45°/0° spectrophotometer measurement cavity 10.1002/col.21824
39 5 Comparison of real colour gamuts using a new reflectance database 10.1002/col.21827
39 5 Correlations between color attributes and children's color preferences 10.1002/col.21801
39 5 Brightness scaling according to gamut relativity 10.1002/col.21823
39 5 White lighting: A provisional model for predicting perceived tint in “white” illumination 10.1002/col.21837
39 5 Standard color liquid crystal displays by a dimming technology 10.1002/col.21835
39 5 Software for simulating dichromatic perception of video streams 10.1002/col.21816
39 5 Color and architecture in 1970s Sweden 10.1002/col.21839
39 5 Effect of chemico-mineralogical composition on color of natural and calcined kaolins 10.1002/col.21813
39 5 Color change of white spot lesions after resin infiltration 10.1002/col.21821
39 5 Deep-black-coloring effect of fabrics made of noncircular cross-section polyester filaments 10.1002/col.21825
39 5 Correlation and modeling between color variation and quality of the surface between accelerated and natural tropical weathering in Acacia mangium, Cedrela odorata and Tectona grandis wood with two coating 10.1002/col.21826
39 5 CIE 208:2014 effect of stimulus size on colour appearance: CIE 210:2014 Photometry Using V(k)-Corrected Detectors as Reference and Transfer Standards. 10.1002/col.21904
39 5 ROY G. BIV: An Exceedingly Surprising Book about Color. By Stewart Jude, New York, Bloomsbury,2013, ISBN 978-1-60819-613-5,154 pp. Hardcover, $22 10.1002/col.21903
39 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.21891
39 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.21890
39 4 Extending CIELAB: Vividness, , depth, , and clarity, 10.1002/col.21833
39 4 Color reproduction of authenticable luminescent backlit transmissive color images 10.1002/col.21815
39 4 Chromatic losses in natural scenes with viewing distance 10.1002/col.21812
39 4 Value Metrics for Better Lighting. By Mark S. Rea, Bellingham, WA: SPIE Press, 2013, ISBN 978-0-8194-9322-4, 114 pp. $40.00. 10.1002/col.21880
39 4 No measured effect of a familiar contextual object on color constancy 10.1002/col.21805
39 4 Use of basic color terms by red–green dichromats: 1. General description 10.1002/col.21803
39 4 Use of basic color terms by red–green dichromats. II. Models 10.1002/col.21802
39 4 Experimental determination of laws of color harmony part 8: Harmony content versus relative surface coverage 10.1002/col.21797
39 4 Color composition in postmodern western architecture 10.1002/col.21814
39 4 When Color Meets Computer Vision Color in Computer Vision: Fundamentals and Applications. By Gevers Theo, Gijsenij Arjan, Weijer Joost van de, Geusebroek Jan-Mark, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2012, Wiley-IS&T Series in Imaging Science and Technology, ISBN: 978-0-470-89084-4, 384 p 10.1002/col.21879
39 4 Analysis of relationships between mood and color for different musical preferences 10.1002/col.21806
39 4 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.21892
39 3 In This Issue 10.1002/col.21878
39 3 Recovering neugebauer colorant reflectances and Ink-spreading curves from printed color images 10.1002/col.21800
39 3 Preference for color-enhanced images assessed by color deficiencies 10.1002/col.21795
39 3 Semantic interpretation of color differences and color-rendering indices 10.1002/col.21798
39 3 Chromaticity-matched but spectrally different light source effects on simple and complex color judgments 10.1002/col.21811
39 3 Chromatic adaptation by illuminant matrix products: An alternative to sharpened von kries primaries 10.1002/col.21799
39 3 Unique hues and their stimuli—state of the art 10.1002/col.21793
39 3 Material and diagnostic characterization of 17th century mural paintings by spectra-colorimetry and SEM-EDS: An insight look at José de Escovar Workshop at the CONVENT of Na Sra da Saudação (Southern Portugal) 10.1002/col.21792
39 3 Human brain activity and emotional responses to plant color stimuli 10.1002/col.21788
39 3 Definition of chromaticity coordinates 10.1002/col.21863
39 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.21869
39 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.21868
39 2 On the colours dichromats see 10.1002/col.21787
39 2 Saturation-specific pattern of acquired colour vision deficiency in two clinical populations revealed by the method of triads 10.1002/col.21794
39 2 Compression of spectral data using Box-Cox transformation 10.1002/col.21771
39 2 Different matrices for CIECAM02 10.1002/col.21765
39 2 Applying image-based color palette for achieving high image quality of displays 10.1002/col.21773
39 2 Preferred color gamut boundaries for wide-gamut and multiprimary displays 10.1002/col.21780
39 2 Geometric invariants under illuminant transformations 10.1002/col.21769
39 2 Estimation of illuminant chromaticity based on highlight detection for face images with varying illumination 10.1002/col.21772
39 2 Camouflage of cotton fabrics in visible and NIR region using three selected vat dyes 10.1002/col.21778
39 2 Perceived sexual receptivity and fashionableness: Separate paths linking red and black to perceived attractiveness 10.1002/col.21804
39 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.21856
39 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.21855
39 1 Perceptual uniformity in digital image representation and display 10.1002/col.21768
39 1 Comparative performance analysis of spectral estimation algorithms and computational optimization of a multispectral imaging system for print inspection 10.1002/col.21763
39 1 Dependence of the color appearance of some flowers on illumination 10.1002/col.21766
39 1 Gray and grayness—its complexities in color appearance of surface colors 10.1002/col.21758
39 1 Reflection measurement and visual evaluation of the luminosity of skin coated with powder foundation 10.1002/col.21753
39 1 Influence of different disinfecting solutions on the color change of artificial irises used in ocular prostheses 10.1002/col.21754
39 1 The use of reflectance measurements in the determination of diffusion of reactive dyes into cellulosic fiber 10.1002/col.21764
39 1 An interactive method for generating harmonious color schemes 10.1002/col.21762
39 1 Coffee cup color and evaluation of a beverage's “warmth quality” 10.1002/col.21757
39 1 Canonical biplot statistical analysis to detect the magnitude of the effects of phosphates crystallization aging on the color in siliceous conglomerates 10.1002/col.21779
39 1 Setting tolerances on color and texture for automotive coatings 10.1002/col.21767
39 1 Does lightness obey a log or a power law? Or is that the right question? 10.1002/col.21777
39 1 Modeling lightness perception—another point of view 10.1002/col.21786
39 1 Modeling lightness perception—a response to Kuehni 10.1002/col.21785
38 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.21842
38 6 About the authors 10.1002/col.21841
38 6 Object color preferences 10.1002/col.21756
38 6 Digital image-color conversion between different illuminants by color-constancy actuation in a color-vision model based on the OSA-UCS system 10.1002/col.21745
38 6 The effect of hue on the perception of blackness using munsell samples 10.1002/col.21744
38 6 Practical demonstration of the CIEDE2000 corrections to CIELAB using a small set of sample pairs 10.1002/col.21751
38 6 Exact location of consensus and consistency colors in the osa-ucs for the italian language 10.1002/col.21740
38 6 Experimental determination of laws of color harmony. Part 7: Experiments carried out with eyes adapted to light and dark 10.1002/col.21752
38 6 Measuring linear density of threads in single-system-mélange color fabrics with FCM algorithm 10.1002/col.21738
38 6 A study of color differences in women's ready-to-wear collections from world fashion cities: Intensive study of the Fall/Winter 2010 collections from New York, London, Milan, and Paris 10.1002/col.21739
38 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.21842
38 5 About the authors 10.1002/col.21841
38 5 Object color preferences 10.1002/col.21756
38 5 Digital image-color conversion between different illuminants by color-constancy actuation in a color-vision model based on the OSA-UCS system 10.1002/col.21745
38 5 The effect of hue on the perception of blackness using munsell samples 10.1002/col.21744
38 5 Practical demonstration of the CIEDE2000 corrections to CIELAB using a small set of sample pairs 10.1002/col.21751
38 5 Exact location of consensus and consistency colors in the osa-ucs for the italian language 10.1002/col.21740
38 5 Experimental determination of laws of color harmony. Part 7: Experiments carried out with eyes adapted to light and dark 10.1002/col.21752
38 5 Measuring linear density of threads in single-system-mélange color fabrics with FCM algorithm 10.1002/col.21738
38 5 A study of color differences in women's ready-to-wear collections from world fashion cities: Intensive study of the Fall/Winter 2010 collections from New York, London, Milan, and Paris 10.1002/col.21739
38 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.21819
38 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.21818
38 4 Three color strategies in architectural composition 10.1002/col.21717
38 4 The Computational Approach to Biological Vision, 2nd Edition 10.1002/col.21817
38 4 Tristimulus colorimeter calibration matrix uncertainties 10.1002/col.21725
38 4 Geodesic calculation of color difference formulas and comparison with the munsell color order system 10.1002/col.20751
38 4 Equivalent lightness of elderlies investigated by cataract experiencing goggles 10.1002/col.20737
38 4 Evaluation of the effect of retinal localized chromatic adaptation intensity on desaturated achromatic reproductions derived by standard rendering methods 10.1002/col.21727
38 4 The effect of paper appearance on printed color of inkjet printer 10.1002/col.21724
38 4 Helical structure of complementary colors' relative spectral distribution function 10.1002/col.21728
38 4 Analyses of color emotion for color pairs with independent component analysis and factor analysis 10.1002/col.20750
38 4 Color and cyber-attractiveness: Red enhances men's attraction to women's internet personal ads 10.1002/col.21718
38 4 Color: An introduction to practice and principles, 3rd edition 10.1002/col.21820
38 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.21810
38 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.21809
38 3 Reproducibility comparison among multiangle spectrophotometers 10.1002/col.21719
38 3 Use of effect pigments for quality enhancement of offset printed specialty papers 10.1002/col.20753
38 3 Vision and Brain: How We Perceive the World 10.1002/col.21807
38 3 Influence of surface roughness on the diffuse to near-normal viewing reflectance factor of coatings and its consequences on color measurements 10.1002/col.20752
38 3 Visualization of mathematical inconsistencies in CIECAM02 10.1002/col.20744
38 3 Effects of hue, saturation, and brightness on color preference in social networks: Gender-based color preference on the social networking site Twitter 10.1002/col.20734
38 3 Computational production of colour harmony. Part 1: A prototype colour harmonization tool 10.1002/col.20736
38 3 Illumination, Color and Imaging, Evaluation and Optimization of Visual Displays 10.1002/col.21808
38 3 Computational production of colour harmony. Part 2: Experimental evaluation of a tool for gui colour scheme creation 10.1002/col.20735
38 3 Identification of traditional Thai colours used for mural paintings and Khon masks 10.1002/col.20743
38 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.21791
38 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.21790
38 2 Dr. Gerhard Rösler (1950–2012) 10.1002/col.21796
38 2 White lighting 10.1002/col.20738
38 2 Interpretation concerns regarding white light 10.1002/col.21726
38 2 Individual differences in human colour vision as derived from stiles & Burch 10° colour matching functions 10.1002/col.20741
38 2 A zonohedral approach to optimal colours 10.1002/col.20713
38 2 Book review 10.1002/col.21789
38 2 Dictionary-based estimation of spectra for wide-gamut color imaging 10.1002/col.20729
38 2 Optimization of the method for color measurement of printing on holographic paper 10.1002/col.20733
38 2 Can eyes smell? cross-modal correspondences between color hue-tone and fragrance family 10.1002/col.20717
38 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.21784
38 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.21783
38 1 Visual assessment of light source color quality 10.1002/col.20726
38 1 Correcting veiling glare of refined CIECAM02 for mobile display 10.1002/col.20739
38 1 Unique hue data for colour appearance models. Part II: Chromatic adaptation transform 10.1002/col.20725
38 1 Colour and tolerance of preferred skin colours on digital photographic images 10.1002/col.20696
38 1 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.21782
38 1 Investigating the use of an adjustment task to set preferred colour of ambient illumination 10.1002/col.20714
38 1 Shadow series in the Munsell system 10.1002/col.20716
38 1 Book review 10.1002/col.21781
38 1 Method of urban color plan based on spatial configuration 10.1002/col.20728
38 1 Effect of xenon arc irradiation on optical whitened polyester woven fabrics 10.1002/col.20727
37 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.21776
37 6 About the authors 10.1002/col.21775
37 6 Vectorial color 10.1002/col.20724
37 6 Applications of vectorial color 10.1002/col.20723
37 6 Fit-first to be tied 10.1002/col.20740
37 6 On the relationship between wavelength and perceived hue 10.1002/col.20701
37 6 Book review 10.1002/col.21774
37 6 Riemannian formulation and comparison of color difference formulas 10.1002/col.20710
37 6 Color discrimination capability under highly structured spectra 10.1002/col.20702
37 6 Effects of correlated color temperature on spatial brightness perception 10.1002/col.20711
37 6 An open-source inversion algorithm for the Munsell renotation 10.1002/col.20715
37 6 Book Review 10.1002/col.21770
37 6 Lighting, indoor color, buying behavior and time spent in a store 10.1002/col.20695
37 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.21761
37 5 About the authors 10.1002/col.21760
37 5 Evaluation of colour-difference formulae for different colour-difference magnitudes 10.1002/col.20693
37 5 Testing uniform colour spaces and colour-difference formulae using printed samples 10.1002/col.20689
37 5 Behavior of a periodic chromatic test with an achromatic Ronchi grating as a background 10.1002/col.20712
37 5 Experimental determination of laws of color harmony. Part 6: Numerical index system of color harmony 10.1002/col.20700
37 5 The effects of achromatic and chromatic color schemes on participants' task performance in and appraisals of an office environment 10.1002/col.20697
37 5 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.21759
37 5 The affective feelings of colored typefaces 10.1002/col.20698
37 5 Color assessment of granitic rocks and implications for their ornamental utilization 10.1002/col.20681
37 5 Anodic coloring of titanium and its alloy for jewels production 10.1002/col.20683
37 5 Book review 10.1002/col.21750
37 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.21749
37 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.21748
37 4 An investigation of colour appearance for unrelated colours under photopic and mesopic vision 10.1002/col.20691
37 4 Book review 10.1002/col.21746
37 4 Mathematical approach for predicting non-negative tristimulus values using the CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform 10.1002/col.20694
37 4 Variability estimation of hue and saturation components in the HSV space 10.1002/col.20699
37 4 Color tolerance prediction for recycled paper based on consumers' awareness 10.1002/col.20676
37 4 Effect of chromatic components on facial skin whiteness 10.1002/col.20685
37 4 Book review 10.1002/col.21742
37 4 Ecommerce interface colour and consumer decision making: Two routes of influence 10.1002/col.20690
37 4 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.21747
37 4 A comparative analysis of the characteristics and images of costume colors in the traditional plays of Korea, China, and Japan 10.1002/col.20673
37 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.21737
37 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.21736
37 3 The CRI-CAM02UCS colour rendering index 10.1002/col.20682
37 3 Practical method for measuring printed colors on FWA-treated paper 10.1002/col.20677
37 3 Book review 10.1002/col.21731
37 3 Spectral analysis of blacks 10.1002/col.20692
37 3 Making sense of measurement geometries for multi-angle spectrophotometers 10.1002/col.20679
37 3 The effect of nano- and micro-TiO2 particles on reflective behavior of printed cotton/nylon fabrics in vis/NIR regions 10.1002/col.20675
37 3 Request for existing experimental datasets on colour emotion and colour harmony 10.1002/col.21735
37 3 Goniochromatic properties of human tooth dentin 10.1002/col.20663
37 3 Color separation for colored fiber blends based on the fuzzy C-means cluster 10.1002/col.20662
37 3 Harmonious color model with fragrances 10.1002/col.20678
37 3 Book review 10.1002/col.20748
37 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.21721
37 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.21720
37 2 Print quality evaluation and applied colour management in coldset offset newspaper print 10.1002/col.20674
37 2 Age effects on colour emotion, preference, and harmony 10.1002/col.20672
37 2 An inverse to the Optical Society of America-Uniform Color System 10.1002/col.20684
37 2 A theory of unique hues and colour categories in the human colour vision 10.1002/col.20661
37 2 The Logvinenko object color atlas in practice 10.1002/col.20680
37 2 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.21722
37 2 Color composition features in modern architecture 10.1002/col.20657
37 2 Colour scheme supporting technique based on hierarchical scene structure for exterior design of urban scenes in 3D 10.1002/col.20652
37 2 The influence of thermal treatment on color response of wood materials 10.1002/col.20655
37 2 A new model for chromotherapy application 10.1002/col.20658
37 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.20746
37 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.20745
37 1 Colour size effect modelling 10.1002/col.20650
37 1 News 10.1002/col.20749
37 1 A Monte Carlo method for assessing color rendering quality with possible application to color rendering standards 10.1002/col.20649
37 1 A cross-cultural comparison of colour emotion for two-colour combinations 10.1002/col.20648
37 1 Quantification of scene appearance—A valid design tool? 10.1002/col.20659
37 1 Optical implementation of spectral filtering for the enhancement of skin color discrimination 10.1002/col.20646
37 1 Forthcoming meetings 10.1002/col.20747
37 1 Color–emotion associations in the pharmaceutical industry: Understanding Universal and local themes 10.1002/col.20643
37 1 The effects of functional polysiloxane resins on the color gamut and color yield of dyed polyester 10.1002/col.20644
37 1 Color and women hitchhikers' attractiveness: Gentlemen drivers prefer red 10.1002/col.20651
36 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.20731
36 6 About the authors 10.1002/col.20730
36 6 Complementary colors theory of color vision: Physiology, color mixture, color constancy and color perception 10.1002/col.20611
36 6 Color constancy, color-mixing ability, and color inference 10.1002/col.20641
36 6 Texture affects color emotion 10.1002/col.20647
36 6 Paramerism and reliable parameric correction 10.1002/col.20642
36 6 Categorical formation of Mandarin color terms at different luminance levels 10.1002/col.20638
36 6 Colour changes of heat-treated woods of red-bud maple, European hophornbeam and oak 10.1002/col.20634
36 6 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.20732
36 6 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.20742
36 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.20719
36 5 About the authors 10.1002/col.20718
36 5 Unique hue data for colour appearance models. Part I: Loci of unique hues and hue uniformity 10.1002/col.20637
36 5 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.20722
36 5 Designing white-light LED lighting for the display of art: A feasibility study 10.1002/col.20633
36 5 Skin-color correction method based on hue template mapping for wide color gamut liquid crystal display devices 10.1002/col.20636
36 5 Applying metamer sets to investigate data dependency of principal component analysis method in recovery of spectral data 10.1002/col.20645
36 5 Additivity of colour harmony 10.1002/col.20624
36 5 Book review 10.1002/col.20720
36 5 Iris color and texture: A comparative analysis of real irises, ocular prostheses, and colored contact lenses 10.1002/col.20635
36 5 A revision of the luminance decay time estimation methods for photoluminescent products 10.1002/col.20631
36 5 Book review 10.1002/col.20721
36 4 In this issue and about the authors 10.1002/col.20709
36 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.20708
36 4 Lighting the world's treasures: Approaches to safer museum lighting 10.1002/col.20656
36 4 Brighter, more colorful colors and darker, deeper colors based on a theme of brilliance 10.1002/col.20621
36 4 Color classification using color vision models 10.1002/col.20632
36 4 Ordinal scale based description of colour rendering 10.1002/col.20629
36 4 Book review 10.1002/col.20688
36 4 Evaluation of discomfort glare from color leds and its correlation with individual variations in brightness sensitivity 10.1002/col.20630
36 4 Using weighted pseudo-inverse method for reconstruction of reflectance spectra and analyzing the dataset in terms of normality 10.1002/col.20613
36 4 Near-lossless compression methods for spectral images 10.1002/col.20625
36 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.20706
36 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.20705
36 3 Statistical methods for analyzing color difference distributions 10.1002/col.20622
36 3 The 9th Spanish color conference, Alicante, 2010 10.1002/col.20670
36 3 Goniocolorimetry: From measurement to representation in the CIELAB color space 10.1002/col.20605
36 3 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.20703
36 3 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.20704
36 3 Prediction of the spectrophotometric response of a carded fiber composed by different kinds of coloured raw materials: An artificial neural network-based approach 10.1002/col.20623
36 3 Colour appearance rating of familiar real objects 10.1002/col.20620
36 3 Munsell color science laboratory: Industrial short courses 2011 10.1002/col.20707
36 3 Investigation of colour size effect for colour appearance assessment 10.1002/col.20610
36 3 Color emotions for multi-colored images 10.1002/col.20604
36 3 Colours in La Boca: Patrimonial identity in the Urban landscape 10.1002/col.20612
36 3 Colour psychology and colour therapy: Caveat emptor 10.1002/col.20597
36 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.20687
36 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.20686
36 2 A tetrachromatic model for colorimetric use in mesopic vision 10.1002/col.20603
36 2 Reflectance factor measurement systematic errors due to near infrared fluorescence 10.1002/col.20614
36 2 Color heterogeneity in visual search 10.1002/col.20593
36 2 Book review 10.1002/col.20668
36 2 Comparing large colour-difference data sets 10.1002/col.20591
36 2 Why higher resolution graphics cards are needed in colour vision research 10.1002/col.20589
36 2 Experimental determination of laws of color harmony. Part 5: The harmony content of the various hue triads 10.1002/col.20590
36 2 Predictions of Munsell values with the same perceived lightness at any specified chroma irrespective of hues—Determination of any tonal colors 10.1002/col.20596
36 2 Diffuse reflectance-factor measurements of rose petals 10.1002/col.20592
36 2 The 2nd CIE Expert Symposium on Appearance 10.1002/col.20660
36 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.20665
36 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.20664
36 1 Total appearance differences for metallic and pearlescent materials: Contributions from color and texture 10.1002/col.20586
36 1 Graduate programs in color science at Rochester Institute of Technology 10.1002/col.20666
36 1 Color-difference formula performance for several datasets of small color differences based on visual uncertainty 10.1002/col.20595
36 1 Development of a comprehensive visual dataset based on a CIE blue color center: Assessment of color difference formulae using various statistical methods 10.1002/col.20549
36 1 AIC 2011 Midterm Meeting 10.1002/col.20667
36 1 A luminous efficiency function, VD65* (λ), for daylight adaptation: A correction 10.1002/col.20602
36 1 CIE 191:2010 Recommended System for Mesopic Photometry Based on Visual Performance: 79 pages, ISBN 978 3 901906 88 6, € 146 10.1002/col.20669
36 1 Short-term memory of color sensation is robust against luminance distortion 10.1002/col.20587
36 1 Logo colour and differentiation: A new application of environmental colour mapping 10.1002/col.20594
36 1 Colour assays: An inside look into Alentejo traditional limewash paintings and coloured lime mortars 10.1002/col.20584
36 1 Natural weathering of oak (Quercus petrae) and chestnut (Castanea sativa) coated with various finishes 10.1002/col.20581
35 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.20654
35 6 About the authors 10.1002/col.20653
35 6 Derivation of a color space for image color difference measurement 10.1002/col.20561
35 6 Color rendering: Beyond pride and prejudice 10.1002/col.20562
35 6 Quantitative evaluation of perceived whiteness based on a color vision model 10.1002/col.20551
35 6 Comparison of unique hue stimuli determined by two different methods using Munsell color chips 10.1002/col.20560
35 6 Color constancy from invariant wavelength ratios. III: Chromatic adaptation theory, model and tests 10.1002/col.20572
35 6 Color characteristics of costumes for Korean folk festivals and color consciousness of Koreans 10.1002/col.20576
35 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.20640
35 5 About the Authors 10.1002/col.20639
35 5 An improved method for correcting radiance data for bandpass error 10.1002/col.20550
35 5 Deconvolution of spectral data for colorimetry by second order local power expansion 10.1002/col.20552
35 5 The architectural colour design process: An evaluation of sequential media via semantic ratings 10.1002/col.20583
35 5 Colour appearance shifts in two different-sized viewing conditions 10.1002/col.20580
35 5 Evaluation of Hunter color values L, a, and b of mixed powder 10.1002/col.20585
35 5 Measuring the color of granite rocks: A proposed procedure 10.1002/col.20579
35 5 Investigation on vermilion, gingiva, and tooth color of young Uygur and Han populations in Xinjiang, China 10.1002/col.20582
35 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.20628
35 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.20627
35 4 The development of roof color in ancient China 10.1002/col.20564
35 4 Colour harmony revisited 10.1002/col.20578
35 4 RIT-DuPont supra-threshold color-tolerance individual color-difference pair dataset 10.1002/col.20548
35 4 Colour appearance of room colours 10.1002/col.20575
35 4 Colour category foci of Munsell colour spectra revealed by two computational methods 10.1002/col.20569
35 4 Color constancy using achromatic surface 10.1002/col.20574
35 4 A novel method for determination of compatibility of dyes by means of principal component analysis 10.1002/col.20571
35 4 Whiteness, chromaticness, and blackness symmetries for CIELAB, with a numerical example 10.1002/col.20577
35 4 Book review: Fundamentals of digital imaging 10.1002/col.20626
35 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.20619
35 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.20618
35 3 von Kries versus color constancy 10.1002/col.20526
35 3 Two new von Kries based chromatic adaptation transforms found by numerical optimization 10.1002/col.20573
35 3 Dye binary mixture formulation by means of derivative ratio spectra of the Kubelka–Munk function 10.1002/col.20568
35 3 Changes in colour appearance of a large display in various surround ambient conditions 10.1002/col.20567
35 3 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.20615
35 3 Influences of psychological factors on image color preferences evaluation 10.1002/col.20570
35 3 Using discrete optimization for designing dental shade guides 10.1002/col.20547
35 3 The 17th IS&T/SID Color Imaging Conference 10.1002/col.20616
35 3 AIC 2010 “Color and Food: From the Farm to the Table” 10.1002/col.20617
35 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.20608
35 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.20607
35 2 Yoshinobu Nayatani (1927–2009) 10.1002/col.20609
35 2 About color rendition of light sources: The balance between simplicity and accuracy 10.1002/col.20546
35 2 Investigating the effect of texture on the performance of color difference formulae 10.1002/col.20555
35 2 Michromatic scope for enhancement of color difference 10.1002/col.20563
35 2 A brief history of disk color mixture 10.1002/col.20566
35 2 Relative wavelength metric for the complete hue cycle: Derivation from complementary wavelengths 10.1002/col.20534
35 2 Color constancy from invariant wavelength ratios. II. The nonspectral and global mechanisms 10.1002/col.20535
35 2 Colour research with architectural relevance: How can different approaches gain from each other? 10.1002/col.20565
35 2 Color distribution of maxillary primary incisors in Korean children 10.1002/col.20556
35 2 Book review 10.1002/col.20606
35 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.20600
35 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.20599
35 1 Ultra-large color difference and small subtense 10.1002/col.20557
35 1 An algorithm for generating color scales for both categorical and ordinal coding 10.1002/col.20559
35 1 Prediction of dye concentrations in a three-component dye mixture solution by a PCA-derivative spectrophotometry technique 10.1002/col.20553
35 1 Experimental modeling of colour harmony 10.1002/col.20558
35 1 Color preference affected by mode of color appearance 10.1002/col.20536
35 1 Arne Valberg: The winner of the AIC 2009 Judd Award 10.1002/col.20598
35 1 Emotional response to color across media 10.1002/col.20554
35 1 Book review: Farb–Systeme 1611-2007 10.1002/col.20588
35 1 Graduate programs in Color Science at Rochester Institute of Technology 10.1002/col.20601
34 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.20544
34 6 About the authors 10.1002/col.20543
34 6 Quantitative camouflage paint selection for the CH-47F helicopter 10.1002/col.20538
34 6 Predicting the spectral reflectance factor of translucent paints using Kubelka-Munk turbid media theory: Review and evaluation 10.1002/col.20525
34 6 Deducing ink thickness variations by a spectral prediction model 10.1002/col.20541
34 6 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.20545
34 6 Development and evaluation of gamut extension algorithms 10.1002/col.20537
34 6 A new color image space HRU related to the CIEL*a*b* color space 10.1002/col.20540
34 6 Superficial degradation evaluated through color change in weathered orange LLDPE 10.1002/col.20539
34 6 Colour Forecasting 10.1002/col.20513
34 6 Projection Displays, Second Edition 10.1002/col.20542
34 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.20532
34 5 About the authors 10.1002/col.20533
34 5 Anders Hård 10.1002/col.20530
34 5 Leo M. Hurvich 10.1002/col.20531
34 5 Comparison of color vision models based on spectral color representation 10.1002/col.20504
34 5 Size effect of color patches for their color appearance with foggy goggles simulating cloudy crystalline lens of elderly people 10.1002/col.20503
34 5 Analyzing the metrics of the perceptual space in a new multistage physiological colour vision model 10.1002/col.20524
34 5 Variability in estimation of suprathreshold small color differences 10.1002/col.20522
34 5 Evaluating color difference equation performance incorporating visual uncertainty 10.1002/col.20521
34 5 Color Imaging Conference 17 10.1002/col.20528
34 5 Minimizing observer metamerism in display systems 10.1002/col.20523
34 5 Fogra Color Management Symposium 10.1002/col.20527
34 5 Book review: Color Imaging Fundamentals and Applications 10.1002/col.20515
34 5 Book review: Single-Sensor Imaging: Methods and Applications for Digital Cameras 10.1002/col.20512
34 5 Book review: Automotive Lighting and Human Vision 10.1002/col.20514
34 5 Metameric samples 10.1002/col.20529
34 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.20520
34 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.20519
34 4 Multiangle study on color of textile structures 10.1002/col.20505
34 4 Determination of dyeing levelness using surface irregularity function 10.1002/col.20502
34 4 On the relations between color, gloss, and surface texture in injection-molded plastics 10.1002/col.20510
34 4 Frederick T. Simon 10.1002/col.20511
34 4 Linguistic color image segmentation using a hierarchical Bayesian approach 10.1002/col.20509
34 4 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.20517
34 4 Optimization of LED-based light blendings for object presentation 10.1002/col.20507
34 4 ISCC special topics meeting: Black and white 10.1002/col.20518
34 4 Color rendering properties of light continuously modulated by an electrochromic switchable device 10.1002/col.20508
34 4 Comparison of color gamuts among several types of paper with the same printing technology 10.1002/col.20506
34 4 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.20516
34 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.20520
34 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.20519
34 3 Multiangle study on color of textile structures 10.1002/col.20505
34 3 Determination of dyeing levelness using surface irregularity function 10.1002/col.20502
34 3 On the relations between color, gloss, and surface texture in injection-molded plastics 10.1002/col.20510
34 3 Frederick T. Simon 10.1002/col.20511
34 3 Linguistic color image segmentation using a hierarchical Bayesian approach 10.1002/col.20509
34 3 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.20517
34 3 Optimization of LED-based light blendings for object presentation 10.1002/col.20507
34 3 ISCC special topics meeting: Black and white 10.1002/col.20518
34 3 Color rendering properties of light continuously modulated by an electrochromic switchable device 10.1002/col.20508
34 3 Comparison of color gamuts among several types of paper with the same printing technology 10.1002/col.20506
34 3 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.20516
34 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.20501
34 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.20500
34 2 Adaptation and colour matching of display and surface colours 10.1002/col.20492
34 2 Theoretical considerations on small color differences ascribed to the standard observer made on the basis of individual color-matching functions 10.1002/col.20493
34 2 A color temperature adjustment method for multiprimary displays using nonlinear programming 10.1002/col.20483
34 2 Design of virtual illuminants to control the colors under multiple illuminants 10.1002/col.20495
34 2 Experimental determination of the laws of color harmony. Part 4: Color preference and the color harmony content 10.1002/col.20489
34 2 Towards automation of color/weave selection in Jacquard design: Model verification 10.1002/col.20494
34 2 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.20499
34 2 Complementary colors: The structure of wavelength discrimination, uniform hue, spectral sensitivity, saturation, chromatic adaptation, and chromatic induction 10.1002/col.20490
34 2 Colour as a structural variable of historical urban form 10.1002/col.20491
34 2 Book review: Color Gamut Mapping 10.1002/col.20496
34 2 Book review: Luminescent Materials and Applications 10.1002/col.20497
34 2 Book review: Luminescent Materials and Applications 10.1002/col.20498
34 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.20471
34 1 Talking about color … Which George Palmer? 10.1002/col.20462
34 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.20470
34 1 Testing LED lighting for colour discrimination and colour rendering 10.1002/col.20459
34 1 Proposal for an indoor daylight illuminant 10.1002/col.20461
34 1 Reconstruction of reflectance data by modification of Berns' Gaussian method 10.1002/col.20458
34 1 Experimental determination of laws of color harmony. Part 3: Harmony content of different hue pairs 10.1002/col.20457
34 1 Chroma, chromatic luminance, and luminous reflectance. Part I: Basic research and illustration of relations 10.1002/col.20466
34 1 Chroma, chromatic luminance, and luminous reflectance. Part II: Related models of chroma, colorfulness, and brightness 10.1002/col.20468
34 1 Using Appearance Maps drawn from goniocolorimetric profiles to predict sensory appreciation of red and blue paints 10.1002/col.20463
34 1 Light and Lighting Conference and CIE Midterm Meetings 10.1002/col.20469
34 1 Assessing the affective feelings of two- and three-dimensional objects 10.1002/col.20464
34 1 Manifestation of depressive tendency in color perception and colors utilized in creating a self-portrait 10.1002/col.20465
34 1 Graduate programs in color science at Rochester Institute of Technology 10.1002/col.20472
34 1 Cinematic-film protection using metameric blacks 10.1002/col.20460
33 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.20471
33 6 Talking about color … Which George Palmer? 10.1002/col.20462
33 6 About the authors 10.1002/col.20470
33 6 Testing LED lighting for colour discrimination and colour rendering 10.1002/col.20459
33 6 Proposal for an indoor daylight illuminant 10.1002/col.20461
33 6 Reconstruction of reflectance data by modification of Berns' Gaussian method 10.1002/col.20458
33 6 Experimental determination of laws of color harmony. Part 3: Harmony content of different hue pairs 10.1002/col.20457
33 6 Chroma, chromatic luminance, and luminous reflectance. Part I: Basic research and illustration of relations 10.1002/col.20466
33 6 Chroma, chromatic luminance, and luminous reflectance. Part II: Related models of chroma, colorfulness, and brightness 10.1002/col.20468
33 6 Using Appearance Maps drawn from goniocolorimetric profiles to predict sensory appreciation of red and blue paints 10.1002/col.20463
33 6 Light and Lighting Conference and CIE Midterm Meetings 10.1002/col.20469
33 6 Assessing the affective feelings of two- and three-dimensional objects 10.1002/col.20464
33 6 Manifestation of depressive tendency in color perception and colors utilized in creating a self-portrait 10.1002/col.20465
33 6 Graduate programs in color science at Rochester Institute of Technology 10.1002/col.20472
33 6 Cinematic-film protection using metameric blacks 10.1002/col.20460
33 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.20439
33 5 About the authors 10.1002/col.20438
33 5 Forgotten pioneers of color order. Part II: Matthias Klotz (1748–1821) 10.1002/col.20430
33 5 Effect of observer metamerism on colour matching of display and surface colours 10.1002/col.20429
33 5 Reconstruction of reflectance spectra using weighted principal component analysis 10.1002/col.20431
33 5 Color memory in children 10.1002/col.20433
33 5 Color preference of aged observers compared to young observers 10.1002/col.20434
33 5 Hue, saturation, lightness, and building exterior preference: An empirical study in Turkey comparing architects' and nonarchitects' evaluative and cognitive judgments 10.1002/col.20436
33 5 The emotional connotations of color: A qualitative investigation 10.1002/col.20435
33 5 A computer-assisted colour selection system based on aesthetic measure for colour harmony and fuzzy logic theory 10.1002/col.20417
33 5 Erratum 10.1002/col.20448
33 5 Repairing gamut problems in CIECAM02: A progress report 10.1002/col.20432
33 5 Book review: Color Ordered, A Survey of Color Order Systems from Antiquity to the Present 10.1002/col.20437
33 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.20439
33 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.20438
33 4 Forgotten pioneers of color order. Part II: Matthias Klotz (1748–1821) 10.1002/col.20430
33 4 Effect of observer metamerism on colour matching of display and surface colours 10.1002/col.20429
33 4 Reconstruction of reflectance spectra using weighted principal component analysis 10.1002/col.20431
33 4 Color memory in children 10.1002/col.20433
33 4 Color preference of aged observers compared to young observers 10.1002/col.20434
33 4 Hue, saturation, lightness, and building exterior preference: An empirical study in Turkey comparing architects' and nonarchitects' evaluative and cognitive judgments 10.1002/col.20436
33 4 The emotional connotations of color: A qualitative investigation 10.1002/col.20435
33 4 A computer-assisted colour selection system based on aesthetic measure for colour harmony and fuzzy logic theory 10.1002/col.20417
33 4 Erratum 10.1002/col.20448
33 4 Repairing gamut problems in CIECAM02: A progress report 10.1002/col.20432
33 4 Book review: Color Ordered, A Survey of Color Order Systems from Antiquity to the Present 10.1002/col.20437
33 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.20410
33 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.20411
33 3 The perception of static colored noise: Detection and masking described by CIE94 10.1002/col.20401
33 3 Color rendering: A tale of two metrics 10.1002/col.20399
33 3 Detection and modification of confusing color combinations for red-green dichromats to achieve a color universal design 10.1002/col.20404
33 3 News 10.1002/col.20414
33 3 Integer programming for optimal reduction of calibration targets 10.1002/col.20402
33 3 Interference colors of thin oxide layers on titanium 10.1002/col.20403
33 3 CIE 182:2007 Calibration methods and photoluminescent standards for total radiance factor measurements 10.1002/col.20407
33 3 Reflectance spectra of Munsell standard chips and their appearance 10.1002/col.20406
33 3 Color constancy from invariant wavelength ratios: I. The empirical spectral mechanism 10.1002/col.20405
33 3 Inter-Society Color Council 2008 Annual Meeting 10.1002/col.20409
33 3 Confusion between observation and experiment in the Helmholtz–Kohlrausch effect 10.1002/col.20400
33 3 Book review 10.1002/col.20413
33 3 Book review 10.1002/col.20412
33 3 ISCC 76th Annual Meeting 10.1002/col.20408
33 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.20395
33 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.20394
33 2 Tarow Indow (Aug. 22, 1923—Sept. 22, 2007) 10.1002/col.20384
33 2 NIST 0:45 reflectometer 10.1002/col.20389
33 2 Uncertainty analysis for the NIST 0:45 Reflectometer 10.1002/col.20388
33 2 Colour matching experiments with RGB-LEDs 10.1002/col.20385
33 2 The representation of colors in spherical space 10.1002/col.20391
33 2 An integrated color-appearance model using CIELUV and its applications 10.1002/col.20387
33 2 Estimation of optoelectronic conversion functions of imaging devices without using gray samples 10.1002/col.20386
33 2 Desaturation of color by environment light in cataract eyes 10.1002/col.20392
33 2 Color analysis of natural colorant-dyed fabrics 10.1002/col.20390
33 2 Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association (AIC), China 2007 10.1002/col.20396
33 2 CIE Expert Symposium on Advances in Photometry and Colorimetry 10.1002/col.20398
33 2 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.20397
33 2 Erratum for New Method for Measuring an Optical Property of a Printed Sample on FWA-Treated Paper 10.1002/col.20393
33 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.20378
33 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.20379
33 1 Ralph A. Stanziola (August 4, 1931–August 25, 2007) 10.1002/col.20382
33 1 Forgotten pioneers of color order. Part I: Gaspard Grégoire (1751–1846) 10.1002/col.20362
33 1 A New matching strategy: Trial of the principal component coordinates 10.1002/col.20364
33 1 A relationship between zero-grayness luminance by Evans and perceived brightness of spectrum colors 10.1002/col.20368
33 1 Using symmetry to understand the attributes of color 10.1002/col.20365
33 1 Color appearance of a large homogenous visual field 10.1002/col.20367
33 1 Esthetic decision-making: How do people select colours for real settings? 10.1002/col.20361
33 1 Grayscale calibration of outdoor photographic surveys of historical Stone Walls in Oxford, England 10.1002/col.20374
33 1 Research on the location characters of urban color plan in China 10.1002/col.20366
33 1 RIT Munsell Color Science Laboratory offers annual industrial short course: Essentials of color science June 3–6, 2008 10.1002/col.20381
33 1 Chromatic induction: Opponent color or complementary color process? 10.1002/col.20363
33 1 Camera color analysis gamut 10.1002/col.20376
33 1 Try camera gamut again: Not for size, but for camera and profile evaluation 10.1002/col.20377
33 1 7th International Symposium of Slovenian Colorists Association: Color of National Symbols 10.1002/col.20383
33 1 Book review: Color Influencing Form 10.1002/col.20370
33 1 Book review: Dictionnaire des termes de la COULEUR 10.1002/col.20371
33 1 Graduate programs in color science at Rochester Institute of Technology 10.1002/col.20380
32 6 About the authors 10.1002/col.20372
32 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.20369
32 6 Color changes in cyanosis and the significance of congenital dichromasy and lighting 10.1002/col.20353
32 6 An example of sex-linked color vision differences 10.1002/col.20354
32 6 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.20358
32 6 A tentative proposal for integrated photometric system, and its application to luminous colors 10.1002/col.20355
32 6 New method for measuring an optical property of a printed sample on FWA-treated paper 10.1002/col.20352
32 6 The feasibility of establishing new color image scales using the magnitude estimation method 10.1002/col.20360
32 6 Chromatic luminance, colorimetric purity, and optimal aperture-color stimuli 10.1002/col.20356
32 6 Experimental determination of laws of color harmony. Part 1: Harmony content of different scales with similar hue 10.1002/col.20357
32 6 Color study of Mudejar paintings of the pond found in the palace of “Reales Alcazares” in Seville 10.1002/col.20351
32 6 Book reviews: Progress in Colour Studies, vol. I: Language and Culture 10.1002/col.20350
32 6 AATCC/ISCC industrial color challenges symposium 10.1002/col.20359
32 6 Book review: Diccionario Akal Del Color, by Juan Carlos Sanz and Rosa Gallego 10.1002/col.20373
32 5 About the authors 10.1002/col.20346
32 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.20347
32 5 Image-based spectral reflectance reconstruction using the matrix R method 10.1002/col.20341
32 5 Recovering spectral data from natural scenes with an RGB digital camera and colored filters 10.1002/col.20339
32 5 Fogra color management symposium 10.1002/col.20349
32 5 New method for specifying color-rendering properties of light sources based on feeling of contrast 10.1002/col.20338
32 5 Complexity of the color appearance of objects with nonuniform illumination 10.1002/col.20340
32 5 Prediction of spectral reflectance factor distribution of color-shift paint finishes 10.1002/col.20337
32 5 Effects of luminance, wavelength and purity on the color attributes: Brief review with new data and perspectives 10.1002/col.20348
32 5 Faithful representation of colours on a CRT monitor 10.1002/col.20344
32 5 Generic device color gamut description 10.1002/col.20343
32 5 Diffractive CIE 1931 chromaticity diagram 10.1002/col.20342
32 5 Variations in the colorimetric characteristics of verdigris pictorial films depending on the process used to produce the pigment and the type of binding agent used in applying it 10.1002/col.20311
32 5 Book review: Diccionario Akal del Color 10.1002/col.20345
32 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.20332
32 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.20333
32 4 Sky blue, but what blue? A new evaluation of the colors of the sky for artists and designers 10.1002/col.20291
32 4 Observation of visual texture of metallic and pearlescent materials 10.1002/col.20328
32 4 Global color impressions of multicolored textured patterns with equal unique hue elements 10.1002/col.20330
32 4 A shade guide model based on the color distribution of natural teeth 10.1002/col.20335
32 4 Sensor-response-ratio constancy under changes in natural and artificial illuminants 10.1002/col.20329
32 4 Comparison of methods of parameric correction for evaluating metamerism 10.1002/col.20325
32 4 Colour displays for categorical images 10.1002/col.20327
32 4 Accurate display gamma functions based on human observation 10.1002/col.20336
32 4 Color changes in architectural limestones from pollution and cleaning 10.1002/col.20322
32 4 Ancient historical scripture and color vision 10.1002/col.20323
32 4 Corresponding colors as complementary sets: Corollary to Grassman's laws 10.1002/col.20326
32 4 Let's call it “color-gamut rendering” 10.1002/col.20324
32 4 Book review: Reading through colour 10.1002/col.20334
32 4 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.20331
32 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.20319
32 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.20318
32 3 Evaluation of methods for verifying the performance of color-measuring instruments. Part I: Repeatability 10.1002/col.20320
32 3 Evaluation of methods for verifying the performance of color-measuring instruments. Part II: Inter-instrument reproducibility 10.1002/col.20308
32 3 New method for measuring an optical property of a sample treated by FWA 10.1002/col.20307
32 3 Single-constant simplification of Kubelka-Munk turbid-media theory for paint systems—A review 10.1002/col.20309
32 3 Effects of luminance, wavelength and purity on the color attributes: Brief review with new data and perspectives 10.1002/col.20312
32 3 Analysis of cross-cultural color emotion 10.1002/col.20321
32 3 A comment about the chroma scale of Nayatani-theoretical color order system 10.1002/col.20310
32 3 Light and color, some ethical issues 10.1002/col.20279
32 3 Letter to the editor—Appearance characterization alternate definitions 10.1002/col.20280
32 3 Camera color gamut: Spray-painting the invisible definition 10.1002/col.20317
32 3 Book reviews: High dynamic range imaging, acquisition, display, and image-based lighting 10.1002/col.20313
32 3 Book reviews: Seven deadly colours; The genius of nature' palette and how it eluded Darwin 10.1002/col.20314
32 3 Universal design for visual communications 10.1002/col.20315
32 3 The 14th IS&T/SID color imaging conference 10.1002/col.20316
32 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.20305
32 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.20304
32 2 Robert Merrill Boynton (Oct. 28, 1924—Sept. 4, 2006) 10.1002/col.20306
32 2 Optimal fluorescent colors 10.1002/col.20295
32 2 Development of the idea of simple colors in the 16th and early 17th centuries 10.1002/col.20296
32 2 Spectral adaptation 10.1002/col.20293
32 2 Proposal of a new concept for color-appearance modeling 10.1002/col.20292
32 2 Proposed modification to the CIECAM02 colour appearance model to include the simultaneous contrast effects 10.1002/col.20297
32 2 Work week productivity, visual complexity, and individual environmental sensitivity in three offices of different color interiors 10.1002/col.20298
32 2 Color-emotion associations and color preferences: A case study for residences 10.1002/col.20294
32 2 The Third IS&T European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision 10.1002/col.20303
32 2 Effect of laser cleaning on granite color 10.1002/col.20299
32 2 Request for existing experimental datasets on color differences 10.1002/col.20300
32 2 Romero's color invariant in a new light 10.1002/col.20301
32 2 Book review 10.1002/col.20302
32 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.20305
32 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.20304
32 1 Robert Merrill Boynton (Oct. 28, 1924—Sept. 4, 2006) 10.1002/col.20306
32 1 Optimal fluorescent colors 10.1002/col.20295
32 1 Development of the idea of simple colors in the 16th and early 17th centuries 10.1002/col.20296
32 1 Spectral adaptation 10.1002/col.20293
32 1 Proposal of a new concept for color-appearance modeling 10.1002/col.20292
32 1 Proposed modification to the CIECAM02 colour appearance model to include the simultaneous contrast effects 10.1002/col.20297
32 1 Work week productivity, visual complexity, and individual environmental sensitivity in three offices of different color interiors 10.1002/col.20298
32 1 Color-emotion associations and color preferences: A case study for residences 10.1002/col.20294
32 1 The Third IS&T European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision 10.1002/col.20303
32 1 Effect of laser cleaning on granite color 10.1002/col.20299
32 1 Request for existing experimental datasets on color differences 10.1002/col.20300
32 1 Romero's color invariant in a new light 10.1002/col.20301
32 1 Book review 10.1002/col.20302
31 6 In Memoriam: William A. Thornton (1923–2006) 10.1002/col.20266
31 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.20268
31 6 About the authors 10.1002/col.20267
31 6 How well can people use different color attributes? 10.1002/col.20257
31 6 Color memory in elderly adults 10.1002/col.20258
31 6 Theoretical analysis of inter-observer variability in the determination of luminance thresholds 10.1002/col.20259
31 6 David Brainard receives the ISCC Macbeth Award 10.1002/col.20270
31 6 Expanding display color gamut beyond the spectrum locus 10.1002/col.20260
31 6 The metamerism potentiality of a color recipe 10.1002/col.20261
31 6 Reflection of light from semi-infinite absorbing turbid media. Part 1: Spherical albedo 10.1002/col.20262
31 6 Reflection of light from semi-infinite absorbing turbid media. Part 2: Plane albedo and reflection function 10.1002/col.20263
31 6 Understanding Color: An Introduction for Designers 10.1002/col.20269
31 6 Understanding Color: An Introduction for Designers 10.1002/col.20264
31 6 Detection of Light: From the Ultraviolet to the Submillimeter 10.1002/col.20271
31 6 75 Years of the CIE Standard Colorimetric Observer ISCC/CIE Expert Symposium, Ottawa, Ontario, 16–17 May, 2006 10.1002/col.20265
31 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.20254
31 5 About the authors 10.1002/col.20253
31 5 Bandwidth correction for LED chromaticity 10.1002/col.20242
31 5 Databases for spectral color science 10.1002/col.20244
31 5 Spectral sensitivity of sensors for a color-image descriptor invariant to changes in daylight conditions 10.1002/col.20243
31 5 Concerning the calculation of the color gamut in a digital camera 10.1002/col.20245
31 5 Investigation of human's emotional responses on colors 10.1002/col.20246
31 5 Theoretical analysis of subtractive color mixture characteristics V—Centroid of subtractive tristimulus values 10.1002/col.20247
31 5 Influence of wood extractives on the photo-discoloration of wood surfaces exposed to artificial weathering 10.1002/col.20248
31 5 Colors of the World: A Geography of Color 10.1002/col.20250
31 5 A Field Guide to Digital Color 10.1002/col.20249
31 5 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.20251
31 5 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.20252
31 5 Quantifying colour appearance. Part II. Testing colour appearance models performance using LUTCHI colour appearance data 10.1002/col.20255
31 5 The shifting gamma perception 10.1002/col.20256
31 4 In this special issue 10.1002/col.20234
31 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.20233
31 4 Foreword 10.1002/col.20238
31 4 Talking about color … design and colour science—Where next? 10.1002/col.20221
31 4 The value of knowledge for colour design 10.1002/col.20222
31 4 Appearance reproduction and multispectral imaging 10.1002/col.20225
31 4 Rejuvenating the color palette of Georges Seurat's A Sunday on La Grande Jatte—1884: A simulation 10.1002/col.20223
31 4 Image acquisition technique for high dynamic range scenes using a multiband camera 10.1002/col.20231
31 4 Scene illuminant estimation: Past, present, and future 10.1002/col.20226
31 4 Model of luminance contrast-sensitivity function for application to image assessment 10.1002/col.20230
31 4 Uniform colour spaces based on CIECAM02 colour appearance model 10.1002/col.20227
31 4 Colours in Pompeiian cityscape: Adding pieces to the puzzle 10.1002/col.20228
31 4 Color and symbolic meaning of elements in nature 10.1002/col.20232
31 4 Research on color in architecture and environmental design: Brief history, current developments, and possible future 10.1002/col.20224
31 4 14th century example of the four unique hues 10.1002/col.20229
31 4 ISCC and IS&T present Special Topics Conference on Precision and Accuracy in the Determination of Color Images, November 2005 10.1002/col.20241
31 4 Color imaging conference 10.1002/col.20239
31 4 CIE Expert Symposium on Visual Appearance 10.1002/col.20240
31 4 European Conference on Visual Perception 10.1002/col.20237
31 4 ArgenColor 2006 10.1002/col.20236
31 4 OSA Vision Meeting 10.1002/col.20235
31 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.20219
31 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.20216
31 3 A new approach to appearance characterization 10.1002/col.20205
31 3 Comparison of the metrics between the CIELAB and the DIN99 uniform color spaces using dental resin composite material values 10.1002/col.20206
31 3 Gjøvik Color Imaging Symposium 10.1002/col.20220
31 3 The Fourth Asian Conference on Vision 10.1002/col.20217
31 3 Colors of National Symbols and II Bolivian Congress of Color 10.1002/col.20218
31 3 Long-term memory colors of Korean and Hungarian observers 10.1002/col.20192
31 3 Recognized visual space of illumination: No simultaneous color contrast effect on light source colors 10.1002/col.20207
31 3 A colour harmony model for two-colour combinations 10.1002/col.20208
31 3 Development of chromatic adaptation transforms and concept for their classification 10.1002/col.20210
31 3 Media-dependent color appearance modeling based on artificial neural networks 10.1002/col.20209
31 3 Spectral-based color separation using linear regression iteration 10.1002/col.20211
31 3 Improvement of CMC upon CIEDE2000 for a new experimental dataset 10.1002/col.20212
31 3 Color and Its Reproduction 10.1002/col.20213
31 3 Light Pollution Handbook 10.1002/col.20214
31 3 CIE 97:2005-Guide on the maintenance of indoor electric lighting systems 10.1002/col.20215
31 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.20203
31 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.20202
31 2 Talking about color … and ethics 10.1002/col.20204
31 2 Investigating von Kries-like adaptation using local linear models 10.1002/col.20186
31 2 Two-primary crosstalk model for characterizing liquid crystal displays 10.1002/col.20187
31 2 The Villalobos Colour Atlas: An analysis 10.1002/col.20188
31 2 The use of reflectance measurements in the determination of fixation of reactive dyes to cotton 10.1002/col.20189
31 2 Experimental study of back-scattering spectrum of textile structures 10.1002/col.20191
31 2 Appearance variations of textile materials due to different near gray backgrounds 10.1002/col.20190
31 2 Irregularity in CIECAM02 and its avoidance 10.1002/col.20193
31 2 Clarification of differences between variable achromatic color and variable chromatic color methods in the Helmholtz–Kohlrausch effect 10.1002/col.20194
31 2 Brain and visual perception: The story of a 25-year collaboration 10.1002/col.20195
31 2 Mastering digital printing 10.1002/col.20197
31 2 Illusioni ed effetti visivi: Una raccolta/visual illusions and effects: A collection 10.1002/col.20196
31 2 Publication CIE 159: A colour appearance model for colour management systems: CIECAM02 10.1002/col.20198
31 2 Joint ISO/CIE standard–ISO 23539:2005(e)/CIE s 010/e:2004 10.1002/col.20199
31 2 2006 AIC Interim Meeting 10.1002/col.20200
31 2 The 26th session of the CIE 10.1002/col.20201
31 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.20181
31 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.20185
31 1 Publications Briefly Mentioned lighting of outdoor work places—Lighting requirements for safety and security. Vienna: CIE Central Bureau, 2005 10.1002/col.20168
31 1 Euclidization of the first quadrant of the CIEDE2000 color difference system for the calculation of large color differences 10.1002/col.20168
31 1 Methods of selecting a small reflectance set as a transfer standard for correcting spectrophotometers 10.1002/col.20169
31 1 Large-field color matching functions 10.1002/col.20170
31 1 Sensing spectral stimuli: Sensor functions and number 10.1002/col.20171
31 1 Surface reflectance modeling of real objects with interreflections for augmented virtuality 10.1002/col.20184
31 1 A data set for fuzzy colour naming 10.1002/col.20172
31 1 Conversion between the reflectance spectra and the Munsell notations 10.1002/col.20173
31 1 Color associations with different building types: An experimental study on American college students 10.1002/col.20174
31 1 Comments on the article by Deng, Chen, and Rea on the HUNT94 color appearance model 10.1002/col.20175
31 1 Reply to Dr. R. W. G. Hunt regarding our article “An evaluation of the Hunt94 color appearance model under different light sources at low photopic to low mesopic light levels,” by Deng et al., Color Res Appl 2005;30: 107–117 10.1002/col.20176
31 1 Light, vision, and color, by Arne Valberg, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2005, 464 pp.; I hardback $160, paper $79. ISBN 0-470-84903-7 10.1002/col.20177
31 1 Dimensional color, 2nd ed., by Lois Swirnoff, W. W. Norton & Company, London and New York; 2003, 160 pp. Paperback $39.95 10.1002/col.20183
31 1 Publications Briefly Mentioned lighting of outdoor work places—Lighting requirements for safety and security. Vienna: CIE Central Bureau, 2005 10.1002/col.20178
31 1 ISCC 2005 Annual Meeting and Special Symposium on Automotive Color and Appearance Issues 10.1002/col.20179
31 1 Second CIE Expert Symposium on measurement uncertainty: Methods and models for analysis of uncertainties in optical radiation measurement 10.1002/col.20180
31 1 Alan Robertson receives ISCC's Godlove Award 10.1002/col.20182
30 6 About the authors 10.1002/col.20160
30 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.20161
30 6 Effects of surrounding brightness on visual search for safety colors 10.1002/col.20152
30 6 Estimation of hue discrimination thresholds using a computer interactive method 10.1002/col.20153
30 6 Comparison of different monoptic and dichoptic color-matching functions 10.1002/col.20154
30 6 Theoretical analysis of subtractive color mixture characteristics IV—Theorems on ideal color and tristimulus dimension 10.1002/col.20155
30 6 Calibrated color mapping between LCD and CRT displays: A case study 10.1002/col.20156
30 6 Application of the second derivative of the Kubelka–Munk function to the semiquantitative analysis of Roman paintings 10.1002/col.20157
30 6 Effect of orange fiber addition on yogurt color during fermentation and cold storage 10.1002/col.20158
30 6 COMIC III™ 10.1002/col.20159
30 6 The reproduction of colour 10.1002/col.20163
30 6 Color appearance models 10.1002/col.20162
30 6 CIE 165:2005 10.1002/col.20164
30 6 COMIC III™ 10.1002/col.20165
30 6 AIC 2004, Color and Paints, Porto Alegre, Brazil, November 2–5, 2004 10.1002/col.20166
30 6 ISCC/CIE expert symposium: 75 years of the CIE standard colorimetric observer 10.1002/col.20167
30 5 About the authors 10.1002/col.20149
30 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.20150
30 5 The theoretical basis of multicolor letterpress printing, Hans E. J. Neugebauer 10.1002/col.20135
30 5 The shifting gamma perception 10.1002/col.20137
30 5 Investigation of texture effect on visual colour difference evaluation 10.1002/col.20138
30 5 Spectral interpolation errors 10.1002/col.20136
30 5 Theoretical analysis of subtractive color mixture characteristics III—Realistic colorants and single tristimulus dimension 10.1002/col.20139
30 5 Testing the behavior for metamerism of the new deviate observer (JF-DO) 10.1002/col.20140
30 5 Theory of corresponding colors as complementary sets 10.1002/col.20141
30 5 Study of various interventions in the façades of a historical building—Methodology proposal, chromatic and material analysis 10.1002/col.20142
30 5 Fred Billmeyer tribute 10.1002/col.20143
30 5 Fred W. Billmeyer, Jr., memorial undergraduate fellowship in color science 10.1002/col.20144
30 5 The Visual Neurosciences 10.1002/col.20145
30 5 Light-Matter Interaction Volume 1 Fundamental and Applications 10.1002/col.20147
30 5 Artist's Color Manual 10.1002/col.20146
30 5 Publications Briefly Mentioned 10.1002/col.20148
30 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.20129
30 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.20130
30 4 Talking about color … brilliance 10.1002/col.20128
30 4 Relative absorption model of color vision 10.1002/col.20121
30 4 Evaluation of image similarity by histogram intersection 10.1002/col.20122
30 4 Prediction of spectral reflectance factor distribution of automotive paint finishes 10.1002/col.20125
30 4 Improving the Hawkyard method for generating reflectance functions 10.1002/col.20126
30 4 A preliminary comparison of CIE color differences to textile color acceptability using average observers 10.1002/col.20124
30 4 Why two kinds of color order systems are necessary? 10.1002/col.20127
30 4 Meat color in retail displays with fluorescent illumination 10.1002/col.20123
30 4 Digital Image Display 10.1002/col.20131
30 4 Color: An Introduction to Practice and Principles, 2nd edition 10.1002/col.20119
30 4 Color Chemistry: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications of Organic Dyes and Pigments, 3rd revised edition 10.1002/col.20132
30 4 Contemporary Color Theory & Use 10.1002/col.20118
30 4 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.20133
30 4 Forthcoming Meetings 10.1002/col.20134
30 4 Conference announcement 10.1002/col.20151
30 3 In memoriam: Eugene M. Allen (November 7, 1916–January 18, 2005) 10.1002/col.20120
30 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.20117
30 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.20116
30 3 Thermochromism of fluorescent colors 10.1002/col.20104
30 3 Separate processing of chromatic and achromatic contrast in color constancy 10.1002/col.20105
30 3 Effect of luminance of samples on color discrimination ellipses: Analysis and prediction of data 10.1002/col.20107
30 3 Visual evaluation at scale of threshold to suprathreshold color difference 10.1002/col.20106
30 3 The UNL trichromatic colorimeter 10.1002/col.20109
30 3 Relationships among chromatic tone, perceived lightness, and degree of vividness 10.1002/col.20108
30 3 Can future colour trends be predicted on the basis of past colour trends?: An empirical investigation 10.1002/col.20110
30 3 Colour Harmony and the Visual Message 10.1002/col.20111
30 3 Sight Unseen, An Exploration of Conscious and Unconscious Vision 10.1002/col.20112
30 3 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.20113
30 3 ISCC Williamsburg conference on color and design 10.1002/col.20114
30 3 ArgenColor 2004 10.1002/col.20115
30 2 In memoriam 10.1002/col.20103
30 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.20101
30 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.20102
30 2 A review of principal component analysis and its applications to color technology 10.1002/col.20086
30 2 Testing the robustness of CIECAM02 10.1002/col.20087
30 2 An evaluation of the Hunt94 color appearance model under different light sources at low photopic to low mesopic light levels 10.1002/col.20088
30 2 Design and study of a color sensitivity function 10.1002/col.20089
30 2 Color pictures using dielectric films 10.1002/col.20090
30 2 Location of Munsell colors in the RAL Design System 10.1002/col.20091
30 2 Formulation of interior design color palette based on the regression analysis of digital color samples 10.1002/col.20092
30 2 Color variability of wine in a glass and general comments on contrast effects 10.1002/col.20093
30 2 Color coordinates of wine samples with different thicknesses 10.1002/col.20094
30 2 Final Comment 10.1002/col.20095
30 2 The Science of Color, second edition 10.1002/col.20097
30 2 Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB 10.1002/col.20098
30 2 ASTM International Standards on Color and Appearance Measurement, Seventh Edition 10.1002/col.20099
30 2 R·I·T MCSL summer short course 2005: Essentials of Color Science, June 7–10, 2005 10.1002/col.20100
30 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.20083
30 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.20084
30 1 Comparing the visibility of low-contrast color Landolt-Cs: Effect of aging human lens 10.1002/col.20071
30 1 A comparison of lightness contrast effects in CRT and surface colours 10.1002/col.20074
30 1 The CIEDE2000 color-difference formula: Implementation notes, supplementary test data, and mathematical observations 10.1002/col.20070
30 1 Hypotheses for chromatic opponency functions and their performance on classical psychophysical data 10.1002/col.20072
30 1 Differences in attributes between color difference and color appearance (chroma and hue) for near-neutral colors 10.1002/col.20073
30 1 Colour as vocation: Werner Spillmann's contribution to environmental colour design 10.1002/col.20075
30 1 The CIELAB reversal in calibration and verification 10.1002/col.20076
30 1 Chromatic adaptation transforms 10.1002/col.20085
30 1 The Measurement of Sensation 10.1002/col.20078
30 1 Display Interfaces: Fundamentals and Standards 10.1002/col.20079
30 1 Industrial Dyes—Chemistry, Properties, Applications 10.1002/col.20081
30 1 Optics Demonstration with the Overhead Projector 10.1002/col.20080
30 1 Seventh Spanish Color Congress 10.1002/col.20082
30 1 Inter Society Color Council (ISCC) calls for papers on Automotive Color and Appearance Issues for its 2005 Annual Conference 10.1002/col.20077
30 1 R·I·T Color Science Masters Program offers graduate scholarships 10.1002/col.20096
29 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.20065
29 6 About the authors 10.1002/col.20064
29 6 Accurate estimation of the nonlinearity of input/output response for color cameras 10.1002/col.20061
29 6 Predicting changes in the color of powders: Does Melamed's model fit to real industrial powders? 10.1002/col.20058
29 6 Are chroma tolerances dependent on hue-angle? 10.1002/col.20057
29 6 Visually matching daylight fluorescent lamplight with two primary sets 10.1002/col.20059
29 6 The properties of multiple CMF determinations using alternative primary sets Part II: A data unification methodology 10.1002/col.20069
29 6 Cross-regional comparison of colour emotions Part I: Quantitative analysis 10.1002/col.20062
29 6 Cross-regional comparison of colour emotions Part II: Qualitative analysis 10.1002/col.20063
29 6 Color in food; Improving quality 10.1002/col.20066
29 6 Color and appearance 2nd edition 10.1002/col.20067
29 6 Lighting and colour for hospital design 10.1002/col.20068
29 5 About the authors 10.1002/col.20053
29 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.20054
29 5 Moses Harris's The Natural System of Colours and its later representations 10.1002/col.20041
29 5 Estimation of fuzzy sets for computational colour categorization 10.1002/col.20042
29 5 Theoretical analysis of subtractive color mixture characteristics II—General colorants and single tristimulus dimension 10.1002/col.20043
29 5 Colour matching using LEDs as primaries 10.1002/col.20044
29 5 Colorimetric characterization of a computer-controlled liquid crystal display 10.1002/col.20046
29 5 Evaluation of the crispening effect using CRT-displayed colour samples 10.1002/col.20045
29 5 A study of colour emotion and colour preference. Part III: Colour preference modeling 10.1002/col.20047
29 5 Prediction of optical efficacy of vital tooth bleaching using regression analysis 10.1002/col.20048
29 5 Digital Color Imaging Handbook 10.1002/col.20049
29 5 Handbook of Image Quality: Characterization and Prediction 10.1002/col.20050
29 5 Seeing in Depth, Volume I: Basic Mechanisms, Volume II: Depth Perception 10.1002/col.20051
29 5 AIC 2003 Bangkok Midterm Meeting Report 10.1002/col.20055
29 5 AIC 2004 “Color & Paints” Interim Meeting of the International Color Association 10.1002/col.20052
29 5 Bezolde-Brucke effect exists in related and unrelated colors and resembles the Abney effect 10.1002/col.20056
29 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.20035
29 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.20036
29 4 Recognized visual space of illumination: A new account of center-surround simultaneous color contrast 10.1002/col.20019
29 4 Principal components applied to modeling: Dealing with the mean vector 10.1002/col.20021
29 4 A critical review of the development of the CIE1931 RGB color-matching functions 10.1002/col.20020
29 4 The properties of multiple CMF determinations using alternative primary sets part I: Evidence and modeling 10.1002/col.20022
29 4 Individual differences of unique hue loci and their relation to color preferences 10.1002/col.20023
29 4 A study of colour emotion and colour preference. Part II: Colour emotions for two-colour combinations 10.1002/col.20024
29 4 The use of sensory difference tests to investigate perceptible colour-difference in a cosmetic product 10.1002/col.20025
29 4 Design and performance of a color chart based in digitally processed images for sensory evaluation of piquillo peppers (Capsicum annuum) 10.1002/col.20026
29 4 Wood photography using light irradiation and heat treatment 10.1002/col.20027
29 4 Colour Perception: Mind and the Physical World 10.1002/col.20028
29 4 Coloring of Plastics, Fundamentals 2nd Ed. 10.1002/col.20039
29 4 Basics of Holography 10.1002/col.20040
29 4 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.20037
29 4 New National Journal for India – Journal of Colour Technology and Management 10.1002/col.20029
29 4 Color and urban environment–Between history and contemporaneity, International Congress in Genoa, Italy 10.1002/col.20030
29 4 CIC 11-The Eleventh Color Imaging Conference 10.1002/col.20031
29 4 Fall vision meeting 10.1002/col.20032
29 4 CIC12: The color imaging conference 10.1002/col.20033
29 4 Fifth National Lighting Congress and Interlight Istanbul Fair 10.1002/col.20038
29 4 ad chroma toward colour 10.1002/col.20034
29 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.20016
29 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.20015
29 3 Changes in contrast thresholds with mean luminance for chromatic and luminance gratings: A reexamination of the transition from the DeVries–Rose to Weber regions 10.1002/col.20003
29 3 Comparing observers 10.1002/col.20004
29 3 Color assimilation on grating affected by its apparent stripe width 10.1002/col.20005
29 3 Color change due to a varnish layer 10.1002/col.20008
29 3 Uncertainty analysis for reflectance colorimetry 10.1002/col.20006
29 3 Color errors of digital cameras 10.1002/col.20007
29 3 Use of gray system theory in product-color planning 10.1002/col.20009
29 3 A study of colour emotion and colour preference. Part I: Colour emotions for single colours 10.1002/col.20010
29 3 Bezold–Brucke effect exists in related and unrelated colors and resembles the Abney effect 10.1002/col.20011
29 3 Expectations and the Food Industry: The Impact of Color and Appearance 10.1002/col.20012
29 3 Colour Concepts and the Munsell System 10.1002/col.20013
29 3 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.20018
29 3 Advances in measurement science for color and appearance 10.1002/col.20017
29 3 Invitation to participate in CIE gamut mapping study 10.1002/col.20014
29 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.10245
29 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.10246
29 2 In memoriam: Russell De Valois (1926–2003) 10.1002/col.10244
29 2 A new method for computing optimum weights for calculating CIE tristimulus values 10.1002/col.10229
29 2 The principal components of reflectances 10.1002/col.10230
29 2 Spectrophotometric error in colour coordinates introduced by fluorescence of white calibration tile 10.1002/col.10233
29 2 MANOVA-biplot statistical analysis of the effect of artificial ageing (freezing/thawing) on the colour of treated granite stones 10.1002/col.10236
29 2 Museum lighting: Optimizing the illuminant 10.1002/col.10231
29 2 Quantifying variations in personal color spaces: Are there sex differences in color vision? 10.1002/col.10232
29 2 Erratum 10.1002/col.10243
29 2 Proposal of an opponent-colors system based on color-appearance and color-vision studies 10.1002/col.10234
29 2 Transformation from Munsell space to Swedish NCS—Through Nayatani theoretical space 10.1002/col.10235
29 2 Variability in Unique Hue Selection: A Surprising Phenomenon 10.1002/col.10237
29 2 Color space and its divisions, color order from antiquity to the present 10.1002/col.10239
29 2 Art and complexity 10.1002/col.10238
29 2 CIE Standard S 013/E:2003 International Standard Global Solar UV Index 10.1002/col.20000
29 2 CIE 153:2003 Report on an intercomparison of measurements of the luminous flux of high-pressure sodium lamps, ISBN 3 901 906 23 1 10.1002/col.20001
29 2 CIE 154:2003 The maintenance of outdoor lighting systems, ISBN 3 901 906 24 X 10.1002/col.10240
29 2 The 34th Annual Meeting of the Color Science Association of Japan 10.1002/col.10241
29 2 CIE expert symposium on LED light sources: Physical measurement and visual and photobiological assessment 10.1002/col.10242
29 2 MCSL summer short course 2004 essentials of color science 10.1002/col.10247
29 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.10245
29 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.10246
29 1 In memoriam: Russell De Valois (1926–2003) 10.1002/col.10244
29 1 A new method for computing optimum weights for calculating CIE tristimulus values 10.1002/col.10229
29 1 The principal components of reflectances 10.1002/col.10230
29 1 Spectrophotometric error in colour coordinates introduced by fluorescence of white calibration tile 10.1002/col.10233
29 1 MANOVA-biplot statistical analysis of the effect of artificial ageing (freezing/thawing) on the colour of treated granite stones 10.1002/col.10236
29 1 Museum lighting: Optimizing the illuminant 10.1002/col.10231
29 1 Quantifying variations in personal color spaces: Are there sex differences in color vision? 10.1002/col.10232
29 1 Erratum 10.1002/col.10243
29 1 Proposal of an opponent-colors system based on color-appearance and color-vision studies 10.1002/col.10234
29 1 Transformation from Munsell space to Swedish NCS—Through Nayatani theoretical space 10.1002/col.10235
29 1 Variability in Unique Hue Selection: A Surprising Phenomenon 10.1002/col.10237
29 1 Color space and its divisions, color order from antiquity to the present 10.1002/col.10239
29 1 Art and complexity 10.1002/col.10238
29 1 CIE Standard S 013/E:2003 International Standard Global Solar UV Index 10.1002/col.20000
29 1 CIE 153:2003 Report on an intercomparison of measurements of the luminous flux of high-pressure sodium lamps, ISBN 3 901 906 23 1 10.1002/col.20001
29 1 CIE 154:2003 The maintenance of outdoor lighting systems, ISBN 3 901 906 24 X 10.1002/col.10240
29 1 The 34th Annual Meeting of the Color Science Association of Japan 10.1002/col.10241
29 1 CIE expert symposium on LED light sources: Physical measurement and visual and photobiological assessment 10.1002/col.10242
29 1 MCSL summer short course 2004 essentials of color science 10.1002/col.10247
28 6 About the authors 10.1002/col.10207
28 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.10208
28 6 Color rendering: Asking the question 10.1002/col.10193
28 6 Changes in hue and saturation of chromatic lights presented in the peripheral visual field 10.1002/col.10194
28 6 A top down description of S-CIELAB and CIEDE2000 10.1002/col.10195
28 6 Applying chromatic adaptation transforms to mixed adaptation conditions 10.1002/col.10196
28 6 Evaluation of color matching performances for SPEM and other models 10.1002/col.10197
28 6 Color printer characterization adjustment for different substrates 10.1002/col.10198
28 6 Fabrication of brightness optimizer for CRT color monitors 10.1002/col.10199
28 6 Color variability for a wine sample poured into a standard glass wine sampler 10.1002/col.10200
28 6 Fundamentos de colorimetría 10.1002/col.10201
28 6 Tecnología del Color 10.1002/col.10202
28 6 In the Blink of an Eye 10.1002/col.10203
28 6 CIE 151:2003 Spectral Weighting of Solar Ultraviolet Radiation 10.1002/col.10205
28 6 CIE x025:2003 Proceedings of the CIE Symposium'02 on Temporal and Spatial Aspects of Light and Colour Perception and Measurement, 22–23 August, 2002, Veszprém, Hungary 10.1002/col.10204
28 6 Inter-society color council conference on industrial color solutions 10.1002/col.10206
28 6 In memoriam Jacob Beck 10.1002/col.10227
28 5 About the authors 10.1002/col.10190
28 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.10191
28 5 Teaching color theory for automotive coatings: A computer-based approach 10.1002/col.10176
28 5 Gloss and goniocolorimetry of printed materials 10.1002/col.10177
28 5 Influence of surface roughness on color changes in building stones 10.1002/col.10178
28 5 The role of copper and silver in the colouration of metallic luster decorations (Tunisia, 9th century; Mesopotamia, 10th century; Sicily, 16th century): A first approach 10.1002/col.10183
28 5 Environmental colouration and/or the design process 10.1002/col.10182
28 5 Chromatic changes in relation to binocular summation determined with contrast thresholds 10.1002/col.10179
28 5 A hypothesis regarding the poor blue constancy of CIELAB 10.1002/col.10180
28 5 Estimating black-level emissions of computer-controlled displays 10.1002/col.10181
28 5 Consciousness, color and content. Michael Tye. Published by MIT Press. Cambridge, MA, 2000, 198 p. $26.95 10.1002/col.10184
28 5 Vision and Mind: Selected Readings in the Philosophy of Perception. Edited by Alva Noë and Evan Thompson. MIT Press, 2002, 627 pp. paperback $38 10.1002/col.10185
28 5 Farbskalen—Farbkreise—Farbsysteme (Color Scales, Color Circles, Color Systems), by Werner Spillmann, reprint available from Applica, Grindelstrasse 2, 8304 Wallisellen, Switzerland, 23 pp/SFr. 15. 10.1002/col.10186
28 5 Color Theory for Automotive Coatings. PPG Training Center, PPG Industries, 3800 West 143rd St., Cleveland, OH 44111-4997 $1000. 10.1002/col.10187
28 5 Fall Vision Meeting, October 24–27, 2002 10.1002/col.10188
28 5 2003 Fall Vision Meeting, October 4–6, 2003, University of Arizona, Tucson & Hilton Tucson el Conquistador 10.1002/col.10189
28 5 International Lighting and Colour Conference 10.1002/col.10192
28 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.10166
28 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.10167
28 4 Colors of some small figures on colored grounds 10.1002/col.10159
28 4 Extending the color gamut and dynamic range of an sRGB image using a residual image 10.1002/col.10160
28 4 Chromatic variation of Ishihara diagnostic plates 10.1002/col.10161
28 4 A test of uniformities in the OSA-UCS and the NCS 10.1002/col.10162
28 4 A modified opponent-colors theory considering chromatic strengths of various hues 10.1002/col.10163
28 4 Adequateness of a newly modified opponent-colors theory 10.1002/col.10164
28 4 Application of multiflux theory based on scattering by nonspherical particles to the problem of modeling optical characteristics of pigmented paint film: Part II 10.1002/col.10165
28 4 A History of Light and Colour Measurement, Science in the Shadows 10.1002/col.10169
28 4 Colour and Its Reproduction, Part 1: Colorimetry 10.1002/col.10168
28 4 Spectral and Spatial Correction of Photometer 10.1002/col.10170
28 4 CIE Standard CIE S 011/E:2003 10.1002/col.10174
28 4 CIE 150:2003 10.1002/col.10175
28 4 Sixth Spanish Color Congress 10.1002/col.10172
28 4 ArgenColor 2002, Sixth Argentine Color Congress 10.1002/col.10171
28 4 Limits of vision—Space, time and colour 10.1002/col.10173
28 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.10156
28 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.10157
28 3 Which color is more colorful, the lighter one or the darker one? 10.1002/col.10142
28 3 Theoretical analysis of subtractive color mixture characteristics 10.1002/col.10143
28 3 Munsell reflectance spectra represented in three-dimensional Euclidean space 10.1002/col.10144
28 3 Remote adaptation effect on perceived subjective color: A model approach 10.1002/col.10145
28 3 New deviate observer (JF-DO) obtained from experimental color-matching functions for small fields of real observers 10.1002/col.10146
28 3 Some psychological aspects of colour blindness at school: A field study in Calabria and Basilicata (Southern Italy) 10.1002/col.10148
28 3 Effect of color on fashion fabric image 10.1002/col.10147
28 3 About the theoretical aspect of multiple light scattering: Silvy's theory 10.1002/col.10149
28 3 Bright earth: Art and the invention of color 10.1002/col.10150
28 3 Basic principles of textile coloration 10.1002/col.10152
28 3 Theories, technologies, instrumentalities of color: Anthropological and historiographic perspectives 10.1002/col.10151
28 3 Colour image science—Exploiting digital media 10.1002/col.10153
28 3 AIC Color 2002 SI—Color & textiles 10.1002/col.10154
28 3 AIC Interim Meeting in Bangkok 10.1002/col.10155
28 3 International Color Vision Society 10.1002/col.10158
28 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.10134
28 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.10135
28 2 Dynamic cone response functions for models of colour appearance 10.1002/col.10128
28 2 Mathematical determination of the numerical data corresponding to the color-matching functions of three real observers using the RGB CIE-1931 primary system and a new system of unreal primaries X′Y′Z′ 10.1002/col.10127
28 2 Whiteness perception under different types of fluorescent lamps 10.1002/col.10129
28 2 Fixed range scales applied to the evaluation of color: Comparative analysis between the Munsell System and the Natural Color System 10.1002/col.10130
28 2 Differences in color naming and color salience in Vietnamese and English 10.1002/col.10131
28 2 Japanese and Korean ideas about clothing colors for elderly people: Intercountry and intergenerational differences 10.1002/col.10132
28 2 Color memory in protanomals and deuteranomals: Matching time effect 10.1002/col.10133
28 2 Book reviews 10.1002/col.10136
28 2 Book reviews 10.1002/col.10141
28 2 Book review 10.1002/col.10137
28 2 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.10138
28 2 4th Oxford conference on spectrometry 10.1002/col.10139
28 2 RIT's Munsell Color Science Laboratory, summer school of industrial short courses, June 3–6, 2003 10.1002/col.10140
28 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.10122
28 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.10123
28 1 A fluorescent extension to the Kubelka–Munk model 10.1002/col.10109
28 1 Interobserver variability and color representation systems 10.1002/col.10110
28 1 Color coordinates of objects with daylight changes 10.1002/col.10111
28 1 A comparison of constant stimuli and gray-scale methods of color difference scaling 10.1002/col.10112
28 1 Color change due to surface state modification 10.1002/col.10113
28 1 Modeling color change after spinning process using feedforward neural networks 10.1002/col.10114
28 1 Determining colour gamuts of digital cameras and scanners 10.1002/col.10115
28 1 A non-PC look at principal components 10.1002/col.10116
28 1 CGIV 2002—First European conference on color in graphics, imaging, and vision 10.1002/col.10120
28 1 Visual processing of spatial form defined by luminance, colour, motion, texture, and binocular disparity: A conference to celebrate the career of David Martin Regan 10.1002/col.10126
28 1 ISCC conference on industrial color solutions 10.1002/col.10121
28 1 Inter-society color council annual meeting and symposium on color & appearance instrumentation 10.1002/col.10125
28 1 Review of visual color and color mixture 10.1002/col.10117
28 1 Color vision and colorimetry: Theory and applications 10.1002/col.10118
28 1 CIE publ. 148-2002 action spectroscopy of skin with tunable laser 10.1002/col.10119
28 1 RIT color science offers graduate scholarships 10.1002/col.10124
27 6 About the authors 10.1002/col.10105
27 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.10106
27 6 Proposed metameric indices for goniochromatic objects 10.1002/col.10092
27 6 Defining a practical method of ascertaining textile color acceptability 10.1002/col.10094
27 6 Visual color matching under various viewing conditions 10.1002/col.10091
27 6 Chromaticity contour map of the RGB cube: A simple algorithm 10.1002/col.10093
27 6 Color difference predicted by color component differences 10.1002/col.10095
27 6 Influence of chemical and mineralogical composition on color for commercial talcs 10.1002/col.10096
27 6 Environmental colour design for the third millennium: An evolutionary standpoint 10.1002/col.10097
27 6 Colour imaging, vision and technology 10.1002/col.10098
27 6 Color science in the examination of museum objects: Nondestructive procedures 10.1002/col.10107
27 6 CIE 147:2002 Glare from small, large and complex sources 10.1002/col.10103
27 6 CIE S 009/E:2002 Photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems 10.1002/col.10101
27 6 CIE 146:2002 CIE equations for disability glare 10.1002/col.10102
27 6 Symposium on the visual environment, its descriptors and consequences for human endeavour 10.1002/col.10099
27 6 2002 Inter-Society Color Council annual meeting 10.1002/col.10100
27 6 ISCC/DCC symposium: Color/Design Tech II 10.1002/col.10104
27 6 Mark D. Fairchild receives the ISCC Macbeth Award 10.1002/col.10108
27 5 About the authors 10.1002/col.10087
27 5 In memorium: John A. C. Yule 10.1002/col.10088
27 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.10089
27 5 Color science applications of the Binet–Cauchy theorem 10.1002/col.10080
27 5 Evaluating the 1931 CIE color-matching functions 10.1002/col.10077
27 5 The Weber fraction and asymmetries in luminance thresholds 10.1002/col.10079
27 5 Analyses of methods for predicting corresponding colors of LUTCHI data 10.1002/col.10078
27 5 Correlation between visual and colorimetric scales ranging from threshold to large color difference 10.1002/col.10081
27 5 Color managing the third edition of Billmeyer and Saltzman's Principles of Color Technology 10.1002/col.10083
27 5 Request for real surface colours 10.1002/col.10082
27 5 Flat panel display measurements standard version 2.0 10.1002/col.10084
27 5 Colour chemistry 10.1002/col.10090
27 5 The physics and chemistry of color. The fifteen causes of color, second edition 10.1002/col.10085
27 5 The Frank M. Preucil collection 10.1002/col.10086
27 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.10072
27 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.10071
27 4 A quantitative network model for color categorization 10.1002/col.10060
27 4 Measurement of memory of color 10.1002/col.10067
27 4 Evaluation of the quality of different D65 simulators for visual assessment 10.1002/col.10061
27 4 Color identification data obtained from photopic to mesopic illuminance levels 10.1002/col.10065
27 4 Illuminant estimation for object recognition 10.1002/col.10064
27 4 A qualitative description of thermochromism in color measurements 10.1002/col.10062
27 4 Examples of interference and the color pigment mixtures green with red and red with green 10.1002/col.10063
27 4 Uniform colour spaces based on the DIN99 colour-difference formula 10.1002/col.10066
27 4 An example of facade colour design of mass housing 10.1002/col.10068
27 4 Lichtenberg's Letter to Goethe on “Färbige Schatten”: G. C. Lichtenberg 10.1002/col.10069
27 4 Acquisition and reproduction of color images: Colorimetric and multispectral approaches 10.1002/col.10073
27 4 Appendix. Geometric interpretation of tetrahedral interpolation. 10.1002/col.10075
27 4 Publications Briefly Mentioned 10.1002/col.10076
27 4 Erratum 10.1002/col.10074
27 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.10056
27 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.10057
27 3 Telesio's dictionary of Latin color terms 10.1002/col.10044
27 3 A data set for color research 10.1002/col.10049
27 3 Camera characterization for color research 10.1002/col.10050
27 3 Further improvements to CIECAM97s 10.1002/col.10047
27 3 A hue rectangle and its color metrics in a modified opponent-colors system 10.1002/col.10046
27 3 On the relationship between tilt of a*b* tolerance ellipses in blue region and tritanopic confusion lines 10.1002/col.10053
27 3 Relationship between brightness/luminance ratio and additivity-law failure 10.1002/col.10045
27 3 Formulation of colored fiber blends from Friele's theoretical model 10.1002/col.10048
27 3 Effects of hue, saturation, and brightness on preference 10.1002/col.10051
27 3 A study of the emotional evaluation models of color patterns based on the adaptive fuzzy system and the neural network 10.1002/col.10052
27 3 Industrial color testing—fundamentals and techniques 10.1002/col.10055
27 3 Color for interior architecture 10.1002/col.10054
27 3 Sensory coding and the natural environment: Probabilistic models of perception 10.1002/col.10059
27 3 Society of Dyers and Colourists launch distance learning program 10.1002/col.10058
27 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.10037
27 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.10038
27 2 A study of color conspicuity for ease-of-use inference in visualization 10.1002/col.10033
27 2 Color control of interference pigments dispersed in translucent media 10.1002/col.10032
27 2 Study of the reconstruction of reflectance curves based on tristimulus values: Comparison of methods of optimization 10.1002/col.10031
27 2 Color formulation by fiber blending using the Stearns–Noechel model 10.1002/col.10028
27 2 Performance of CIE94 for nonreference conditions 10.1002/col.10029
27 2 Colour-appearance modeling using feedforward networks with Bayesian regularization method. Part II: Reverse model 10.1002/col.10030
27 2 Overtraining in back-propagation neural networks: A CRT color calibration example 10.1002/col.10027
27 2 CIEDE2000, milestone or final answer? 10.1002/col.10035
27 2 Further comments on CIEDE2000 10.1002/col.10043
27 2 CIE 144:2001 10.1002/col.10039
27 2 CIE x021:2001 10.1002/col.10040
27 2 CIE x022:2001 10.1002/col.10041
27 2 Colour 01 Rochester: 9th Congress of the International Colour Association 10.1002/col.10036
27 2 RIT's Munsell Color Science Laboratory Summer School of Industrial Short Courses, June 4–7, 2002 10.1002/col.10042
27 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.10016
27 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.10017
27 1 Michel-Eugène Chevreul: From laws and principles to the production of colour plates 10.1002/col.10000
27 1 Francis Glisson's color specification system of 1677 10.1002/col.10001
27 1 The early development of the Munsell system 10.1002/col.10002
27 1 Color harmony 10.1002/col.10004
27 1 Prediction of additivity-law failures for an unequal mixing ratio of two chromatic colors 10.1002/col.10003
27 1 Illuminant invariance from a single reflected light 10.1002/col.10006
27 1 CMC 2000 chromatic adaptation transform: CMCCAT2000 10.1002/col.10005
27 1 Book review: Principles of color reproduction 10.1002/col.10008
27 1 Publications Briefly Mentioned: Wiley-SID Series in Display Technology 10.1002/col.10011
27 1 Publications Briefly Mentioned: Applications for Electronic Displays: Technologies and Requirements 10.1002/col.1073
27 1 Publications Briefly Mentioned: CIE 139-2001, the influence of daylight and artificial light on diurnal and seasonal variations in humans—a bibliography 10.1002/col.10018
27 1 Publications Briefly Mentioned: CIE 141-2001, testing of supplementary systems of photometry 10.1002/col.10019
27 1 Publications Briefly Mentioned: CIE 142-2001, improvement to industrial colour-difference evaluation 10.1002/col.10020
27 1 Publications Briefly Mentioned: CIE 143-2001, international recommendations for colour vision requirements for transport 10.1002/col.10021
27 1 Publications Briefly Mentioned: CIE Draft Standard DS 01 0.21E-2001, Photometry—The CIE System of Physical Photometry 10.1002/col.10022
27 1 Publications Briefly Mentioned: CIE Standard S004/E-2001, colours of light signals 10.1002/col.10023
27 1 Publications Briefly Mentioned: CIE 54.2-2001, retroreflection: Definition and measurement 10.1002/col.10024
27 1 Publications Briefly Mentioned: CIE x019-2001, Proceedings of Three CIE Workshops on Criteria for Road Lighting 10.1002/col.10025
27 1 Publications Briefly Mentioned: CIE x020-2001, Proceedings of the CIE Symposium 2001, “Uncertainty Evaluation—Methods for Analysis of Uncertainties in Optical Radiation Measurement,” 10.1002/col.10026
27 1 Meeting reports 10.1002/col.10007
27 1 The Annual Meeting of the Color Science Association of Japan, 2000 10.1002/col.10009
27 1 The Annual Meeting of the Kansai Chapter of the Color Science Association of Japan 2001 10.1002/col.10010
27 1 Forthcoming meetings: The colour delivery challenge II 10.1002/col.10012
27 1 Forthcoming meetings: ArgenColor 2002, 6th Argentine Color Congress 10.1002/col.10013
27 1 Forthcoming meetings: Optical performance of the human eye 10.1002/col.10014
27 1 NEWS: Macleod receives verriest medal 2001 10.1002/col.10015
27 1 NEWS: Color Science Offers Graduate Scholarships 10.1002/col.10034
26 6 About the authors 10.1002/col.1059
26 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.1060
26 6 A revision of CIECAM97s for practical applications 10.1002/col.1061
26 6 Investigation of colour appearance models for illumination changes across media 10.1002/col.1062
26 6 The usability of the CIE colour-matching functions in the case of CRT monitors 10.1002/col.1063
26 6 Colour-imager characterization by parametric fitting of sensor responses 10.1002/col.1064
26 6 The concept of correlated colour temperature revisited 10.1002/col.1065
26 6 Asymmetric colour matching: Memory matching versus simultaneous matching 10.1002/col.1066
26 6 Visual perception of texture of textiles 10.1002/col.1067
26 6 Spectral power distributions for the CIE stimuli 10.1002/col.1068
26 6 Book review 10.1002/col.1069
26 6 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.1070
26 6 Subject index 10.1002/col.1071
26 6 Author index 10.1002/col.1072
26 5 About the authors 10.1002/col.1045
26 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.1046
26 5 Obituary: Heinz Terstiege June 18, 1934–April 15, 2001 10.1002/col.1047
26 5 The remarkable Arthur König 10.1002/col.1048
26 5 The development of the CIE 2000 colour-difference formula: CIEDE2000 10.1002/col.1049
26 5 Comparisons between color-space scales, uniform-color-scale atlases, and color-difference formulae 10.1002/col.1050
26 5 The influence of luminance on color-difference thresholds 10.1002/col.1051
26 5 Evaluation of CIELAB-based colour-difference formulae using a new dataset 10.1002/col.1052
26 5 Investigation of parametric effects using medium colour-difference pairs 10.1002/col.1053
26 5 From color-matching error to large color differences 10.1002/col.1054
26 5 Colour-difference evaluation using CRT colours. Part I: Data gathering and testing colour difference formulae 10.1002/col.1055
26 5 Colour-difference evaluation using CRT colours. Part II: Parametric effects 10.1002/col.1056
26 5 Report on the CIE expert symposium on uncertainty evaluation, tutorial and workshop, CIE central bureau, Vienna, Austria 10.1002/col.1057
26 5 Book Review 10.1002/col.1058
26 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.1029
26 4 Max Saltzman, April 17, 1917–February 26, 2001 10.1002/col.1030
26 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.1031
26 4 The use of metamers to compare the color vision of observers 10.1002/col.1032
26 4 A cross-cultural colour-naming study. Part III—A colour-naming model 10.1002/col.1033
26 4 Colour memory for various sky, skin, and plant colours: Effect of the image context 10.1002/col.1034
26 4 Some modifications to Hering's opponent-colors theory 10.1002/col.1035
26 4 On saturation and related parameters following Guth's ATD colour-vision model 10.1002/col.1036
26 4 Billmeyer and Saltzman's principles of color technology, 3rd edition 10.1002/col.1037
26 4 Billmeyer and Saltzman's principles of color technology, 3rd edition 10.1002/col.1038
26 4 Fundamentals of sensation and perception, 3rd ed 10.1002/col.1039
26 4 Printing materials: Science and technology 10.1002/col.1040
26 4 Is there a perceptual color space? 10.1002/col.1041
26 4 Comment on review of color and its reproduction 10.1002/col.1042
26 4 Fourth Oxford Conference on Spectrometry 10.1002/col.1043
26 4 Eighth Color-Imaging Conference 10.1002/col.1044
26 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.1014
26 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.1015
26 3 Tutorial on the importance of color in language and culture 10.1002/col.1016
26 3 A cross-cultural colour-naming study: Part II—Using a constrained method 10.1002/col.1017
26 3 Color space and its divisions 10.1002/col.1018
26 3 Simple reaction time to chromatic changes along L&M-constant and S-constant cone axes 10.1002/col.1019
26 3 Erratum 10.1002/col.1020
26 3 Application of multi-flux theory based on Mie scattering to the problem of modeling the optical characteristics of colored pigmented paint films 10.1002/col.1021
26 3 A colorizer for use in determining an optimal ophthalmic tint 10.1002/col.1022
26 3 Color: A multidisciplinary approach 10.1002/col.1023
26 3 ASTM standards on color and appearance measurement, 6th Ed. 10.1002/col.1024
26 3 CIE 51.2 — 1999, A method for assessing the quality of daylight simulators for colorimetry 10.1002/col.1025
26 3 CIE 140–2000 road lighting calculations 10.1002/col.1026
26 3 RIT'S Munsell color science laboratory — summer school of industrial short courses 10.1002/col.1027
26 3 ISCC elects Hugh R. Davidson as an honorary member 10.1002/col.1028
26 2 About the authors 10.1002/1520-6378%28200104%2926%3A2%3C107%3A%3AAID-COL1000%3E3.0.CO%3B2-6
26 2 In this issue 10.1002/1520-6378%28200104%2926%3A2%3C108%3A%3AAID-COL1001%3E3.0.CO%3B2-2
26 2 Did the CIE get it right? A critical test of the CIE color domains for signal lights 10.1002/1520-6378%28200104%2926%3A2%3C109%3A%3AAID-COL1002%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Z
26 2 Chromatic discrimination in relation to luminance level 10.1002/1520-6378%28200104%2926%3A2%3C123%3A%3AAID-COL1003%3E3.0.CO%3B2-W
26 2 Color-naming of M-cone incremental flashes 10.1002/1520-6378%28200104%2926%3A2%3C132%3A%3AAID-COL1004%3E3.0.CO%3B2-R
26 2 Analysis of five sets of color difference data 10.1002/1520-6378%28200104%2926%3A2%3C141%3A%3AAID-COL1005%3E3.0.CO%3B2-M
26 2 Similarity of psychological and physical colour space shown by symmetry analysis 10.1002/1520-6378%28200104%2926%3A2%3C151%3A%3AAID-COL1006%3E3.0.CO%3B2-G
26 2 Color memory matching in normal and red-green anomalous trichromat subjects 10.1002/1520-6378%28200104%2926%3A2%3C158%3A%3AAID-COL1007%3E3.0.CO%3B2-6
26 2 Focal colors and unique hues 10.1002/1520-6378%28200104%2926%3A2%3C171%3A%3AAID-COL1008%3E3.0.CO%3B2-4
26 2 The colour of metal compounds 10.1002/1520-6378%28200104%2926%3A2%3C173%3A%3AAID-COL1009%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
26 2 CIE collection in photobiology and photochemistry 2000 10.1002/1520-6378%28200104%2926%3A2%3C174%3A%3AAID-COL1010%3E3.0.CO%3B2-O
26 2 Policroma, dalle teorie comparate al progetto del colore 10.1002/1520-6378%28200104%2926%3A2%3C174%3A%3AAID-COL1011%3E3.0.CO%3B2-L
26 2 Volunteer labs sought to test foundations of colorimetry 10.1002/1520-6378%28200104%2926%3A2%3C175%3A%3AAID-COL1012%3E3.0.CO%3B2-H
26 1 About the authors 10.1002/1520-6378%28200102%2926%3A1%3C1%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-7
26 1 In this issue 10.1002/1520-6378%28200102%2926%3A1%3C2%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-1
26 1 A theory of colors in combination—A descriptive model related to the NCS color-order system 10.1002/1520-6378%28200102%2926%3A1%3C4%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-T
26 1 Influence of a holistic color interval on color harmony 10.1002/1520-6378%28200102%2926%3A1%3C29%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-B
26 1 A cross-cultural colour-naming study. Part I: Using an unconstrained method 10.1002/1520-6378%28200102%2926%3A1%3C40%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-X
26 1 Determination of unique hues using Munsell color chips 10.1002/1520-6378%28200102%2926%3A1%3C61%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-P
26 1 Derivation of the 1964 CIE 10° XYZ colour-matching functions and their applicability in photometry 10.1002/1520-6378%28200102%2926%3A1%3C67%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-4
26 1 A study of digital camera colorimetric characterization based on polynomial modeling 10.1002/1520-6378%28200102%2926%3A1%3C76%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-3
26 1 Evaluating gamut mapping algorithms for universal applicability 10.1002/1520-6378%28200102%2926%3A1%3C85%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-2
26 1 Colour and the optical properties of materials 10.1002/1520-6378%28200102%2926%3A1%3C103%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-H
26 1 Color vision: From genes to perception 10.1002/1520-6378%28200102%2926%3A1%3C103%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-E
26 1 CIE Draft Standard DS 009.1/E-2000 photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems 10.1002/1520-6378%28200102%2926%3A1%3C104%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-A
26 1 Color basics for industry: An Inter-Society Color Council educational course 10.1002/1520-6378%28200102%2926%3A1%3C104%3A%3AAID-COL13%3E3.0.CO%3B2-7
26 1 ArgenColor 2000, Fifth Argentine Color Congress 10.1002/1520-6378%28200102%2926%3A1%3C106%3A%3AAID-COL14%3E3.0.CO%3B2-2
25 6 About the authors 10.1002/1520-6378%28200012%2925%3A6%3C391%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-C
25 6 In this issue 10.1002/1520-6378%28200012%2925%3A6%3C392%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-6
25 6 Calculating medium and image gamut boundaries for gamut mapping 10.1002/1520-6378%28200012%2925%3A6%3C394%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Y
25 6 A generalized Clapper–Yule model of halftone reflectance 10.1002/1520-6378%28200012%2925%3A6%3C402%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-6
25 6 Optimum brightness level and simplified characterization of CRT color monitors 10.1002/1520-6378%28200012%2925%3A6%3C408%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-M
25 6 Optimization of color-representation systems when comparing different observers 10.1002/1520-6378%28200012%2925%3A6%3C416%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-O
25 6 Colour-appearance modeling using feedforward networks with Bayesian regularization method— Part I: Forward model 10.1002/1520-6378%28200012%2925%3A6%3C424%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Q
25 6 Web-based interactive dynamics for color models learning 10.1002/1520-6378%28200012%2925%3A6%3C435%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-J
25 6 Chromatic parameters as performance indicators for stone cleaning techniques 10.1002/1520-6378%28200012%2925%3A6%3C442%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-O
25 6 Inter-Society Color Council 69th Annual Meeting and Color Pigments for the New Millennium Conference sponsored by the Color Pigment Manufacturer's Association, Inc. 10.1002/1520-6378%28200012%2925%3A6%3C447%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-X
25 6 Index 10.1002/1520-6378%28200012%2925%3A6%3C451%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-X
25 5 About the authors 10.1002/1520-6378%28200010%2925%3A5%3C315%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-D
25 5 In this issue 10.1002/1520-6378%28200010%2925%3A5%3C316%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-7
25 5 On attributes of achromatic and chromatic object-color perceptions 10.1002/1520-6378%28200010%2925%3A5%3C318%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Z
25 5 Set theoretic estimation for problems in subtractive color 10.1002/1520-6378%28200010%2925%3A5%3C333%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-8
25 5 Uncertainty estimation in colour measurement 10.1002/1520-6378%28200010%2925%3A5%3C349%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-N
25 5 Are we able to distinguish color attributes? 10.1002/1520-6378%28200010%2925%3A5%3C356%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-S
25 5 Erratum 10.1002/1520-6378%28200010%2925%3A5%3C367%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-L
25 5 Alternative mathematical approaches to shade sorting 10.1002/1520-6378%28200010%2925%3A5%3C368%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-F
25 5 Effect of mincing degree on colour properties in pork meat 10.1002/1520-6378%28200010%2925%3A5%3C376%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-H
25 5 How does the size of the difference affect perceived larger color differences? 10.1002/1520-6378%28200010%2925%3A5%3C381%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Z
25 5 Color and its reproduction 10.1002/1520-6378%28200010%2925%3A5%3C382%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-V
25 5 Color and meaning: Art, science, and symbolism 10.1002/1520-6378%28200010%2925%3A5%3C382%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-S
25 5 Joint ISO/CIE Standard ISO 10526:1999/CIE S 005/E-1998, CIE Standard illuminants for colorimetry 10.1002/1520-6378%28200010%2925%3A5%3C385%3A%3AAID-COL13%3E3.0.CO%3B2-M
25 5 Joint ISO/CIE Standard ISO 16508:1999/CIE S 006.1/E-1998 road traffic lights—photometric properties of 200 mm roundel signals 10.1002/1520-6378%28200010%2925%3A5%3C385%3A%3AAID-COL14%3E3.0.CO%3B2-J
25 5 Joint ISO/CIE Standard ISO 17166:1999/CIE S007/E-1998 erythema reference action spectrum and standard erythema dose 10.1002/1520-6378%28200010%2925%3A5%3C385%3A%3AAID-COL15%3E3.0.CO%3B2-G
25 5 CIE Draft Standard DS 008.2/E-2000 lighting of indoor work places 10.1002/1520-6378%28200010%2925%3A5%3C385%3A%3AAID-COL16%3E3.0.CO%3B2-D
25 5 Proceedings of the 24th Session of the CIE, Warsaw, Poland, 24–30 June, 1999, CIE 133-1999 10.1002/1520-6378%28200010%2925%3A5%3C386%3A%3AAID-COL17%3E3.0.CO%3B2-9
25 5 Guide to the lighting of urban areas, CIE 136-2000 10.1002/1520-6378%28200010%2925%3A5%3C386%3A%3AAID-COL18%3E3.0.CO%3B2-6
25 5 The conspicuity of traffic signs in complex backgrounds, CIE 137-2000 10.1002/1520-6378%28200010%2925%3A5%3C386%3A%3AAID-COL19%3E3.0.CO%3B2-3
25 5 Special volume, 24th Session of the CIE, Warsaw, 24–30 June 1999, late papers 10.1002/1520-6378%28200010%2925%3A5%3C386%3A%3AAID-COL20%3E3.0.CO%3B2-T
25 5 Inter-society Color Council's 2nd Panchromatic Conference: Color in its surround 10.1002/1520-6378%28200010%2925%3A5%3C387%3A%3AAID-COL21%3E3.0.CO%3B2-P
25 4 About the authors 10.1002/1520-6378%28200008%2925%3A4%3C237%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-6
25 4 In this issue 10.1002/1520-6378%28200008%2925%3A4%3C238%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-0
25 4 Comité Español del Color 10.1002/1520-6378%28200008%2925%3A4%3C240%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-K
25 4 Lightness dependencies and the effect of texture on suprathreshold lightness tolerances 10.1002/1520-6378%28200008%2925%3A4%3C241%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-E
25 4 Reevaluation of daylight spectral distributions 10.1002/1520-6378%28200008%2925%3A4%3C250%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-D
25 4 A revision of the CIECAM97s model 10.1002/1520-6378%28200008%2925%3A4%3C260%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-9
25 4 Neugebauer and Demichel: Dependence and independence in n-screen superpositions for colour printing 10.1002/1520-6378%28200008%2925%3A4%3C267%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-M
25 4 Color acceptance of direct dental restorative materials by human observers 10.1002/1520-6378%28200008%2925%3A4%3C278%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-F
25 4 Evaluation of the chromatic effectiveness of color pigments in restoration materials (lime and Portland cement) 10.1002/1520-6378%28200008%2925%3A4%3C286%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-H
25 4 An opponent-color model for the Sanders–Wyszecki Helmholtz–Kohlrausch effect dataset 10.1002/1520-6378%28200008%2925%3A4%3C292%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-A
25 4 Euclidean color spaces with logarithmic compression: A comment on Knud Thomsen's Note 10.1002/1520-6378%28200008%2925%3A4%3C293%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-6
25 4 Erratum for proposal of an abridged color-appearance model of CIECAT94LAB and its field trials 10.1002/1520-6378%28200008%2925%3A4%3C294%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-2
25 4 Erratum for prediction of experimental results on additivity-law failures 10.1002/1520-6378%28200008%2925%3A4%3C294%3A%3AAID-COL13%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
25 4 Cognitive science comes to the forefront of vision science: A review of Vision Science: Photons to Phenomenology 10.1002/1520-6378%28200008%2925%3A4%3C295%3A%3AAID-COL14%3E3.0.CO%3B2-W
25 4 Die Lehren von der Farbenharmonie (The doctrines of color harmony) 10.1002/1520-6378%28200008%2925%3A4%3C296%3A%3AAID-COL15%3E3.0.CO%3B2-S
25 4 1999 AIC Midterm Warsaw, Poland Meeting summary: Applications of colorimetry in industry and design 10.1002/1520-6378%28200008%2925%3A4%3C298%3A%3AAID-COL16%3E3.0.CO%3B2-N
25 4 24th CIE Quadrennial Session in Warsaw, Poland: A colorful summary 10.1002/1520-6378%28200008%2925%3A4%3C303%3A%3AAID-COL17%3E3.0.CO%3B2-E
25 4 The Rank Prize Funds Symposium, 1999 10.1002/1520-6378%28200008%2925%3A4%3C309%3A%3AAID-COL18%3E3.0.CO%3B2-5
25 4 CIE Symposium '99 “75 Years of CIE Photometry” 10.1002/1520-6378%28200008%2925%3A4%3C311%3A%3AAID-COL19%3E3.0.CO%3B2-7
25 4 Harry K. Hammond receives ASTM's Richard S. Hunter Award 10.1002/1520-6378%28200008%2925%3A4%3C314%3A%3AAID-COL20%3E3.0.CO%3B2-U
25 3 About the authors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200006%2925%3A3%3C157%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-C
25 3 In this issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200006%2925%3A3%3C158%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-6
25 3 A review of spectral models as applied to binary printing 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200006%2925%3A3%3C159%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-0
25 3 Colour-vision tests considered as a special case of multidimensional scaling 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200006%2925%3A3%3C160%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-N
25 3 Dependence of the whiteness of paper on surface roughness and illumination conditions 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200006%2925%3A3%3C170%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-J
25 3 Spectral-reflectance-factor deconvolution and colorimetric calculations by local-power expansion 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200006%2925%3A3%3C176%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Z
25 3 A structural comparison of the Munsell renotation and the OSA–UCS uniform color systems 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200006%2925%3A3%3C186%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-V
25 3 Visual comfort evaluated by number of categorical colors in a colored image 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200006%2925%3A3%3C193%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
25 3 Influence of chromatic changes on the perception of color image quality 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200006%2925%3A3%3C200%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-B
25 3 Evaluation of a colour reference box as an aid for identification of colour appearance in rooms 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200006%2925%3A3%3C214%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-2
25 3 Threshold color differences compared to supra-threshold color differences 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200006%2925%3A3%3C226%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-V
25 3 Book review 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200006%2925%3A3%3C230%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-V
25 3 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200006%2925%3A3%3C233%3A%3AAID-COL13%3E3.0.CO%3B2-P
25 3 RIT's Munsell Color Science Laboratory summer school of industrial short courses June 12–17, 2000 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200006%2925%3A3%3C235%3A%3AAID-COL14%3E3.0.CO%3B2-K
25 2 About the authors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200004%2925%3A2%3C85%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-N
25 2 In this issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200004%2925%3A2%3C86%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-H
25 2 Musings on Gertrude Stein and observer metamerism 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200004%2925%3A2%3C88%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-8
25 2 Further evaluation of methods for producing desired colors on CRT monitors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200004%2925%3A2%3C90%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-S
25 2 Chromatic contrast discrimination: Data and prediction for stimuli varying in L and M cone excitation 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200004%2925%3A2%3C105%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-G
25 2 Some aspects of the visual scaling of large colour differences—II 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200004%2925%3A2%3C116%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-9
25 2 A comparison of five color order systems 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200004%2925%3A2%3C123%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-E
25 2 Prediction of Munsell appearance scales using various color-appearance models 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200004%2925%3A2%3C132%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-D
25 2 Luminance: Its use and misuse 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200004%2925%3A2%3C145%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-0
25 2 Suggested optimum primaries and gamut in color imaging 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200004%2925%3A2%3C148%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Y
25 2 Lightness, brightness, and transparency 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200004%2925%3A2%3C151%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Z
25 2 Colorist: A practical handbook for personal and professional use 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200004%2925%3A2%3C152%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-V
25 2 Inter-Society color council annual meeting 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200004%2925%3A2%3C153%3A%3AAID-COL13%3E3.0.CO%3B2-R
25 2 Conference on color pigments for the new millennium 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200004%2925%3A2%3C153%3A%3AAID-COL14%3E3.0.CO%3B2-O
25 2 Argencolor 2000 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200004%2925%3A2%3C154%3A%3AAID-COL15%3E3.0.CO%3B2-K
25 2 Billmeyer receives E-12's Fred W. Billmeyer, Jr. award 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200004%2925%3A2%3C155%3A%3AAID-COL16%3E3.0.CO%3B2-G
25 2 Brian A. Wandell to receive the ISCC Macbeth award 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200004%2925%3A2%3C155%3A%3AAID-COL17%3E3.0.CO%3B2-D
25 1 About the authors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200002%2925%3A1%3C1%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-B
25 1 In this issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200002%2925%3A1%3C2%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-5
25 1 A critical review of spectral models applied to binary color printing 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200002%2925%3A1%3C4%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-X
25 1 Color selection in the consideration of color harmony for interior design 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200002%2925%3A1%3C20%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-5
25 1 Prediction of experimental results on additivity-law failure 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200002%2925%3A1%3C32%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-W
25 1 Color of natural tooth crown in Japanese people 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200002%2925%3A1%3C43%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-P
25 1 Testing CIELAB-based color-difference formulas 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200002%2925%3A1%3C49%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-4
25 1 Uniform color space modeled with cone responses 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200002%2925%3A1%3C56%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-9
25 1 A Euclidean color space in high agreement with the CIE94 color difference formula 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200002%2925%3A1%3C64%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-B
25 1 On the relationships between colors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200002%2925%3A1%3C66%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
25 1 On the relationships between colors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200002%2925%3A1%3C66%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-X
25 1 van Tright on von Kries: Two counterexamples 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200002%2925%3A1%3C75%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-S
25 1 On von Kries: A reply to Brill 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200002%2925%3A1%3C77%3A%3AAID-COL13%3E3.0.CO%3B2-N
25 1 On Witt's geometric relations between scales of small colour differences 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200002%2925%3A1%3C79%3A%3AAID-COL14%3E3.0.CO%3B2-I
25 1 CIE Publication 132-1999, Design Methods for Lighting of Roads 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200002%2925%3A1%3C81%3A%3AAID-COL15%3E3.0.CO%3B2-K
25 1 CIE Publication 134-1999, CIE Collection in Photobiology and Photochemistry, 1999 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200002%2925%3A1%3C81%3A%3AAID-COL16%3E3.0.CO%3B2-H
25 1 The Annual Meeting of the Kansai Chapter of the Color Science Association of Japan 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200002%2925%3A1%3C82%3A%3AAID-COL17%3E3.0.CO%3B2-D
25 1 International Colour Association 9th Quadrennial Congress: Call for papers 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28200002%2925%3A1%3C83%3A%3AAID-COL18%3E3.0.CO%3B2-9
24 6 About the authors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199912%2924%3A6%3C391%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-A
24 6 In this issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199912%2924%3A6%3C392%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-4
24 6 Representation of memory prototype for an object color 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199912%2924%3A6%3C393%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Z
24 6 Learning color-appearance models by means of feed-forward neural networks 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199912%2924%3A6%3C411%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-6
24 6 Proposal of an abridged color-appearance model CIECAT94LAB and its field trials 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199912%2924%3A6%3C422%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
24 6 On the field trials of CIECAM97s and its model structure 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199912%2924%3A6%3C439%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-B
24 6 International Conference: Use of Color: From Fundamentals to Applications for the 21st Century 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199912%2924%3A6%3C457%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-C
24 6 Inter-Society Color Council held joint meeting with the Technical Association of the Graphic Arts 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199912%2924%3A6%3C458%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-6
24 6 An ISCC Panchromatic Conference—Color in its surround 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199912%2924%3A6%3C460%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Q
24 6 Colour 2000 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199912%2924%3A6%3C460%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-A
24 6 First international Conference on Color in Graphics and Image Processing 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199912%2924%3A6%3C461%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-6
24 6 Professor Fred W. Billmeyer, Jr.—Named the 1999 AIC Deane B. Judd Award recipient 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199912%2924%3A6%3C463%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-1
24 5 About the authors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199910%2924%3A5%3C311%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-N
24 5 In this issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199910%2924%3A5%3C312%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-H
24 5 Visual comfort to colored images evaluated by saturation distribution 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199910%2924%3A5%3C313%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-B
24 5 New metamers for assessing the visible spectra of daylight simulators and a method of evaluating them 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199910%2924%3A5%3C322%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-A
24 5 Investigation of parametric effects using small colour differences 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199910%2924%3A5%3C331%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-9
24 5 A colour-difference formula for assessing large colour differences 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199910%2924%3A5%3C344%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-X
24 5 Investigation of parametric effects using large colour differences 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199910%2924%3A5%3C356%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-N
24 5 The effect of gloss on color 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199910%2924%3A5%3C369%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-A
24 5 Contribution to the experimental review of the colorimetric standard observer 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199910%2924%3A5%3C377%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-C
24 5 Color technology in the textile industry, second edition 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199910%2924%3A5%3C389%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-3
24 5 Prismatic II: a visual display of measured color difference 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199910%2924%3A5%3C389%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-0
24 5 Demystifying CIECAM97s: a reply to hunt 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199910%2924%3A5%3C390%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-3
24 4 About the authors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199908%2924%3A4%3C225%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-B
24 4 In this issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199908%2924%3A4%3C226%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-5
24 4 Talking about color 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199908%2924%3A4%3C227%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
24 4 Colour combination effects in experimental rooms* 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199908%2924%3A4%3C230%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-G
24 4 Digital video colourmaps for checking the legibility of displays by dichromats 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199908%2924%3A4%3C243%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-3
24 4 Towards an improved uniform color space 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199908%2924%3A4%3C253%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
24 4 Principal hue curves and color difference 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199908%2924%3A4%3C266%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-N
24 4 Color gamut mapping based on a perceptual image difference measure 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199908%2924%3A4%3C280%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
24 4 Calculation of CIELAB hue difference adjustment factors from an ideal hue circle 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199908%2924%3A4%3C292%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Q
24 4 Corresponding-colour datasets 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199908%2924%3A4%3C295%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-K
24 4 Handbook of Color Science [second edition]. 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199908%2924%3A4%3C297%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-F
24 4 Measuring Colour 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199908%2924%3A4%3C299%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-A
24 4 Perceptual Constancy: Why Things Look As They Do 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199908%2924%3A4%3C300%3A%3AAID-COL13%3E3.0.CO%3B2-5
24 4 Sixth Color Imaging Conference: Color science, systems and applications 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199908%2924%3A4%3C303%3A%3AAID-COL14%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
24 4 ISCC honors Luke, Hemmendinger, and Rich 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199908%2924%3A4%3C308%3A%3AAID-COL15%3E3.0.CO%3B2-S
24 3 About the authors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199906%2924%3A3%3C161%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-R
24 3 In this issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199906%2924%3A3%3C162%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-L
24 3 Visual determination of hue suprathreshold color-difference tolerances using CRT-generated stimuli 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199906%2924%3A3%3C164%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-C
24 3 Inter-observer comparison of color-matching functions 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199906%2924%3A3%3C177%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
24 3 A new method for colour measurements in graphic arts 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199906%2924%3A3%3C185%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-1
24 3 Color rendering, a reassessment 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199906%2924%3A3%3C197%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-S
24 3 Optimization of color reproduction on CRT-color monitors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199906%2924%3A3%3C207%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-V
24 3 Some comments on using the CIECAM97s colour-appearance model 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199906%2924%3A3%3C214%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
24 3 Some additional comments on CIECAM97 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199906%2924%3A3%3C215%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-U
24 3 Demystifying CIECAM97s: A reply to Hunt 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199906%2924%3A3%3C217%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-C
24 3 Practical methods for the measurement of reflectance and transmittance 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199906%2924%3A3%3C218%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-8
24 3 Proceedings of the First CIE Symposium on Lighting Quality 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199906%2924%3A3%3C218%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-5
24 3 Vision Research—International Colour Vision Group (ICVG) Special Issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199906%2924%3A3%3C218%3A%3AAID-COL13%3E3.0.CO%3B2-2
24 3 Report on the 67th Annual Inter-Society Color Council Meeting 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199906%2924%3A3%3C219%3A%3AAID-COL14%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Z
24 3 Color in its surround, an Inter-Society Color Council Panchromatic Conference 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199906%2924%3A3%3C222%3A%3AAID-COL15%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
24 3 CIE Symposium '99—75 Years of CIE Photometry 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199906%2924%3A3%3C222%3A%3AAID-COL16%3E3.0.CO%3B2-X
24 3 International Colour Vision Group XVth Meeting 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199906%2924%3A3%3C223%3A%3AAID-COL17%3E3.0.CO%3B2-T
24 3 Calvin McCamy receives ISCC Godlove Award 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199906%2924%3A3%3C224%3A%3AAID-COL18%3E3.0.CO%3B2-P
24 2 About the authors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199904%2924%3A2%3C75%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-0
24 2 In this issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199904%2924%3A2%3C76%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-V
24 2 Geometric relations between scales of small colour differences 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199904%2924%3A2%3C78%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-M
24 2 Dependence between apparent color and extractable color in paprika 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199904%2924%3A2%3C93%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-W
24 2 Spectral-based illumination estimation and color correction 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199904%2924%3A2%3C98%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-E
24 2 Application of a color-appearance model to vision through atmospheric haze 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199904%2924%3A2%3C112%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-J
24 2 Color-appearance reproduction: Visual data and predictive modeling 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199904%2924%3A2%3C121%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-I
24 2 An algorithm for the selection of high-contrast color sets 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199904%2924%3A2%3C132%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-B
24 2 Spectral sensitivities of the normal human visual system, color-matching functions and their principles, and how and why the two sets should coincide 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199904%2924%3A2%3C139%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-O
24 2 29th Annual meeting of the Color Science Association of Japan 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199904%2924%3A2%3C157%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-8
24 2 CIE S007/E-1998 Erythema reference action spectrum and standard erythema dose 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199904%2924%3A2%3C158%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-4
24 2 Inter-Society Color Council Annual Meeting 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199904%2924%3A2%3C159%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-0
24 2 Munsell Color Science Laboratory offers industrial short courses 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199904%2924%3A2%3C160%3A%3AAID-COL13%3E3.0.CO%3B2-3
24 1 About the authors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199902%2924%3A1%3C1%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-9
24 1 In this issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199902%2924%3A1%3C2%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-3
24 1 The reconstruction of the portrait of Albert H. Munsell 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199902%2924%3A1%3C4%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-V
24 1 The role of opponency in Twentieth Century colorimetry 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199902%2924%3A1%3C6%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-M
24 1 Predictions based on Munsell notation. I. Perceptual color differences 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199902%2924%3A1%3C10%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-G
24 1 Predictions based on Munsell notation. II. Principal hue components 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199902%2924%3A1%3C19%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-N
24 1 Hue scale adjustment derived from the Munsell system 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199902%2924%3A1%3C33%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
24 1 Color discrimination results from a CRT device: Influence of luminance 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199902%2924%3A1%3C38%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-I
24 1 A comparative study of a CRT colorimetric prediction model by neural networks and the models by conventional method 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199902%2924%3A1%3C45%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-N
24 1 Color reproduction and the naturalness constraint 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199902%2924%3A1%3C52%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-4
24 1 Third Oxford conference on optical spectrometry 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199902%2924%3A1%3C68%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-T
24 1 Graham receives ISCC's Nickerson Service Award 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199902%2924%3A1%3C72%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-T
24 1 Billmeyer receives Reinhart Award 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199902%2924%3A%3C72%3A%3AAID-COL13%3E3.0.CO%3B2-5
23 6 About the authors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199812%2923%3A6%3C355%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-6
23 6 In this issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199812%2923%3A6%3C356%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-0
23 6 Dorothea Jameson: A memoir 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199812%2923%3A6%3C358%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-S
23 6 Observation and measurement of the appearance of metallic materials. Part II. Micro appearance 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199812%2923%3A6%3C362%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-5
23 6 A colorimetric explanation of the Helmholtz–Kohlrausch effect 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199812%2923%3A6%3C374%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-W
23 6 Tracing a metameric match to individual variations of color vision 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199812%2923%3A6%3C379%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-E
23 6 Color and semiotics: A two-way street 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199812%2923%3A6%3C390%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
23 6 How strong metamerism disturbs color spaces 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199812%2923%3A6%3C402%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-X
23 6 Stability of ceramic color reflectance standards 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199812%2923%3A6%3C408%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-C
23 6 Familiar objects and memory color 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199812%2923%3A6%3C416%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-N
23 6 Color for science, art and technology, edited by Kurt Nassau 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199812%2923%3A6%3C428%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-F
23 6 The CIE 1997 interim colour appearance model (simple version), CIECAM97s, CIE 131-1998 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199812%2923%3A6%3C431%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-G
23 6 Proceedings of the CIE expert symposium '97 on colour standards for imaging technology, CIE x014-1998 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199812%2923%3A6%3C431%3A%3AAID-COL13%3E3.0.CO%3B2-D
23 6 CIE standard: S 006/E-1998—Road traffic light—200-mm roundel signals photometric properties 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199812%2923%3A6%3C431%3A%3AAID-COL14%3E3.0.CO%3B2-A
23 5 About the authors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C261%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-U
23 5 In this issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C262%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-U
23 5 Theoretical aspects of mesopic photometry and their implication in data assessment and investigation planning 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C264%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-U
23 5 Brightness-to-luminance ratio of colored light in the entire chromaticity diagram 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C274%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-T
23 5 Relations between the two kinds of representation methods in the Helmholtz-Kohlrausch effect 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C288%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-S
23 5 Visual determination of hue suprathreshold color-difference tolerances 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C302%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
23 5 Hue uniformity and the CIELAB space and color difference formula 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C314%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Z
23 5 The alexandrite effect of the Tavernier diamond caused by fluorescence under daylight 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C323%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Y
23 5 Color research in architectural education—A cross-cultural explorative study 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C328%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Y
23 5 The conundrum of supra-threshold hue differences 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C335%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-8
23 5 On the number of discernible colors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C337%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-6
23 5 On the number of discernible colours 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C337%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-6
23 5 Correcting errors about ATD in Fairchild's “Color-appearance models” 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C338%3A%3AAID-COL13%3E3.0.CO%3B2-5
23 5 Response to Guth's letter to the editor 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C339%3A%3AAID-COL14%3E3.0.CO%3B2-4
23 5 Digital color management—Encoding solutions 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C341%3A%3AAID-COL15%3E3.0.CO%3B2-C
23 5 Electronic display measurement: Concepts, techniques and instrumentation 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C342%3A%3AAID-COL16%3E3.0.CO%3B2-B
23 5 CIE Standard S 005/E-1998 CIE Standard illuminants for colorimetry 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C343%3A%3AAID-COL17%3E3.0.CO%3B2-A
23 5 CIE Publication 128-1998 CIE Guide to the lighting for open-cast mines 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C343%3A%3AAID-COL18%3E3.0.CO%3B2-A
23 5 J. Color Science Assoc. of Jpn., vol. 22, supplement (1998) 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C344%3A%3AAID-COL19%3E3.0.CO%3B2-9
23 5 Inter-Society Color Council, Williamsburg conference, Color & design: 21st Century technology and creativity 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C346%3A%3AAID-COL20%3E3.0.CO%3B2-6
23 5 New colour Institute 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C348%3A%3AAID-COL21%3E3.0.CO%3B2-4
23 5 Fifth Colour Imaging Conference: Color science, systems, and applications 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C349%3A%3AAID-COL22%3E3.0.CO%3B2-3
23 5 Annual Meeting of the Kansai chapter of the Color Science Association of Japan 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C351%3A%3AAID-COL23%3E3.0.CO%3B2-B
23 5 David H. Alman receives ISCC Macbeth award 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199810%2923%3A5%3C353%3A%3AAID-COL24%3E3.0.CO%3B2-9
23 4 About the authors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199808%2923%3A4%3C197%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-J
23 4 In this issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199808%2923%3A4%3C198%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-J
23 4 David Lewis MacAdam (1910–1998) 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199808%2923%3A4%3C200%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-S
23 4 A new whiteness formula 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199808%2923%3A4%3C202%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-S
23 4 Color gamut of cholesteric liquid-crystal films and flakes by standard colorimetry 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199808%2923%3A4%3C210%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-R
23 4 Derivation of the 1964 colorimetric standards 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199808%2923%3A4%3C221%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Q
23 4 Toward a more accurate and extensible colorimetry. Part VI. Improved weighting functions. Preliminary results 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199808%2923%3A4%3C226%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Q
23 4 Color memory matching: Time effect and other factors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199808%2923%3A4%3C234%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-P
23 4 Color appearance models 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199808%2923%3A4%3C248%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-O
23 4 Visual explanations: Images and quantities, evidence and narrative 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199808%2923%3A4%3C250%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-G
23 4 Michel-Eugène Chevreul. Un savant, des couleurs! 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199808%2923%3A4%3C251%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-F
23 4 Colour in computer graphics: Lecture notes 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199808%2923%3A4%3C253%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-D
23 4 J. Color Sci. Assoc. Jpn., vol. 22, no. 1, 1998 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199808%2923%3A4%3C254%3A%3AAID-COL13%3E3.0.CO%3B2-C
23 4 Proceedings of the CIE symposium 1997 on standard methods for specifying and measuring LED characteristics 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199808%2923%3A4%3C254%3A%3AAID-COL14%3E3.0.CO%3B2-C
23 4 Guide for lighting exterior work areas 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199808%2923%3A4%3C255%3A%3AAID-COL15%3E3.0.CO%3B2-B
23 4 28th National Conference of the Color Science Association 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199808%2923%3A4%3C256%3A%3AAID-COL16%3E3.0.CO%3B2-A
23 4 1998 ISCC 67th Annual Meeting 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199808%2923%3A4%3C258%3A%3AAID-COL17%3E3.0.CO%3B2-8
23 4 How the CIE 1931 color-matching functions were derived from Wright-Guild data 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199808%2923%3A4%3C259%3A%3AAID-COL18%3E3.0.CO%3B2-7
23 3 About the authors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199806%2923%3A3%3C133%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-R
23 3 In this issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199806%2923%3A3%3C134%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-R
23 3 Charles D. Reilly 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199806%2923%3A3%3C135%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-R
23 3 Alexander (Sasha) Petrov March 20, 1940–December 19, 1997 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199806%2923%3A3%3C136%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-R
23 3 The structure of the CIE 1997 Colour Appearance Model (CIECAM97s) 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199806%2923%3A3%3C138%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-R
23 3 Testing colour appearance models using corresponding-colour and magnitude-estimation data sets 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199806%2923%3A3%3C147%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Q
23 3 A chromatic adaptation transform and a colour inconstancy index 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199806%2923%3A3%3C154%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-P
23 3 Perceived illumination measured 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199806%2923%3A3%3C159%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-P
23 3 Cross-media performance evaluation of color models for unequal luminance levels and dim surround 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199806%2923%3A3%3C169%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-O
23 3 Whiteness of talcum powders as a quality index for pharmaceutical uses 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199806%2923%3A3%3C178%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-A
23 3 Coping with colour-blindness, by Odeda Rosenthal and Robert H. Phillips 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199806%2923%3A3%3C186%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-C
23 3 Color categories in thought and language, edited by C. L. Hardin and Luisa Maffi 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199806%2923%3A3%3C187%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-B
23 3 Physique de la couleur: De l'Apparence colorée à la technique colorimétrique, by Robert Sève 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199806%2923%3A3%3C189%3A%3AAID-COL13%3E3.0.CO%3B2-9
23 3 Number by colors: A guide to using color to understand technical data, by Brand Fortner and Theodore E. Meyer 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199806%2923%3A3%3C190%3A%3AAID-COL14%3E3.0.CO%3B2-I
23 3 Journal of the Color Science Association of Japan special issue: AIC Color 97 Kyoto 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199806%2923%3A3%3C191%3A%3AAID-COL15%3E3.0.CO%3B2-H
23 3 1997 Inter-Society Color Council Annual Meeting and the Color & Appearance Division of the Society of Plastics Engineers 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199806%2923%3A3%3C192%3A%3AAID-COL16%3E3.0.CO%3B2-G
23 3 Melgosa, Hita, and Velasco share the Peter Abel Award 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199806%2923%3A3%3C195%3A%3AAID-COL17%3E3.0.CO%3B2-D
23 3 Colour in computer graphics 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199806%2923%3A3%3C196%3A%3AAID-COL18%3E3.0.CO%3B2-C
23 2 About the authors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C67%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-0
23 2 In this issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C68%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-0
23 2 Colorimetric analysis and performance assessment of the Hahn New Pseudoisochromatic Colour Vision Test 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C69%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-0
23 2 Field trials of the CIE chromatic-adaptation transform 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C78%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
23 2 Toward a more accurate and extensible colorimetry. Part V. Testing visually matching pairs of lights for possible rod participation on the Aguilar-Stiles model 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C92%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Y
23 2 Neugebauer revisited: Random dots in halftone screening 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C104%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-W
23 2 Reliable spectroradiometry, by Henry J. Kostkowski 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C114%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-V
23 2 The reproduction of colour, 5th edition, by R. W. G. Hunt 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C116%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-V
23 2 Color bytes, Blending the art and science of color, by Jean Bourges 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C117%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-V
23 2 Color bytes, Blending the art and science of color, by Jean Bourges 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C117%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-C
23 2 The Munsell Color System: A language for color, by Joy Turner Luke 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C119%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-A
23 2 Computer graphics and colorimetry, color systems, postscript, device-independent CIE colors (Computergrafik und Farbmetrik), by Klaus Richter 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C120%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-J
23 2 Color cognition in Mesoamerica, constructing categories and vantages, by Robert E. MacLaury 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C121%3A%3AAID-COL13%3E3.0.CO%3B2-I
23 2 Sensory qualities, by Austen Clark 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C122%3A%3AAID-COL14%3E3.0.CO%3B2-H
23 2 Sites of vision, the discursive construction of sight in the history of philosophy, edited by D. M. Levin 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C124%3A%3AAID-COL15%3E3.0.CO%3B2-F
23 2 AIC color 97 Kyoto proceedings 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C124%3A%3AAID-COL16%3E3.0.CO%3B2-F
23 2 CIE publ. x012-1997, Proceedings of the NPL-CIE-UK conference: Visual scales; photometric and colorimetric aspects 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C124%3A%3AAID-COL17%3E3.0.CO%3B2-F
23 2 CIE publ. 125-1997, Standard erythema dose, a review and CIE DS 007.3/E Erythema reference action spectrum and standard erythema dose 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C124%3A%3AAID-COL18%3E3.0.CO%3B2-F
23 2 CIE publication 126-1997, Guidelines for minimizing sky glow 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C125%3A%3AAID-COL19%3E3.0.CO%3B2-E
23 2 CIE 127-1997, measurement of LEDs 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C125%3A%3AAID-COL20%3E3.0.CO%3B2-D
23 2 24th session of the CIE 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C126%3A%3AAID-COL21%3E3.0.CO%3B2-C
23 2 ARGENCOLOR 1998 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C126%3A%3AAID-COL22%3E3.0.CO%3B2-C
23 2 Fifth Bartleson Award 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C127%3A%3AAID-COL23%3E3.0.CO%3B2-B
23 2 International Colour Vision Society 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C128%3A%3AAID-COL24%3E3.0.CO%3B2-A
23 2 RIT's Munsell Color Science Laboratory offers 1998 summer industrial short courses 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C128%3A%3AAID-COL25%3E3.0.CO%3B2-A
23 2 The new Munsell Student Color Set 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C130%3A%3AAID-COL26%3E3.0.CO%3B2-I
23 2 The color-guide, 45/0 Spectrophotometer 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199804%2923%3A2%3C130%3A%3AAID-COL27%3E3.0.CO%3B2-I
23 1 About the authors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199802%2923%3A1%3C1%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Y
23 1 In this issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199802%2923%3A1%3C2%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Y
23 1 A method for evaluating the acceptability of light sources for clinical visual evaluation of cyanosis 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199802%2923%3A1%3C4%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Y
23 1 Colour matching for ink-jet prints on paper 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199802%2923%3A1%3C18%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-6
23 1 Uniform-scale chromaticity diagrams: Opponent-chromatic responses as logarithms of the cone-activation ratios 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199802%2923%3A1%3C27%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-5
23 1 Linear bases for spectral reflectance functions of acrylic paints 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199802%2923%3A1%3C39%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-4
23 1 Assessment of chromatic changes due to artificial ageing and/or conservation treatments of sandstones 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199802%2923%3A1%3C46%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-3
23 1 The number of discernible colours 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199802%2923%3A1%3C52%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-2
23 1 Testing the standard observer with sensitive tools 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199802%2923%3A1%3C55%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-2
23 1 Thornton's reply 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199802%2923%3A1%3C56%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-5
23 1 Traffic signals and Q factors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199802%2923%3A1%3C57%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-4
23 1 A misunderstanding regarding the Allen algorithm for computer color-matching 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199802%2923%3A1%3C59%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-2
23 1 Reply to a misunderstanding 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199802%2923%3A1%3C59%3A%3AAID-COL13%3E3.0.CO%3B2-2
23 1 Color: An introduction to practice and principles, by Rolf G. Kuehni 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199802%2923%3A1%3C60%3A%3AAID-COL14%3E3.0.CO%3B2-B
23 1 Color: An introduction to practice and principles, by Rolf G. Kuehni 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199802%2923%3A1%3C61%3A%3AAID-COL15%3E3.0.CO%3B2-A
23 1 The color technology for electronic imaging devices, by Henry R. Kang 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199802%2923%3A1%3C62%3A%3AAID-COL16%3E3.0.CO%3B2-9
23 1 Fifteenth biennial workshop on videography and color photography in resource assessment, edited by Paul W. Mausel 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199802%2923%3A1%3C63%3A%3AAID-COL17%3E3.0.CO%3B2-8
23 1 Indirect perception, by Irvin Rock 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199802%2923%3A1%3C64%3A%3AAID-COL18%3E3.0.CO%3B2-7
23 1 Color Science Association of Japan annual meeting 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199802%2923%3A1%3C65%3A%3AAID-COL19%3E3.0.CO%3B2-6
22 6 About the authors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199712%2922%3A6%3C361%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-T
22 6 In this issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199712%2922%3A6%3C361%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-T
22 6 W. David Wright 1906–1997 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199712%2922%3A6%3C363%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-T
22 6 Calculation of color gamuts based on the Neugebauer model 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199712%2922%3A6%3C365%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-T
22 6 Predicting corresponding colours using a new chromatic-adaptation model 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199712%2922%3A6%3C375%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-S
22 6 Simple estimation methods for the Helmholtz—Kohlrausch effect 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199712%2922%3A6%3C385%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-R
22 6 Gamut mapping from below: Finding minimum perceptual distances for colors outside the gamut volume 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199712%2922%3A6%3C402%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Z
22 6 Using the LUTCHI colour appearance data 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199712%2922%3A6%3C414%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Y
22 6 Colour Physics for Industry, second edition 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199712%2922%3A6%3C418%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Y
22 6 An Introduction to the Biology of Vision 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199712%2922%3A6%3C419%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-3
22 6 ASTM Standards for the Performance, Quality, and Health Labeling of Artists' Paints and Related Materials 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199712%2922%3A6%3C420%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-C
22 6 Color filled days of May in Kyoto 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199712%2922%3A6%3C421%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-B
22 6 Witt's impressions of AIC Kyoto Color 97 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199712%2922%3A6%3C422%3A%3AAID-COL13%3E3.0.CO%3B2-A
22 6 Kwallek's impressions of AIC Kyoto Color 97 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199712%2922%3A6%3C423%3A%3AAID-COL14%3E3.0.CO%3B2-9
22 6 Berns's impressions of AIC Kyoto Color 97 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199712%2922%3A6%3C424%3A%3AAID-COL15%3E3.0.CO%3B2-8
22 6 Rich's impressions of AIC Kyoto Color 97 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199712%2922%3A6%3C425%3A%3AAID-COL16%3E3.0.CO%3B2-7
22 6 Third Oxford Conference on Optical Spectrometry 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199712%2922%3A6%3C430%3A%3AAID-COL17%3E3.0.CO%3B2-C
22 6 Conference on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199712%2922%3A6%3C430%3A%3AAID-COL18%3E3.0.CO%3B2-C
22 6 AIC honors Swedish triad of Hård, Tonnquist, and Sivik with Judd Medal 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199712%2922%3A6%3C432%3A%3AAID-COL19%3E3.0.CO%3B2-A
22 5 About the authors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199710%2922%3A5%3C295%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-S
22 5 In this issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199710%2922%3A5%3C296%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-S
22 5 Some aspects of the visual scaling of large colour differences 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199710%2922%3A5%3C298%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-S
22 5 Effective and efficient mapping of color appearance 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199710%2922%3A5%3C308%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-0
22 5 A generic approach to color modeling 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199710%2922%3A5%3C318%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
22 5 A colour study approach through colour measurements on slides of art paintings 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199710%2922%3A5%3C326%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Z
22 5 The heights of the CIE colour-matching functions 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199710%2922%3A5%3C335%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Y
22 5 Commentary on “Sensitivity of rods and cones in the parafovea” 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199710%2922%3A5%3C336%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Y
22 5 Sensitivity of rods and cones in the parafovea 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199710%2922%3A5%3C336%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Y
22 5 Reversing the Bradford chromatic adaptation transform 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199710%2922%3A5%3C355%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-9
22 5 Human Color Vision (Second Edition) 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199710%2922%3A5%3C357%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-7
22 5 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199710%2922%3A5%3C358%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-6
22 5 Laidlaw receives ISCC Nickerson Service Award 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199710%2922%3A5%3C359%3A%3AAID-COL13%3E3.0.CO%3B2-5
22 4 About the authors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199708%2922%3A4%3C221%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-R
22 4 In this issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199708%2922%3A4%3C222%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-R
22 4 Talking about color … 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199708%2922%3A4%3C224%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-R
22 4 Brightness induction in a chromatic center—achromatic surround configuration 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199708%2922%3A4%3C228%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-R
22 4 Field trials of a nonlinear color-appearance model 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199708%2922%3A4%3C240%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-P
22 4 A simple estimation method for effective adaptation coefficient 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199708%2922%3A4%3C259%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-O
22 4 Preference for Japanese complexion color under illumination 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199708%2922%3A4%3C269%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-N
22 4 Rapid absolute diffuse spectral reflectance factor measurements using a silicon-photodiode array 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199708%2922%3A4%3C275%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-M
22 4 Error propagation analysis in color measurement and imaging 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199708%2922%3A4%3C280%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-L
22 4 ASTM standards on color and appearance measurement, fifth edition 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199708%2922%3A4%3C290%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-H
22 4 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199708%2922%3A4%3C291%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-G
22 4 CIE LED workshop and symposium 1997: Standard Methods for Specifying and Measuring LED 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199708%2922%3A4%3C292%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-F
22 4 CIE LED workshop and symposium 1997: Standard Methods for Specifying and Measuring LED 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199708%2922%3A4%3C293%3A%3AAID-COL13%3E3.0.CO%3B2-E
22 3 About the authors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199706%2922%3A3%3C145%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-R
22 3 In this issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199706%2922%3A3%3C146%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-R
22 3 Suprathreshold color-difference ellipsoids for surface colors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199706%2922%3A3%3C148%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-R
22 3 Examination of adaptation coefficients for incomplete chromatic adaptation 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199706%2922%3A3%3C156%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Q
22 3 Testing five color-appearance models for changes in viewing conditions 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199706%2922%3A3%3C165%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-P
22 3 Observer variability in metameric color matches using color reproduction media 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199706%2922%3A3%3C174%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-O
22 3 Toward a more accurate and extensible colorimetry. Part IV. Visual experiments with bright fields and both 10° and 1.3° field sizes 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199706%2922%3A3%3C189%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-N
22 3 Memoir concerning certain phenomena of vision by M. Monge “Memoire sur quelques phénomènes de la vision” Annales de Chimie 3 131–147 (1789) 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199706%2922%3A3%3C199%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-M
22 3 Virtual colour: Communication standard and analytical tool 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199706%2922%3A3%3C204%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-V
22 3 M. A. Degree in colour design at the University of Art and Design Helsinki Uiah, Finland 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199706%2922%3A3%3C212%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-G
22 3 How much physics does colorimetry really need? 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199706%2922%3A3%3C212%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-G
22 3 Units, dimensions, and physics in colorimetry: A reply to Lang 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199706%2922%3A3%3C215%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-D
22 3 Computer facial animation, by Frederic I. Parke and Keith Waters, A K Peters, Wellesley, MA. 1996, 365 pp., Hardbound, $66.00 ISBN 1-56881-014-8 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199706%2922%3A3%3C216%3A%3AAID-COL13%3E3.0.CO%3B2-C
22 3 Colour in architecture, edited by Maggie Toy, London: Academy editions, 1996, architectural design profile no. 120, (distributed by) National Book Network, Lanham, MD, 112 pages, $29.95. 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199706%2922%3A3%3C217%3A%3AAID-COL14%3E3.0.CO%3B2-B
22 3 Henry Hemmendinger to receive ISCC Godlove Award 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199706%2922%3A3%3C219%3A%3AAID-COL15%3E3.0.CO%3B2-9
22 2 About the authors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199704%2922%3A2%3C69%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-1
22 2 In this issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199704%2922%3A2%3C70%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-0
22 2 Radiative transfer theory solid color-matching calculations 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199704%2922%3A2%3C72%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-0
22 2 Colour correctability of a colour-matching recipe 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199704%2922%3A2%3C88%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
22 2 Chroma variations and perceived quality of color images of natural scenes 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199704%2922%3A2%3C96%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Z
22 2 Interrelation of the Swiss Colour Atlas (SCA-2541) and the Munsell Color Order System 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199704%2922%3A2%3C111%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-W
22 2 Impact of three interior color schemes on worker mood and performance relative to individual environmental sensitivity 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199704%2922%3A2%3C121%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-V
22 2 Color changes in the surface of granitic materials by consolidated and/or water repellent treatments 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199704%2922%3A2%3C133%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-U
22 2 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199704%2922%3A2%3C142%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-T
22 2 Color and Design: 21st Century Technology and Creativity, 1998 Williamsburg Conference of the Inter-Society Color Council, February 22–24, 1998 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199704%2922%3A2%3C143%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-H
22 2 RIT's Munsell Color Science Laboratory offers industrial short courses on color measurement, formulation, and color management systems 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199704%2922%3A2%3C144%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-G
22 1 About the authors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199702%2922%3A1%3C1%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Z
22 1 In this issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199702%2922%3A1%3C2%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Z
22 1 Basic Mandarin color terms 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199702%2922%3A1%3C4%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Z
22 1 How the CIE 1931 color-matching functions were derived from Wright-Guild data 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199702%2922%3A1%3C11%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-7
22 1 Traffic signal light detection through sunglare filters of different Q factors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199702%2922%3A1%3C24%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-6
22 1 Prediction of absorbance from reflectance for an absorbing-scattering fabric 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199702%2922%3A1%3C32%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-5
22 1 Color meaning and context: Comparisons of semantic ratings of colors on samples and objects 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199702%2922%3A1%3C40%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-4
22 1 An abridged technique to diagnose spectrophotometric errors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199702%2922%3A1%3C51%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-3
22 1 Accuracy of approximations for CIELAB chroma and hue difference computation 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199702%2922%3A1%3C61%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-2
22 1 Colour art & science 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199702%2922%3A1%3C65%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-7
22 1 Computer graphics: Principles and practice 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199702%2922%3A1%3C65%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-7
22 1 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199702%2922%3A1%3C66%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-6
22 1 Argencolor 1996—the Third Argentine Congress on Color 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199702%2922%3A1%3C68%3A%3AAID-COL13%3E3.0.CO%3B2-4
21 6 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080210601
21 6 About the authors 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199612%2921%3A6%3C401%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
21 6 In this issue 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199612%2921%3A6%3C402%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
21 6 Inversion of the Neugebauer equations 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199612%2921%3A6%3C404%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
21 6 The LLAB (l:c) colour model 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199612%2921%3A6%3C412%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Z
21 6 Influence of basic color categories on color memory discrimination 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199612%2921%3A6%3C430%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-X
21 6 Comparison measurements on regular spectral transmittance 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199612%2921%3A6%3C440%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-W
21 6 Effects of nine monochromatic office interior colors on clerical tasks and worker mood 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199612%2921%3A6%3C448%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-W
21 6 Deriving instrumental tolerances from pass-fail and colorimetric data 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199612%2921%3A6%3C459%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-V
21 6 Possible re-definition of the CIE Standard Daylight Illuminant spectral power distribution 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199612%2921%3A6%3C473%3A%3AAID-COL9%3E3.0.CO%3B2-T
21 6 Publications Briefly Mentioned 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199612%2921%3A6%3C476%3A%3AAID-COL10%3E3.0.CO%3B2-7
21 6 AIC interim meeting '96, Göteborg, Sweden, 15–18 June 1996 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199612%2921%3A6%3C477%3A%3AAID-COL11%3E3.0.CO%3B2-6
21 6 The 27th annual meeting of the Color Science Association of Japan (CSAJ) in Osaka 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199612%2921%3A6%3C479%3A%3AAID-COL12%3E3.0.CO%3B2-4
21 6 Conference on human vision and electronic imaging 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199612%2921%3A6%3C481%3A%3AAID-COL13%3E3.0.CO%3B2-C
21 5 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080210501
21 5 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080210502
21 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080210503
21 5 Cangiante: A fabric and a coloristic device in the art of the Renaissance 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199610%2921%3A5%3C326%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
21 5 The relationship between colour metrics and the appearance of three-dimensional coloured objects 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199610%2921%3A5%3C331%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Z
21 5 Refinement of the RLAB color space 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199610%2921%3A5%3C338%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Z
21 5 The weighting function for lightness in the CIE94 color-difference model 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199610%2921%3A5%3C347%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Y
21 5 Quantitative evaluation of color harmony via linguistic-based image scale for interior design 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199610%2921%3A5%3C353%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-X
21 5 The design and use of a cone chromaticity space: A tutorial 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199610%2921%3A5%3C375%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-V
21 5 Color and Light in Nature, by David K. Lynch and William Livingston, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1995, Hardbound, 254 pp., $69.95 10.1002/col.5080210510
21 5 Announcement from the publisher 10.1002/col.5080210511
21 4 About the Authors 10.1002/col.5080210401
21 4 In This Issue 10.1002/col.5080210402
21 4 Necrology 10.1002/col.5080210403
21 4 Prediction of the Helmholtz-Kohlrausch effect using the CIELUV formula 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199608%2921%3A4%3C252%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-P
21 4 Prediction of the Helmholtz-Kohlrausch effect (VCC method) using the Swedish NCS system 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199608%2921%3A4%3C269%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-O
21 4 Evaluating colour models' performance between monitor and print images 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199608%2921%3A4%3C277%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-N
21 4 Observation and measurement of the appearance of metallic materials. Part I. Macro appearance 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199608%2921%3A4%3C292%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-L
21 4 Color and nighttime pedestrian safety markings 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199608%2921%3A4%3C305%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-U
21 4 Do Tristimulus Values have Units? 10.1002/col.5080210404
21 4 Practical Formula for the Computation of CIE 1976 Hue Difference 10.1002/col.5080210405
21 4 Book Review: Spectrophotometry, Luminescence and Colour: Science and Compliance, edited by C. Burgess and D. G. Jones, Elsevier Science B. V., New York, 1995, 439 pp., $265.75. 10.1002/col.5080210406
21 4 Colour and Appearance in Folklore Publication 10.1002/col.5080210407
21 4 Meeting Report 10.1002/col.5080210408
21 4 The 8th Congress of the International Colour Association (AIC Color 97 Kyoto) 10.1002/col.5080210409
21 3 About the Authors 10.1002/col.5080210301
21 3 In This Issue 10.1002/col.5080210302
21 3 Necrology 10.1002/col.5080210303
21 3 Science and sensibility: Chemistry and the aesthetics of color in the early nineteenth century 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199606%2921%3A3%3C169%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Q
21 3 NCS, natural color system—From concept to research and applications. Part I 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199606%2921%3A3%3C180%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-O
21 3 NCS, natural color system—From concept to research and applications. Part II 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199606%2921%3A3%3C206%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-W
21 3 Prediction of simultaneous contrast between map colors with Hunt's model of color appearance 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199606%2921%3A3%3C221%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-U
21 3 Metamers for assessing the quality of CIE D50 simulators 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199606%2921%3A3%3C236%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-T
21 3 A theorem on prime-color wavelengths 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199606%2921%3A3%3C239%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-T
21 3 Publications Briefly Mentioned 10.1002/col.5080210304
21 3 Meeting Reports 10.1002/col.5080210305
21 3 CIE Division 1—Vision and Colour 10.1002/col.5080210306
21 2 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080210201
21 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080210202
21 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080210203
21 2 First ISCC PAN-chromatic conference Williamsburg, Virginia, 12–15 February 1995 10.1002/col.5080210204
21 2 An investigation of scotopic threshold-versus-illuminance curves for the analysis of color-matching data 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199604%2921%3A2%3C80%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-0
21 2 Coefficient channels: Derivation and relationship to other theoretical studies 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199604%2921%3A2%3C87%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-0
21 2 Resolving the color-image irradiance equation 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199604%2921%3A2%3C97%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
21 2 Surface reflectance estimation by the dichromatic model 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199604%2921%3A2%3C104%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-Y
21 2 Segmentation of map image using opponent color dimensions 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199604%2921%3A2%3C115%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-X
21 2 Color representation in virtual environments 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199604%2921%3A2%3C121%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-W
21 2 Linear color representations for efficient image synthesis 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199604%2921%3A2%3C129%3A%3AAID-COL7%3E3.0.CO%3B2-W
21 2 Industrial applications of formulation computations: Is the computer the enemy? 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199604%2921%3A2%3C138%3A%3AAID-COL8%3E3.0.CO%3B2-V
21 2 Foundations of Vision, by Brian A. Wandell, Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, MA, 1995. xvi + 476 pp., hardcover $49.95. 10.1002/col.5080210213
21 2 The Illustrated History of Colour Photography, by Jack H. Coote, Fountain Press, Queensborough House, 2 Claremont Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 4QU, England, 1993, 248 pp., hardcover, £29.95 10.1002/col.5080210214
21 2 Announcement From the Publisher 10.1002/col.5080210215
21 1 About the Authors 10.1002/col.5080210101
21 1 In This Issue 10.1002/col.5080210102
21 1 Necrology 10.1002/col.5080210103
21 1 Viewing techniques for cross-media image comparisons 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199602%2921%3A1%3C6%3A%3AAID-COL1%3E3.0.CO%3B2-%23
21 1 The relationship between visual acuity and color contrast in the OSA uniform color space 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199602%2921%3A1%3C18%3A%3AAID-COL2%3E3.0.CO%3B2-8
21 1 Evaluation of the performance of metameric indices 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199602%2921%3A1%3C26%3A%3AAID-COL3%3E3.0.CO%3B2-7
21 1 Comparative studies on color preference in Japan and other Asian regions, with special emphasis on the preference for white 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199602%2921%3A1%3C35%3A%3AAID-COL4%3E3.0.CO%3B2-6
21 1 Measuring the color of table grapes 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199602%2921%3A1%3C50%3A%3AAID-COL5%3E3.0.CO%3B2-4
21 1 Colour study for a lunar base 10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6378%28199602%2921%3A1%3C55%3A%3AAID-COL6%3E3.0.CO%3B2-4
21 1 Books: Visual Agnosia, by Martha J. Farah, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 190 pp., Softbound, (1995) $15.95 10.1002/col.5080210104
21 1 Books: Color and Appearance, by Percy Pierce and Robert T. Marcus, Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology, Blue Bell, PA, 1994. 44 pp. $15 members/$25 non-members 10.1002/col.5080210105
21 1 1996 ISCC Annual Meeting and Joint Symposium with ASTM 10.1002/col.5080210106
21 1 Professor Dr. Heinz Terstiege Recipient of the Judd-AIC Award 1995 10.1002/col.5080210107
21 1 RIT's Munsell Color Science Laboratory Offers Industrial Short Courses 10.1002/col.5080210108
20 6 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080200601
20 6 About the author 10.1002/col.5080200602
20 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080200603
20 6 Considering the surround in device-independent color imaging 10.1002/col.5080200604
20 6 Locating basic colours in the munsell space 10.1002/col.5080200605
20 6 Considerations on the calibration of color displays assuming constant channel chromaticity 10.1002/col.5080200606
20 6 Puzzling colours 10.1002/col.5080200607
20 6 Speculations about the value of gloss 10.1002/col.5080200608
20 6 Cie guidelines for coordinated future work on industrial colour-difference evaluation 10.1002/col.5080200609
20 6 Dialogues on perception, by bela julesz, MIT press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1995. 276 pp., $49.95 10.1002/col.5080200610
20 6 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.5080200611
20 6 The color science association of Japan (CSAJ) 26th annual meeting in tokyo 10.1002/col.5080200612
20 6 The color science association of Japan (CSAJ) 26th annual meeting in Tokyo 10.1002/col.5080200613
20 6 Diskette submission instructions 10.1002/col.5080200614
20 6 Announcement 10.1002/col.5080200615
20 5 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080200501
20 5 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080200502
20 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080200503
20 5 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080200504
20 5 Mont-Saint-Michel and chartres 10.1002/col.5080200505
20 5 Determination of constant Hue Loci for a CRT gamut and their predictions using color appearance spaces 10.1002/col.5080200506
20 5 The continuity of colour, design, art, and science. I. The philosophy of the total appearance concept and image measurement 10.1002/col.5080200507
20 5 The continuity of colour, design, art, and science. II. Application of the total appearance concept to image creation 10.1002/col.5080200508
20 5 Various chromatic-adaptation transformations tested using new colour appearance data in textiles 10.1002/col.5080200509
20 5 The british building colour standards: Conversion to the notations of munsell, NCS, din, coloroid, colorcurve, and OSA-UCS 10.1002/col.5080200510
20 5 Industrial Color Testing, by Hans G. Völz (translated from the German by Ben Teague), VCH, Weinheim, Germany, and New York, 1995. xiii + 377 pp., hardback, $115 10.1002/col.5080200511
20 5 Industrial Color Testing, by Hans G. Volz, (translated from the German by Ben Teague), VCH, Weinheim, Germany, and New York, 1995. xiii + 377 pp., hard- back, $1 15 10.1002/col.5080200512
20 5 Meeting reports 10.1002/col.5080200513
20 5 Diskette submission instructions. Color research and application 10.1002/col.5080200514
20 5 Announcement 10.1002/col.5080200515
20 4 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080200401
20 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080200402
20 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080200403
20 4 Sensitivity differences in Chroma, Hue, and Lightness from several classical threshold datasets 10.1002/col.5080200404
20 4 The colour sensitivity of a colour matching recipe 10.1002/col.5080200405
20 4 Anomalies in additive colour matches 10.1002/col.5080200406
20 4 Abnormal Hue-Angle change of the gemstone tanzanite between CIE illuminants d65 and a in CIELAB color space 10.1002/col.5080200407
20 4 Sample-independent color rendering index 10.1002/col.5080200408
20 4 Film thickness and pvc effects on color properties 10.1002/col.5080200409
20 4 Testing colour-appearance models: Guidelines for coordinated research 10.1002/col.5080200410
20 4 Computer Generated Color: A Practical Guide to Presentation and Display, by Richard Jackson, Lindsay MacDonald and Ken Freeman. Published by John Wiley and Sons, 1994, pp 244, $39.95 10.1002/col.5080200411
20 4 Publications Briefly Mentioned Maintained Nighttime Visibility of Retroreflective Road Signs, Publication CIE 1 13-1995, Central Bureau of the CIE, Vienna, Austria, 1995,62 pp. $6 1 members/ $92 non-members 10.1002/col.5080200412
20 4 Recommendations for the Lighting of Roads for Motor and Pedestrian Traffic, Publication CIE 1 15-1995, Central Bureau of the CIE, Vienna, 1995,25 pp. $47 members/ $70 non-members 10.1002/col.5080200413
20 4 Proceedings of the CIE Symposium ′94 Advances in Photometry-70 Years of CIE Photometry, 1-3 December 1994, CIE Central Bureau, Vienna, Publica- tion CIE XOO9-1995, Central Bureau of the CIE, Vi- enna, Austria, 1995, 170 pp. $116 members/$l74 non-members 10.1002/col.5080200414
20 4 Paint and Coating Testing Manual, (Gradner-Sward Handbook, 14th Edition) edited by Dr. Joseph V. Koleske, American Society of Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, 1995, pp. 950; hardcover, $220 list; $198 ASTM members 10.1002/col.5080200415
20 4 Report of the First ISCC Pan-Chromatic Conference, Williamsburg, VA, 1995 February 12–15 10.1002/col.5080200416
20 4 CIE expert symposium ′96 on colour standards for image technology 10.1002/col.5080200417
20 4 Two New CIE Technical Committees 10.1002/col.5080200418
20 4 Announcement 10.1002/col.5080200419
20 4 Diskette submission instructions 10.1002/col.5080200420
20 3 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080200301
20 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080200302
20 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080200303
20 3 Revision of the chroma and hue scales of a nonlinear color-appearance model 10.1002/col.5080200304
20 3 Lightness dependency of chroma scales of a nonlinear color-appearance model and its latest formulation 10.1002/col.5080200305
20 3 Colorimetric evaluation of daylight simulator sources 10.1002/col.5080200306
20 3 A general form of color difference formula based on color discrimination ellipsoid parameters 10.1002/col.5080200307
20 3 Depth and orientation through surface transparency 10.1002/col.5080200308
20 3 A systematic method for color planning in product design 10.1002/col.5080200309
20 3 Problems of rod participation in large field colour matching 10.1002/col.5080200310
20 3 Erratum 10.1002/col.5080200311
20 3 Practical color measurement: A primer for the beginner, a reminder for the expert, by Anni Berger-Schunn, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1994. 175 pp. $54.95 10.1002/col.5080200312
20 3 Method of Measuring and Specifying Colour Rendering Properties of Light Sources, CIE Publication 13.3-1995, Central Bureau Of the CIE, Vienna, Austria, 1995,20 pp, $76 (members)/$l14 (nonmembers) 10.1002/col.5080200313
20 3 CIE Disk D008, computer program to calculate CRIs, Central Bureau of the CIE, Vienna, Austria 10.1002/col.5080200314
20 3 Journal of the Color Science Association of Japan, VoI. 18, No. 3, 1994 10.1002/col.5080200315
20 3 Forthcoming meetings 10.1002/col.5080200316
20 3 Announcement From the Publisher… 10.1002/col.5080200317
20 3 Diskette submission instructions color research and application 10.1002/col.5080200318
20 2 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080200201
20 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080200202
20 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080200203
20 2 Assessment of the influence of paper formation on the fluorescence contribution to brightness 10.1002/col.5080200204
20 2 Colorimetry of durable fluorescent retroreflective materials 10.1002/col.5080200205
20 2 Visibility of durable fluorescent materials for signing applications 10.1002/col.5080200206
20 2 Enhancing the daytime conspicuity of pedestrians through the usage of fluorescent materials 10.1002/col.5080200207
20 2 Luminescent pigments in security applications 10.1002/col.5080200208
20 2 Adaptation of CIELAB CMC Acceptability Formulase to the Problem of Metamerism ( a 3-Light Special Index of Metamerism) 10.1002/col.5080200209
20 2 Glare evaluation system for use within outdoor sports and area lighting, publication CIE 112-1994, CIE Central Bureau, Vienna, Austria, 1994, 14 pp. ISBN 3 900 734 55 0 $39 members/$59 nonmembers 10.1002/col.5080200210
20 2 CIE colection in photometry and radiometry, publication CIE 114-1994, Central Bureau of the CIE, Vienna, Austria, 1994, 45 pp. ISBN 3 900 734 58 5 $56 members/$84 nonmembers 10.1002/col.5080200211
20 2 The second IS&T/SID color imaging conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 15-18, 1994 10.1002/col.5080200212
20 2 The second IS&T/SID color imaging conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 15-18, 1994 10.1002/col.5080200213
20 2 AIC interim meeting '95 colorimetry 10.1002/col.5080200214
20 2 New product announcements 10.1002/col.5080200215
20 2 News 10.1002/col.5080200216
20 2 Announcement From the Publisher… 10.1002/col.5080200217
20 2 Diskette submission instructions color research and application 10.1002/col.5080200218
20 1 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080200101
20 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080200102
20 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080200103
20 1 The color consultant: A new professional serving architecture today in France 10.1002/col.5080200104
20 1 Quantifying colour appearance. part V. simultaneous contrast 10.1002/col.5080200105
20 1 Effects of observer metamerism in the determination of human color-matching functions 10.1002/col.5080200106
20 1 Linearity and additivity of small color differences 10.1002/col.5080200107
20 1 Results of the ASTM field test of tristimulus weighting functions 10.1002/col.5080200108
20 1 Automotive color certification 10.1002/col.5080200109
20 1 Predicting the colour of trichromatic prints 10.1002/col.5080200110
20 1 Objective evaluation of color design. III 10.1002/col.5080200111
20 1 The relation between the color of the illuminant and the color of the illuminated object 10.1002/col.5080200112
20 1 Note relating to commentary on le grand's article 10.1002/col.5080200113
20 1 Cone activity based analysis of color-difference data 10.1002/col.5080200114
20 1 Visual science and engineering: Models and applications, Edited by D. H. Kell, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1994. 440 pp., hardback, $145 10.1002/col.5080200115
20 1 Urban sky glow, a worry for, astronomy, CIE publication x008-1994, Central Bureau of the CIE, Vienna, Austria, 1994, softbound 46 pp., $56 (members)/$84 (non-members) 10.1002/col.5080200116
20 1 Review of the official recommendations of the CIE for the colours of signal lights, CIE publication 107, central bureau of the CIE, Vienna, Austria, 1994, softbound 42 pp., $56 (members)/$84 (non-members) 10.1002/col.5080200117
20 1 Guide to recommended practice of daylight measurement, CIE publication 108, central bureau of the CIE, Vienna, Austria 1994, softbound, 54 pp., $59 (members)/$88 (non-members) 10.1002/col.5080200118
20 1 Spatial distribution of daylight-luminance distributions of various reference skies, CIE publication 110, Central Bureau of the CIE, Vienna, Austria, 1994, softbound, pp. 33, $51 (members)/$77 (non-members) 10.1002/col.5080200119
20 1 Variable message signs, CIE publication 111, central committee of the CIE, Vienna, Austria, 1994, softbound, 60 pp. $59 (members)/$88 (non-members) 10.1002/col.5080200120
20 1 Die Farbe, Band 38 Heft 4-6 (1991/1992), MusterSchmidt Verlag, Gottingen, 1994, pp. 105 10.1002/col.5080200121
20 1 Smart color '94 10.1002/col.5080200122
20 1 Forthcoming meetings 10.1002/col.5080200123
20 1 News 10.1002/col.5080200124
20 1 Announcement from the publisher… 10.1002/col.5080200125
20 1 Diskette submission instructions color research and application 10.1002/col.5080200126
19 6 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080190601
19 6 Metrology, documentary standards, and color specifications for fluorescent materials 10.1002/col.5080190602
19 6 Problems in measurement of fluorescent materials 10.1002/col.5080190603
19 6 Simulation of daylight for viewing and measuring color 10.1002/col.5080190604
19 6 Assessment of whiteness and tint of fluorescent substrates with good interinstrument correlation 10.1002/col.5080190605
19 6 Match prediction of highly fluorescent colors 10.1002/col.5080190606
19 6 The calibration of instruments for the measurement of paper whiteness 10.1002/col.5080190607
19 6 Diagnosis of Defective Colour Vision, by Jennifer Birch, Oxford University Press, New York, 1993, Paperback, 187 pp., $35.00. 10.1002/col.5080190608
19 6 Food Colour and Appearance, by John B. Hutchings, Blackie Academic and Professional, Glasgow, UK, 1994, £95.00. 10.1002/col.5080190609
19 6 ASTM Standards on Color and Appearance Measurement, American Society for Testing and Materials, 4th Edition, 1994, pp. 446 + xviii. Price $69.00. 10.1002/col.5080190610
19 6 Interaction of Color, by Josef Albers. Interactive CDROM Edition, Version 1 for Macintosh Computers. Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1994, $125. 10.1002/col.5080190611
19 6 Journal of the Color Science Association of Japan, Vol. 18, No. 1 [1994]. 10.1002/col.5080190612
19 6 News 10.1002/col.5080190613
19 5 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080190501
19 5 A comparative study of color measurement lntstrumentation 10.1002/col.5080190502
19 5 Transferring the 45/0 spectral reflectance factor scale 10.1002/col.5080190503
19 5 Spatial integration with chromatic stimuli in dichromatic vision 10.1002/col.5080190504
19 5 Appearance [Cesia]: Construction of scales by means of spinning disks 10.1002/col.5080190505
19 5 Comparison of the colorcurve and SCA-2541 colour order systems using the OSA-UCS model 10.1002/col.5080190506
19 5 Color Matching in Paints Using a Method of Linear Programming 10.1002/col.5080190507
19 5 The measurement of colour in chemical indicators applicable to food spoilage 10.1002/col.5080190508
19 5 Comments to the Articles “Measuring Color-Matching Functions, Part I and Part II” by Amy D. North and Mark D. Fairchild 10.1002/col.5080190509
19 5 Response to Y. Nayatani's Comments on Measuring Color-Matching Functions, parts I and II 10.1002/col.5080190510
19 5 Peaks of Operation of the Human Color Vision System and Metamers 10.1002/col.5080190511
19 5 The Determinants of Metameric Crossovers, Re-re-visited 10.1002/col.5080190512
19 5 Comments on Two Articles by William A. Thornton 10.1002/col.5080190513
19 5 Spectrally Smooth Reflectances that Match 10.1002/col.5080190514
19 5 Rebuttal: 20 Years' Work with the Intersections of Spectral Power Distributions of Matching Lights 10.1002/col.5080190515
19 5 Biennial Workshop on Color Photography and Videography in Resource Monitoring, 1993 10.1002/col.5080190516
19 5 1994 Inter-Society Color Council Annual Meeting and Detroit Colour Council Auto DesignTech 1994 10.1002/col.5080190517
19 5 24th Annual Meeting, the Color Science Association of Japan in the Historical City of Kanazawa 10.1002/col.5080190518
19 4 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080190401
19 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080190402
19 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080190403
19 4 Rod contribution to large-field color matching 10.1002/col.5080190404
19 4 Existence of two kinds of representations of the helmholtz-kohlrausch effect. I. the experimental confirmation 10.1002/col.5080190405
19 4 Existence of two kinds of representations of the helmholtz-kohlrausch effect. II. the models 10.1002/col.5080190406
19 4 Modified CIELAB formula tested using a textile pass/fail data set 10.1002/col.5080190407
19 4 Dichromatic reflection models for a variety of materials 10.1002/col.5080190408
19 4 Some reflections on studying colour combinations 10.1002/col.5080190409
19 4 Color difference thresholds in young's theory 10.1002/col.5080190410
19 4 Colour Dynamics: Environmental Colour Design, by Antal Nemcsics, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary, 1993. Translated from the Hungarian by Mrs. G. Nagy. 360 pp. + 96 color illustrations, $101.95 10.1002/col.5080190411
19 4 Seybold San Francisco '93, October 21-24, 1993 10.1002/col.5080190412
19 4 1994 ISCC Williamsburg Conference on Colorimetry of Fluorescent Materials 10.1002/col.5080190413
19 4 Forthcoming Meetings 10.1002/col.5080190414
19 4 Erratum 10.1002/col.5080190415
19 4 Announcement From the Publisher… 10.1002/col.5080190416
19 4 Diskette submission instructions color research and application 10.1002/col.5080190417
19 3 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080190301
19 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080190302
19 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080190303
19 3 Dreams of light for the city 10.1002/col.5080190304
19 3 Visual clarity and feeling of contrast 10.1002/col.5080190305
19 3 The “alexandrite effect” in gemstones 10.1002/col.5080190306
19 3 On the conditions affecting the contribution of color to brightness perception 10.1002/col.5080190307
19 3 Fuzzy set theory on car-color design 10.1002/col.5080190308
19 3 Successive-ganzfeld haploscopic viewing technique for color-appearance research 10.1002/col.5080190309
19 3 Orphics: Computer Graphics and the Feasibility of a Preferred Color Order 10.1002/col.5080190310
19 3 Physics-based vision: Principles and practice, radiometry, edited by Lawrence B. Wolff, Steven A. Shafer, and Glenn E. Healey, Jones and Bartlett, Boston, MA, 1992, Hardbound, 408 pp., $59.95 10.1002/col.5080190311
19 3 Selected papers on colorimetry—fundamentals edited by David L. MacAdam, SPIE Milestone Series Vol. MS 77, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, Bellingham, Washington, 1993, 526 pp., $117 (hardbound)/$102 (softbound) 10.1002/col.5080190312
19 3 Review of the OSA 1993 Annual Meeting 10.1002/col.5080190313
19 3 Announcement From the Publisher… 10.1002/col.5080190314
19 3 Diskette submission instructions color research and application 10.1002/col.5080190315
19 2 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00065.x
19 2 In this Issue 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00066.x
19 2 Color Science Education in the 1990s 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00067.x
19 2 The Color Harmony Manual, a Color Atlas Based on the Ostwald Color System 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00068.x
19 2 Red/Green Color Discrimination and Stimulus Size 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00069.x
19 2 Evaluation of Uniform Color Spaces Developed after the Adoption of CIELAB and CIELUV 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00070.x
19 2 Spacing in the Munsell Color System Relative to the Coloroid Color Systems 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00071.x
19 2 Color and Sound: Physical and Psychophysical Relations 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00072.x
19 2 The Stiles-Crawford-Effect 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00073.x
19 2 Reviews 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00074.x
19 2 MEETING REPORTS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00075.x
19 2 FORTHCOMING MEETINGS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00076.x
19 2 NEWS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00077.x
19 1 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00051.x
19 1 IN THIS ISSUE 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00052.x
19 1 Measurement and Analysis of Object Reflectance Spectra 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00053.x
19 1 Color-Discrimination Thresholds Translated from the CIE (x, y, Y) Space to the CIE 1976 (L*,a*,b*) 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00054.x
19 1 Colour Measurement of Human Teeth and Evaluation of a Colour Guide 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00055.x
19 1 An Improved Predictor of Colourfulness in a Model of Colour Vision 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00056.x
19 1 Evaluation of a Model of Colour Vision by Magnitude Scalings: Discussion of Collected Results 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00057.x
19 1 The Perception of a Colored Translucent Sheet on a Background 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00058.x
19 1 On The Relationship of Four-Color Theory to Three-Color Theory 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00059.x
19 1 CIE Guidelines for Coordinated Research on Evaluation of Colour Appearance Models for Reflection Print and Self-Luminous Display Image Comparisons 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00060.x
19 1 REVIEWS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00061.x
19 1 MEETING REPORTS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00062.x
19 1 FORTHCOMING MEETINGS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00063.x
19 1 NEWS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1994.tb00064.x
18 6 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080180601
18 6 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080180602
18 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080180603
18 6 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080180604
18 6 On obtaining shape from color shading 10.1002/col.5080180605
18 6 Age-related changes in the color appearance of broadband surfaces 10.1002/col.5080180606
18 6 Spatial integration properties in vision with chromatic stimuli 10.1002/col.5080180607
18 6 Intersections of spectral power distributions of lights that match 10.1002/col.5080180608
18 6 Intersections of matching spectra: Applications 10.1002/col.5080180609
18 6 Lightness and reflectance of munsell gray samples 10.1002/col.5080180610
18 6 Snapshots 2.1, by Iterated Systems, Inc., Norcross, Georgia, 30092, 1-800-4FRACTL, $119 10.1002/col.5080180611
18 6 Making art safely: Alternative methods and materials in drawing, painting, printmaking, graphic design, and photography, by Merle Spandorfer, Deborah Curtiss and Jack Snyder, M.D., Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1993, 255 pp. hardbound, $44.95 10.1002/col.5080180612
18 6 1993 ISCC annual meeting, newport, RI, April 18–19 10.1002/col.5080180613
18 6 Review of the 1993 ISCC/CPMA conference 10.1002/col.5080180614
18 6 International conference on colour education 1994 10.1002/col.5080180615
18 6 The royal photographic society imaging science and technology group “images in colour” 10.1002/col.5080180616
18 6 NEWS 10.1002/col.5080180617
18 6 Erratum 10.1002/col.5080180618
18 6 Announcement from the publisher… 10.1002/col.5080180619
18 5 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080180601
18 5 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080180602
18 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080180603
18 5 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080180604
18 5 On obtaining shape from color shading 10.1002/col.5080180605
18 5 Age-related changes in the color appearance of broadband surfaces 10.1002/col.5080180606
18 5 Spatial integration properties in vision with chromatic stimuli 10.1002/col.5080180607
18 5 Intersections of spectral power distributions of lights that match 10.1002/col.5080180608
18 5 Intersections of matching spectra: Applications 10.1002/col.5080180609
18 5 Lightness and reflectance of munsell gray samples 10.1002/col.5080180610
18 5 Snapshots 2.1, by Iterated Systems, Inc., Norcross, Georgia, 30092, 1-800-4FRACTL, $119 10.1002/col.5080180611
18 5 Making art safely: Alternative methods and materials in drawing, painting, printmaking, graphic design, and photography, by Merle Spandorfer, Deborah Curtiss and Jack Snyder, M.D., Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1993, 255 pp. hardbound, $44.95 10.1002/col.5080180612
18 5 1993 ISCC annual meeting, newport, RI, April 18–19 10.1002/col.5080180613
18 5 Review of the 1993 ISCC/CPMA conference 10.1002/col.5080180614
18 5 International conference on colour education 1994 10.1002/col.5080180615
18 5 The royal photographic society imaging science and technology group “images in colour” 10.1002/col.5080180616
18 5 NEWS 10.1002/col.5080180617
18 5 Erratum 10.1002/col.5080180618
18 5 Announcement from the publisher… 10.1002/col.5080180619
18 4 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080180401
18 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080180402
18 4 IN THIS ISSUE 10.1002/col.5080180403
18 4 Editorial 10.1002/col.5080180404
18 4 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080180405
18 4 Surface color and color constancy 10.1002/col.5080180406
18 4 Problems connected with the concept of gloss 10.1002/col.5080180407
18 4 Color notation conversion by neural networks 10.1002/col.5080180408
18 4 Objective evaluation of color design. II 10.1002/col.5080180409
18 4 Color-rendering capacity of light 10.1002/col.5080180410
18 4 On the theory of compound colours, and the relations of the colours of the spectrum 10.1002/col.5080180411
18 4 Color and meaning: Practice and theory in renaissance painting, by Marcia Hall, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, 1991, 288 pp., $60 10.1002/col.5080180412
18 4 Whiter than white, blacker than black, and greener than green: The perception of color, by Robert Greenler, Blue Sky Associates, 9 Cardinal Street, Winchester, MA 01890, video tape (VHS), 49 min, 1990, $80.00 10.1002/col.5080180413
18 4 Rainbows: Visible and invisible, by Robert Greenler, Blue Sky Associates, 9 Cardinal Street, Winchester, MA 01890, video tape (VHS), 54 min, 1990 $80.00 10.1002/col.5080180414
18 4 Parametric effects in colour-difference evaluation, CIE Publ. No. 101, Central Bureau of the CIE, Vienna, 1993, 18 pp., $36.00 (members)/$54.00 (nonmembers) 10.1002/col.5080180415
18 4 Guide for Floodlighting, CIE Publ. No. 94, Central Bureau of the CIE, Vienna, 1993, 74 pp., $61.00 (members)/$92.00 (nonmembers) 10.1002/col.5080180416
18 4 Proceedings of the CIE seminar '92 on computer programs for light and lighting, CIE Publ. No. X005, Central Bureau of the CIE, Vienna, 1993, 113 pp., $76.00 members/$114.00 nonmembers 10.1002/col.5080180417
18 4 AIC 1994 interim meeting: Images in colour 10.1002/col.5080180418
18 4 NEWS 10.1002/col.5080180419
18 4 Announcement from the publisher… 10.1002/col.5080180420
18 3 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080180301
18 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080180302
18 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080180303
18 3 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080180304
18 3 Measuring color-matching functions. Part I 10.1002/col.5080180305
18 3 Measuring color-matching functions. Part II. New data for assessing observer metamerism 10.1002/col.5080180306
18 3 Illuminance dependency of L/Y (lightness/luminance-factor)-ratio effect 10.1002/col.5080180307
18 3 Image color-appearance specification through extension of CIELAB 10.1002/col.5080180308
18 3 Quantifying colour appearance. part IV. Transmissive media 10.1002/col.5080180309
18 3 Sensitivity loss and adaptation within the short-wavelength cone pathway 10.1002/col.5080180310
18 3 On the use of linear transformations for scanner calibration 10.1002/col.5080180311
18 3 Physics-based vision: Principles and practice, color, edited by Lawrence B. Wolff, Steven A. Shafer, and Glenn E. Healey, A. K. Peters, Ltd., Wellesley, MA, 1992, hardbound, $59.95 10.1002/col.5080180312
18 3 Physics-Based Vision: Principles and Practice, Shape Recovery, edited by Lawrence B. Wolff, Steven A. Shafer, and Glenn E. Healey, A. K. Peters, Ltd., Wellesley, MA, 1992, hardbound, $59.95 10.1002/col.5080180313
18 3 Understanding Computer Color Matching, by N. S. Gangakhedkar, Rutu Prakashan, Bombay, softbound, 176 pp, $30.00 10.1002/col.5080180314
18 3 Paul Signac and Color in Neo-Impressionism, by Floyd Ratliff, Rockefeller University Press, New York, 1992: 9″ × 91/2″, 317 pp., hardbound, $49.95 10.1002/col.5080180315
18 3 The Image Processing Handbook, by John C. Russ, CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 445 pp., hardbound $89.95 10.1002/col.5080180316
18 3 CIE Publication No. 98: Personal Dosimetry of UV Radiation, Central Bureau of the CIE, Vienna, 1992, 21 pp., softbound, $42.00 (members)/$63.00 (nonmembers) 10.1002/col.5080180317
18 3 CIE Publication No. 99: Lighting Education (1983-1989), Central Bureau of the CIE, Vienna, 1992, 26 pp., soft-bound, $36.00 (members)/$54.00 (nonmembers) 10.1002/col.5080180318
18 3 CIE Publication No. 100: Fundamentals of the Visual Task of Night Driving, Central Bureau of the CIE, Vienna, 1992, 70 pp., softbound, $63.00 (members)/$86.00 (nonmembers) 10.1002/col.5080180319
18 3 Symposium on Physics-Based Vision 10.1002/col.5080180320
18 3 Forthcoming meetings 10.1002/col.5080180321
18 3 Color science association of Japan 10.1002/col.5080180322
18 3 RIT's munsell color science laboratory offers advanced industrial short courses in color lmaging 10.1002/col.5080180323
18 2 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080180201
18 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080180202
18 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080180203
18 2 Comparison of colorimetric and spectrophotometric algorithms for computer match prediction 10.1002/col.5080180204
18 2 Use of calibrants in food colour measurement: An international cooperative study 10.1002/col.5080180205
18 2 Spatial sensitization and adaptation in a long-wavelength cone pathway 10.1002/col.5080180206
18 2 Quantifying colour appearance. part III. Supplementary LUTCHI colour appearance data 10.1002/col.5080180207
18 2 Colorcurve and coloroid notations for the OSA-UCS atlas samples 10.1002/col.5080180208
18 2 Illuminance dependency of equivalent lightness on chromatic object colors 10.1002/col.5080180209
18 2 The CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer: Mandatory retirement at age 65? 10.1002/col.5080180210
18 2 Thornton replies 10.1002/col.5080180211
18 2 CIE technical committee 1–29, industrial color-difference evaluation progress report 10.1002/col.5080180212
18 2 The algorithmic beauty of plants, by Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and Aristid Lindenmeyer, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1990, 228 pp., $39.95 10.1002/col.5080180213
18 2 The second computer revolution: Visualization, by Richard Mark Friedhoff and William Benzon, Abrams, New York, 1989, (Softbound ed. Freeman, New York, 1991), 215 pp, $25.95 10.1002/col.5080180214
18 2 Development of the visual system, edited by Dominic Man-Kit Lam and Carla Shatz, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1991, hardbound 299 pp., $65.00 10.1002/col.5080180215
18 2 1992 TAGA Proceedings Volumes I and II, Technical Association of the Graphic Arts, Rochester, NY, 1992. pp 974. $70.00 10.1002/col.5080180216
18 2 CIE proceedings, 22nd session, melbourne 1991, CIE Publ. No. 91, Central Bureau of the CIE, Vienna, 1992. pp. 721, members $164.00/nonmembers $246.00 10.1002/col.5080180217
18 2 IS&T's 45th annual conference “imaging 92” 10–15 may 1992 10.1002/col.5080180218
18 2 OSA 1992 annual meeting 10.1002/col.5080180219
18 2 Forthcoming meetings 10.1002/col.5080180220
18 2 News 10.1002/col.5080180221
18 2 Erratum 10.1002/col.5080180222
18 1 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080180101
18 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080180102
18 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080180103
18 1 The primary hue circle 10.1002/col.5080180104
18 1 Colour-difference measurement: The sensitivity of various instruments compared 10.1002/col.5080180105
18 1 Determination of colorcurve colour atlas sample deviation and comparison with NCS, DIN and OSA-UCS atlas sample deviation 10.1002/col.5080180106
18 1 Comparison of regular transmittance scales of four national standardizing laboratories 10.1002/col.5080180107
18 1 Optimal density-division for color-imaging systems 10.1002/col.5080180108
18 1 Extension of dominant wavelength scale to the full hue cycle and evidence of fundamental color symmetry 10.1002/col.5080180109
18 1 Response to MacAdam's letter to the editor 10.1002/col.5080180110
18 1 Color conversation 10.1002/col.5080180111
18 1 The mirage, the discovery of greenland, and the green flash, by Robert Greenler, Blue Sky Associates, 9 Cardinal Street, Winchester, MA 01890, video tape (VHS), 54 minutes, (1990) $80.00 10.1002/col.5080180112
18 1 The pointillist painter, the sunday comics, and color TV: Color Mixing in Art and Technology, by Robert Greenler, The Blue Sky Associates, 9 Cardinal Street, Winchester, MA 01890, video tape, $80.00 10.1002/col.5080180113
18 1 Road Lighting as an Accident Countermeasure, CIE Publication No. 93, Central Bureau of the CIE, Vienna, 1992, 122 pp. $76 members/$114 nonmembers 10.1002/col.5080180114
18 1 Contrast and visibility, CIE publication 95, Central Bureau of the CIE, Vienna, Austria, 1992, 52 pp., $54 members/$81.00 nonmembers 10.1002/col.5080180115
18 1 Maintenance of indoor electric lighting systems, CIE publication No. 97, Central Bureau of the CIE, Vienna, 1992, 28 pp. $42 members/$114 nonmembers 10.1002/col.5080180116
18 1 Colour, a philosophical introduction, 2nd edition. by Jonathan Westphal, Basil Blackwell. Oxford. 1991, softbound. 166 pp., $21.95 10.1002/col.5080180117
18 1 Inter-society color council annual meeting and international colour association interim meeting on computer color matching 10.1002/col.5080180118
18 1 Forthcoming meetings 10.1002/col.5080180119
18 1 News 10.1002/col.5080180120
18 1 New product 10.1002/col.5080180121
17 6 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080170601
17 6 Application of some statistical methods for comparing samples of Hue-Angle data 10.1002/col.5080170602
17 6 Confusion lines of dichromats 10.1002/col.5080170603
17 6 Numerical methods for colorimetric calculations: A comparison of integration methods 10.1002/col.5080170604
17 6 Numerical methods for colorimetric calculations: Sampling density requirements 10.1002/col.5080170605
17 6 Suggested modification of CMC formula for acceptability 10.1002/col.5080170606
17 6 A colour notation conversion program revisited 10.1002/col.5080170607
17 6 Efficient Computation of ΔH*ab 10.1002/col.5080170608
17 6 Communications and comments 10.1002/col.5080170609
17 6 A History of Colors, by Manlio Brusatin, Shambala, Boston, 1992, 5 × 6 in., 172 pp. softbound, $12.00 10.1002/col.5080170610
17 6 The Science of Art, by Martin Kemp, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 375 pp., 549 figures, 16 color plates, II × 10 in., softbound [hardbound available], $34.00 10.1002/col.5080170611
17 6 Industrial Color Technology, Theory and Application, Datacolor International, Lawrenceville, NJ, 1989-1991, 5 VHS or Beta color videos, $129.00 ea. or $495/set. 10.1002/col.5080170612
17 6 Electric Light Sources State of the Art—1991, CIE Publication No. 96, Central Bureau of the CIE, Vienna, 1992, 30 pp. 10.1002/col.5080170613
17 6 American National Standards Institute 2535 Standards on Safety Signs and Colors, National Electrical Manufacturers Association, Washington, 1991, 5-23 pp. 10.1002/col.5080170614
17 6 Annual Meeting of the Color Science Association of Japan, 1992 10.1002/col.5080170615
17 6 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: CVPR 92 10.1002/col.5080170616
17 6 Forthcoming meetings 10.1002/col.5080170617
17 5 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080170501
17 5 About the author 10.1002/col.5080170502
17 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080170503
17 5 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080170504
17 5 Colour appearance of stained glass windows 10.1002/col.5080170505
17 5 Techniques for simulating object color under changing illuminant conditions on electronic displays 10.1002/col.5080170506
17 5 Color correction using principal components 10.1002/col.5080170507
17 5 Discrimination of colours presented against different coloured backgrounds 10.1002/col.5080170508
17 5 Interference colors of oxidized titanium metal surfaces 10.1002/col.5080170509
17 5 Subjective preferences for the red color of stop signs: Implications for the design of high-intensity-discharge headlamps 10.1002/col.5080170510
17 5 A critique of “Recommended terminology for matrix R and metamerism” by Hugh S. Fairman 10.1002/col.5080170511
17 5 Letter to the editor 10.1002/col.5080170512
17 5 From Pigments to Perception, edited by Arne Valberg and Barry B. Lee, NATO Life Sciences Vol. A203, Plenum, New York, 498 pp., hardbound, $120.00 10.1002/col.5080170513
17 5 Basic Color Terms, Their Universality and Evolution, by Brent Berlin and Paul Kay, University of California, Berkeley, 1969; reprinted in paperback, 1991, 209 pp. $12.95 10.1002/col.5080170514
17 5 Measuring Colour, 2nd ed., by R. W. G. Hunt, Ellis Harwood, Chichester, England, 1991; distributed in the U.S. by Prentice-Hall, New York. 313 pp., $74.00 10.1002/col.5080170515
17 5 Color Image Scale, by Shigenobu Kobayashi, Kodansha, Tokyo/New York/London, 1990, 160 pp., softbound, $12.95 10.1002/col.5080170516
17 5 BCRA ceramic colour standards series II 10.1002/col.5080170517
17 4 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080170401
17 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080170402
17 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080170403
17 4 Necrology 10.1002/col.5080170404
17 4 Color classification of natural color images 10.1002/col.5080170405
17 4 Toward a more accurate and extensible colorimetry. Part Iii. Discussion (continued) 10.1002/col.5080170406
17 4 The Colorcurve Systems® 10.1002/col.5080170407
17 4 NCS and DIN notations for the OSA-UCS atlas samples 10.1002/col.5080170408
17 4 Estimation of film thickness nonuniformity effects on coating optical properties 10.1002/col.5080170409
17 4 Standard sources to represent daylight 10.1002/col.5080170410
17 4 Cognition Through Color, by Jules Davidoff, the MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1991, 217 pp., hardbound, $32.50 10.1002/col.5080170411
17 4 Consciousness Explained, by Daniel C. Dennett, Little, Brown, Boston, MA, 1991, xiii + 511 pp., hardbound, $27.95 10.1002/col.5080170412
17 4 Color Aerial Photography in the Plant Sciences: A Compendium 1967-1983, edited by George J. Edwards, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Bethesda, MD, 1988, 306 pp., softbound, $15.00 10.1002/col.5080170413
17 4 Twelfth Biennial Workshop in Color Aerial Photography and Videography in the Plant Sciences and Related Fields, edited by Paul T. Tueller, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Bethesda, MD, 1990, 303 pp. + 5 color plates, softbound, $30.00 10.1002/col.5080170414
17 4 ASTM Standards on Color and Appearance Measure- ments, third edition, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, 1992, pp. 427, softbound, $55.00 10.1002/col.5080170415
17 4 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.5080170416
17 4 ISCC/TAGA 1992 williamsburg conference on comparison of color images presented in different media 10.1002/col.5080170417
17 4 News 10.1002/col.5080170418
17 3 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080170401
17 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080170402
17 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080170403
17 3 Necrology 10.1002/col.5080170404
17 3 Color classification of natural color images 10.1002/col.5080170405
17 3 Toward a more accurate and extensible colorimetry. Part Iii. Discussion (continued) 10.1002/col.5080170406
17 3 The Colorcurve Systems® 10.1002/col.5080170407
17 3 NCS and DIN notations for the OSA-UCS atlas samples 10.1002/col.5080170408
17 3 Estimation of film thickness nonuniformity effects on coating optical properties 10.1002/col.5080170409
17 3 Standard sources to represent daylight 10.1002/col.5080170410
17 3 Cognition Through Color, by Jules Davidoff, the MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1991, 217 pp., hardbound, $32.50 10.1002/col.5080170411
17 3 Consciousness Explained, by Daniel C. Dennett, Little, Brown, Boston, MA, 1991, xiii + 511 pp., hardbound, $27.95 10.1002/col.5080170412
17 3 Color Aerial Photography in the Plant Sciences: A Compendium 1967-1983, edited by George J. Edwards, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Bethesda, MD, 1988, 306 pp., softbound, $15.00 10.1002/col.5080170413
17 3 Twelfth Biennial Workshop in Color Aerial Photography and Videography in the Plant Sciences and Related Fields, edited by Paul T. Tueller, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Bethesda, MD, 1990, 303 pp. + 5 color plates, softbound, $30.00 10.1002/col.5080170414
17 3 ASTM Standards on Color and Appearance Measure- ments, third edition, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, 1992, pp. 427, softbound, $55.00 10.1002/col.5080170415
17 3 Publications briefly mentioned 10.1002/col.5080170416
17 3 ISCC/TAGA 1992 williamsburg conference on comparison of color images presented in different media 10.1002/col.5080170417
17 3 News 10.1002/col.5080170418
17 2 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080170301
17 2 About the author 10.1002/col.5080170302
17 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080170303
17 2 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080170304
17 2 Toward a more accurate and extensible colorimetry. Part Ii. Discussion 10.1002/col.5080170305
17 2 Comparison of spectral sensitivity using heterochromatic flicker photometry and an acuity criterion 10.1002/col.5080170306
17 2 Color rendering of supplementary artificial lighting 10.1002/col.5080170307
17 2 Munsell value as explicit functions of CIE luminance factor 10.1002/col.5080170308
17 2 Estimation equations for practical use on lightness-reflectance (L/Y) ratios in the whole chromaticity gamut 10.1002/col.5080170309
17 2 A contribution to the study of color of fabrics 10.1002/col.5080170310
17 2 The Advancement of Colour, A History of the First Fifty Years of the Colour Group (Great Britain) 1941-1991, edited by M. B. Halstead and J. G. Holmes, the Colour Group (Great Britain), 17 Castlebar Road, London W5 2DL, United Kingdom, 1991, 214 pp., softbound, £7.50 10.1002/col.5080170311
17 2 La mesure de la couleur. Principes, technique et produits du marché, by Alain Trouvé. Co-edited by AFNOR (Association Française de Normalisation, Paris La Défense 92049, France) and CETIM (Centre Technique des Industries Mécaniques, BP 67, Senlis 60304, France), 1991, 194 pp., softbound, 320 Francs 10.1002/col.5080170312
17 1 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080170101
17 1 About the author 10.1002/col.5080170102
17 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080170103
17 1 Brian hewson crawford 10.1002/col.5080170104
17 1 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080170105
17 1 Discrimination ellipsoids of aperture and simulated surface colors by Matching and paired comparison 10.1002/col.5080170106
17 1 Determination of correlated color temperature based on a color-appearance model 10.1002/col.5080170107
17 1 Specification of individual variation in luminous efficiency for brightness 10.1002/col.5080170108
17 1 Psychophysical verification of the accuracy of color and color-difference simulations of surface samples on a CRT display 10.1002/col.5080170109
17 1 Music and color: Relations in the psychophysical perspective 10.1002/col.5080170110
17 1 Instrumental Colour Measurements and Computer Aided Colour Matching for Textiles, by H. S. Shah and R. S. Gandhi, Forwand, by Fred W. Billmeyer, Jr., Mahajan Book Distributors, Ahmedabad, India, 1990, 370 pp., 12 color plates, hardbound, $60.00 10.1002/col.5080170111
17 1 Instrumental Colour Measurements and Computer Aided Colour Matching for Textiles, by H.S. Shah and R.S. Gandhi, Forward by Fred W. Billmeyer, Jr., Mahajan Book Publishers, Ahmedabad - 380 009, GS, India, 1990, 370 pp., 12 color plates, hardbound, $60.00 10.1002/col.5080170112
17 1 The Perception of Colour, edited by Peter Gouras, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1991, 314 pp., hardbound, 25 color plates, $125.00 10.1002/col.5080170113
17 1 Inherited and Acquired Colour Vision Deficiencies: Fun- damental Aspects and Clinical Studies, edited by David H. Foster, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1991, 242 pp., 147 b/w figures, 7 color plates, hardbound, $125.00 10.1002/col.5080170114
17 1 Seventh meeting of the CIE divison 1 10.1002/col.5080170115
17 1 CIE quadrennial session, division 2 10.1002/col.5080170116
17 1 ISCC 1991 annual meeting 10.1002/col.5080170117
17 1 Comming in future issues… 10.1002/col.5080170118
16 6 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080160601
16 6 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080160602
16 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080160603
16 6 Back to Helmholtz 10.1002/col.5080160604
16 6 Propagation of random errors in spectrophotometric colorimetry 10.1002/col.5080160605
16 6 Efficient uniform illuminators using diffusing optics 10.1002/col.5080160606
16 6 Efficiency and uniformity comparisons between a diffusing-optics source and a lamp-imaging source 10.1002/col.5080160607
16 6 Predicting the lightness of chromatic object colors using CIELAB 10.1002/col.5080160608
16 6 Munsell™ book of color, nearly neutrals™ collection 10.1002/col.5080160609
16 6 Letter to the editor 10.1002/col.5080160610
16 6 Ben Cunningham: A Life with Color, by Cindy Nemser, JPL Art Publishers, Post, Texas, 1989, 91 pp., hardbound 10.1002/col.5080160611
16 6 Recent publications briefly noted 10.1002/col.5080160612
16 6 Forthcoming meetings 10.1002/col.5080160613
16 6 Color research and application Index to Volume 16, 1991 10.1002/col.5080160614
16 5 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080160501
16 5 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080160502
16 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080160503
16 5 Effects of luminance level on the saturation function: Sensitivities based on saturation discrimination 10.1002/col.5080160504
16 5 Visual determination of suprathreshold color-difference tolerances using probit analysis 10.1002/col.5080160505
16 5 An evaluation of some tristimulus weights 10.1002/col.5080160506
16 5 The chroma sensor® CS-5: A tradition of improved performance 10.1002/col.5080160507
16 5 Recommended terminology for matrix R and metamerism 10.1002/col.5080160508
16 5 Notes on indices of metamerism 10.1002/col.5080160509
16 5 Primary Sources, Selected Writings on Color from Aristotle to Albers, edited by Patricia Sloane, Design Press, New York, 1991, softbound, $16.95 10.1002/col.5080160510
16 5 The Measurement of Appearance, Second Edition, by Richard S. Hunter and Richard W. Harold, Wiley-Inter-science, New York, 1987, vii + 411 pp. hardbound, $74.95 10.1002/col.5080160511
16 5 Handbook of the colour and appearance in folklore conference 10.1002/col.5080160512
16 5 Colour and appearance in folklore 10.1002/col.5080160513
16 5 1991 SPIE/SPSE conferences on electronic imaging science and technology 10.1002/col.5080160514
16 5 1991 SPIE/SPSE conferences on electronic imaging science and techbnology 10.1002/col.5080160515
16 5 Forthcoming meetings 10.1002/col.5080160516
16 5 News 10.1002/col.5080160517
16 5 Erratum 10.1002/col.5080160518
16 4 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080160401
16 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080160402
16 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080160403
16 4 Edwin H. Land 10.1002/col.5080160404
16 4 Color tolerance feasibility study comparing crt-generated stimuli with an acrylic-lacquer coating 10.1002/col.5080160405
16 4 Formulation and testing of an incomplete-chromatic-adaptation model 10.1002/col.5080160406
16 4 Chromatic induction and the locus of unique yellow as a function of stimulus illuminance 10.1002/col.5080160407
16 4 Cesia: A system of visual signs complementing color 10.1002/col.5080160408
16 4 Angular reflectance distributions for coloured newsprint 10.1002/col.5080160409
16 4 Color harmony attributes 10.1002/col.5080160410
16 4 On the evolution of the color vision system 10.1002/col.5080160411
16 4 Letter to the editor 10.1002/col.5080160412
16 4 Envisioning Information by Edward R. Tufte, Graphics Press, Box 430, Cheshire, Connecticut, 1990, 126 pp., hardbound, $48.00 10.1002/col.5080160413
16 4 The Beauty of Light by Ben Bova, Wiley, New York, 1988, 350 pp., hardbound, $24.95 10.1002/col.5080160414
16 3 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080160301
16 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080160302
16 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080160303
16 3 Richard Sewall Hunter (1909-1991) 10.1002/col.5080160304
16 3 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080160305
16 3 Revised colour-appearance model for related and unrelated colours 10.1002/col.5080160306
16 3 Quantifying colour appearance. Part I. Lutchi colour appearance data 10.1002/col.5080160307
16 3 Quantifying colour appearance. Part II. Testing colour models performance using lutchi colour appearance data 10.1002/col.5080160308
16 3 The chevreul color system 10.1002/col.5080160309
16 3 A system of mesopic photometry 10.1002/col.5080160310
16 3 New formula for the computation of CIE 1976 Hue difference 10.1002/col.5080160311
16 3 CIE technical committee 1–29, industrial color-difference evaluation 10.1002/col.5080160312
16 3 Evolution in Colors by Frans Gerritsen, Schiffer Publishing Ltd., Westchester, Pennsylvania, 1988, 88 pp. paper-bound, $14.95 10.1002/col.5080160313
16 3 A Natural History of the Senses, by Diane Ackerman, Random House, New York, 1990, 315 pp., hardbound. $19.95 10.1002/col.5080160314
16 3 The Rise of the Wave Theory of Light: Optical Theory and Experiment in the Early Nineteenth Century, by Jed Z. Buchwald, University of Chicago Press, 1989, 474 pp., paperbound, $24.95 10.1002/col.5080160315
16 3 Recent publications briefly noted 10.1002/col.5080160316
16 3 News 10.1002/col.5080160317
16 3 Erratum 10.1002/col.5080160318
16 2 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080160201
16 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080160202
16 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080160203
16 2 Prof. Dr. -Ing. -habil. Manfred Richter (1905–1990) 10.1002/col.5080160204
16 2 Equivalent lightness of colored objects of equal munsell chroma and of equal munsell value at various illuminances 10.1002/col.5080160205
16 2 Structural correspondence between music and color 10.1002/col.5080160206
16 2 Optimization algorithm for designing colored glass filters to simulate CIE illuminant D65 10.1002/col.5080160207
16 2 Field trials for assessing the method of observer metamerism adopted by CIE 10.1002/col.5080160208
16 2 Accuracy of the NCS Atlas Samples 10.1002/col.5080160209
16 2 Hue cycle described by graphs and color names 10.1002/col.5080160210
16 2 Theory of primary colors and invariant hues 10.1002/col.5080160211
16 2 Color Image Scale by Shigenobu Kobayashi (ISBN 4-06-204493-5) Kodansha (2-21-21 Otowa Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 112-01, Tel: Tokyo (033) 945-1111) pp. 160, 1350 Yen (about $10) 10.1002/col.5080160212
16 2 Illumination and Color in Computer Generated Imagery by Roy Hall, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1989, 282 pp. 10.1002/col.5080160213
16 2 Light, by Michael I. Sobel, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1987, 263 pp., paperbound, $14.95 10.1002/col.5080160214
16 2 Recent publications briefly noted 10.1002/col.5080160215
16 2 OSA topical meeting on light and color in the open air 10.1002/col.5080160216
16 2 AIC-interim symposium on instrumentation for color measurement 10.1002/col.5080160217
16 2 RIT offers industrial short course in color science 10.1002/col.5080160218
16 2 New product 10.1002/col.5080160219
16 2 Errata 10.1002/col.5080160220
16 1 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080160101
16 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080160102
16 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080160103
16 1 Application of neural networks to computer recipe prediction 10.1002/col.5080160104
16 1 The purkinje effect: Some considerations on the interplay of receptoral and postreceptoral mechanisms 10.1002/col.5080160105
16 1 Lightness perception of chromatic object colors 10.1002/col.5080160106
16 1 Comparison of reference-white standards for video display units 10.1002/col.5080160107
16 1 Applications of set theoretic methods to color systems 10.1002/col.5080160108
16 1 Construction of discrimination ellipsoids for surface colors by the method of constant stimuli 10.1002/col.5080160109
16 1 A brief look back 10.1002/col.5080160110
16 1 Natural Computation, edited by Whitman Richards, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1988, 561 pp., $25.00 10.1002/col.5080160111
16 1 Farbe: Ursprung, Systematik, Anwendung, Fourth Edition, by Harald Küppers, Callwey Verlag, Munich, 1987, 196 pp. 10.1002/col.5080160112
16 1 Meeting report 10.1002/col.5080160113
16 1 Forthcoming color meeting 10.1002/col.5080160114
16 1 New product 10.1002/col.5080160115
15 6 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080150601
15 6 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080150602
15 6 Necrology Keith “Mac” McLaren 10.1002/col.5080150603
15 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080150604
15 6 Absolute reflectance factor calibration for goniospectrophotometry 10.1002/col.5080150605
15 6 Evaluation of a simple method for color monitor recalibration 10.1002/col.5080150606
15 6 Comparison of the munsell, NCS, DIN, and coloroid colour order systems using the OSA-UCS model 10.1002/col.5080150607
15 6 A colour notation conversion program 10.1002/col.5080150608
15 6 Model of saturation and brightness: Relations with luminance 10.1002/col.5080150609
15 6 Letter to the editor 10.1002/col.5080150610
15 6 Using Computer Color Effectively: An Illustrated Reference, by Lisa G. Thorell and Wanda J. Smith, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1990. 258 pp. 10.1002/col.5080150611
15 6 Seeing Contour and Colour, J.J. Kulikowski, C.M. Dickinson, and I.J. Murray (Eds), Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1989 10.1002/col.5080150612
15 6 Meeting reports 10.1002/col.5080150613
15 6 Symposium on color and appearance instrumentation 10.1002/col.5080150614
15 6 Hunterlab announces new on-line, tile-color sorting system 10.1002/col.5080150615
15 6 Date set for folklore conference 10.1002/col.5080150616
15 6 Erratum 10.1002/col.5080150617
15 5 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080150501
15 5 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080150502
15 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080150503
15 5 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080150504
15 5 European practices and philosophy in industrial colour-difference evaluation 10.1002/col.5080150505
15 5 Industrial color difference: Progress and problems 10.1002/col.5080150506
15 5 Calibrated processing of image color 10.1002/col.5080150507
15 5 Comparison of color-appearance models 10.1002/col.5080150508
15 5 Test for a correlation between VΛ and the + y opponent-channel sensitivity 10.1002/col.5080150509
15 5 Serial position curves for colored light patches 10.1002/col.5080150510
15 5 Research note on the accuracy of the NCS, DIN, and OSA-UCS colour atlases 10.1002/col.5080150511
15 5 Letter to the editor 10.1002/col.5080150512
15 5 Harmonielehre der Farben (Doctrine of the Harmony of Colors), by Harald Küppers, DuMont, Köln, 1989, 248 pp., 32 color plates, paperbound, DM 38,– 10.1002/col.5080150513
15 5 Color and the Computer edited by H. John Durrett, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 1987, 299 pp., $65.00 10.1002/col.5080150514
15 5 Applied Vision, 1989 Technical Digest Series, Volume 16, Summaries of papers presented at the Optical Society of America, Applied Vision Topical Meeting, July 12–14, 1989, San Francisco, California xvi + 206 pp. 10.1002/col.5080150515
15 5 Chevreul and color 10.1002/col.5080150516
15 5 Forthcoming color meetings 10.1002/col.5080150517
15 5 New products 10.1002/col.5080150518
15 5 Errata 10.1002/col.5080150519
15 4 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080150401
15 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080150402
15 4 In the issue 10.1002/col.5080150403
15 4 Parametric effects on surface color-difference evaluation at threshold 10.1002/col.5080150404
15 4 Correlation between visual and instrumental colour differences of metallic paint films 10.1002/col.5080150405
15 4 ASTM standards on color-difference measurements 10.1002/col.5080150406
15 4 Color-appearance model and chromatic-adaptation transform 10.1002/col.5080150407
15 4 Categorical color rendering of four common light sources 10.1002/col.5080150408
15 4 Metric coefficients for chromatic discrimination of surface colors 10.1002/col.5080150409
15 4 Dimensional Color, By Lois Swirnoff, Design Science Collection, Birkäuser, Boston, 1988, 160 pp., hard cover. Price $69 10.1002/col.5080150410
15 4 The Color Compendium, by Augustine Hope and Margaret Walch, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1990, 360 pp., color and b&w figures, large format. Price 49.95 10.1002/col.5080150411
15 4 Proceedings of the AIC Interim Meeting 1987, Göttingen: Muster-Schmidt Verlag, 300 pp. (address: Box 2741, D-3400 Göttingen, FRG; Telefax: (o551) 704658). Cost DM 80 10.1002/col.5080150412
15 4 Why color?: A review of the SPIE/SPSE 1990 color conference 10.1002/col.5080150413
15 4 Colour and appearance in foiklore 10.1002/col.5080150414
15 4 The micro-gloss family 10.1002/col.5080150415
15 4 News 10.1002/col.5080150416
15 3 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080150301
15 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080150302
15 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080150303
15 3 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080150304
15 3 Coexisting or mingling: The visual aspect of the problem in the urban context 10.1002/col.5080150305
15 3 Analysis of white point and phosphor set differences of CRT displays 10.1002/col.5080150306
15 3 Temporal integration properties for bichromatically mixed lights in color-anomalous vision 10.1002/col.5080150307
15 3 Historical development of CIE recommended color difference equations 10.1002/col.5080150308
15 3 A brief look back 10.1002/col.5080150309
15 3 Letters to the editor 10.1002/col.5080150310
15 3 Letters to the editor 10.1002/col.5080150311
15 3 Letters to the editor 10.1002/col.5080150312
15 3 Physical optics, 3rd ed., by Robert W. Wood, Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 1988, 846 pp., 462 Figs., 17 plates, paperbound. Price: $36.25 10.1002/col.5080150313
15 3 Vision, brain and cooperative computation, by Michael A. Arbib and Allen R. Hanson (Eds.), MIT Press, Cambridge, 1987, 730pp. Price: $75.00 10.1002/col.5080150314
15 3 Guide to material standards and their use in color measurement, by Ellen Carter and Fred W. Billmeyer, Jr., revised by Danny C. Rich, Inter-Society Color Council, ISCC Technical Report 89-1, 1989, 46 pp., $15.00 10.1002/col.5080150315
15 3 1989 ISCC Williamsburg Conference on Color Discrimination Psychophysics 10.1002/col.5080150316
15 3 Meeting of ISO/TC187 on colour notation 10.1002/col.5080150317
15 3 AIC-Interim Symposium Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany 10.1002/col.5080150318
15 3 News 10.1002/col.5080150319
15 3 Errata 10.1002/col.5080150320
15 2 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080150201
15 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080150202
15 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080150203
15 2 The centre français de la couleur 10.1002/col.5080150204
15 2 A visual colorimeter for atmospheric research 10.1002/col.5080150205
15 2 Colour rendering of skin under fluorescent lamp illumination 10.1002/col.5080150206
15 2 Quantifying qualitative relations about colors through fuzzy and statistical operations 10.1002/col.5080150207
15 2 Color notation by visual interpolation in colour order systems: How accurate is it? 10.1002/col.5080150208
15 2 The accuracy of the NCS, DIN, and OSA-UCS colour atlases 10.1002/col.5080150209
15 2 Letters to the editor 10.1002/col.5080150210
15 2 Meeting report 10.1002/col.5080150211
15 2 New Products 10.1002/col.5080150212
15 1 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080150101
15 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080150102
15 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080150103
15 1 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080150104
15 1 Editorial 10.1002/col.5080150105
15 1 R/G and Y/B opponent-color mechanisms revealed in temporal integration for bichromatically mixed lights 10.1002/col.5080150106
15 1 What determines crossover wavelengths of metameric pairs with three crossovers? 10.1002/col.5080150107
15 1 The munsell color system in fundamental color space 10.1002/col.5080150108
15 1 Variance-based color image quantization for frame buffer display 10.1002/col.5080150109
15 1 Colors do look different after a lens implant! 10.1002/col.5080150110
15 1 Tobias associates introduces the new MTI mottle tester 10.1002/col.5080150111
15 1 The optical society of America applied vision topical meeting 10.1002/col.5080150112
15 1 Forthcoming color meetings 10.1002/col.5080150113
15 1 Blue and Yellow Don't Make Green: Or How to Mix the Color Your Really Want—Every Time, by Michael Wilcox, Artways, P.O. Box 350, Cloverdale, Perth, Western Australia, 1987, 120 pp., hard cover 10.1002/col.5080150114
14 6 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080140601
14 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080140602
14 6 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080140603
14 6 Editorial 10.1002/col.5080140604
14 6 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080140605
14 6 Color in the hands of the artist and eyes of the beholder 10.1002/col.5080140606
14 6 Color scaling of chromatic increments on achromatic backgrounds: Implications for hue signals from individual classes of cones 10.1002/col.5080140607
14 6 Color appearance under conditions of chromatic adaptation and contrast 10.1002/col.5080140608
14 6 Unique hue loci and implications 10.1002/col.5080140609
14 6 The computation of color constant descriptors in chromatic images 10.1002/col.5080140610
14 6 News 10.1002/col.5080140611
14 6 Forthcoming articles 10.1002/col.5080140612
14 5 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080140501
14 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080140502
14 5 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080140503
14 5 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080140504
14 5 Category effects in color memory 10.1002/col.5080140505
14 5 Hue shifts in unrelated and related colours 10.1002/col.5080140506
14 5 A planar-vector based color space for graphic arts color analysis and reproduction 10.1002/col.5080140507
14 5 Accurate tristimulus values from spectral data 10.1002/col.5080140508
14 5 1989 annual meeting of the inter-society color council 10.1002/col.5080140509
14 5 Letter to the editor 10.1002/col.5080140510
14 5 C. James Bartleson award 10.1002/col.5080140511
14 5 Color Theory and Its Application in Art and Design, by George A. Agoston, Springer-Verlag, New York and Berlin 1987, 286 pp. 139 figs., paperbound 10.1002/col.5080140512
14 5 THE COLOUR HANDBOOK: How to Use Color in Commerce and Industry, by E. P. Danger, Gower Technical Press, England, 1987, 687 pp., no price given 10.1002/col.5080140513
14 5 Forthcoming articles 10.1002/col.5080140514
14 4 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080140401
14 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080140402
14 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080140403
14 4 Editorial 10.1002/col.5080140404
14 4 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080140405
14 4 An evaluation of methods for producing desired colors on CRT monitors 10.1002/col.5080140406
14 4 Nulling of apparent motion as a method for assessing sensation luminance: An additivity test 10.1002/col.5080140407
14 4 Changes in the wavelength of unique yellow with retinal angle of incidence 10.1002/col.5080140408
14 4 Equivalent lightness of colored objects at illuminances from the scotopic to the photopic level 10.1002/col.5080140409
14 4 What is color? A speculative essay 10.1002/col.5080140410
14 4 Colorcurve systems, inc., a colwell industries company 10.1002/col.5080140411
14 4 Letters to the editor 10.1002/col.5080140412
14 4 W. D. Wright receives godlove award 10.1002/col.5080140413
14 4 Tarow indow is the recipient of the 1989 Judd-AIC Award 10.1002/col.5080140414
14 4 Errata 10.1002/col.5080140415
14 4 Forthcoming articles 10.1002/col.5080140416
14 3 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080140301
14 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080140302
14 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080140303
14 3 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080140304
14 3 Chromatic adaptation on the minimally distinct border and brightness matching in color-normals and deuteranopes 10.1002/col.5080140305
14 3 A novel method for the determination of color matching functions 10.1002/col.5080140306
14 3 Artificial daylight for measurement of optical properties of materials 10.1002/col.5080140307
14 3 Performance testing of color-difference metrics using a color tolerance dataset 10.1002/col.5080140308
14 3 Color vision model of macLeod and Boynton 10.1002/col.5080140309
14 3 Remarks on the constant luminance chromaticity diagram 10.1002/col.5080140310
14 3 The Artificial Intelligence Debate: False Starts, Real Foundations, edited by S. R. Graubard, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1988, 311 pp., paperbound, Price, $9.95 10.1002/col.5080140311
14 3 News 10.1002/col.5080140312
14 3 Erratum 10.1002/col.5080140313
14 2 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080140201
14 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080140202
14 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080140203
14 2 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080140204
14 2 Reduction in visual science: A philosopher's View 10.1002/col.5080140205
14 2 Classification of colors through fuzzy statistical experiment 10.1002/col.5080140206
14 2 Analyzing the natural color system's color-order system by using a nonlinear color-appearance model 10.1002/col.5080140207
14 2 Architects' colour terminology: Is there order? 10.1002/col.5080140208
14 2 Influence theory for color constancy models 10.1002/col.5080140209
14 2 Twelve books on color 10.1002/col.5080140210
14 2 Advances in Standards and Methodology in Spectrophotometry, edited by C. Burgess and K. D. Mielenz, Elsevier Publishers, New York, 1987, 403 pp. Price, $95.25 10.1002/col.5080140211
14 2 On Architecture—An Architectural Theory Based on Psychological Research. Sven Hesselgren, Studentlitteratur, Lund, Sweden, Chartwell-Bratt, 1987 10.1002/col.5080140212
14 2 ISCC/SID joint symposium: CRT to hard copy in color 10.1002/col.5080140213
14 2 News 10.1002/col.5080140214
14 2 Letters to the editor 10.1002/col.5080140215
14 1 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080140101
14 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080140102
14 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080140103
14 1 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080140104
14 1 Centroids of color categories compared by two methods 10.1002/col.5080140105
14 1 Multiple metamers: Preserving color matches under diverse illuminants 10.1002/col.5080140106
14 1 Calibration of a computer controlled color monitor 10.1002/col.5080140107
14 1 Colorimetric principles applied to designing test kits for medical diagnosis 10.1002/col.5080140108
14 1 A fallacy in the definition of ΔH* 10.1002/col.5080140109
14 1 Colour—Why the World Isn't Grey, by Hazel Rossotti, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1985, 239 pp., paperbound. Price $9.95 10.1002/col.5080140110
14 1 Mark Rothko's Harvard Murals, edited by Marjorie B. Cohn. Center for Conservation and Technical Studies, Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge, 1988, 62 pp, paperbound, no price given 10.1002/col.5080140111
14 1 Colour: Some Philosophical Problems from Wittgenstein, by Jonathan Westphal, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1987, pp. 118, hardbound. Price $19.95 10.1002/col.5080140112
14 1 Forthcoming color meeting 10.1002/col.5080140113
14 1 News 10.1002/col.5080140114
13 6 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080130601
13 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080130602
13 6 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080130603
13 6 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080130604
13 6 Quantification of illuminant metamerism for four coloration systems via metameric mismatch gamuts 10.1002/col.5080130605
13 6 Spectrophotometric color matching based on two-constant kubelka-munk theory 10.1002/col.5080130606
13 6 The effect of stimulus duration on the luminous efficiency functions for brightness 10.1002/col.5080130607
13 6 Spectral tuning of opponent pathways is temporally dependent 10.1002/col.5080130608
13 6 Results of iscc questionnaire on metamerism 10.1002/col.5080130609
13 6 Influence of chroma and hue on spatial balance of color Pairs 10.1002/col.5080130610
13 6 Masters of harmony 10.1002/col.5080130611
13 6 Color for Philosophers: Unweaving the Rainbow by C. L. Hardin, Hackett, Indianapolis/Cambridge, 1988, 243 pp. Price: $16.00 paper, $32.50 hardbound 10.1002/col.5080130612
13 6 Color and Color Perception by David R. Hilbert, CSLI/Stanford, Stanford, California, 1987, 146 pp., softcover, Price $11.95 10.1002/col.5080130613
13 6 Theories of Vision from Al-Kindi to Kepler by David C. Lindberg. University of Chicago Press, 1976, softcover, $10 10.1002/col.5080130614
13 6 The Reproduction of Colour in Photography, Printing and Television by R.W.G. Hunt, Fountain Press, Tolworth, England, 1988, distributed by Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 640 pp., hardcover Price: $89.95 10.1002/col.5080130615
13 6 Inter-society color council elects new officers 10.1002/col.5080130616
13 6 1989 ISCC williamsburg conference: Color discrimination psychophysics—call for papers 10.1002/col.5080130617
13 6 New IES publications 10.1002/col.5080130618
13 6 Letter to the editor 10.1002/col.5080130619
13 6 Erratum 10.1002/col.5080130620
13 5 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080130501
13 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080130502
13 5 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080130503
13 5 Talking about color … 10.1002/col.5080130504
13 5 Universal human visual pigment curves from psychophysical data 10.1002/col.5080130505
13 5 Physiological causes of individual variations in color-matching functions 10.1002/col.5080130506
13 5 Field trials on color appearance and brightness of chromatic object colors under different adapting-illuminance levels 10.1002/col.5080130507
13 5 Field trials on color appearance of chromatic colors under various light sources 10.1002/col.5080130508
13 5 Intercomparison on measurement of (total) spectral radiance factor of luminescent specimens 10.1002/col.5080130509
13 5 Ergonomically optimal crt colours for nonfixed ambient illumination conditions 10.1002/col.5080130510
13 5 Measuring Colour, by R. W. G. Hunt, Ellis Horwood, Ltd, Chichester, 1987; distributed by Halsted Press, div. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 221 pp. Price, $63.95 10.1002/col.5080130511
13 5 Eye, Brain, and Vision, David H. Hubel, Volume 22, Scientific American Library, distributed by W. H. Freeman & Co., New York, 1988, 240 pp. Price: $32.95 10.1002/col.5080130512
13 5 Availability of CIE publications 10.1002/col.5080130513
13 5 Annotated bibliography color order systems 10.1002/col.5080130514
13 5 Letter to the editor 10.1002/col.5080130515
13 4 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080130401
13 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080130402
13 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080130403
13 4 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080130404
13 4 Large colour differences measured by spontaneous gestalt formation 10.1002/col.5080130405
13 4 Background stimulus for invariant spectral sensitivity 10.1002/col.5080130406
13 4 Color coding for rapid location of small symbols 10.1002/col.5080130407
13 4 Accuracy of munsell notations in two Japanese color order systems 10.1002/col.5080130408
13 4 Empirical modeling of systematic spectrophotometric errors 10.1002/col.5080130409
13 4 An example of a method for correcting radiance data for Bandpass error 10.1002/col.5080130410
13 4 An artist's preference for the pope color system 10.1002/col.5080130411
13 4 Colour Physics for Industry, edited by Roderick McDonald, Society of Dyers and Colourists, Bradford, England, 1987, 301 pp., paperbound. Price £20.00 10.1002/col.5080130412
13 4 ASTM Standards on Color and Appearance Measurement, 2nd ed., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1987, 341 pp., paperbound. Price: $39.00 10.1002/col.5080130413
13 4 Color order and aesthetics 10.1002/col.5080130414
13 4 Letters to the editor 10.1002/col.5080130415
13 4 Forthcoming color meeting 10.1002/col.5080130416
13 4 Erratum 10.1002/col.5080130417
13 3 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080130301
13 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080130302
13 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080130303
13 3 Guest editorial 10.1002/col.5080130304
13 3 Talking about color … 10.1002/col.5080130305
13 3 Quantifying color appearance visually and instrumentally 10.1002/col.5080130306
13 3 Scaling procedures for specifying color appearance 10.1002/col.5080130307
13 3 The fry uniform chromaticity scale diagram 10.1002/col.5080130308
13 3 The effect of spatial and chromatic parameters on chromatic induction 10.1002/col.5080130309
13 3 Color constancy and color rendering: Concomitant engineering of illuminants and reflectances 10.1002/col.5080130310
13 3 Colorimetric calibration of a video digitizing system: Algorithm and applications 10.1002/col.5080130311
13 3 Semi-automatic generation of film compensation tables 10.1002/col.5080130312
13 3 On reading boyle's “experiments and considerations touching colours” 10.1002/col.5080130313
13 3 Color Chemistry, by Heinrich Zollinger, VCH Publishers, New York, 1987, 367 pages, hardcover. Price: $110.00 10.1002/col.5080130314
13 3 Books Briefly Noted: A Prismatic Display of Measured Color Difference, National Coil Coaters Association, 1900 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103, paperback. Price: $40.00 10.1002/col.5080130315
13 3 Color and Light in Man-Made Environments, by Frank H. Mahnke and Rudolf H. Mahnke, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1987, 140 pages, hardcover. Price: $24.95 10.1002/col.5080130316
13 3 The Measurement of Appearance, 2nd ed. by Richard S. Hunter and Richard W. Harold, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1987, 411 pages, hardcover. Price: $29.95 10.1002/col.5080130317
13 3 AIC wyszecki and stiles memorial symposium on color vision models 10.1002/col.5080130318
13 3 CIE 21st Session, Venice 10.1002/col.5080130319
13 3 The cuernavaca workshop on vision 10.1002/col.5080130320
13 3 Recent cie publications 10.1002/col.5080130321
13 3 News 10.1002/col.5080130322
13 3 Forthcoming color meeting 10.1002/col.5080130323
13 3 Forthcoming articles 10.1002/col.5080130324
13 2 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080130201
13 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080130202
13 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080130203
13 2 Editorial 10.1002/col.5080130204
13 2 Calculation of metameric reflectances 10.1002/col.5080130205
13 2 Multidimensional scaling of selected samples from the optical society of America uniform color scales 10.1002/col.5080130206
13 2 Colour-distance judgement and the influence of the background in colour reproduction 10.1002/col.5080130207
13 2 Spectral tuning of opponent channels is spatially dependent 10.1002/col.5080130208
13 2 The effect of measuring geometry on computer color matching 10.1002/col.5080130209
13 2 The conceptual NCS: An empirical investigation 10.1002/col.5080130210
13 2 Recursive quadratic programming algorithm for color matching 10.1002/col.5080130211
13 2 From softcopy to hardcopy on a desert island 10.1002/col.5080130212
13 2 Forthcomming color meeting 10.1002/col.5080130213
13 2 Jameson and Hurvich receive award 10.1002/col.5080130214
13 2 Errata 10.1002/col.5080130215
13 1 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080130101
13 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080130102
13 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080130103
13 1 Editorial 10.1002/col.5080130104
13 1 Talking about color 10.1002/col.5080130105
13 1 Color and color mixture: Scalar and vector fundamentals 10.1002/col.5080130106
13 1 Linear and quadratic optimization algorithms for computer color matching 10.1002/col.5080130107
13 1 Mixed-integer programming algorithm for computer color matching 10.1002/col.5080130108
13 1 Modeling the mixing behavior of inks with polynomials 10.1002/col.5080130109
13 1 Amalgamation of the wright and guild color-mixture data 10.1002/col.5080130110
13 1 Color harmony: New applications of existing concepts 10.1002/col.5080130111
13 1 New products for color 10.1002/col.5080130112
13 1 Letters to the editor 10.1002/col.5080130113
13 1 A manual of painting materials and techniques, mark David Gottsegen, Harper & Row, Publishers, New York, 1987, 441 pp. 10.1002/col.5080130114
13 1 Commission Internationale de L'Éclairage, Colorimetry, 2nd ed., Publication CIE No. 15.2, 78 + vi pp., paperbound, price $28; Central Bureau of the CIE, Vienna, 1987. Available in the U.S. from the U.S. National Committee, CIE, c/o National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899. Special price to USNC members of $22.00 10.1002/col.5080130115
13 1 Commission Internationale de l'Éclairage, Standard on Colorimetric Illuminants, Publication CIE No. S 001, 20 pp., paperbound, price, $11.00; Standard on Colorimetric Observers, Publication CIE No. S 002, 40 pp., paperbound, price, $22.00; Colorimetry, 2nd ed., Publication CIE No. 15.2, 78 + vi pp., paperbound, price, $28.00; Central Bureau of the CIE, Vienna, 1986. Available in the U. S. from the U. S. National Committee, CIE, c/o National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899. Special prices to USNC members of $9.00, $18.00, and $22.00, respectively 10.1002/col.5080130116
13 1 OSA Topical Meeting on Color Appearance 10.1002/col.5080130117
13 1 Recent cie publications 10.1002/col.5080130118
13 1 Kollmorgen Merger 10.1002/col.5080130119
13 1 RIT Builds New Imaging Science Center 10.1002/col.5080130120
13 1 Information for contributors 10.1002/col.5080130121
12 6 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080120601
12 6 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080120602
12 6 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080120603
12 6 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080120604
12 6 A model of colour vision for predicting colour appearance in various viewing conditions 10.1002/col.5080120605
12 6 Visual gloss scaling and multidimensional scaling analysis of painted specimens 10.1002/col.5080120606
12 6 Visual gloss scaling and multidimensional scaling analysis of painted specimens 10.1002/col.5080120606
12 6 On the exponents of saturation functions 10.1002/col.5080120607
12 6 A Painter's thoughts on color and form 10.1002/col.5080120608
12 6 An algorithm for the optimization of kubelka-munk absorption and scattering coefficients 10.1002/col.5080120609
12 6 A Book of Colors, by Shigenobu Kobayashi, Kodansha International, Tokyo, 1987, 128 pp. Price $9.95 10.1002/col.5080120610
12 6 The Principles of Harmony and Contrast of Colors and their Application to the Arts, by M. E. Chevreul, with introduction and commentary by Faber Birren, Schiffer Publishing, West Chester, Pennsylvania, 1987, 191 pp. Price: $49.50 10.1002/col.5080120611
12 6 ISCC williamsburg conference on appearance 10.1002/col.5080120612
12 6 ISCC 1987 annual meeting 10.1002/col.5080120613
12 6 ISCC elects new directors 10.1002/col.5080120614
12 6 Professor Simon Retires 10.1002/col.5080120615
12 6 Roy Berns appointed hunter professor of color science at RIT 10.1002/col.5080120616
12 6 Information for contributors 10.1002/col.5080120617
12 5 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080120501
12 5 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080120502
12 5 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080120503
12 5 A nonlinear color-appearance model using estévez-hunt-pointer primaries 10.1002/col.5080120504
12 5 Interrelation of the natural color system and the munsell color order system 10.1002/col.5080120505
12 5 A new method for the conversion of CIE colorimetric data to munsell notations 10.1002/col.5080120506
12 5 Metameric correction using parameric decomposition 10.1002/col.5080120507
12 5 Color signal coding: Color vision and color television 10.1002/col.5080120508
12 5 Color vision theories in nineteenth century germany between idealism and empiricism 10.1002/col.5080120509
12 5 The influence of spectral bandpass on accuracy of tristimulus data 10.1002/col.5080120510
12 5 Formulas for computing correlated color temperature 10.1002/col.5080120511
12 5 Principles of Color Design, by Wucius Wong, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1987, 101 pp., paperbound. Price: $14.95 10.1002/col.5080120512
12 5 The Color Star, by Johannes Itten, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1986, paperbound. Price: $12.95 10.1002/col.5080120513
12 5 Color and Fiber, by Patricia Lambert, Barbara Staepelaere, and Mary G. Fry, Schiffer Publishing Ltd., West Chester, Pennsylvania, 1986, 255 pp. Price: $49.50 10.1002/col.5080120514
12 5 Meeting report 10.1002/col.5080120515
12 5 News 10.1002/col.5080120516
12 5 Erratum 10.1002/col.5080120517
12 4 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080120401
12 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080120402
12 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080120403
12 4 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080120404
12 4 Survey of color order systems 10.1002/col.5080120405
12 4 Objective evaluation of color design 10.1002/col.5080120406
12 4 Color harmony: What is it? 10.1002/col.5080120407
12 4 The color specification of scottish tartans 10.1002/col.5080120408
12 4 Empirical colorant mixture models 10.1002/col.5080120409
12 4 The Chemist's English, by Robert Schoenfeld, VCH Publishers, Deerfield Beach, Florida, 1985, 173 pp. Price: $17.95 10.1002/col.5080120410
12 4 The Forms of Color, by Karl Gerstner, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1986, 179 pp., hardcover. Price: $29.95 10.1002/col.5080120411
12 4 Forthcoming color meeting 10.1002/col.5080120412
12 4 Conference on photonic measurements 10.1002/col.5080120413
12 4 Letter to the editor 10.1002/col.5080120414
12 4 Erratum 10.1002/col.5080120415
12 3 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080120301
12 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080120302
12 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080120303
12 3 Talking about color 10.1002/col.5080120304
12 3 Whiteness-blackness and brightness response in a nonlinear color-appearance model 10.1002/col.5080120305
12 3 Three-dimensional threshold of color-difference perceptibility in painted samples: Variability of observers in four CIE color regions 10.1002/col.5080120306
12 3 Color space of the coloroid color system 10.1002/col.5080120307
12 3 Simplified equations to calculate mie-theory parameters for use in many-flux calculations for predicting the reflectance of paint films 10.1002/col.5080120308
12 3 Color in computer-generated displays 10.1002/col.5080120309
12 3 Seeing the Light: Optics in Nature, Photography, Color, Vision, and Holography, By David S. Falk, Dieter R. Brill, and David G. Stork, Harper and Row, New York, 1986, 446 pp. Price: $35.50 10.1002/col.5080120310
12 3 Letters to the editor 10.1002/col.5080120311
12 3 CIE relocates central bureau with new executive secretary 10.1002/col.5080120312
12 3 Annotated bibliography on color order systems available 10.1002/col.5080120313
12 2 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080120201
12 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080120202
12 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080120203
12 2 Exhibiting artwork: Consider the illuminating source 10.1002/col.5080120204
12 2 Visual thresholds measured with color video monitors 10.1002/col.5080120205
12 2 A landslide for colour science? 10.1002/col.5080120206
12 2 Intersections of spectral curves of metameric colors 10.1002/col.5080120207
12 2 Judd's 1951 color-mixture diagram 10.1002/col.5080120208
12 2 Locating basic colors in the OSA space 10.1002/col.5080120209
12 2 Refractive-index correction for translucent films 10.1002/col.5080120210
12 2 Symposium on automotive color control 10.1002/col.5080120211
12 2 Joint CSC-ISCC 1986 annual meeting 10.1002/col.5080120212
12 2 Center for visual science 1986 symposium 10.1002/col.5080120213
12 2 Theory and Use of Color, by Luigina De Grandis, Harry N. Abrams, New York, 1986, 159 pp. Price: $16.95 10.1002/col.5080120214
12 2 Forthcoming color meeting 10.1002/col.5080120215
12 2 Letters to the editor 10.1002/col.5080120216
12 2 Industrial short course in color science at the munsell color science laboratory 10.1002/col.5080120217
12 2 The muse describes Newton's Hues 10.1002/col.5080120218
12 1 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080120101
12 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080120102
12 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080120103
12 1 Editorial 10.1002/col.5080120104
12 1 The fifteen causes of color: The physics and chemistry of color 10.1002/col.5080120105
12 1 CIE Method for Calculating Tristimulus Values 10.1002/col.5080120106
12 1 Lightfastness of pigmented handmade papers 10.1002/col.5080120107
12 1 Changes in constant-hue loci with spatial frequency 10.1002/col.5080120108
12 1 Statistical confirmation of Thornton's zero-crossing conjecture for metameric blacks 10.1002/col.5080120109
12 1 Talking about color 10.1002/col.5080120110
12 1 Society of automotive engineers issues a recommended practice for color difference measurement 10.1002/col.5080120111
12 1 Letters to the editor 10.1002/col.5080120112
12 1 ISCC 1986 williamsburg conference: colors of history 10.1002/col.5080120113
12 1 Information for contributers 10.1002/col.5080120114
11 4 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080110401
11 4 In this Issue 10.1002/col.5080110402
11 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080110403
11 4 Editorial 10.1002/col.5080110404
11 4 A system of photometry and colorimetry based on cone excitations 10.1002/col.5080110405
11 4 Correction methods for integrating-sphere measurement of hemispherical reflectance 10.1002/col.5080110406
11 4 The effect of background luminance on color recognition 10.1002/col.5080110407
11 4 The first color education in Japan 10.1002/col.5080110408
11 4 Improving color constancy of object colors 10.1002/col.5080110409
11 4 Simplified match formulation for fluorescent color specimens 10.1002/col.5080110410
11 4 Talking about color … 10.1002/col.5080110411
11 4 Matrix R conference 10.1002/col.5080110412
11 4 Color model environments, by harold linton, van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1985, 250 pp., paperbound. Price: $40.00 10.1002/col.5080110413
11 4 Book briefly noted 10.1002/col.5080110414
11 4 News 10.1002/col.5080110415
11 4 Errata 10.1002/col.5080110416
11 4 Forthcoming color meetings 10.1002/col.5080110417
11 3 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080110301
11 3 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080110302
11 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080110303
11 3 Talking about color… 10.1002/col.5080110304
11 3 Colour-difference ellipsoids for five CIE colour centres 10.1002/col.5080110305
11 3 Chromatic adaptation and color constancy: A possible dichotomy 10.1002/col.5080110306
11 3 Reflection and transmission of polymer liquid-crystal coatings and their application to decorative arts and stained glass 10.1002/col.5080110307
11 3 the scientific aesthetics of charles henry 10.1002/col.5080110308
11 3 The british building-colour standards: A model for international application 10.1002/col.5080110309
11 3 Fluorescence and kubelka-munk theory 10.1002/col.5080110310
11 3 Annual meeting of the kansai district of the color science association of Japan 10.1002/col.5080110311
11 3 Color mixing by numbers, by alfred hickethier, van nostrand reinhold, New York, 1963, 1970, 52 pp., paperbound. Price, $10.95 10.1002/col.5080110312
11 3 Books briefly noted 10.1002/col.5080110313
11 3 Letter to the Editor 10.1002/col.5080110314
11 3 Forthcoming color meeting 10.1002/col.5080110315
11 3 News 10.1002/col.5080110316
11 2 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080110201
11 2 IN THIS ISSUE 10.1002/col.5080110202
11 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080110203
11 2 Colour and appearance in nature 10.1002/col.5080110204
11 2 Part I. Colour and appearance of photosynthetic organisms 10.1002/col.5080110205
11 2 Colour and appearance in nature part II. Colour and appearance of flowering plants and animals 10.1002/col.5080110206
11 2 Colour and appearance in nature part III. Color and appearance of homo sapiens 10.1002/col.5080110207
11 2 The determination of optical absorption and scattering in translucent porcelain 10.1002/col.5080110208
11 2 Concentration additivity of kubelka-munk optical coefficients of porcelain mixtures 10.1002/col.5080110209
11 2 The story of the DIN color system 10.1002/col.5080110210
11 2 Transformation of NCS data into CIELAB colour space 10.1002/col.5080110211
11 2 Computer simulation of the error sensitivity of colorant mixtures 10.1002/col.5080110212
11 2 Evidence for the three spectral responses of the normal human visual system 10.1002/col.5080110213
11 2 Successive heterochromatic brightness matches for a LED display 10.1002/col.5080110214
11 2 Distinctness of border: An alternative concept for a uniform color space 10.1002/col.5080110215
11 2 Note on visual responses: System vs. retinal 10.1002/col.5080110216
11 2 Color for the Hand Papermaker, by Elaine Koretsky, Carriage House Press, Brookline, Massachusetts, 1983, 2 Vols. 84 pp. and 88 pp. Price, Regular Edition $35; Special Edition, $200 10.1002/col.5080110217
11 2 Forthcoming color meeting 10.1002/col.5080110218
11 2 MacAdam to teach colorimetry on cape cod 10.1002/col.5080110219
11 1 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080110101
11 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080110102
11 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080110103
11 1 News 10.1002/col.5080110104
11 1 The swedish color centre foundation 10.1002/col.5080110105
11 1 Towards a uniform color space: A better formula to describe the munsell and OSA color scales 10.1002/col.5080110106
11 1 Chromaticity-discrimination ellipses for surface colours 10.1002/col.5080110107
11 1 Measurement and specification of the colors of the polychromatic roof of the altamira cave 10.1002/col.5080110108
11 1 Image reproduction colorimetry 10.1002/col.5080110109
11 1 Philosophy of perceptive color order systems 10.1002/col.5080110110
11 1 Finding appropriate colors for color displays 10.1002/col.5080110111
11 1 Prediction of color appearance under various adapting conditions 10.1002/col.5080110112
11 1 Individual differences in luminous efficiency measured by flicker photometry 10.1002/col.5080110113
11 1 New Products for Color 10.1002/col.5080110114
11 1 New terminology for metamerism revisited 10.1002/col.5080110115
11 1 A FORTRAN program for predicting the effects of chromatic adaptation on color appearance based on current CIE recommendations 10.1002/col.5080110116
11 1 News 10.1002/col.5080110117
11 1 Forthcoming color meetings 10.1002/col.5080110118
11 1 Letter to the editor 10.1002/col.5080110119
11 1 Meeting Reports 10.1002/col.5080110120
11 1 The Demon in the Aether: The Story of James Clerk Maxwell, by Martin Goldman, Paul Harris, Edinburgh, 1983 (in the U. S., International Publishers Service, Accord, MA), 223 pp. Price: $30.00 10.1002/col.5080110121
11 1 Colour Science in Television and Display Systems, by W. N. Sproson, Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1983, 221 pp. Price: $36.00 10.1002/col.5080110122
11 1 Color Documents: A Presentational Theory, by Sanford Wurmfeld, with entries by Nancy de Benedetto, Mary S. Duffy, and Nancy Littlejohn Gray, Hunter College Art Gallery, New York, 1985, 40pp. No price given 10.1002/col.5080110123
11 1 Designer's Guide to Color, introduction by James Stockton, Chronicle Books, San Francisco, 1984, 135 pp., paperbound. Price: $9.95. (Originally published in Japan as Haishoku Jiten, by Ikuyoshi Shibukawa and Yumi Takahashi, Kawade Shobo, Shinsha Publishers, 1983) 10.1002/col.5080110124
11 1 Designer's Guide to Color 2, introduction by James Stockton, Chronicle Books, San Francisco, 1984, 127 pp., paperbound. Price: $9.95. (Originally published in Japan as Haishoku Jiten, by Ikuyoshi Shibukawa and Yumi Takahashi, Kawade Shobo, Shinsha Publishers, 1984) 10.1002/col.5080110125
11 1 The Color Book, by Wendon Blake, paintings by Ferdinand Petrie, Watson-Guptill Publications, New York, 1981, 256 pp. Price: $25.00 10.1002/col.5080110126
11 1 Defective Colour Vision Fundamentals, Diagnosis and Management, by Robert Fletcher and Janet Voke, Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1985, 608 pp. Price: $65.00 10.1002/col.5080110127
11 1 Exploring Color, by Nita Leland, North Light, Cincinnati, 1985, 192 pp. Price, $25.95 10.1002/col.5080110128
11 1 Entwicklung der Farbenlehre (Evolution of the Color Doctrine) (in German), by Frans Gerritsen, Muster- Schmidt, Goettingen, 1984, 89 pp., 146 illustr., 56 in color. No price given 10.1002/col.5080110129
11 1 Book briefly noted 10.1002/col.5080110130
10 4 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080100401
10 4 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080100402
10 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080100403
10 4 In this issue, vol. 10, no. 3, fall, 1985 10.1002/col.5080100404
10 4 Errata 10.1002/col.5080100405
10 4 About the authors, vol. 10, no. 3, fall 1985 10.1002/col.5080100406
10 4 The calculation of weight factors for tristimulus integration 10.1002/col.5080100407
10 4 Wavelength discrimination with a chromatically alternating stimulus 10.1002/col.5080100408
10 4 Using color to separate reflection components 10.1002/col.5080100409
10 4 On the measurement of haze 10.1002/col.5080100410
10 4 Newton's indigo 10.1002/col.5080100411
10 4 Color samples for colorimetric fidelity testing in television 10.1002/col.5080100412
10 4 Color aspects of reagents used visually in clinical analysis 10.1002/col.5080100413
10 4 Rhubarbarisms 10.1002/col.5080100414
10 4 Development of the 1929 munsell book of color: A historical review 10.1002/col.5080100415
10 4 Optical Color and Simultaneity, by Ellen Marx, translated by Geoffrey O'Brien, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1983, paperbound, 151 pp. Price, $32.50 10.1002/col.5080100416
10 4 News 10.1002/col.5080100417
10 4 Forthcoming color meetings 10.1002/col.5080100418
10 4 Erratum 10.1002/col.5080100419
10 4 Letter to the Editor 10.1002/col.5080100420
10 4 COLOR research and application Cumulative lndex to Volumes 6-10, 1981-1985 10.1002/col.5080100421
10 3 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080100301
10 3 Color-vision theory and linear models of color vision 10.1002/col.5080100302
10 3 Comparison of methods for assessing observer metamerism 10.1002/col.5080100303
10 3 Formulation of a standard deviate observer by a nonlinear optimization technique 10.1002/col.5080100304
10 3 Color in painting and photography 10.1002/col.5080100305
10 3 A colour-appearance transform for the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer 10.1002/col.5080100306
10 3 Science and art, objective and subjective 10.1002/col.5080100307
10 3 The boswell effect (?) 10.1002/col.5080100308
10 3 The helmholtz-kohlrausch effect 10.1002/col.5080100309
10 3 Visual Measurements, edited by C. J. Bartleson and Franc Grum, vol. 5 in Optical Radiation Measurements: A Treatise, edited by Franc Grum and C. James Bartleson, Academic Press, New York, 1984, 662 pp. Price: $110.00 10.1002/col.5080100310
10 3 Book Briefly Noted 10.1002/col.5080100311
10 2 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080100201
10 2 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080100202
10 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080100203
10 2 Reader survey results 10.1002/col.5080100204
10 2 Methods for generating spectral reflectance functions leading to color-constant properties 10.1002/col.5080100205
10 2 Colorimetry and its accuracy in the measurement of fluorescent materials by the two-monochromator method 10.1002/col.5080100206
10 2 Matching large color differences with achromatic and chromatic surrounds 10.1002/col.5080100207
10 2 Simplified method of calculating legendre coefficients for computing optical properties of colorants 10.1002/col.5080100208
10 2 Prediction of observer variation in estimating colorimetric values 10.1002/col.5080100209
10 2 Optimum color stimuli in various illuminants 10.1002/col.5080100210
10 2 1985 Judd–AIC award to Jameson and Hurvich 10.1002/col.5080100211
10 2 Physical Detectors of Optical Radiation, by W. Budde, Vol. 4 in Franc Grum and C. James Bartleson, Eds., Optical Radiation Measurements, Academic Press, New York, 1983, 336 pp. Price: $49.50 10.1002/col.5080100212
10 2 ASTM Standards on Color and Appearance Measurement, compiled for ASTM Committee E-12 on Appearance of Materials by Richard S. Hunter, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1984, 244 pp., paperbound. Price, $39.00; to ASTM members, $31.20 10.1002/col.5080100213
10 2 Light and Color in Nature and Art, by Samuel J. Williamson and Herman Z. Cummins, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1983, 488 pp. Price: $30.95 10.1002/col.5080100214
10 2 Letter to the Editor 10.1002/col.5080100215
10 2 Books briefly noted 10.1002/col.5080100216
10 1 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080100101
10 1 In this issue 10.1002/col.5080100102
10 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080100103
10 1 Color order systems and architectural color design 10.1002/col.5080100104
10 1 Perceptual factors affecting colour order systems 10.1002/col.5080100105
10 1 Physical exemplification of color order systems 10.1002/col.5080100106
10 1 Kubelka-munk analysis of absorptance in the presence of scattering, including surface-reflection correction to transmittance 10.1002/col.5080100107
10 1 Calibration in 1976 and 1983 of didymium glass filters issued as NBS standard reference materials 10.1002/col.5080100108
10 1 An algorithm to calculate correlated colour temperature 10.1002/col.5080100109
10 1 Photochemical and thermal stability of amaranth (FD&C red no. 2) in aqueous media 10.1002/col.5080100110
10 1 Forthcoming color meetings 10.1002/col.5080100111
10 1 Metric coefficients for CIE color-difference formulas 10.1002/col.5080100112
10 1 Color: A Survey in Words and Pictures, by Faber Birren, Citadel Press, Secaucus, New Jersey, 1984, 223pp. Price: $14.95 10.1002/col.5080100113
10 1 1984 annual meeting of the inter-society color council 10.1002/col.5080100114
10 1 The 35th anniversary and the 15th annual meeting of the color science association of japan 10.1002/col.5080100115
10 1 The Colour Science of Dyes and Pigments, by Keith McLaren, Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1983, 182 pp. Price: £17.50. (Distributed in the U.S. by Heyden & Son, Philadelphia. Price: $34.00) 10.1002/col.5080100116
10 1 The Colour Science of Dyes and Pigments, by Keith McLaren, Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1983, 182 pp. Price: £17.50. (Distributed in the U.S. by Heyden & Son, Philadelphia. Price: $34.00) 10.1002/col.5080100117
10 1 National Bureau of Standards (NBS) Self-Study Manual on Optical Radiation Measurements, Fred E. Nicodemus, Ed., (U.S.) NBS, Tech. Notes 910-1 through 910-6 (and continuing), 10.1002/col.5080100118
10 1 News 10.1002/col.5080100119
10 1 Letter to the Editor 10.1002/col.5080100120
10 1 New products for color 10.1002/col.5080100121
10 1 COLOR research and application 10.1002/col.5080100122
9 4 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080090401
9 4 Information of contributors 10.1002/col.5080090402
9 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080090403
9 4 Phototherapy using chromatic, white, and ultraviolet light 10.1002/col.5080090404
9 4 Flicker photometric sensitivity and chromatic adaptation in color-deficient and normal observers 10.1002/col.5080090405
9 4 Theoretical and practical aspects of selected fiber-blend color-formulation functions 10.1002/col.5080090406
9 4 Why colour order systems? 10.1002/col.5080090407
9 4 The basic concepts and attributes of colour order systems 10.1002/col.5080090408
9 4 Colour order systems: An introductory review 10.1002/col.5080090409
9 4 The 20th Session of the CIE 10.1002/col.5080090410
9 4 Frontiers in color science 10.1002/col.5080090411
9 4 Annual regional meeting of the color science association of japan in the kansai district 10.1002/col.5080090412
9 4 CIELUV/CIELAB and self-luminous displays: Another perspective 10.1002/col.5080090413
9 4 Letters to the editor 10.1002/col.5080090414
9 4 CMC colour-difference formula 10.1002/col.5080090415
9 4 The Art of Interior Design, by Victoria Kloss Ball, 2nd ed., John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1982, 273 pp. Price: $27.50 10.1002/col.5080090416
9 4 Color: Essence and logic, by Rolf G. Kuehni, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1983, 138 pp. Price: $16.95 10.1002/col.5080090417
9 4 Color: Essence and Logic, by Rolf G. Kuehni, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1983, 138 pp. Price: $16.95 10.1002/col.5080090418
9 3 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080090301
9 3 Editor note 10.1002/col.5080090302
9 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080090303
9 3 Atdn: Toward a uniform color space 10.1002/col.5080090304
9 3 Forthcoming color meeting 10.1002/col.5080090305
9 3 The distimulus method of assessing luminous efficiency of the spectrally pure stimuli 10.1002/col.5080090306
9 3 Simulation of colored illumination in painting using the ostwald system 10.1002/col.5080090307
9 3 Simulation of colored illumination 10.1002/col.5080090308
9 3 A life for color with color 10.1002/col.5080090309
9 3 First master of fine arts degree in lighting offered by parsons MacAdam is 1985 colour group newton medalist 10.1002/col.5080090310
9 3 Carbon black as a dulling agent for nylon 6 filaments and the lightfastness of dyes on dulled filaments 10.1002/col.5080090311
9 3 Judd and Hardy's contributions to color measurement and color-order systems 10.1002/col.5080090312
9 3 Notes on tristimulus calculation 10.1002/col.5080090313
9 3 Adjustment method of fluorescent sample measurement 10.1002/col.5080090314
9 3 20Th CIE congress, Amsterdam, September 1983 10.1002/col.5080090315
9 3 ISCC conference on color and imaging, Williamsburg, Virginia, February 12–15, 1984 10.1002/col.5080090316
9 3 Proposal for measuring fluorescent samples in integrating-sphere spectrophotometers using a compensation filter 10.1002/col.5080090317
9 3 The Physics and Chemistry of Color: The Fifteen Causes of Color, by Kurt Nassau, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1983, 454 pp. Price: $43.95 10.1002/col.5080090318
9 2 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080090201
9 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080090202
9 2 The development of color metrics 10.1002/col.5080090203
9 2 Letter to the editor 10.1002/col.5080090204
9 2 A method for improving the accuracy of tristimulus colorimeters 10.1002/col.5080090205
9 2 Monte-carlo study of errors in the tristimulus colorimetry of white papers 10.1002/col.5080090206
9 2 Forthcoming color meeting 10.1002/col.5080090207
9 2 The real value of a tio2 pigment 10.1002/col.5080090208
9 2 Color in architecture 10.1002/col.5080090209
9 2 Formulation of a nonlinear model of chromatic adaptation for a light-gray background 10.1002/col.5080090210
9 2 New products for color 10.1002/col.5080090211
9 2 Books briefly noted 10.1002/col.5080090212
9 2 Further study of color preferences with and without a context 10.1002/col.5080090213
9 2 Tenth international symposium of the technical committee on photen deterctors, IMEKO TC2 10.1002/col.5080090214
9 2 Fourteenth annual meeting of the color science association of japan 10.1002/col.5080090215
9 2 Color conferences in the people's republic of china 10.1002/col.5080090216
9 2 The senses, edited by H. B. Barlow and J. D. Mollon, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1982, 490 pp. Price: $59.50 hardcover, $19.95 paperback 10.1002/col.5080090217
9 1 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080090101
9 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080090102
9 1 Luminance and saturation of equally bright colors 10.1002/col.5080090103
9 1 The thermochromic properties of the ceramic colour standards 10.1002/col.5080090104
9 1 Geometrical alignment errors in the measurement of prismatic retroreflectors 10.1002/col.5080090105
9 1 Physiological response to color: A critical review 10.1002/col.5080090106
9 1 Setting up acceptability tolerances: A case study 10.1002/col.5080090107
9 1 Changes in editorial staff 10.1002/col.5080090108
9 1 Estimation of chromaticness of constant-luminance central-field colors on a D65 surround 10.1002/col.5080090109
9 1 Creating interference colors on thermoplastic films without colorants 10.1002/col.5080090110
9 1 Forthcoming color meetings 10.1002/col.5080090111
9 1 Lasers in Graphics, 1982 Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1, Electronic Publishing Overview and Subsystems; Vol. II, Electronic Page and Signature Make-up, edited by S. Thomas Dunn, Dunn Technology, Inc., Vista, CA, 1982, 1015pp. Price: $95 each 10.1002/col.5080090112
9 1 Information for contributors 10.1002/col.5080090113
8 4 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080080401
8 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080080402
8 4 Textile color application processes 10.1002/col.5080080403
8 4 Erratum 10.1002/col.5080080404
8 4 Color-match changes between the fovea and the perifovea 10.1002/col.5080080405
8 4 Trichromatic theories before young 10.1002/col.5080080406
8 4 ISCC 1983 Annual Meeting 10.1002/col.5080080407
8 4 Annual Regional Meeting of the Color Science Association of Japan in the Kansai District 10.1002/col.5080080408
8 4 Forsius Symposium on Colour Order Systems 10.1002/col.5080080409
8 4 Errors in spectrophotometry and colorimetry of fluorescent samples caused by polarization of the measuring system 10.1002/col.5080080410
8 4 On analytical versus numerical integration in tristimulus calculations 10.1002/col.5080080411
8 4 Light, color, and poetry 10.1002/col.5080080412
8 4 New products for color 10.1002/col.5080080413
8 4 CIE L*u*v* Color-Difference Equations for Self-Luminous Displays 10.1002/col.5080080414
8 4 Forthcoming color meetings 10.1002/col.5080080415
8 4 Letters to the editor 10.1002/col.5080080416
8 4 Letters to the editor 10.1002/col.5080080417
8 4 Letters to the editor 10.1002/col.5080080418
8 4 News 10.1002/col.5080080419
8 4 Chromaton 707, Japan Color Research Institute, Tokyo, 1982. 66 pp. + 7 color charts + 707 color swatches. No price given 10.1002/col.5080080420
8 4 Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae, 2nd ed., by Gunter Wyszecki and W. S. Stiles, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1982, 950 pp. Price: $75.00 10.1002/col.5080080421
8 4 Paint & Painting, Tate Gallery Publications Department, London, 1982 (available from Winsor & Newton, Secaucus, NJ). Price: $5.95 paperback 10.1002/col.5080080422
8 4 Completing the Picture: Materials and Techniques of Twenty-six Paintings in the Tate Gallery, Tate Gallery Publications Department, London, 1982, paperback 10.1002/col.5080080423
8 4 Colour Vision in the Nineteenth Century, by Paul D. Sherman, Adam Hilger, Bristol (distributed in the U.S. by Heyden & Son, Philadelphia), 1981, 284 pp. Price: $77.00 10.1002/col.5080080424
8 4 The basic law of color theory, by Harald Kueppers, translated by Roger Marciniak, Barron's Educational Series, Woodbury, NY, 1982, paperbound, 220 pp. Price: $6.95 10.1002/col.5080080425
8 4 Color Manual for Artists, by Arthur L. Guptill, edited by Catherine Sullivan, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1962, 1980, paperbound, 126 pp. Price: $12.95 10.1002/col.5080080426
8 4 Color research and application 10.1002/col.5080080427
8 3 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080080301
8 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080080302
8 3 Nonvisual color perception: A critical review 10.1002/col.5080080303
8 3 Multidimensional mapping of 178 munsell colors 10.1002/col.5080080304
8 3 Parametric variations in a threshold color-difference ellipsoid for green painted samples 10.1002/col.5080080305
8 3 Letter to the editor 10.1002/col.5080080306
8 3 Meeting report 10.1002/col.5080080307
8 3 Influence of experimental parameters on the evaluation of color-difference ellipsoids 10.1002/col.5080080308
8 3 Light-induced colour changes in dyes and materials 10.1002/col.5080080309
8 3 Forthcoming color meeting 10.1002/col.5080080310
8 3 A national standardization program for spectrophotometry 10.1002/col.5080080311
8 3 Proposed indices of metamerism with constant chromatic adaptation 10.1002/col.5080080312
8 3 Critical review of definitions of metamerism 10.1002/col.5080080313
8 3 Metamerism, exact and approximate 10.1002/col.5080080314
8 3 Proposed new terminology for metamerism 10.1002/col.5080080315
8 3 News 10.1002/col.5080080316
8 3 Color measurement: Theme and variations, by D. L. MacAdam, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1981, 228 pp. Price: $39.50 10.1002/col.5080080317
8 3 Color and Color Vision: Selected Reprints, edited by Paul L. Pease, American Association of Physics Teachers, Stony Brook, NY, 1982, 129 pp. Price: $4.00 10.1002/col.5080080318
8 3 Skin Color and Facial Prosthetics—A Colorimetric Study, by R. P. van Oort. The State University, Groningen, The Netherlands, 1982, 152 pp. No price given 10.1002/col.5080080319
8 2 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080080201
8 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080080202
8 2 A flaw in equations for predicting chromatic differences 10.1002/col.5080080203
8 2 Color and human response 10.1002/col.5080080204
8 2 Brightness of colored self-luminous displays 10.1002/col.5080080205
8 2 Forthcoming color meeting 10.1002/col.5080080206
8 2 Redetermination of cie standard source C 10.1002/col.5080080207
8 2 News 10.1002/col.5080080208
8 2 Latent spaces of color preference with and without a context: Using the shape of an automobile as the context 10.1002/col.5080080209
8 2 Formulation of blends of precolored nylon fiber 10.1002/col.5080080210
8 2 Luminosity as a color-matching function 10.1002/col.5080080211
8 2 Improved illuminant CD 10.1002/col.5080080212
8 2 Discovery of the composite nature of white light 10.1002/col.5080080213
8 2 ISCC 1982 annual meeting and ISCC-SID symposium on colorimetry of self-luminous displays 10.1002/col.5080080214
8 2 Thirteenth conference of the color science association of Japan 10.1002/col.5080080215
8 2 Color Atlas: A Practical Guide for Color Mixing, Harald KueppersBarron's Educational Series, Woodbury, New York, 1982, paperback, 170 pp. Price: $9.95 10.1002/col.5080080216
8 2 Color Science and Dental Art—A Self Teaching Program, by Jack D. Preston and Stephen F. Bergen, C.V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, 1980, boxed (1 manual, 88 pp. and 3 envelopes of self-teaching charts). Price: $49.50 10.1002/col.5080080217
8 2 Colour—Its Measurement, Computation and Application, by G. J. Chamberlain and D. G. Chamberlain, Heyden, London, 1980, 137 pp. No price given 10.1002/col.5080080218
8 2 Color Observed, by Enid Verity, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1980, 171 pp. Price: $19.95 10.1002/col.5080080219
8 2 Colors from the Earth—The Artists Guide to Collecting, Preparing and Using Them, by Anne Wall Thomas, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 96 pp. Price: $13.95 10.1002/col.5080080220
8 2 Manual Art, by Frank Rosenow, Norton, New York, 1980, 94 pp. Price: $9.95 paper 10.1002/col.5080080221
8 2 Lights and Pigments—Colour Principles for Artists, by Ray Osborne, John Murray, London, 1980, 63 pp. Price: £5.75 10.1002/col.5080080222
8 2 Notes on Graphic Design and Visual Communication, by Greg Berryman, William Kaufmann, Los Altos, CA, 1979, 45 pp. (paperback) experimental edition, no price given 10.1002/col.5080080223
8 2 Color Measurement, Theme and Variations, by D. L. MacAdam, Springer Series in Optical Sciences No. 27, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1981, 229 pp., 3 color plates. Price: $39.50 10.1002/col.5080080224
8 2 Glossary of Color Terms, compiled by FSCT Inter-Society Color Council Committee, Ruth Johnston-Feller, Chairperson, in conjunction with FSCT Definitions Committee, Stanley LeSota, Chairperson, Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1981, 87 pp. Price: $6.00 10.1002/col.5080080225
8 2 Color Science for Lighting the Stage, by William B. Warfel and Walter R. Klappert, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1981, paperbound, xiv + 158 pp., plus two separate charts. Price: $25.00 10.1002/col.5080080226
8 1 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080080101
8 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080080102
8 1 What color reveals: A therapist's point of view 10.1002/col.5080080103
8 1 Energy transfer between fluorescent organic pigments 10.1002/col.5080080104
8 1 Truncation error in colorimetric computations 10.1002/col.5080080105
8 1 Colors of dope and yamn of spun-dyed cellulose acetate 10.1002/col.5080080106
8 1 Small and moderate color differences. IV. Color-difference-perceptibility ellipses in surface-color space 10.1002/col.5080080107
8 1 Absolute spectral reflectance of mirrors 10.1002/col.5080080108
8 1 Greyness of process colors 10.1002/col.5080080109
8 1 A proposal of new standard deviate observers 10.1002/col.5080080110
8 1 Meeting reports 10.1002/col.5080080111
8 1 Forthcoming color meetings 10.1002/col.5080080112
8 1 News 10.1002/col.5080080113
8 1 Bemerkungen über die Farben (Remarks on Colour), by 10.1002/col.5080080114
8 1 Information of contributor 10.1002/col.5080080115
7 4 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080070401
7 4 COLOR research and application 10.1002/col.5080070402
7 4 Subjective evaluation of uniform color spaces used for color-rendering specification 10.1002/col.5080070403
7 4 Faber birren color library on microfilm 10.1002/col.5080070404
7 4 Comparison of correcting methods for chromatic adaptation used for color-rendering specification 10.1002/col.5080070405
7 4 New products for color 10.1002/col.5080070406
7 4 Erratum 10.1002/col.5080070407
7 4 Daytime colorimetry of retroreflective materials 10.1002/col.5080070408
7 4 Applying the CIE retroreflectance geometry 10.1002/col.5080070409
7 4 Definition, measurement, and use of the spectral coefficient of retroreflection 10.1002/col.5080070410
7 4 The photometry of retroreflectors using a computer-controlled four-axis goniometer 10.1002/col.5080070411
7 4 Identification of organic pigments by solution spectrophotometry 10.1002/col.5080070412
7 4 Golden jubilee of colour in the CIE, 1931–1981, London, September 28–29, 1981 10.1002/col.5080070413
7 4 Forthcoming color meeting 10.1002/col.5080070414
7 4 The golden jubilee of colour in the CIE, The Society of Dyers and Colourists, Bradford, 1981. 185 pp. Price: $14 10.1002/col.5080070415
7 3 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080070301
7 3 Who invented the color wheel? 10.1002/col.5080070302
7 3 CIE activities in the measurement of retroreflection 10.1002/col.5080070303
7 3 Proposed standards for the NBS retroreflection MAP 10.1002/col.5080070304
7 3 News 10.1002/col.5080070305
7 3 Letter to the editor 10.1002/col.5080070306
7 3 Use of retroreflectors in the improvement of nighttime highway visibility 10.1002/col.5080070307
7 3 Forthcoming color meetings 10.1002/col.5080070308
7 3 Fluorescent standards 10.1002/col.5080070309
7 3 Interior and exterior daylight illuminants for the colorimetry of fluorescent materials 10.1002/col.5080070310
7 3 Color-discrimination perimetry 10.1002/col.5080070311
7 3 CIC symposium on the colour science of coatings 10.1002/col.5080070312
7 3 Color vision, by Leo M. Hurvich. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA, 1981, 328 pp. Price: $37.50 10.1002/col.5080070313
7 3 Principles of color technology, 2nd ed., by Fred W. Billmeyer, Jr., and Max Saltzman. Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1981, 240 pp. Price: $29.95 10.1002/col.5080070314
7 3 The Spirit of Colors: The Art of Karl Gerstner, H. Stierlin, Ed., translated from the German by D. Q. Stephenson, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1981, 225 pp., 69 color illustrations. Price: $39.95 10.1002/col.5080070315
7 3 COLOR research and application 10.1002/col.5080070316
7 2 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080070201
7 2 On the merits of model making in understanding color-vision phenomena 10.1002/col.5080070202
7 2 A simplified method for formulating pseudo-object colors 10.1002/col.5080070203
7 2 A new colour-perception lantern 10.1002/col.5080070204
7 2 Saturation as a function of test-field size and surround luminance 10.1002/col.5080070205
7 2 Forthcoming color meeting 10.1002/col.5080070206
7 2 A model of colour vision for predicting colour appearance 10.1002/col.5080070207
7 2 Analysis of colour-appearance grids and chromatic-adaptation transforms 10.1002/col.5080070208
7 2 Color-matching performance of polypropylene producers 10.1002/col.5080070209
7 2 Editor's note 10.1002/col.5080070210
7 2 Some simple statistics for use in spectrophotometry and colorimetry 10.1002/col.5080070211
7 2 Diffuse illumination or collection of light in color measurement and the CIE 10.1002/col.5080070212
7 2 Meeting reports 10.1002/col.5080070213
7 2 News 10.1002/col.5080070214
7 2 A better colorimetric standard observer for color-vision studies: The stiles and burch 2° color-matching functions 10.1002/col.5080070215
7 2 Recent results from single-cell microspectrophotometry: Cone pigments in frog, fish, and monkey 10.1002/col.5080070216
7 2 The estimation of cone spectral sensitivities 10.1002/col.5080070217
7 2 Color information coding of horizontal-cell responses in fish retina 10.1002/col.5080070218
7 2 Effects of GABA antagonists on spectral responses of horizontal cells in the carp retina 10.1002/col.5080070219
7 2 The role of L-type horizontal cells in the opponent-color process 10.1002/col.5080070220
7 2 Retinal neurotransmitters, morphology, and color coding 10.1002/col.5080070221
7 2 New observations concerning red–green color defects 10.1002/col.5080070222
7 2 Human late-receptor potential and its clinical use in dyschromatopsia 10.1002/col.5080070223
7 2 Differences of unique- yellow loci between individuals 10.1002/col.5080070224
7 2 Spatial organization of retinal ganglion cells in turtle, Pseudemys 10.1002/col.5080070225
7 2 Chromatic properties of bipolar cells in the carp retina 10.1002/col.5080070226
7 2 Spectral properties of the second-order neurons in the dace retina 10.1002/col.5080070227
7 2 Nonlinear nature of the opponent-color channels 10.1002/col.5080070228
7 2 The transformation from cone to channel sensitivities 10.1002/col.5080070229
7 2 Additivity failure of chromatic valence in the opponent-color theory 10.1002/col.5080070230
7 2 The appearance of colors produced by a minimum-energy stimulus and two pairs of fundamental colors 10.1002/col.5080070231
7 2 The neural organization of primate color vision 10.1002/col.5080070232
7 2 Remarks on filling the gap between studies of two different modes of appearance: Aperture color and object color 10.1002/col.5080070233
7 1 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080070101
7 1 Fifty years of the inter-society color council. I. Formation and early years 10.1002/col.5080070102
7 1 The golden jubilee of colour in the CIE 1931–1981 10.1002/col.5080070103
7 1 The future of color science 10.1002/col.5080070104
7 1 Advances in color-difference formulas 10.1002/col.5080070105
7 1 International intercomparison of absolute reflectance scales 10.1002/col.5080070106
7 1 Color differences resulting from pigment concentration errors 10.1002/col.5080070107
7 1 Books briefly noted 10.1002/col.5080070108
7 1 Face colour as a sign of tuberculosis 10.1002/col.5080070109
7 1 On exponents of a nonlinear model of chromatic adaptation 10.1002/col.5080070110
7 1 Chromatic adaptation in image reproduction 10.1002/col.5080070111
7 1 Chromatic adaptation and π mechanisms 10.1002/col.5080070112
7 1 Practical transformations of CIE color-matching functions 10.1002/col.5080070113
7 1 Colour-vision researchers meet in Berlin 10.1002/col.5080070114
7 1 Forthcoming color meetings 10.1002/col.5080070115
7 1 News 10.1002/col.5080070116
6 4 COLOR research and application. Information for contributors 10.1002/col.5080060401
6 4 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 10.1002/col.5080060402
6 4 Assessment of Color-Measuring Instruments 10.1002/col.5080060403
6 4 A New Look at the Calculation of Tristimulus Values 10.1002/col.5080060404
6 4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 10.1002/col.5080060405
6 4 The Determination of Weights for Use in Calculating Tristimulus Values 10.1002/col.5080060406
6 4 Visual Evaluation of Daylight Simulators for the Colorimetry of Luminescent Materials 10.1002/col.5080060407
6 4 The Effect of Chromatic Adaptation on Color Rendering 10.1002/col.5080060408
6 4 What the Educated Person Knew About Color A.D. 1700 10.1002/col.5080060409
6 4 Notes on Color Terminology in the Iliad and the Epic of Gilgamesh 10.1002/col.5080060410
6 4 Current Regulatory Status of Cadmium Pigments 10.1002/col.5080060411
6 4 FORTHCOMING COLOR MEETINGS 10.1002/col.5080060412
6 4 Illuminant CD 10.1002/col.5080060413
6 4 Third Taniguchi Foundation Symposium on Visual Science: Neurobiological and Psychophysical Aspects of Color Vision 10.1002/col.5080060414
6 4 CORM 81 Conference on Optical Radiation Measurement of Fluorescent and Retroreflective Materials 10.1002/col.5080060415
6 4 New CIE Technical Report 10.1002/col.5080060416
6 4 IES Lighting Handbooks, 1981 Reference Volume and 1981 Applications Volume, John E. Kaufman, Ed. Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, New York, 1981, 500 pp. each. Price: $50.00 each, $90.00 set 10.1002/col.5080060417
6 4 Color Structure and Design, by Richard G. Ellinger. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1980, 137 pp. Price: $9.95 10.1002/col.5080060418
6 4 Colorimetry (in Chinese), by Jing Qi-cheng, Jiao Shu-lan, Yu Bai-lin, and Hu Wei-sheng. The Academic Press, China, 1979, paperbound, 432 pp. + 5 color plates 10.1002/col.5080060419
6 4 BOOKS BRIEFLY NOTED 10.1002/col.5080060420
6 3 COLOR research and application. Information for contributors 10.1002/col.5080060301
6 3 ABOUT THE AUTHROS 10.1002/col.5080060302
6 3 NCS—Natural Color System: A Swedish Standard for Color Notation 10.1002/col.5080060303
6 3 Low-Reflectance Backing Materials for Use in Optical Radiation Measurements 10.1002/col.5080060304
6 3 Color-Matching Functions: A Set of Transformations with Essentially Single Maximums 10.1002/col.5080060305
6 3 Why and How Chromatic Adaptation Has Been Studied 10.1002/col.5080060306
6 3 On Chromatic Adaptation and Persistence 10.1002/col.5080060307
6 3 Formulation of a Nonlinear Model of Chromatic Adaptation 10.1002/col.5080060308
6 3 SPE RETEC On “In-Plant Color Control” 10.1002/col.5080060309
6 3 Natural Dyes in Quebec 10.1002/col.5080060310
6 3 LETTER TO THE EDITOR 10.1002/col.5080060311
6 3 Seventeenth Hungarian Color Symposium 10.1002/col.5080060312
6 3 Use of Colors in Hospitals 10.1002/col.5080060313
6 3 COLOR '80 Plovdiv 10.1002/col.5080060314
6 3 The 1981 ISCC Williamsburg Conference 10.1002/col.5080060315
6 3 A Report on the 1981 ISCC Williamsburg Color Conference 10.1002/col.5080060316
6 3 CIE Report on Light Signals for Road Traffic Control 10.1002/col.5080060317
6 3 Optical Radiation Measurements. Volume 1: Radiometry, by Franc Grum and Richard J. Becherer. Academic, New York, 1979, 335 pp. Price: $34.00 10.1002/col.5080060318
6 3 Optical Radiation Measurements. Volume 2: Color Measurement, edited by Franc Grum and C. James Bartleson, Academic, New York, 1980, 400 pp. Price: $39.50 10.1002/col.5080060319
6 3 Coloring of Plastics, edited by Thomas G. Webber, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1979, 220 pp. Price: $25.00 10.1002/col.5080060320
6 3 Coloring of Plastics, edited by Thomas G. Webber. Wiley, New York, 1979. 220 pp. Price: $25.00 10.1002/col.5080060321
6 3 Colour, Its Measurement, Computation and Application, by G. J. Chamberlin and D. G. Chamberlin. Heyden & Son, Philadelphia, 1980, 137 pp. + xii. Price: $19.50 10.1002/col.5080060322
6 3 Colour, A Study of its Position in the Art Theory of the Quattro- & Cinquecenro (Stockholm Studies in the History of Art, No. 32), by Jonas Gavel. Almquist & Wiksell International, Stockholm, 1979. Paperbound, 179 pp. + color-chart insert. Price: $23.60 10.1002/col.5080060323
6 3 Color, edited by Helen Varney. Knapp Press, Los Angeles, distributed by Viking Press, New York, 1980, 256 pp., over 400 color plates. Price: $50.00 10.1002/col.5080060324
6 3 History of Color in Painting, by Faber Birren. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1965. 304 pp. Price: $25.00 10.1002/col.5080060325
6 2 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080060201
6 2 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080060202
6 2 The endorsing societies 10.1002/col.5080060203
6 2 New products for color 10.1002/col.5080060204
6 2 Eleventh conference of the Color Science Association of Japan 10.1002/col.5080060205
6 2 A mobile spectrophotometer for art conservation 10.1002/col.5080060206
6 2 The derivation of hue-difference terms from CIELAB coordinates 10.1002/col.5080060207
6 2 Influence of spectrophotometer slits on tristimulus calculations 10.1002/col.5080060208
6 2 J. C. Le Blon, discoverer and developer of the red-yellow-blue principle of color printing and color mixture 10.1002/col.5080060209
6 2 The aim and method of the color image scale 10.1002/col.5080060210
6 2 Cie proposal for study of whiteness formulae 10.1002/col.5080060211
6 2 A comparison of the CIE 1976 colour spaces 10.1002/col.5080060212
6 2 Forthcoming color meeting 10.1002/col.5080060213
6 2 Letters to the Editor 10.1002/col.5080060214
6 2 Coloritto, by J. C. Le Blon (1667–1741), a facsimile edition in (tench and english of the 1756 paris edition, with an introduction by Faber Birren. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1980. 98 pp. + 1 color plate. Price: $12.50 10.1002/col.5080060215
6 2 Color in reproduction, by Hilda Simon, Viking Press, New York, 1980. 128 pp. Price: $16.95. 10.1002/col.5080060216
6 2 Color science handbook: New version. edited by Color Science Association of Japan (in Japanese), Tokyo University Press, Tokyo, 1980. 1494 pp. Price: £ 28,000 10.1002/col.5080060217
6 1 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080060101
6 1 COLOR research and application 10.1002/col.5080060102
6 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080060103
6 1 A standards program for color control 10.1002/col.5080060104
6 1 OSA uniform color scale samples: A unique set 10.1002/col.5080060105
6 1 On the geometry of the OSA uniform color scales committee space 10.1002/col.5080060106
6 1 Reproduction of four selected cleavage planes through OSA uniform color scales space 10.1002/col.5080060107
6 1 Formulations for the OSA uniform color scales committee samples 10.1002/col.5080060108
6 1 News 10.1002/col.5080060109
6 1 Color scales in simulated daylight 10.1002/col.5080060110
6 1 Forthcoming color meetings 10.1002/col.5080060111
6 1 Chroma Cosmos 5000. Japan Color Research Institute, Tokyo, 1978. 24 Double color charts containing 5000 samples. Price: $1,500.00 10.1002/col.5080060112
5 4 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 10.1002/col.5080050401
5 4 Three are Not Enough: An INDSCAL Analysis Suggesting that Color Space Has Seven (£1) Dimensions 10.1002/col.5080050402
5 4 Brightness and Luminance of Light-Emitting Diodes: Influence of Size and Defocus 10.1002/col.5080050403
5 4 Colour-Rendering Assessment of Ultraviolet Emission in Light Sources 10.1002/col.5080050404
5 4 ISCC-CSC williamsburg conference program 10.1002/col.5080050405
5 4 What is Metamerism? 10.1002/col.5080050406
5 4 Guide to Educational Opportunities, Publications, and Associations Dealing with Color and Appearance Technology 10.1002/col.5080050407
5 4 Fifth International Color Vision Conference 10.1002/col.5080050408
5 4 Eighth Annual CORM Meeging 10.1002/col.5080050409
5 4 49th Annual ISCC Meeting 10.1002/col.5080050410
5 4 Mechanisms of Colour Vision: Selected Papers, by W. S. Stiles. Academic, New York, 1978 10.1002/col.5080050411
5 4 COLOR research and application. Cumulative Index to Volumes 1-5, 1976- 1980 10.1002/col.5080050412
5 4 COLOR research and application. Information for Contributors 10.1002/col.5080050413
5 3 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 10.1002/col.5080050301
5 3 Color Differences Caused by Dye Weighing Errors 10.1002/col.5080050302
5 3 Books briefly noted 10.1002/col.5080050303
5 3 New products for color 10.1002/col.5080050304
5 3 Forthcoming color meetings 10.1002/col.5080050305
5 3 CIELAB Hue-Angle Anomalies at Low Tristimulus Ratios 10.1002/col.5080050306
5 3 LETTER TO THE EDITOR 10.1002/col.5080050307
5 3 The Gamut of Real Surface Colours 10.1002/col.5080050308
5 3 Calculation of the Spectral Radiance Factors of Luminescent Samples 10.1002/col.5080050309
5 3 Color and Colorants in Ancient Egypt 10.1002/col.5080050310
5 3 A Compact Computer Programme for the Specification of Dominant Wavelength and Purity 10.1002/col.5080050311
5 3 Tables for Computation of Tristimulus Values 10.1002/col.5080050312
5 3 Influence of Spectral Range of Standard Colorimetric Data on Tristimulus Calculations 10.1002/col.5080050313
5 3 Compromises in Color Solids 10.1002/col.5080050314
5 3 ISCC Helson Memorial Symposium on Chromatic Adaptation 10.1002/col.5080050315
5 3 Coloring of Plastics, Theory and Practice, by Mukhtar Ahmed. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1979, 221 pp. Price: $17.50 10.1002/col.5080050316
5 3 Color and Human Response, by Faber Birren. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 1978, 141 pp. Price: $11.95 10.1002/col.5080050317
5 3 Color and Human Response, by Faber Birren. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1978. 141 pp. Price: $11.95 10.1002/col.5080050318
5 3 National Gallery Technical Bulletin, Vol. 2, Publications Department, National Gallery, London, 1978, 76 pp., 4 color pp. Price: £2.00 10.1002/col.5080050319
5 3 Beschreibung von Problemen der höheren Farbmetrik mit Hilfe des Gegenfarbensystems (Description of problems of higher colorimetry with the aid of the opponent color system), by Dr. Klaus Richter, BAM Forschungsbericht 61, Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung, Berlin, 1979, xiv + 97 pp., 108 figures; no price indicated 10.1002/col.5080050320
5 3 Human Color Vision, by Robert M. Boynton, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1979, 448 pp. Price: $29.95 10.1002/col.5080050321
5 3 Farbe—ein phänomenales Fluidum, by Paul Ulrich, Basler Zeitung AG, Basel, Switzerland, no date given, 49 pp., softbound, price not given 10.1002/col.5080050322
5 2 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 10.1002/col.5080050301
5 2 Color Differences Caused by Dye Weighing Errors 10.1002/col.5080050302
5 2 Books briefly noted 10.1002/col.5080050303
5 2 New products for color 10.1002/col.5080050304
5 2 Forthcoming color meetings 10.1002/col.5080050305
5 2 CIELAB Hue-Angle Anomalies at Low Tristimulus Ratios 10.1002/col.5080050306
5 2 LETTER TO THE EDITOR 10.1002/col.5080050307
5 2 The Gamut of Real Surface Colours 10.1002/col.5080050308
5 2 Calculation of the Spectral Radiance Factors of Luminescent Samples 10.1002/col.5080050309
5 2 Color and Colorants in Ancient Egypt 10.1002/col.5080050310
5 2 A Compact Computer Programme for the Specification of Dominant Wavelength and Purity 10.1002/col.5080050311
5 2 Tables for Computation of Tristimulus Values 10.1002/col.5080050312
5 2 Influence of Spectral Range of Standard Colorimetric Data on Tristimulus Calculations 10.1002/col.5080050313
5 2 Compromises in Color Solids 10.1002/col.5080050314
5 2 ISCC Helson Memorial Symposium on Chromatic Adaptation 10.1002/col.5080050315
5 2 Coloring of Plastics, Theory and Practice, by Mukhtar Ahmed. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1979, 221 pp. Price: $17.50 10.1002/col.5080050316
5 2 Color and Human Response, by Faber Birren. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 1978, 141 pp. Price: $11.95 10.1002/col.5080050317
5 2 Color and Human Response, by Faber Birren. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1978. 141 pp. Price: $11.95 10.1002/col.5080050318
5 2 National Gallery Technical Bulletin, Vol. 2, Publications Department, National Gallery, London, 1978, 76 pp., 4 color pp. Price: £2.00 10.1002/col.5080050319
5 2 Beschreibung von Problemen der höheren Farbmetrik mit Hilfe des Gegenfarbensystems (Description of problems of higher colorimetry with the aid of the opponent color system), by Dr. Klaus Richter, BAM Forschungsbericht 61, Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung, Berlin, 1979, xiv + 97 pp., 108 figures; no price indicated 10.1002/col.5080050320
5 2 Human Color Vision, by Robert M. Boynton, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1979, 448 pp. Price: $29.95 10.1002/col.5080050321
5 2 Farbe—ein phänomenales Fluidum, by Paul Ulrich, Basler Zeitung AG, Basel, Switzerland, no date given, 49 pp., softbound, price not given 10.1002/col.5080050322
5 1 COLOR research and application 10.1002/col.5080050101
5 1 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 10.1002/col.5080050102
5 1 Global Color Metrics and Color-Appearance Systems 10.1002/col.5080050103
5 1 Chromatic Difference Steps of Moderate Size Measured along Theoretically Critical Axes 10.1002/col.5080050104
5 1 1980 Color Courses Scheduled 10.1002/col.5080050105
5 1 Cube-Root Color Spaces and Chromatic Adaptation 10.1002/col.5080050106
5 1 FORTHCOMING COLOR MEETINGS 10.1002/col.5080050107
5 1 BOOK BRIEFLY NOTED 10.1002/col.5080050108
5 1 Evaluation of Different Color-Difference Formulae by Means of an Experiment on Color Scaling: Final Report 10.1002/col.5080050109
5 1 Colorimetry of Wines 10.1002/col.5080050110
5 1 Does Color Make the Joke Funnier 10.1002/col.5080050111
5 1 Tenth Conference of the Color Science Association of Japan 10.1002/col.5080050112
5 1 Standard Pseudoisochromatic Plates, by Hiroshi Ichikawa, Kaitiro Hukami, Shoko Tanabe, and Genro Kawakami, Igaku-Shoin Medical Publishers, Inc., Tokyo and New York, 1978, Price: $35.00 10.1002/col.5080050113
4 4 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080040401
4 4 Judd's contributions to color metrics and evaluation of color differences 10.1002/col.5080040402
4 4 Color Metrics: Facts and Formulae 10.1002/col.5080040403
4 4 Neo-impressionism: The most scientific of all schools of color in art 10.1002/col.5080040404
4 4 Forthcoming color meetings 10.1002/col.5080040405
4 4 Line elements and physiological models of color vision 10.1002/col.5080040406
4 4 A colorimetric comparison of colour reproductions 10.1002/col.5080040407
4 4 Analysis of colour-scaling data 10.1002/col.5080040408
4 4 Meeting reports 10.1002/col.5080040409
4 4 Letters to the editor 10.1002/col.5080040410
4 4 El Color y su Medición [Color and Its Measurement] by Roberto Daniel Lozano. Editorial Americalee S.R.L., Buenos Aires, 1978, 640 pp. 10.1002/col.5080040411
4 3 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080040301
4 3 Properties of standard materials for reflection 10.1002/col.5080040302
4 3 Changes in color appearance with variations in chromatic adaptation 10.1002/col.5080040303
4 3 News 10.1002/col.5080040304
4 3 Letters to the editor 10.1002/col.5080040305
4 3 Forthcoming color meetings 10.1002/col.5080040306
4 3 Predicting corresponding colors with changes in adaptation 10.1002/col.5080040307
4 3 The spectro sensor—A new generation spectrophotometer 10.1002/col.5080040308
4 3 Colours in cellophane 10.1002/col.5080040309
4 3 Meeting reports 10.1002/col.5080040310
4 3 Vision et Mesure de la Couleur by Paul Kowaliski. Masson, Paris, 1978. 197 pp. [115 figures, 383 references]. Price not given. 10.1002/col.5080040311
4 3 Chroma Cosmos 5000. Japan Color Research Institute, Tokyo, 1978. 24 Double-color charts containing 5000 samples. Price: $1,500.00. 10.1002/col.5080040312
4 2 The Physiology of Color Vision 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00090.x
4 2 Evaluation of Cadmium Pigments for Plastics Use 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00091.x
4 2 Evaluation of Color-Difference Equations: A New Approach 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00092.x
4 2 Color as a Marketing Tool 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00093.x
4 2 An Experiment in Visual Scaling of Small Color Differences 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00094.x
4 2 Color Assessment of Experimentally Pigmented Rainbow Trout 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00095.x
4 2 Material Standards and Their Use in Color Measurement 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00096.x
4 2 Intersection Nodes of Metameric Matches 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00097.x
4 2 A Comparison of Several Proposed Methods for Evaluating Daylight Simulators in the Ultraviolet Range 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00098.x
4 2 NEWS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00099.x
4 2 MEETING REPORTS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00100.x
4 2 FORTHCOMING COLOR MEETING 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00101.x
4 1 Evaluation of Pictorial Color-Reproduction Appearance 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00078.x
4 1 Color Identification and Nomenclature: A History 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00079.x
4 1 Let's Say Goodbye to the Color Circle 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00080.x
4 1 Color Properties of Liquid Crystals and Their Application to Visual Arts 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00081.x
4 1 Evolution of the Color Diagram 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00082.x
4 1 Measures of Colour Appearance in Colour Reproduction 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00083.x
4 1 NEWS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00084.x
4 1 COLOR FORUM 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00085.x
4 1 MEETING REPORT 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00086.x
4 1 FORTHCOMING COLOR MEETINGS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00087.x
4 1 Das Grundgesetz der Farbenlehre (The Fundamental Law of Color Science), by Harald Küppers. 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00088.x
4 1 Books Briefly Noted 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1979.tb00089.x
3 4 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080030401
3 4 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080030402
3 4 A design study simulating iridescence 10.1002/col.5080030403
3 4 Computer color matching with the aid of visual techniques 10.1002/col.5080030404
3 4 The effect of toner surface structure on color gamut 10.1002/col.5080030405
3 4 News 10.1002/col.5080030406
3 4 Additivity failures in heterochromatic brightness matching 10.1002/col.5080030407
3 4 Determining dimensioned values of kubelka–munk scattering and absorption coefficients 10.1002/col.5080030408
3 4 The chemistry behind the artist's palette 10.1002/col.5080030409
3 4 Proposal for an empirical approach to color reproduction 10.1002/col.5080030410
3 4 Reply to ohta–wyszecki on location of nodes of metameric stimuli 10.1002/col.5080030411
3 4 Letter to the editor 10.1002/col.5080030412
3 4 Reflections after AIC color 77—a painting in words 10.1002/col.5080030413
3 4 Meeting reports 10.1002/col.5080030414
3 4 Color research and application. Information for contributors 10.1002/col.5080030415
3 3 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080030301
3 3 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080030302
3 3 TV still treats color as a novelty 10.1002/col.5080030303
3 3 Forthcoming color meeting 10.1002/col.5080030304
3 3 A study in black: The cielab and cieluv L* function for very low values of Y 10.1002/col.5080030305
3 3 News 10.1002/col.5080030306
3 3 Relationship between perfumes and colors 10.1002/col.5080030307
3 3 A strategy for automatic television colur-balance correction involving a floating white 10.1002/col.5080030308
3 3 Colorimetric and photometric properties of a 2° fundamental observer 10.1002/col.5080030309
3 3 Comparison of chromatic-adaptation transforms 10.1002/col.5080030310
3 3 Mass-market color selection 10.1002/col.5080030311
3 3 Colorimetry of fluorescent materials: visual evaluation of fluorescent whites 10.1002/col.5080030312
3 3 Computer colorant formulation in APL 10.1002/col.5080030313
3 3 Request for brightness-matching data and mathematical colour-vision models 10.1002/col.5080030314
3 3 CIE Guidelines for Coordinated Research on Colour-Difference Evaluation 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1978.tb00001.x
3 3 Iscc second technical conference on objectives of pictorial color reproduction, williamsburg, virginia, february 5–8, 1978 10.1002/col.5080030315
3 3 Letters to the editor 10.1002/col.5080030316
3 3 Colour Generation and Control in Glass, by C. R. Bamford. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., Amsterdam and New York, 1977. 224 pp. Price, $34.95 10.1002/col.5080030317
3 2 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080030201
3 2 About the author 10.1002/col.5080030202
3 2 Fine color metric (FCM) 10.1002/col.5080030203
3 2 Calculating correlated color temperature with a desktop programmable calculator 10.1002/col.5080030204
3 2 Forthcoming color meetings. FARB-info '78 10.1002/col.5080030205
3 2 The house & garden color program 10.1002/col.5080030206
3 2 Colour terminology 10.1002/col.5080030207
3 2 New 10.1002/col.5080030208
3 2 Enhancement of chroma by the design of illuminants 10.1002/col.5080030209
3 2 Colour-mixture terminology 10.1002/col.5080030210
3 2 Meeting reports 10.1002/col.5080030211
3 2 L'Assortiment des Couleurs en Odontologie, by Robert C. Sproull translated by Henry Frajder. Julien Prelat, Paris, 1977. 51 pp. No price given 10.1002/col.5080030212
3 2 Colour and Constitution of Organic Molecules, by John Griffiths. Academic Press, London, 1976. 281 pp. Price: $20.75 10.1002/col.5080030213
3 1 Masthead 10.1002/col.5080030101
3 1 About the authors 10.1002/col.5080030102
3 1 Editor's note 10.1002/col.5080030103
3 1 Letter to the editor 10.1002/col.5080030104
3 1 Color stability of artists' vehicles 10.1002/col.5080030105
3 1 Experience with the lovibond colour vision analyser 10.1002/col.5080030106
3 1 Concept of correlated color temperature 10.1002/col.5080030107
3 1 News 10.1002/col.5080030108
3 1 Colorimetric measurement of retroreflecting materials. II. Daytime conditions 10.1002/col.5080030109
3 1 Long-term repeatability of color-measuring instrumentation: Storing numerical standards 10.1002/col.5080030110
3 1 The meaning of tinting strength 10.1002/col.5080030111
3 1 Aic color 77 in retrospect 10.1002/col.5080030112
3 1 Forthcoming color meetings 10.1002/col.5080030113
3 1 The Dyer's Art, ikat, batik, plangi, by Jack Lenor Larsen, with Alfred Bühler, Bronwen and Garret Solyom. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 1976. 272 pp., 243 plates. Price: $37.50 10.1002/col.5080030114
3 1 Principles of Visual Perception, by Carolyne M. Bloomer. Strand-Reinhold, New York, 1976, 149 pp. Price: 10.1002/col.5080030115
3 1 The Sense of Color: A Portfolio of Visuals by Nathaniel Jacobson. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1975. Price $40.00 10.1002/col.5080030116
3 1 Authenticity in Art, The Scientific Detection of Forgery, by Stuart J. Fleming. Crane, Russak, and Company, New York, 1976, 157 pp. Price: $14.50 10.1002/col.5080030117
3 1 Color research and application. Information for contributors 10.1002/col.5080030118
2 4 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 10.1002/col.5080020401
2 4 Effect of Subtense and Surround Luminance on the Perception of a Coloured Field 10.1002/col.5080020402
2 4 Correlated Color-Temperature Calculations in the CIE 1976 Chromaticity Diagram 10.1002/col.5080020403
2 4 New Equipment for the Measurement of Color-Matching Functions 10.1002/col.5080020404
2 4 Influence of Spatial Structure of Adaptation Fields on Parafoveal Colour Matches 10.1002/col.5080020405
2 4 FORTHCOMING COLOR MEETINGS Symposium on Color and Appearance Instrumentation Scheduled for March 1978 10.1002/col.5080020406
2 4 Correspondence Between CIELAB and CIELUV Color Differences 10.1002/col.5080020407
2 4 Spring Semester Colorimetry Course at Rochester Radiometric and Photometric Characteristics of Materials and their Measurement 10.1002/col.5080020408
2 4 Location of the Nodes of Metameric Color Stimuli 10.1002/col.5080020409
2 4 COLOR FORUM 10.1002/col.5080020410
2 4 Iterative Calculations of Munsell Renotation Value Functions 10.1002/col.5080020411
2 4 Letter to the editor 10.1002/col.5080020412
2 4 Nature's Colors: Dyes From Plants, by Ida Grae. Macmillan, New York, 1974. 229 pp. Price: $14.95 10.1002/col.5080020413
2 4 Light and Color by Clarence Rainwater. Illustrated by Raymond Perlman. Edited by Vera L. Webster. Golden Press, New York, 1971. 160 pp. Price: $3.95 10.1002/col.5080020414
2 4 The Contrast of Colors by Ellen Marx. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1973. 208 pp. Price: $19.95 10.1002/col.5080020415
2 4 Color for Architecture by Tom Porter and Byron Mikellides. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1976. 151 pp. Price: $20.00 10.1002/col.5080020416
2 4 Colour Vision Deficiencies III: Proceedings of the Third Symposium of the International Research Group on Colour Deficiencies, Edited by Guy Verriest. In: Modern Problems in Ophthalmology, Vol. 17, edited by E. B. Streiff. Karger, Basel, 1976. 370 pp. Price: $68.50 10.1002/col.5080020417
2 4 The Perception of Color by Ralph M. Evans, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1974. 248 pp. Price: $15.75 10.1002/col.5080020418
2 4 Color: Origins, Systems, Uses by Harold Küppers. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1973. 155 pp. Price: $22.50 10.1002/col.5080020419
2 4 The Color Handbook by Franklin R. Bruns, Jr. Collectors Institute, Ltd., Omaha, NB, 1976. 73 pp. No price given 10.1002/col.5080020420
2 4 BOOKS BRIEFLY NOTED 10.1002/col.5080020421
2 3 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 10.1002/col.5080020301
2 3 Color Popularity in Automotive Finishes 10.1002/col.5080020302
2 3 The Specification of Colour Appearance. II. Effects of Changes in Viewing Conditions 10.1002/col.5080020303
2 3 Forthcoming color meetings 10.1002/col.5080020304
2 3 Measurement of Luminance Factor 10.1002/col.5080020305
2 3 ISCC Convenes Problems Subcommittee on Artists' Materials 10.1002/col.5080020306
2 3 Comparison of Colorant-Formulation Methods 10.1002/col.5080020307
2 3 Grids for Assessing Colour Appearance 10.1002/col.5080020308
2 3 1976 Remeasurement of NBS Spectrophotometer-Integrator Filters 10.1002/col.5080020309
2 3 Conversion from Dominant Wavelength and Excitation Purity to CIELAB Coordinates 10.1002/col.5080020310
2 3 Optimization in Color Matching Illustrated by the Correction of Over-Dyed Textile Batches 10.1002/col.5080020311
2 3 The Color Mirror by Heinrich Frieling. Musterschmidt-Verlag, Göttingen, Germany, 1975.56 pp. + color charts. No price given. 10.1002/col.5080020312
2 3 The Psychology of Color and Design by Deborah T. Sharpe. Nelson-Hall Company, Chicago, 1974. 170 pp. Price: $9.95. 10.1002/col.5080020313
2 3 The Reproduction of Colour In Photography, Printing and Television, 3rd ed., by R. W. G. Hunt. Fountain Press, England, 1975. Price £9.00. 10.1002/col.5080020314
2 2 Letter to the editor 10.1002/col.5080020201
2 2 The Specification of Colour Appearance. I. Concepts and Terms 10.1002/col.5080020202
2 2 A Sense of Illumination. Remarks on a New Approach to Color Expression 10.1002/col.5080020203
2 2 Godlove Award to Hugh Davidson 10.1002/col.5080020204
2 2 The Colour Index 10.1002/col.5080020205
2 2 Proceedings of the Inter-Society Color Council Technical Conference “Instrumental Colorant Formulation 1976” Williamsburg, Virginia. III Problems of Fluorescence in Colorant Formulation 10.1002/col.5080020206
2 2 An Analysis of the HATRA Acceptability Data 10.1002/col.5080020207
2 2 Abstract: The Problem of Measuring and Matching Goniochromatic Materials 10.1002/col.5080020208
2 2 Abstract: Color Ma tching/Corrections/A dds -New Approaches, Techniques, Calculations and Improvements 10.1002/col.5080020209
2 2 Abstract: Color- Difference Perception and Scaling 10.1002/col.5080020210
2 2 Abstract: The Case for CIELAB 10.1002/col.5080020211
2 2 Color Changes of Dyeings in Spectrophotometers Using Heterochromatic Illumination 10.1002/col.5080020212
2 2 Abstract: Color Reproduction in the Graphic Arts 10.1002/col.5080020213
2 2 CORM-NBS Workshop on Problems of Flash Radiometry, Rochester, November 9, 1976 10.1002/col.5080020214
2 2 Color Perception in Art by Faber Birren. Van Nostrand-Reinhold, New York, 1976. 64 pp. + 12 color plates. Price: $7.95. 10.1002/col.5080020215
2 2 Einführung in die Farbmetrik by Manfred Richter. de Gruyter, Berlin/New York, 1976 (Sammlung Göschen; Vol. 2608). 274 pp. Price: DM 19.80, softbound. 10.1002/col.5080020216
2 2 Color in Our Daily Lives by Deane B. Judd. National Bureau of Standards, Consumer Information Services, 1975. 32 pp; 113 illustr. in color. Price: $1.75 (Obtainable from the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.). 10.1002/col.5080020217
2 2 BOOKS BRIEFLY NOTED 10.1002/col.5080020218
2 2 Information for Contributors 10.1002/col.5080020219
2 1 CIE Recommendations on Uniform Color Spaces, Color-Difference Equations, and Metric Color Terms 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00102.x
2 1 About the Authors 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00103.x
2 1 The CIE 1976 Color-Difference Formulae 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00104.x
2 1 Forthcoming Color Meetings 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00105.x
2 1 Evaluation of Different Color-Difference Formulae by Means of an Experiment on Color Scaling—Preliminary Report 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00106.x
2 1 International Directory of Calibration Services in the Field of Photometry and Radiometry 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00107.x
2 1 New Method for the Colorimetric Measurement of Opaque Fluorescent Samples 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00108.x
2 1 Proceedings of the Inter-Society Color Council Technical Conference “Instrumental Colorant Formulation 1976” Williamsburg, Virginia. II: The Missing Variable: Internal Surface Reflection 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00109.x
2 1 Abstract: Is the Saunderson Correction Correct? 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00110.x
2 1 Abstract: Who are Your Best Dyers Today—Machines or Men? 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00111.x
2 1 Eight Million Formulations Later—Where Are We Now? 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00112.x
2 1 Abstract: A Decade of Computer Colorant Formulation Experience 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00113.x
2 1 Abstract: Computer Color Control, What is Needed—Is it Worth the Trouble? 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00114.x
2 1 Abstract: CCM—Fact not Fiction 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00115.x
2 1 Advantages of a Semiautomatic Color-Control Computer Program 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00116.x
2 1 Society of Plastics Engineers Color and Appearance Division Regional Technical Conference “Coloring of Plastics X,” Cherry Hill, New Jersey, September 21–22, 1976 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00117.x
2 1 119th Meeting of The Colour Group (Great Britain) on National and International Standards and Codes on Colour 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00118.x
2 1 Book Reviews 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00119.x
2 1 INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00120.x
1 4 CIE Recommendations on Uniform Color Spaces, Color-Difference Equations, and Metric Color Terms 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00102.x
1 4 About the Authors 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00103.x
1 4 The CIE 1976 Color-Difference Formulae 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00104.x
1 4 Forthcoming Color Meetings 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00105.x
1 4 Evaluation of Different Color-Difference Formulae by Means of an Experiment on Color Scaling—Preliminary Report 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00106.x
1 4 International Directory of Calibration Services in the Field of Photometry and Radiometry 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00107.x
1 4 New Method for the Colorimetric Measurement of Opaque Fluorescent Samples 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00108.x
1 4 Proceedings of the Inter-Society Color Council Technical Conference “Instrumental Colorant Formulation 1976” Williamsburg, Virginia. II: The Missing Variable: Internal Surface Reflection 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00109.x
1 4 Abstract: Is the Saunderson Correction Correct? 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00110.x
1 4 Abstract: Who are Your Best Dyers Today—Machines or Men? 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00111.x
1 4 Eight Million Formulations Later—Where Are We Now? 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00112.x
1 4 Abstract: A Decade of Computer Colorant Formulation Experience 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00113.x
1 4 Abstract: Computer Color Control, What is Needed—Is it Worth the Trouble? 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00114.x
1 4 Abstract: CCM—Fact not Fiction 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00115.x
1 4 Advantages of a Semiautomatic Color-Control Computer Program 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00116.x
1 4 Society of Plastics Engineers Color and Appearance Division Regional Technical Conference “Coloring of Plastics X,” Cherry Hill, New Jersey, September 21–22, 1976 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00117.x
1 4 119th Meeting of The Colour Group (Great Britain) on National and International Standards and Codes on Colour 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00118.x
1 4 Book Reviews 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00119.x
1 4 INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS 10.1002/j.1520-6378.1977.tb00120.x
1 3 REPORTS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00040.x
1 3 BROWN 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00041.x
1 3 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00045.x
1 3 CORRESPONDENCE 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00046.x
1 3 FORTHCOMING COLOR MEETINGS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00047.x
1 3 Conference on Colour Dynamics '76, Organized by the Hungarian National Colour Committee, Member of the AIC 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00048.x
1 3 BOOK REVIEWS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00049.x
1 3 BOOKS BRIEFLY NOTED 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00050.x
1 2 The Editor's Palette 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00016.x
1 2 History of the Munsell Color System, Company, and Foundation. II. Its Scientific Application 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00017.x
1 2 THE EFFECT OF ROD ACTIVITY ON LARGE FIELD COLOUR MATCHING 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00021.x
1 2 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00022.x
1 2 NEWS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00023.x
1 2 MEETING REPORTS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00024.x
1 2 FORTHCOMING COLOR MEETINGS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00025.x
1 2 BOOK REVIEWS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00026.x
1 1 The Editor's Palette 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00001.x
1 1 THE ENDORSING SOCIETIES 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00002.x
1 1 REPORTS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00003.x
1 1 Sky-Blue Pink 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00004.x
1 1 TOWARD A NEW VIEWPOINT FOR THE ARTIST 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00006.x
1 1 COLOR RENDERING PROPERTIES OF LIGHT SOURCES 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00007.x
1 1 A VISUAL APPROACH TO CONTROLLING METAMERISM 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00008.x
1 1 COLORANTS FOR PLASTICS: THE BUYER-SELLER DIALOGUE 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00009.x
1 1 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00010.x
1 1 Deane B. Judd-AIC Award Established 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00011.x
1 1 CORRESPONDENCE 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00012.x
1 1 Meeting Reports 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00013.x
1 1 Forthcoming Color Meetings 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00014.x
1 1 BOOK REVIEWS 10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00015.x
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