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Last active September 23, 2015 14:54
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Deploy Meteor to Heroku

Create remote staging branch with custom name "my-app-name". This will become

heroku create my-app-name --remote staging

Add the Meteor build pack Meteor Buildpack Horse

heroku buildpacks:set

Add Mongolab Herkou addon.

heroku addons:create mongolab

By default, Heroku will set the ENV var of MONGOLAB_URI to the Mongolab connection. Login to your Heroku dashboard and navigate to the Settings section and change MONGOLAB_URI to MONGO_URL.


Add session affinity for sticky sessions

heroku labs:enable http-session-affinity

Add the correct ENV variables

heroku config:set ROOT_URL=https://<yourapp>

Push to Heroku! (notice, we're using the staging branch). Grab a coffee... this will take a few min!

git push staging master

If everything went according to plan, you can now see you live app by running the following:

heroku open
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